forked from lug/matterbridge
499 lines
17 KiB
499 lines
17 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2021 Tulir Asokan
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
package whatsmeow
import (
waBinary ""
waProto ""
var pbSerializer = store.SignalProtobufSerializer
func (cli *Client) handleEncryptedMessage(node *waBinary.Node) {
info, err := cli.parseMessageInfo(node)
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to parse message: %v", err)
} else {
if info.VerifiedName != nil && len(info.VerifiedName.Details.GetVerifiedName()) > 0 {
go cli.updateBusinessName(info.Sender, info, info.VerifiedName.Details.GetVerifiedName())
if len(info.PushName) > 0 && info.PushName != "-" {
go cli.updatePushName(info.Sender, info, info.PushName)
cli.decryptMessages(info, node)
func (cli *Client) parseMessageSource(node *waBinary.Node, requireParticipant bool) (source types.MessageSource, err error) {
clientID := cli.getOwnID()
if clientID.IsEmpty() {
err = ErrNotLoggedIn
ag := node.AttrGetter()
from := ag.JID("from")
if from.Server == types.GroupServer || from.Server == types.BroadcastServer {
source.IsGroup = true
source.Chat = from
if requireParticipant {
source.Sender = ag.JID("participant")
} else {
source.Sender = ag.OptionalJIDOrEmpty("participant")
if source.Sender.User == clientID.User {
source.IsFromMe = true
if from.Server == types.BroadcastServer {
source.BroadcastListOwner = ag.OptionalJIDOrEmpty("recipient")
} else if from.User == clientID.User {
source.IsFromMe = true
source.Sender = from
recipient := ag.OptionalJID("recipient")
if recipient != nil {
source.Chat = *recipient
} else {
source.Chat = from.ToNonAD()
} else {
source.Chat = from.ToNonAD()
source.Sender = from
err = ag.Error()
func (cli *Client) parseMessageInfo(node *waBinary.Node) (*types.MessageInfo, error) {
var info types.MessageInfo
var err error
info.MessageSource, err = cli.parseMessageSource(node, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ag := node.AttrGetter()
info.ID = types.MessageID(ag.String("id"))
info.Timestamp = ag.UnixTime("t")
info.PushName = ag.OptionalString("notify")
info.Category = ag.OptionalString("category")
if !ag.OK() {
return nil, ag.Error()
for _, child := range node.GetChildren() {
if child.Tag == "multicast" {
info.Multicast = true
} else if child.Tag == "verified_name" {
info.VerifiedName, err = parseVerifiedNameContent(child)
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to parse verified_name node in %s: %v", info.ID, err)
} else if mediaType, ok := child.AttrGetter().GetString("mediatype", false); ok {
info.MediaType = mediaType
return &info, nil
func (cli *Client) decryptMessages(info *types.MessageInfo, node *waBinary.Node) {
go cli.sendAck(node)
if len(node.GetChildrenByTag("unavailable")) > 0 && len(node.GetChildrenByTag("enc")) == 0 {
cli.Log.Warnf("Unavailable message %s from %s", info.ID, info.SourceString())
go cli.sendRetryReceipt(node, true)
cli.dispatchEvent(&events.UndecryptableMessage{Info: *info, IsUnavailable: true})
children := node.GetChildren()
cli.Log.Debugf("Decrypting %d messages from %s", len(children), info.SourceString())
handled := false
containsDirectMsg := false
for _, child := range children {
if child.Tag != "enc" {
encType, ok := child.Attrs["type"].(string)
if !ok {
var decrypted []byte
var err error
if encType == "pkmsg" || encType == "msg" {
decrypted, err = cli.decryptDM(&child, info.Sender, encType == "pkmsg")
containsDirectMsg = true
} else if info.IsGroup && encType == "skmsg" {
decrypted, err = cli.decryptGroupMsg(&child, info.Sender, info.Chat)
} else {
cli.Log.Warnf("Unhandled encrypted message (type %s) from %s", encType, info.SourceString())
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Error decrypting message from %s: %v", info.SourceString(), err)
isUnavailable := encType == "skmsg" && !containsDirectMsg && errors.Is(err, signalerror.ErrNoSenderKeyForUser)
go cli.sendRetryReceipt(node, isUnavailable)
cli.dispatchEvent(&events.UndecryptableMessage{Info: *info, IsUnavailable: isUnavailable})
var msg waProto.Message
err = proto.Unmarshal(decrypted, &msg)
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Error unmarshaling decrypted message from %s: %v", info.SourceString(), err)
cli.handleDecryptedMessage(info, &msg)
handled = true
if handled {
go cli.sendMessageReceipt(info)
func (cli *Client) clearUntrustedIdentity(target types.JID) {
err := cli.Store.Identities.DeleteIdentity(target.SignalAddress().String())
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to delete untrusted identity of %s from store: %v", target, err)
err = cli.Store.Sessions.DeleteSession(target.SignalAddress().String())
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to delete session with %s (untrusted identity) from store: %v", target, err)
cli.dispatchEvent(&events.IdentityChange{JID: target, Timestamp: time.Now(), Implicit: true})
func (cli *Client) decryptDM(child *waBinary.Node, from types.JID, isPreKey bool) ([]byte, error) {
content, _ := child.Content.([]byte)
builder := session.NewBuilderFromSignal(cli.Store, from.SignalAddress(), pbSerializer)
cipher := session.NewCipher(builder, from.SignalAddress())
var plaintext []byte
if isPreKey {
preKeyMsg, err := protocol.NewPreKeySignalMessageFromBytes(content, pbSerializer.PreKeySignalMessage, pbSerializer.SignalMessage)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse prekey message: %w", err)
plaintext, _, err = cipher.DecryptMessageReturnKey(preKeyMsg)
if cli.AutoTrustIdentity && errors.Is(err, signalerror.ErrUntrustedIdentity) {
cli.Log.Warnf("Got %v error while trying to decrypt prekey message from %s, clearing stored identity and retrying", err, from)
plaintext, _, err = cipher.DecryptMessageReturnKey(preKeyMsg)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decrypt prekey message: %w", err)
} else {
msg, err := protocol.NewSignalMessageFromBytes(content, pbSerializer.SignalMessage)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse normal message: %w", err)
plaintext, err = cipher.Decrypt(msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decrypt normal message: %w", err)
return unpadMessage(plaintext)
func (cli *Client) decryptGroupMsg(child *waBinary.Node, from types.JID, chat types.JID) ([]byte, error) {
content, _ := child.Content.([]byte)
senderKeyName := protocol.NewSenderKeyName(chat.String(), from.SignalAddress())
builder := groups.NewGroupSessionBuilder(cli.Store, pbSerializer)
cipher := groups.NewGroupCipher(builder, senderKeyName, cli.Store)
msg, err := protocol.NewSenderKeyMessageFromBytes(content, pbSerializer.SenderKeyMessage)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse group message: %w", err)
plaintext, err := cipher.Decrypt(msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decrypt group message: %w", err)
return unpadMessage(plaintext)
const checkPadding = true
func isValidPadding(plaintext []byte) bool {
lastByte := plaintext[len(plaintext)-1]
expectedPadding := bytes.Repeat([]byte{lastByte}, int(lastByte))
return bytes.HasSuffix(plaintext, expectedPadding)
func unpadMessage(plaintext []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if checkPadding && !isValidPadding(plaintext) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("plaintext doesn't have expected padding")
return plaintext[:len(plaintext)-int(plaintext[len(plaintext)-1])], nil
func padMessage(plaintext []byte) []byte {
var pad [1]byte
_, err := rand.Read(pad[:])
if err != nil {
pad[0] &= 0xf
if pad[0] == 0 {
pad[0] = 0xf
plaintext = append(plaintext, bytes.Repeat(pad[:], int(pad[0]))...)
return plaintext
func (cli *Client) handleSenderKeyDistributionMessage(chat, from types.JID, rawSKDMsg *waProto.SenderKeyDistributionMessage) {
builder := groups.NewGroupSessionBuilder(cli.Store, pbSerializer)
senderKeyName := protocol.NewSenderKeyName(chat.String(), from.SignalAddress())
sdkMsg, err := protocol.NewSenderKeyDistributionMessageFromBytes(rawSKDMsg.AxolotlSenderKeyDistributionMessage, pbSerializer.SenderKeyDistributionMessage)
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Errorf("Failed to parse sender key distribution message from %s for %s: %v", from, chat, err)
builder.Process(senderKeyName, sdkMsg)
cli.Log.Debugf("Processed sender key distribution message from %s in %s", senderKeyName.Sender().String(), senderKeyName.GroupID())
func (cli *Client) handleHistorySyncNotificationLoop() {
defer func() {
atomic.StoreUint32(&cli.historySyncHandlerStarted, 0)
err := recover()
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Errorf("History sync handler panicked: %v\n%s", err, debug.Stack())
// Check in case something new appeared in the channel between the loop stopping
// and the atomic variable being updated. If yes, restart the loop.
if len(cli.historySyncNotifications) > 0 && atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&cli.historySyncHandlerStarted, 0, 1) {
cli.Log.Warnf("New history sync notifications appeared after loop stopped, restarting loop...")
go cli.handleHistorySyncNotificationLoop()
for notif := range cli.historySyncNotifications {
func (cli *Client) handleHistorySyncNotification(notif *waProto.HistorySyncNotification) {
var historySync waProto.HistorySync
if data, err := cli.Download(notif); err != nil {
cli.Log.Errorf("Failed to download history sync data: %v", err)
} else if reader, err := zlib.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(data)); err != nil {
cli.Log.Errorf("Failed to create zlib reader for history sync data: %v", err)
} else if rawData, err := io.ReadAll(reader); err != nil {
cli.Log.Errorf("Failed to decompress history sync data: %v", err)
} else if err = proto.Unmarshal(rawData, &historySync); err != nil {
cli.Log.Errorf("Failed to unmarshal history sync data: %v", err)
} else {
cli.Log.Debugf("Received history sync (type %s, chunk %d)", historySync.GetSyncType(), historySync.GetChunkOrder())
if historySync.GetSyncType() == waProto.HistorySync_PUSH_NAME {
go cli.handleHistoricalPushNames(historySync.GetPushnames())
} else if len(historySync.GetConversations()) > 0 {
go cli.storeHistoricalMessageSecrets(historySync.GetConversations())
Data: &historySync,
func (cli *Client) handleAppStateSyncKeyShare(keys *waProto.AppStateSyncKeyShare) {
onlyResyncIfNotSynced := true
cli.Log.Debugf("Got %d new app state keys", len(keys.GetKeys()))
for _, key := range keys.GetKeys() {
marshaledFingerprint, err := proto.Marshal(key.GetKeyData().GetFingerprint())
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Errorf("Failed to marshal fingerprint of app state sync key %X", key.GetKeyId().GetKeyId())
_, isReRequest := cli.appStateKeyRequests[hex.EncodeToString(key.GetKeyId().GetKeyId())]
if isReRequest {
onlyResyncIfNotSynced = false
err = cli.Store.AppStateKeys.PutAppStateSyncKey(key.GetKeyId().GetKeyId(), store.AppStateSyncKey{
Data: key.GetKeyData().GetKeyData(),
Fingerprint: marshaledFingerprint,
Timestamp: key.GetKeyData().GetTimestamp(),
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Errorf("Failed to store app state sync key %X: %v", key.GetKeyId().GetKeyId(), err)
cli.Log.Debugf("Received app state sync key %X (ts: %d)", key.GetKeyId().GetKeyId(), key.GetKeyData().GetTimestamp())
for _, name := range appstate.AllPatchNames {
err := cli.FetchAppState(name, false, onlyResyncIfNotSynced)
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Errorf("Failed to do initial fetch of app state %s: %v", name, err)
func (cli *Client) handleProtocolMessage(info *types.MessageInfo, msg *waProto.Message) {
protoMsg := msg.GetProtocolMessage()
if protoMsg.GetHistorySyncNotification() != nil && info.IsFromMe {
cli.historySyncNotifications <- protoMsg.HistorySyncNotification
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&cli.historySyncHandlerStarted, 0, 1) {
go cli.handleHistorySyncNotificationLoop()
go cli.sendProtocolMessageReceipt(info.ID, "hist_sync")
if protoMsg.GetAppStateSyncKeyShare() != nil && info.IsFromMe {
go cli.handleAppStateSyncKeyShare(protoMsg.AppStateSyncKeyShare)
if info.Category == "peer" {
go cli.sendProtocolMessageReceipt(info.ID, "peer_msg")
func (cli *Client) processProtocolParts(info *types.MessageInfo, msg *waProto.Message) {
// Hopefully sender key distribution messages and protocol messages can't be inside ephemeral messages
if msg.GetDeviceSentMessage().GetMessage() != nil {
msg = msg.GetDeviceSentMessage().GetMessage()
if msg.GetSenderKeyDistributionMessage() != nil {
if !info.IsGroup {
cli.Log.Warnf("Got sender key distribution message in non-group chat from", info.Sender)
} else {
cli.handleSenderKeyDistributionMessage(info.Chat, info.Sender, msg.SenderKeyDistributionMessage)
// N.B. Edits are protocol messages, but they're also wrapped inside EditedMessage,
// which is only unwrapped after processProtocolParts, so this won't trigger for edits.
if msg.GetProtocolMessage() != nil {
cli.handleProtocolMessage(info, msg)
if msgSecret := msg.GetMessageContextInfo().GetMessageSecret(); len(msgSecret) > 0 {
err := cli.Store.MsgSecrets.PutMessageSecret(info.Chat, info.Sender, info.ID, msgSecret)
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Errorf("Failed to store message secret key for %s: %v", info.ID, err)
} else {
cli.Log.Debugf("Stored message secret key for %s", info.ID)
func (cli *Client) storeHistoricalMessageSecrets(conversations []*waProto.Conversation) {
var secrets []store.MessageSecretInsert
var privacyTokens []store.PrivacyToken
ownID := cli.getOwnID().ToNonAD()
if ownID.IsEmpty() {
for _, conv := range conversations {
chatJID, _ := types.ParseJID(conv.GetId())
if chatJID.IsEmpty() {
if chatJID.Server == types.DefaultUserServer && conv.GetTcToken() != nil {
ts := conv.GetTcTokenSenderTimestamp()
if ts == 0 {
ts = conv.GetTcTokenTimestamp()
privacyTokens = append(privacyTokens, store.PrivacyToken{
User: chatJID,
Token: conv.GetTcToken(),
Timestamp: time.Unix(int64(ts), 0),
for _, msg := range conv.GetMessages() {
if secret := msg.GetMessage().GetMessageSecret(); secret != nil {
var senderJID types.JID
msgKey := msg.GetMessage().GetKey()
if msgKey.GetFromMe() {
senderJID = ownID
} else if chatJID.Server == types.DefaultUserServer {
senderJID = chatJID
} else if msgKey.GetParticipant() != "" {
senderJID, _ = types.ParseJID(msgKey.GetParticipant())
} else if msg.GetMessage().GetParticipant() != "" {
senderJID, _ = types.ParseJID(msg.GetMessage().GetParticipant())
if senderJID.IsEmpty() || msgKey.GetId() == "" {
secrets = append(secrets, store.MessageSecretInsert{
Chat: chatJID,
Sender: senderJID,
ID: msgKey.GetId(),
Secret: secret,
if len(secrets) > 0 {
cli.Log.Debugf("Storing %d message secret keys in history sync", len(secrets))
err := cli.Store.MsgSecrets.PutMessageSecrets(secrets)
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Errorf("Failed to store message secret keys in history sync: %v", err)
} else {
cli.Log.Infof("Stored %d message secret keys from history sync", len(secrets))
if len(privacyTokens) > 0 {
cli.Log.Debugf("Storing %d privacy tokens in history sync", len(privacyTokens))
err := cli.Store.PrivacyTokens.PutPrivacyTokens(privacyTokens...)
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Errorf("Failed to store privacy tokens in history sync: %v", err)
} else {
cli.Log.Infof("Stored %d privacy tokens from history sync", len(privacyTokens))
func (cli *Client) handleDecryptedMessage(info *types.MessageInfo, msg *waProto.Message) {
cli.processProtocolParts(info, msg)
evt := &events.Message{Info: *info, RawMessage: msg}
func (cli *Client) sendProtocolMessageReceipt(id, msgType string) {
clientID := cli.Store.ID
if len(id) == 0 || clientID == nil {
err := cli.sendNode(waBinary.Node{
Tag: "receipt",
Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{
"id": id,
"type": msgType,
"to": types.NewJID(clientID.User, types.LegacyUserServer),
Content: nil,
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to send acknowledgement for protocol message %s: %v", id, err)