package bmatrix

import (

	matrix ""

func newMatrixUsername(username string) *matrixUsername {
	mUsername := new(matrixUsername)

	// check if we have a </tag>. if we have, we don't escape HTML. #696
	if htmlTag.MatchString(username) {
		mUsername.formatted = username
		// remove the HTML formatting for beautiful push messages #1188
		mUsername.plain = htmlReplacementTag.ReplaceAllString(username, "")
	} else {
		mUsername.formatted = html.EscapeString(username)
		mUsername.plain = username

	return mUsername

// getRoomID retrieves a matching room ID from the channel name.
func (b *Bmatrix) getRoomID(channel string) string {
	defer b.RUnlock()
	for ID, name := range b.RoomMap {
		if name == channel {
			return ID

	return ""

// interface2Struct marshals and immediately unmarshals an interface.
// Useful for converting map[string]interface{} to a struct.
func interface2Struct(in interface{}, out interface{}) error {
	jsonObj, err := json.Marshal(in)
	if err != nil {
		return err //nolint:wrapcheck

	return json.Unmarshal(jsonObj, out)

// getDisplayName retrieves the displayName for mxid, querying the homserver if the mxid is not in the cache.
func (b *Bmatrix) getDisplayName(mxid string) string {
	if b.GetBool("UseUserName") {
		return mxid[1:]

	if val, present := b.NicknameMap[mxid]; present {

		return val.displayName

	displayName, err :=
	var httpError *matrix.HTTPError
	if errors.As(err, &httpError) {
		b.Log.Warnf("Couldn't retrieve the display name for %s", mxid)

	if err != nil {
		return b.cacheDisplayName(mxid, mxid[1:])

	return b.cacheDisplayName(mxid, displayName.DisplayName)

// cacheDisplayName stores the mapping between a mxid and a display name, to be reused later without performing a query to the homserver.
// Note that old entries are cleaned when this function is called.
func (b *Bmatrix) cacheDisplayName(mxid string, displayName string) string {
	now := time.Now()

	// scan to delete old entries, to stop memory usage from becoming too high with old entries.
	// In addition, we also detect if another user have the same username, and if so, we append their mxids to their usernames to differentiate them.
	toDelete := []string{}
	conflict := false

	for mxid, v := range b.NicknameMap {
		// to prevent username reuse across matrix servers - or even on the same server, append
		// the mxid to the username when there is a conflict
		if v.displayName == displayName {
			conflict = true
			// TODO: it would be nice to be able to rename previous messages from this user.
			// The current behavior is that only users with clashing usernames and *that have spoken since the bridge last started* will get their mxids shown, and I don't know if that's the expected behavior.
			v.displayName = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", displayName, mxid)
			b.NicknameMap[mxid] = v

		if now.Sub(v.lastUpdated) > 10*time.Minute {
			toDelete = append(toDelete, mxid)

	if conflict {
		displayName = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", displayName, mxid)

	for _, v := range toDelete {
		delete(b.NicknameMap, v)

	b.NicknameMap[mxid] = NicknameCacheEntry{
		displayName: displayName,
		lastUpdated: now,

	return displayName

// handleError converts errors into httpError.
func handleError(err error) *httpError {
	var mErr matrix.HTTPError
	if !errors.As(err, &mErr) {
		return &httpError{
			Err: "not a HTTPError",

	var httpErr httpError

	if err := json.Unmarshal(mErr.Contents, &httpErr); err != nil {
		return &httpError{
			Err: "unmarshal failed",

	return &httpErr

func (b *Bmatrix) containsAttachment(content map[string]interface{}) bool {
	// Skip empty messages
	if content["msgtype"] == nil {
		return false

	// Only allow image,video or file msgtypes
	if !(content["msgtype"].(string) == "m.image" ||
		content["msgtype"].(string) == "" ||
		content["msgtype"].(string) == "m.file") {
		return false

	return true

// getAvatarURL returns the avatar URL of the specified sender.
func (b *Bmatrix) getAvatarURL(sender string) string {
	urlPath :="profile", sender, "avatar_url")

	s := struct {
		AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"`

	err :="GET", urlPath, nil, &s)
	if err != nil {
		b.Log.Errorf("getAvatarURL failed: %s", err)

		return ""

	url := strings.ReplaceAll(s.AvatarURL, "mxc://", b.GetString("Server")+"/_matrix/media/r0/thumbnail/")
	if url != "" {
		url += "?width=37&height=37&method=crop"

	return url

// handleRatelimit handles the ratelimit errors and return if we're ratelimited and the amount of time to sleep
func (b *Bmatrix) handleRatelimit(err error) (time.Duration, bool) {
	httpErr := handleError(err)
	if httpErr.Errcode != "M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" {
		return 0, false

	b.Log.Debugf("ratelimited: %s", httpErr.Err)
	b.Log.Infof("getting ratelimited by matrix, sleeping approx %d seconds before retrying", httpErr.RetryAfterMs/1000)

	return time.Duration(httpErr.RetryAfterMs) * time.Millisecond, true

// retry function will check if we're ratelimited and retries again when backoff time expired
// returns original error if not 429 ratelimit
func (b *Bmatrix) retry(f func() error) error {
	defer b.rateMutex.Unlock()

	for {
		if err := f(); err != nil {
			if backoff, ok := b.handleRatelimit(err); ok {
			} else {
				return err
		} else {
			return nil