/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "vector_vmatrix.h" #include "vector_vglobal.h" #include <cassert> #include <cmath> V_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /* m11 m21 mtx * m12 m22 mty * m13 m23 m33 */ inline float VMatrix::determinant() const { return m11 * (m33 * m22 - mty * m23) - m21 * (m33 * m12 - mty * m13) + mtx * (m23 * m12 - m22 * m13); } bool VMatrix::isAffine() const { return type() < MatrixType::Project; } bool VMatrix::isIdentity() const { return type() == MatrixType::None; } bool VMatrix::isInvertible() const { return !vIsZero(determinant()); } bool VMatrix::isScaling() const { return type() >= MatrixType::Scale; } bool VMatrix::isRotating() const { return type() >= MatrixType::Rotate; } bool VMatrix::isTranslating() const { return type() >= MatrixType::Translate; } VMatrix &VMatrix::operator*=(float num) { if (num == 1.) return *this; m11 *= num; m12 *= num; m13 *= num; m21 *= num; m22 *= num; m23 *= num; mtx *= num; mty *= num; m33 *= num; if (dirty < MatrixType::Scale) dirty = MatrixType::Scale; return *this; } VMatrix &VMatrix::operator/=(float div) { if (div == 0) return *this; div = 1 / div; return operator*=(div); } VMatrix::MatrixType VMatrix::type() const { if (dirty == MatrixType::None || dirty < mType) return mType; switch (dirty) { case MatrixType::Project: if (!vIsZero(m13) || !vIsZero(m23) || !vIsZero(m33 - 1)) { mType = MatrixType::Project; break; } VECTOR_FALLTHROUGH case MatrixType::Shear: case MatrixType::Rotate: if (!vIsZero(m12) || !vIsZero(m21)) { const float dot = m11 * m12 + m21 * m22; if (vIsZero(dot)) mType = MatrixType::Rotate; else mType = MatrixType::Shear; break; } VECTOR_FALLTHROUGH case MatrixType::Scale: if (!vIsZero(m11 - 1) || !vIsZero(m22 - 1)) { mType = MatrixType::Scale; break; } VECTOR_FALLTHROUGH case MatrixType::Translate: if (!vIsZero(mtx) || !vIsZero(mty)) { mType = MatrixType::Translate; break; } VECTOR_FALLTHROUGH case MatrixType::None: mType = MatrixType::None; break; } dirty = MatrixType::None; return mType; } VMatrix &VMatrix::translate(float dx, float dy) { if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) return *this; switch (type()) { case MatrixType::None: mtx = dx; mty = dy; break; case MatrixType::Translate: mtx += dx; mty += dy; break; case MatrixType::Scale: mtx += dx * m11; mty += dy * m22; break; case MatrixType::Project: m33 += dx * m13 + dy * m23; VECTOR_FALLTHROUGH case MatrixType::Shear: case MatrixType::Rotate: mtx += dx * m11 + dy * m21; mty += dy * m22 + dx * m12; break; } if (dirty < MatrixType::Translate) dirty = MatrixType::Translate; return *this; } VMatrix &VMatrix::scale(float sx, float sy) { if (sx == 1 && sy == 1) return *this; switch (type()) { case MatrixType::None: case MatrixType::Translate: m11 = sx; m22 = sy; break; case MatrixType::Project: m13 *= sx; m23 *= sy; VECTOR_FALLTHROUGH case MatrixType::Rotate: case MatrixType::Shear: m12 *= sx; m21 *= sy; VECTOR_FALLTHROUGH case MatrixType::Scale: m11 *= sx; m22 *= sy; break; } if (dirty < MatrixType::Scale) dirty = MatrixType::Scale; return *this; } VMatrix &VMatrix::shear(float sh, float sv) { if (sh == 0 && sv == 0) return *this; switch (type()) { case MatrixType::None: case MatrixType::Translate: m12 = sv; m21 = sh; break; case MatrixType::Scale: m12 = sv * m22; m21 = sh * m11; break; case MatrixType::Project: { float tm13 = sv * m23; float tm23 = sh * m13; m13 += tm13; m23 += tm23; VECTOR_FALLTHROUGH } case MatrixType::Rotate: case MatrixType::Shear: { float tm11 = sv * m21; float tm22 = sh * m12; float tm12 = sv * m22; float tm21 = sh * m11; m11 += tm11; m12 += tm12; m21 += tm21; m22 += tm22; break; } } if (dirty < MatrixType::Shear) dirty = MatrixType::Shear; return *this; } static const float deg2rad = float(0.017453292519943295769); // pi/180 static const float inv_dist_to_plane = 1. / 1024.; VMatrix &VMatrix::rotate(float a, Axis axis) { if (a == 0) return *this; float sina = 0; float cosa = 0; if (a == 90. || a == -270.) sina = 1.; else if (a == 270. || a == -90.) sina = -1.; else if (a == 180.) cosa = -1.; else { float b = deg2rad * a; // convert to radians sina = std::sin(b); // fast and convenient cosa = std::cos(b); } if (axis == Axis::Z) { switch (type()) { case MatrixType::None: case MatrixType::Translate: m11 = cosa; m12 = sina; m21 = -sina; m22 = cosa; break; case MatrixType::Scale: { float tm11 = cosa * m11; float tm12 = sina * m22; float tm21 = -sina * m11; float tm22 = cosa * m22; m11 = tm11; m12 = tm12; m21 = tm21; m22 = tm22; break; } case MatrixType::Project: { float tm13 = cosa * m13 + sina * m23; float tm23 = -sina * m13 + cosa * m23; m13 = tm13; m23 = tm23; VECTOR_FALLTHROUGH } case MatrixType::Rotate: case MatrixType::Shear: { float tm11 = cosa * m11 + sina * m21; float tm12 = cosa * m12 + sina * m22; float tm21 = -sina * m11 + cosa * m21; float tm22 = -sina * m12 + cosa * m22; m11 = tm11; m12 = tm12; m21 = tm21; m22 = tm22; break; } } if (dirty < MatrixType::Rotate) dirty = MatrixType::Rotate; } else { VMatrix result; if (axis == Axis::Y) { result.m11 = cosa; result.m13 = -sina * inv_dist_to_plane; } else { result.m22 = cosa; result.m23 = -sina * inv_dist_to_plane; } result.mType = MatrixType::Project; *this = result * *this; } return *this; } VMatrix VMatrix::operator*(const VMatrix &m) const { const MatrixType otherType = m.type(); if (otherType == MatrixType::None) return *this; const MatrixType thisType = type(); if (thisType == MatrixType::None) return m; VMatrix t; MatrixType type = vMax(thisType, otherType); switch (type) { case MatrixType::None: break; case MatrixType::Translate: t.mtx = mtx + m.mtx; t.mty += mty + m.mty; break; case MatrixType::Scale: { float m11v = m11 * m.m11; float m22v = m22 * m.m22; float m31v = mtx * m.m11 + m.mtx; float m32v = mty * m.m22 + m.mty; t.m11 = m11v; t.m22 = m22v; t.mtx = m31v; t.mty = m32v; break; } case MatrixType::Rotate: case MatrixType::Shear: { float m11v = m11 * m.m11 + m12 * m.m21; float m12v = m11 * m.m12 + m12 * m.m22; float m21v = m21 * m.m11 + m22 * m.m21; float m22v = m21 * m.m12 + m22 * m.m22; float m31v = mtx * m.m11 + mty * m.m21 + m.mtx; float m32v = mtx * m.m12 + mty * m.m22 + m.mty; t.m11 = m11v; t.m12 = m12v; t.m21 = m21v; t.m22 = m22v; t.mtx = m31v; t.mty = m32v; break; } case MatrixType::Project: { float m11v = m11 * m.m11 + m12 * m.m21 + m13 * m.mtx; float m12v = m11 * m.m12 + m12 * m.m22 + m13 * m.mty; float m13v = m11 * m.m13 + m12 * m.m23 + m13 * m.m33; float m21v = m21 * m.m11 + m22 * m.m21 + m23 * m.mtx; float m22v = m21 * m.m12 + m22 * m.m22 + m23 * m.mty; float m23v = m21 * m.m13 + m22 * m.m23 + m23 * m.m33; float m31v = mtx * m.m11 + mty * m.m21 + m33 * m.mtx; float m32v = mtx * m.m12 + mty * m.m22 + m33 * m.mty; float m33v = mtx * m.m13 + mty * m.m23 + m33 * m.m33; t.m11 = m11v; t.m12 = m12v; t.m13 = m13v; t.m21 = m21v; t.m22 = m22v; t.m23 = m23v; t.mtx = m31v; t.mty = m32v; t.m33 = m33v; } } t.dirty = type; t.mType = type; return t; } VMatrix &VMatrix::operator*=(const VMatrix &o) { const MatrixType otherType = o.type(); if (otherType == MatrixType::None) return *this; const MatrixType thisType = type(); if (thisType == MatrixType::None) return operator=(o); MatrixType t = vMax(thisType, otherType); switch (t) { case MatrixType::None: break; case MatrixType::Translate: mtx += o.mtx; mty += o.mty; break; case MatrixType::Scale: { float m11v = m11 * o.m11; float m22v = m22 * o.m22; float m31v = mtx * o.m11 + o.mtx; float m32v = mty * o.m22 + o.mty; m11 = m11v; m22 = m22v; mtx = m31v; mty = m32v; break; } case MatrixType::Rotate: case MatrixType::Shear: { float m11v = m11 * o.m11 + m12 * o.m21; float m12v = m11 * o.m12 + m12 * o.m22; float m21v = m21 * o.m11 + m22 * o.m21; float m22v = m21 * o.m12 + m22 * o.m22; float m31v = mtx * o.m11 + mty * o.m21 + o.mtx; float m32v = mtx * o.m12 + mty * o.m22 + o.mty; m11 = m11v; m12 = m12v; m21 = m21v; m22 = m22v; mtx = m31v; mty = m32v; break; } case MatrixType::Project: { float m11v = m11 * o.m11 + m12 * o.m21 + m13 * o.mtx; float m12v = m11 * o.m12 + m12 * o.m22 + m13 * o.mty; float m13v = m11 * o.m13 + m12 * o.m23 + m13 * o.m33; float m21v = m21 * o.m11 + m22 * o.m21 + m23 * o.mtx; float m22v = m21 * o.m12 + m22 * o.m22 + m23 * o.mty; float m23v = m21 * o.m13 + m22 * o.m23 + m23 * o.m33; float m31v = mtx * o.m11 + mty * o.m21 + m33 * o.mtx; float m32v = mtx * o.m12 + mty * o.m22 + m33 * o.mty; float m33v = mtx * o.m13 + mty * o.m23 + m33 * o.m33; m11 = m11v; m12 = m12v; m13 = m13v; m21 = m21v; m22 = m22v; m23 = m23v; mtx = m31v; mty = m32v; m33 = m33v; } } dirty = t; mType = t; return *this; } VMatrix VMatrix::adjoint() const { float h11, h12, h13, h21, h22, h23, h31, h32, h33; h11 = m22 * m33 - m23 * mty; h21 = m23 * mtx - m21 * m33; h31 = m21 * mty - m22 * mtx; h12 = m13 * mty - m12 * m33; h22 = m11 * m33 - m13 * mtx; h32 = m12 * mtx - m11 * mty; h13 = m12 * m23 - m13 * m22; h23 = m13 * m21 - m11 * m23; h33 = m11 * m22 - m12 * m21; VMatrix res; res.m11 = h11; res.m12 = h12; res.m13 = h13; res.m21 = h21; res.m22 = h22; res.m23 = h23; res.mtx = h31; res.mty = h32; res.m33 = h33; res.mType = MatrixType::None; res.dirty = MatrixType::Project; return res; } VMatrix VMatrix::inverted(bool *invertible) const { VMatrix invert; bool inv = true; switch (type()) { case MatrixType::None: break; case MatrixType::Translate: invert.mtx = -mtx; invert.mty = -mty; break; case MatrixType::Scale: inv = !vIsZero(m11); inv &= !vIsZero(m22); if (inv) { invert.m11 = 1.0f / m11; invert.m22 = 1.0f / m22; invert.mtx = -mtx * invert.m11; invert.mty = -mty * invert.m22; } break; default: // general case float det = determinant(); inv = !vIsZero(det); if (inv) invert = (adjoint() /= det); // TODO Test above line break; } if (invertible) *invertible = inv; if (inv) { // inverting doesn't change the type invert.mType = mType; invert.dirty = dirty; } return invert; } bool VMatrix::operator==(const VMatrix &o) const { return fuzzyCompare(o); } bool VMatrix::operator!=(const VMatrix &o) const { return !operator==(o); } bool VMatrix::fuzzyCompare(const VMatrix &o) const { return vCompare(m11, o.m11) && vCompare(m12, o.m12) && vCompare(m21, o.m21) && vCompare(m22, o.m22) && vCompare(mtx, o.mtx) && vCompare(mty, o.mty); } #define V_NEAR_CLIP 0.000001f #ifdef MAP #undef MAP #endif #define MAP(x, y, nx, ny) \ do { \ float FX_ = x; \ float FY_ = y; \ switch (t) { \ case MatrixType::None: \ nx = FX_; \ ny = FY_; \ break; \ case MatrixType::Translate: \ nx = FX_ + mtx; \ ny = FY_ + mty; \ break; \ case MatrixType::Scale: \ nx = m11 * FX_ + mtx; \ ny = m22 * FY_ + mty; \ break; \ case MatrixType::Rotate: \ case MatrixType::Shear: \ case MatrixType::Project: \ nx = m11 * FX_ + m21 * FY_ + mtx; \ ny = m12 * FX_ + m22 * FY_ + mty; \ if (t == MatrixType::Project) { \ float w = (m13 * FX_ + m23 * FY_ + m33); \ if (w < V_NEAR_CLIP) w = V_NEAR_CLIP; \ w = 1. / w; \ nx *= w; \ ny *= w; \ } \ } \ } while (0) VRect VMatrix::map(const VRect &rect) const { VMatrix::MatrixType t = type(); if (t <= MatrixType::Translate) return rect.translated(std::lround(mtx), std::lround(mty)); if (t <= MatrixType::Scale) { int x = std::lround(m11 * rect.x() + mtx); int y = std::lround(m22 * rect.y() + mty); int w = std::lround(m11 * rect.width()); int h = std::lround(m22 * rect.height()); if (w < 0) { w = -w; x -= w; } if (h < 0) { h = -h; y -= h; } return {x, y, w, h}; } else if (t < MatrixType::Project) { // see mapToPolygon for explanations of the algorithm. float x = 0, y = 0; MAP(rect.left(), rect.top(), x, y); float xmin = x; float ymin = y; float xmax = x; float ymax = y; MAP(rect.right() + 1, rect.top(), x, y); xmin = vMin(xmin, x); ymin = vMin(ymin, y); xmax = vMax(xmax, x); ymax = vMax(ymax, y); MAP(rect.right() + 1, rect.bottom() + 1, x, y); xmin = vMin(xmin, x); ymin = vMin(ymin, y); xmax = vMax(xmax, x); ymax = vMax(ymax, y); MAP(rect.left(), rect.bottom() + 1, x, y); xmin = vMin(xmin, x); ymin = vMin(ymin, y); xmax = vMax(xmax, x); ymax = vMax(ymax, y); return VRect(std::lround(xmin), std::lround(ymin), std::lround(xmax) - std::lround(xmin), std::lround(ymax) - std::lround(ymin)); } else { // Not supported assert(0); return {}; } } VPointF VMatrix::map(const VPointF &p) const { float fx = p.x(); float fy = p.y(); float x = 0, y = 0; VMatrix::MatrixType t = type(); switch (t) { case MatrixType::None: x = fx; y = fy; break; case MatrixType::Translate: x = fx + mtx; y = fy + mty; break; case MatrixType::Scale: x = m11 * fx + mtx; y = m22 * fy + mty; break; case MatrixType::Rotate: case MatrixType::Shear: case MatrixType::Project: x = m11 * fx + m21 * fy + mtx; y = m12 * fx + m22 * fy + mty; if (t == MatrixType::Project) { float w = 1.0f / (m13 * fx + m23 * fy + m33); x *= w; y *= w; } } return {x, y}; } V_END_NAMESPACE