forked from lug/matterbridge

We create a new event EventFileDelete which will be used to delete specific uploaded files using the Extra["file"] in the config.Message. We also add a new NativeID key to the FileInfo struct which will contain the native file ID of the sending bridge. When a new file is added to the config.Message.Extra["file"] map, now the bridge native file ID should be added here. When the receiving bridge receives such a message, it should keep an internal mapping of NativeID <> bridge fileid/message id. In the case of discord we map it to the resulted discord message ID after uploading it. Now when a bridge deletes a file, it should send a EventFileDelete and setting the ID to the native file ID of the bridge. When the receiving bridge will get this event it'll look into the NativeID <> bridge id mapping to find their internal ID and use it to delete the specific file on their side. For now this is implemented for slack to discord but this will be add to other bridges where useful.
557 lines
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package bslack
import (
lru ""
type Bslack struct {
mh *matterhook.Client
sc *slack.Client
rtm *slack.RTM
si *slack.Info
cache *lru.Cache
uuid string
useChannelID bool
channels *channels
users *users
legacy bool
const (
sHello = "hello"
sChannelJoin = "channel_join"
sChannelLeave = "channel_leave"
sChannelJoined = "channel_joined"
sMemberJoined = "member_joined_channel"
sMessageChanged = "message_changed"
sMessageDeleted = "message_deleted"
sSlackAttachment = "slack_attachment"
sPinnedItem = "pinned_item"
sUnpinnedItem = "unpinned_item"
sChannelTopic = "channel_topic"
sChannelPurpose = "channel_purpose"
sFileComment = "file_comment"
sMeMessage = "me_message"
sUserTyping = "user_typing"
sLatencyReport = "latency_report"
sSystemUser = "system"
sSlackBotUser = "slackbot"
cfileDownloadChannel = "file_download_channel"
tokenConfig = "Token"
incomingWebhookConfig = "WebhookBindAddress"
outgoingWebhookConfig = "WebhookURL"
skipTLSConfig = "SkipTLSVerify"
useNickPrefixConfig = "PrefixMessagesWithNick"
editDisableConfig = "EditDisable"
editSuffixConfig = "EditSuffix"
iconURLConfig = "iconurl"
noSendJoinConfig = "nosendjoinpart"
messageLength = 3000
func New(cfg *bridge.Config) bridge.Bridger {
// Print a deprecation warning for legacy non-bot tokens (#527).
token := cfg.GetString(tokenConfig)
if token != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(token, "xoxb") {
cfg.Log.Warn("Non-bot token detected. It is STRONGLY recommended to use a proper bot-token instead.")
cfg.Log.Warn("Legacy tokens may be deprecated by Slack at short notice. See the Matterbridge GitHub wiki for a migration guide.")
return NewLegacy(cfg)
return newBridge(cfg)
func newBridge(cfg *bridge.Config) *Bslack {
newCache, err := lru.New(5000)
if err != nil {
cfg.Log.Fatalf("Could not create LRU cache for Slack bridge: %v", err)
b := &Bslack{
Config: cfg,
uuid: xid.New().String(),
cache: newCache,
return b
func (b *Bslack) Command(cmd string) string {
return ""
func (b *Bslack) Connect() error {
defer b.RUnlock()
if b.GetString(incomingWebhookConfig) == "" && b.GetString(outgoingWebhookConfig) == "" && b.GetString(tokenConfig) == "" {
return errors.New("no connection method found: WebhookBindAddress, WebhookURL or Token need to be configured")
// If we have a token we use the Slack websocket-based RTM for both sending and receiving.
if token := b.GetString(tokenConfig); token != "" {
b.Log.Info("Connecting using token")
| = slack.New(token, slack.OptionDebug(b.GetBool("Debug")))
b.channels = newChannelManager(b.Log,
b.users = newUserManager(b.Log,
b.rtm =
go b.rtm.ManageConnection()
go b.handleSlack()
return nil
// In absence of a token we fall back to incoming and outgoing Webhooks.
| = matterhook.New(
InsecureSkipVerify: b.GetBool("SkipTLSVerify"),
DisableServer: true,
if b.GetString(outgoingWebhookConfig) != "" {
b.Log.Info("Using specified webhook for outgoing messages.")
| = b.GetString(outgoingWebhookConfig)
if b.GetString(incomingWebhookConfig) != "" {
b.Log.Info("Setting up local webhook for incoming messages.")
| = b.GetString(incomingWebhookConfig)
| = false
go b.handleSlack()
return nil
func (b *Bslack) Disconnect() error {
return b.rtm.Disconnect()
// JoinChannel only acts as a verification method that checks whether Matterbridge's
// Slack integration is already member of the channel. This is because Slack does not
// allow apps or bots to join channels themselves and they need to be invited
// manually by a user.
func (b *Bslack) JoinChannel(channel config.ChannelInfo) error {
// We can only join a channel through the Slack API.
if == nil {
return nil
// try to join a channel when in legacy
if b.legacy {
_, _, _, err :=
if err != nil {
switch err.Error() {
case "name_taken", "restricted_action":
case "default":
return err
channelInfo, err := b.channels.getChannel(channel.Name)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not join channel: %#v", err)
if strings.HasPrefix(channel.Name, "ID:") {
b.useChannelID = true
channel.Name = channelInfo.Name
// we can't join a channel unless we are using legacy tokens #651
if !channelInfo.IsMember && !b.legacy {
return fmt.Errorf("slack integration that matterbridge is using is not member of channel '%s', please add it manually", channelInfo.Name)
return nil
func (b *Bslack) Reload(cfg *bridge.Config) (string, error) {
return "", nil
func (b *Bslack) Send(msg config.Message) (string, error) {
// Too noisy to log like other events
if msg.Event != config.EventUserTyping {
b.Log.Debugf("=> Receiving %#v", msg)
msg.Text = helper.ClipMessage(msg.Text, messageLength, b.GetString("MessageClipped"))
msg.Text = b.replaceCodeFence(msg.Text)
// Make a action /me of the message
if msg.Event == config.EventUserAction {
msg.Text = "_" + msg.Text + "_"
// Use webhook to send the message
if b.GetString(outgoingWebhookConfig) != "" && b.GetString(tokenConfig) == "" {
return "", b.sendWebhook(msg)
return b.sendRTM(msg)
// sendWebhook uses the configured WebhookURL to send the message
func (b *Bslack) sendWebhook(msg config.Message) error {
// Skip events.
if msg.Event != "" {
return nil
if b.GetBool(useNickPrefixConfig) {
msg.Text = msg.Username + msg.Text
if msg.Extra != nil {
// This sends a message only if we received a config.EVENT_FILE_FAILURE_SIZE.
for _, rmsg := range helper.HandleExtra(&msg, b.General) {
rmsg := rmsg // scopelint
iconURL := config.GetIconURL(&rmsg, b.GetString(iconURLConfig))
matterMessage := matterhook.OMessage{
IconURL: iconURL,
Channel: msg.Channel,
UserName: rmsg.Username,
Text: rmsg.Text,
if err :=; err != nil {
b.Log.Errorf("Failed to send message: %v", err)
// Webhook doesn't support file uploads, so we add the URL manually.
for _, f := range msg.Extra["file"] {
fi, ok := f.(config.FileInfo)
if !ok {
b.Log.Errorf("Received a file with unexpected content: %#v", f)
if fi.URL != "" {
msg.Text += " " + fi.URL
// If we have native slack_attachments add them.
var attachs []slack.Attachment
for _, attach := range msg.Extra[sSlackAttachment] {
attachs = append(attachs, attach.([]slack.Attachment)...)
iconURL := config.GetIconURL(&msg, b.GetString(iconURLConfig))
matterMessage := matterhook.OMessage{
IconURL: iconURL,
Attachments: attachs,
Channel: msg.Channel,
UserName: msg.Username,
Text: msg.Text,
if msg.Avatar != "" {
matterMessage.IconURL = msg.Avatar
if err :=; err != nil {
b.Log.Errorf("Failed to send message via webhook: %#v", err)
return err
return nil
func (b *Bslack) sendRTM(msg config.Message) (string, error) {
// Handle channelmember messages.
if handled := b.handleGetChannelMembers(&msg); handled {
return "", nil
channelInfo, err := b.channels.getChannel(msg.Channel)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("could not send message: %v", err)
if msg.Event == config.EventUserTyping {
if b.GetBool("ShowUserTyping") {
return "", nil
var handled bool
// Handle topic/purpose updates.
if handled, err = b.handleTopicOrPurpose(&msg, channelInfo); handled {
return "", err
// Handle prefix hint for unthreaded messages.
if msg.ParentNotFound() {
msg.ParentID = ""
msg.Text = fmt.Sprintf("[thread]: %s", msg.Text)
// Handle message deletions.
if handled, err = b.deleteMessage(&msg, channelInfo); handled {
return msg.ID, err
// Prepend nickname if configured.
if b.GetBool(useNickPrefixConfig) {
msg.Text = msg.Username + msg.Text
// Handle message edits.
if handled, err = b.editMessage(&msg, channelInfo); handled {
return msg.ID, err
// Upload a file if it exists.
if msg.Extra != nil {
extraMsgs := helper.HandleExtra(&msg, b.General)
for i := range extraMsgs {
rmsg := &extraMsgs[i]
rmsg.Text = rmsg.Username + rmsg.Text
_, err = b.postMessage(rmsg, channelInfo)
if err != nil {
// Upload files if necessary (from Slack, Telegram or Mattermost).
b.uploadFile(&msg, channelInfo.ID)
// Post message.
return b.postMessage(&msg, channelInfo)
func (b *Bslack) updateTopicOrPurpose(msg *config.Message, channelInfo *slack.Channel) error {
var updateFunc func(channelID string, value string) (*slack.Channel, error)
incomingChangeType, text := b.extractTopicOrPurpose(msg.Text)
switch incomingChangeType {
case "topic":
updateFunc = b.rtm.SetTopicOfConversation
case "purpose":
updateFunc = b.rtm.SetPurposeOfConversation
b.Log.Errorf("Unhandled type received from extractTopicOrPurpose: %s", incomingChangeType)
return nil
for {
_, err := updateFunc(channelInfo.ID, text)
if err == nil {
return nil
if err = handleRateLimit(b.Log, err); err != nil {
return err
// handles updating topic/purpose and determining whether to further propagate update messages.
func (b *Bslack) handleTopicOrPurpose(msg *config.Message, channelInfo *slack.Channel) (bool, error) {
if msg.Event != config.EventTopicChange {
return false, nil
if b.GetBool("SyncTopic") {
return true, b.updateTopicOrPurpose(msg, channelInfo)
// Pass along to normal message handlers.
if b.GetBool("ShowTopicChange") {
return false, nil
// Swallow message as handled no-op.
return true, nil
func (b *Bslack) deleteMessage(msg *config.Message, channelInfo *slack.Channel) (bool, error) {
if msg.Event != config.EventMsgDelete {
return false, nil
// Some protocols echo deletes, but with an empty ID.
if msg.ID == "" {
return true, nil
for {
_, _, err := b.rtm.DeleteMessage(channelInfo.ID, msg.ID)
if err == nil {
return true, nil
if err = handleRateLimit(b.Log, err); err != nil {
b.Log.Errorf("Failed to delete user message from Slack: %#v", err)
return true, err
func (b *Bslack) editMessage(msg *config.Message, channelInfo *slack.Channel) (bool, error) {
if msg.ID == "" {
return false, nil
messageOptions := b.prepareMessageOptions(msg)
for {
_, _, _, err := b.rtm.UpdateMessage(channelInfo.ID, msg.ID, messageOptions...)
if err == nil {
return true, nil
if err = handleRateLimit(b.Log, err); err != nil {
b.Log.Errorf("Failed to edit user message on Slack: %#v", err)
return true, err
func (b *Bslack) postMessage(msg *config.Message, channelInfo *slack.Channel) (string, error) {
// don't post empty messages
if msg.Text == "" {
return "", nil
messageOptions := b.prepareMessageOptions(msg)
for {
_, id, err := b.rtm.PostMessage(channelInfo.ID, messageOptions...)
if err == nil {
return id, nil
if err = handleRateLimit(b.Log, err); err != nil {
b.Log.Errorf("Failed to sent user message to Slack: %#v", err)
return "", err
// uploadFile handles native upload of files
func (b *Bslack) uploadFile(msg *config.Message, channelID string) {
for _, f := range msg.Extra["file"] {
fi, ok := f.(config.FileInfo)
if !ok {
b.Log.Errorf("Received a file with unexpected content: %#v", f)
if msg.Text == fi.Comment {
msg.Text = ""
// Because the result of the UploadFile is slower than the MessageEvent from slack
// we can't match on the file ID yet, so we have to match on the filename too.
ts := time.Now()
b.Log.Debugf("Adding file %s to cache at %s with timestamp", fi.Name, ts.String())
b.cache.Add("filename"+fi.Name, ts)
initialComment := fmt.Sprintf("File from %s", msg.Username)
if fi.Comment != "" {
initialComment += fmt.Sprintf(" with comment: %s", fi.Comment)
res, err :={
Reader: bytes.NewReader(*fi.Data),
Filename: fi.Name,
Channels: []string{channelID},
InitialComment: initialComment,
ThreadTimestamp: msg.ParentID,
if err != nil {
b.Log.Errorf("uploadfile %#v", err)
if res.ID != "" {
b.Log.Debugf("Adding file ID %s to cache with timestamp %s", res.ID, ts.String())
b.cache.Add("file"+res.ID, ts)
func (b *Bslack) prepareMessageOptions(msg *config.Message) []slack.MsgOption {
params := slack.NewPostMessageParameters()
if b.GetBool(useNickPrefixConfig) {
params.AsUser = true
params.Username = msg.Username
params.LinkNames = 1 // replace mentions
params.IconURL = config.GetIconURL(msg, b.GetString(iconURLConfig))
params.ThreadTimestamp = msg.ParentID
if msg.Avatar != "" {
params.IconURL = msg.Avatar
var attachments []slack.Attachment
// add file attachments
attachments = append(attachments, b.createAttach(msg.Extra)...)
// add slack attachments (from another slack bridge)
if msg.Extra != nil {
for _, attach := range msg.Extra[sSlackAttachment] {
attachments = append(attachments, attach.([]slack.Attachment)...)
var opts []slack.MsgOption
opts = append(opts,
// provide regular text field (fallback used in Slack notifications, etc.)
slack.MsgOptionText(msg.Text, false),
// add a callback ID so we can see we created it
slack.NewTextBlockObject(slack.MarkdownType, msg.Text, false, false),
nil, nil,
opts = append(opts, slack.MsgOptionAttachments(attachments...))
opts = append(opts, slack.MsgOptionPostMessageParameters(params))
return opts
func (b *Bslack) createAttach(extra map[string][]interface{}) []slack.Attachment {
var attachements []slack.Attachment
for _, v := range extra["attachments"] {
entry := v.(map[string]interface{})
s := slack.Attachment{
Fallback: extractStringField(entry, "fallback"),
Color: extractStringField(entry, "color"),
Pretext: extractStringField(entry, "pretext"),
AuthorName: extractStringField(entry, "author_name"),
AuthorLink: extractStringField(entry, "author_link"),
AuthorIcon: extractStringField(entry, "author_icon"),
Title: extractStringField(entry, "title"),
TitleLink: extractStringField(entry, "title_link"),
Text: extractStringField(entry, "text"),
ImageURL: extractStringField(entry, "image_url"),
ThumbURL: extractStringField(entry, "thumb_url"),
Footer: extractStringField(entry, "footer"),
FooterIcon: extractStringField(entry, "footer_icon"),
attachements = append(attachements, s)
return attachements
func extractStringField(data map[string]interface{}, field string) string {
if rawValue, found := data[field]; found {
if value, ok := rawValue.(string); ok {
return value
return ""