Mickael Remond 3f48672946
Add initial support for stream management
For now it support enabling SM, replying to ack requests from server,
and trying resuming the session with existing Stream Management state.
2019-07-31 18:47:30 +02:00

294 lines
7.8 KiB

package xmpp
import (
// EventManager
// ConnState represents the current connection state.
type ConnState = uint8
// This is a the list of events happening on the connection that the
// client can be notified about.
const (
StateDisconnected ConnState = iota
// Event is a structure use to convey event changes related to client state. This
// is for example used to notify the client when the client get disconnected.
type Event struct {
State ConnState
Description string
StreamError string
SMState SMState
// SMState holds Stream Management information regarding the session that can be
// used to resume session after disconnect
type SMState struct {
// Stream Management ID
Id string
// Inbound stanza count
Inbound uint
// TODO Store location for IP affinity
// TODO Store max and timestamp, to check if we should retry resumption or not
// EventHandler is use to pass events about state of the connection to
// client implementation.
type EventHandler func(Event)
type EventManager struct {
// Store current state
CurrentState ConnState
// Callback used to propagate connection state changes
Handler EventHandler
func (em EventManager) updateState(state ConnState) {
em.CurrentState = state
if em.Handler != nil {
em.Handler(Event{State: em.CurrentState})
func (em EventManager) disconnected(state SMState) {
em.CurrentState = StateDisconnected
if em.Handler != nil {
em.Handler(Event{State: em.CurrentState, SMState: state})
func (em EventManager) streamError(error, desc string) {
em.CurrentState = StateStreamError
if em.Handler != nil {
em.Handler(Event{State: em.CurrentState, StreamError: error, Description: desc})
// Client
// ============================================================================
// Client is the main structure used to connect as a client on an XMPP
// server.
type Client struct {
// Store user defined options and states
config Config
// Session gather data that can be accessed by users of this library
Session *Session
// TCP level connection / can be replaced by a TLS session after starttls
conn net.Conn
// Router is used to dispatch packets
router *Router
// Track and broadcast connection state
Setting up the client / Checking the parameters
// NewClient generates a new XMPP client, based on Config passed as parameters.
// If host is not specified, the DNS SRV should be used to find the host from the domainpart of the JID.
// Default the port to 5222.
func NewClient(config Config, r *Router) (c *Client, err error) {
// Parse JID
if config.parsedJid, err = NewJid(config.Jid); err != nil {
err = errors.New("missing jid")
return nil, NewConnError(err, true)
if config.Password == "" {
err = errors.New("missing password")
return nil, NewConnError(err, true)
// Fallback to jid domain
if config.Address == "" {
config.Address = config.parsedJid.Domain
// Fetch SRV DNS-Entries
_, srvEntries, err := net.LookupSRV("xmpp-client", "tcp", config.parsedJid.Domain)
if err == nil && len(srvEntries) > 0 {
// If we found matching DNS records, use the entry with highest weight
bestSrv := srvEntries[0]
for _, srv := range srvEntries {
if srv.Priority <= bestSrv.Priority && srv.Weight >= bestSrv.Weight {
bestSrv = srv
config.Address = ensurePort(srv.Target, int(srv.Port))
config.Address = ensurePort(config.Address, 5222)
c = new(Client)
c.config = config
c.router = r
if c.config.ConnectTimeout == 0 {
c.config.ConnectTimeout = 15 // 15 second as default
// Connect triggers actual TCP connection, based on previously defined parameters.
// Connect simply triggers resumption, with an empty session state.
func (c *Client) Connect() error {
var state SMState
return c.Resume(state)
// Resume attempts resuming a Stream Managed session, based on the provided stream management
// state.
func (c *Client) Resume(state SMState) error {
var err error
c.conn, err = net.DialTimeout("tcp", c.config.Address, time.Duration(c.config.ConnectTimeout)*time.Second)
if err != nil {
return err
// Client is ok, we now open XMPP session
if c.conn, c.Session, err = NewSession(c.conn, c.config, state); err != nil {
return err
// Start the keepalive go routine
keepaliveQuit := make(chan struct{})
go keepalive(c.conn, keepaliveQuit)
// Start the receiver go routine
state = c.Session.SMState
go c.recv(state, keepaliveQuit)
// We're connected and can now receive and send messages.
//fmt.Fprintf(client.conn, "<presence xml:lang='en'><show>%s</show><status>%s</status></presence>", "chat", "Online")
// TODO: Do we always want to send initial presence automatically ?
// Do we need an option to avoid that or do we rely on client to send the presence itself ?
fmt.Fprintf(c.Session.streamLogger, "<presence/>")
return err
func (c *Client) Disconnect() {
_ = c.SendRaw("</stream:stream>")
// TODO: Add a way to wait for stream close acknowledgement from the server for clean disconnect
_ = c.conn.Close()
func (c *Client) SetHandler(handler EventHandler) {
c.Handler = handler
// Send marshals XMPP stanza and sends it to the server.
func (c *Client) Send(packet stanza.Packet) error {
conn := c.conn
if conn == nil {
return errors.New("client is not connected")
data, err := xml.Marshal(packet)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("cannot marshal packet " + err.Error())
return c.sendWithLogger(string(data))
// SendRaw sends an XMPP stanza as a string to the server.
// It can be invalid XML or XMPP content. In that case, the server will
// disconnect the client. It is up to the user of this method to
// carefully craft the XML content to produce valid XMPP.
func (c *Client) SendRaw(packet string) error {
conn := c.conn
if conn == nil {
return errors.New("client is not connected")
return c.sendWithLogger(packet)
func (c *Client) sendWithLogger(packet string) error {
var err error
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(c.Session.streamLogger, packet)
return err
// ============================================================================
// Go routines
// Loop: Receive data from server
func (c *Client) recv(state SMState, keepaliveQuit chan<- struct{}) (err error) {
for {
val, err := stanza.NextPacket(c.Session.decoder)
if err != nil {
return err
// Handle stream errors
switch packet := val.(type) {
case stanza.StreamError:
c.router.route(c, val)
c.streamError(packet.Error.Local, packet.Text)
return errors.New("stream error: " + packet.Error.Local)
// Process Stream management nonzas
case stanza.SMRequest:
fmt.Println("MREMOND: inbound: ", state.Inbound)
answer := stanza.SMAnswer{XMLName: xml.Name{
Space: stanza.NSStreamManagement,
Local: "a",
}, H: state.Inbound}
c.router.route(c, val)
// Loop: send whitespace keepalive to server
// This is use to keep the connection open, but also to detect connection loss
// and trigger proper client connection shutdown.
func keepalive(conn net.Conn, quit <-chan struct{}) {
// TODO: Make keepalive interval configurable
ticker := time.NewTicker(30 * time.Second)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
if n, err := fmt.Fprintf(conn, "\n"); err != nil || n != 1 {
// When keep alive fails, we force close the connection. In all cases, the recv will also fail.
_ = conn.Close()
case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
_ = conn.Close()
case <-quit: