package object // import ""

import (


// GroupsAddress WorkInfoStatus of information about timetable.
const (
	WorkStatusNoInformation     = "no_information"
	WorkStatusTemporarilyClosed = "temporarily_closed"
	WorkStatusAlwaysOpened      = "always_opened"
	WorkStatusTimetable         = "timetable"
	WorkStatusForeverClosed     = "forever_closed"

// GroupsAddress struct.
type GroupsAddress struct {
	// Additional address to the place (6 floor, left door).
	AdditionalAddress string                 `json:"additional_address"`
	Address           string                 `json:"address"`          // String address to the place (Nevsky, 28)
	CityID            int                    `json:"city_id"`          // City id of address
	CountryID         int                    `json:"country_id"`       // Country id of address
	Distance          int                    `json:"distance"`         // Distance from the point
	ID                int                    `json:"id"`               // Address id
	Latitude          float64                `json:"latitude"`         // Address latitude
	Longitude         float64                `json:"longitude"`        // Address longitude
	MetroStationID    int                    `json:"metro_station_id"` // Metro id of address
	Phone             string                 `json:"phone"`            // Address phone
	TimeOffset        int                    `json:"time_offset"`      // Time offset int minutes from utc time
	Timetable         GroupsAddressTimetable `json:"timetable"`        // Week timetable for the address
	Title             string                 `json:"title"`            // Title of the place (Zinger, etc)
	WorkInfoStatus    string                 `json:"work_info_status"` // Status of information about timetable
	PlaceID           int                    `json:"place_id"`

// GroupsAddressTimetable Timetable for a week.
type GroupsAddressTimetable struct {
	Fri GroupsAddressTimetableDay `json:"fri"` // Timetable for friday
	Mon GroupsAddressTimetableDay `json:"mon"` // Timetable for monday
	Sat GroupsAddressTimetableDay `json:"sat"` // Timetable for saturday
	Sun GroupsAddressTimetableDay `json:"sun"` // Timetable for sunday
	Thu GroupsAddressTimetableDay `json:"thu"` // Timetable for thursday
	Tue GroupsAddressTimetableDay `json:"tue"` // Timetable for tuesday
	Wed GroupsAddressTimetableDay `json:"wed"` // Timetable for wednesday

// GroupsAddressTimetableDay Timetable for one day.
type GroupsAddressTimetableDay struct {
	BreakCloseTime int `json:"break_close_time"` // Close time of the break in minutes
	BreakOpenTime  int `json:"break_open_time"`  // Start time of the break in minutes
	CloseTime      int `json:"close_time"`       // Close time in minutes
	OpenTime       int `json:"open_time"`        // Open time in minutes

// GroupsAddressesInfo struct.
type GroupsAddressesInfo struct {
	IsEnabled     BaseBoolInt `json:"is_enabled"`      // Information whether addresses is enabled
	MainAddressID int         `json:"main_address_id"` // Main address id for group

// GroupsGroup AdminLevel type.
const (
	GroupsAdminLevelModerator = iota

// GroupsGroup MainSection type.
const (
	GroupsMainSectionAbsent = iota

// GroupsGroup MemberStatus(events_event_attach, newsfeed_event_activity).
const (
	GroupsMemberStatusNotMember = iota

// GroupsGroup Access or IsClosed type.
const (
	GroupsGroupOpen = iota

// GroupsGroup AgeLimits.
const (
	GroupsAgeLimitsNo = iota

// GroupsGroup type.
const (
	GroupsTypeGroup = "group"
	GroupsTypePage  = "page"
	GroupsTypeEvent = "event"

// GroupsGroup struct.
type GroupsGroup struct {
	ID           int              `json:"id"`          // Community ID
	Name         string           `json:"name"`        // Community name
	ScreenName   string           `json:"screen_name"` // Domain of the community page
	Type         string           `json:"type"`
	IsClosed     int              `json:"is_closed"`
	AdminLevel   int              `json:"admin_level,omitempty"`
	Deactivated  string           `json:"deactivated,omitempty"` // Information whether community is banned
	FinishDate   int              `json:"finish_date,omitempty"` // Finish date in Unixtime format
	Photo100     string           `json:"photo_100,omitempty"`   // URL of square photo of the community with 100 pixels in width
	Photo200     string           `json:"photo_200,omitempty"`   // URL of square photo of the community with 200 pixels in width
	Photo50      string           `json:"photo_50,omitempty"`    // URL of square photo of the community with 50 pixels in width
	StartDate    int              `json:"start_date,omitempty"`  // Start date in Unixtime format
	Market       GroupsMarketInfo `json:"market,omitempty"`
	MemberStatus int              `json:"member_status,omitempty"` // Current user's member status
	City         BaseObject       `json:"city,omitempty"`
	Country      BaseCountry      `json:"country,omitempty"`

	// Information whether current user is administrator.
	IsAdmin BaseBoolInt `json:"is_admin"`

	// Information whether current user is advertiser.
	IsAdvertiser BaseBoolInt `json:"is_advertiser,omitempty"`

	// Information whether current user is member.
	IsMember BaseBoolInt `json:"is_member,omitempty"`

	// Information whether community is in faves.
	IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite,omitempty"`

	// Information whether community is adult.
	IsAdult BaseBoolInt `json:"is_adult,omitempty"`

	// Information whether current user is subscribed.
	IsSubscribed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_subscribed,omitempty"`

	// Information whether current user can post on community's wall.
	CanPost BaseBoolInt `json:"can_post,omitempty"`

	// Information whether current user can see all posts on community's wall.
	CanSeeAllPosts BaseBoolInt `json:"can_see_all_posts,omitempty"`

	// Information whether current user can create topic.
	CanCreateTopic BaseBoolInt `json:"can_create_topic,omitempty"`

	// Information whether current user can upload video.
	CanUploadVideo BaseBoolInt `json:"can_upload_video,omitempty"`

	// Information whether current user can upload doc.
	CanUploadDoc BaseBoolInt `json:"can_upload_doc,omitempty"`

	// Information whether community has photo.
	HasPhoto BaseBoolInt `json:"has_photo,omitempty"`

	// Information whether current user can send a message to community.
	CanMessage BaseBoolInt `json:"can_message,omitempty"`

	// Information whether community can send a message to current user.
	IsMessagesBlocked BaseBoolInt `json:"is_messages_blocked,omitempty"`

	// Information whether community can send notifications by phone number to current user.
	CanSendNotify BaseBoolInt `json:"can_send_notify,omitempty"`

	// Information whether current user is subscribed to podcasts.
	IsSubscribedPodcasts BaseBoolInt `json:"is_subscribed_podcasts,omitempty"`

	// Owner in whitelist or not.
	CanSubscribePodcasts BaseBoolInt `json:"can_subscribe_podcasts,omitempty"`

	// Can subscribe to wall.
	CanSubscribePosts BaseBoolInt `json:"can_subscribe_posts,omitempty"`

	// Information whether community has market app.
	HasMarketApp        BaseBoolInt `json:"has_market_app,omitempty"`
	IsHiddenFromFeed    BaseBoolInt `json:"is_hidden_from_feed,omitempty"`
	IsMarketCartEnabled BaseBoolInt `json:"is_market_cart_enabled,omitempty"`
	Verified            BaseBoolInt `json:"verified,omitempty"` // Information whether community is verified

	// Information whether the community has a fire pictogram.
	Trending     BaseBoolInt         `json:"trending,omitempty"`
	Description  string              `json:"description,omitempty"`   // Community description
	WikiPage     string              `json:"wiki_page,omitempty"`     // Community's main wiki page title
	MembersCount int                 `json:"members_count,omitempty"` // Community members number
	Counters     GroupsCountersGroup `json:"counters,omitempty"`
	Cover        GroupsCover         `json:"cover,omitempty"`

	// Type of group, start date of event or category of public page.
	Activity        string               `json:"activity,omitempty"`
	FixedPost       int                  `json:"fixed_post,omitempty"`    // Fixed post ID
	Status          string               `json:"status,omitempty"`        // Community status
	MainAlbumID     int                  `json:"main_album_id,omitempty"` // Community's main photo album ID
	Links           []GroupsLinksItem    `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Contacts        []GroupsContactsItem `json:"contacts,omitempty"`
	Site            string               `json:"site,omitempty"` // Community's website
	MainSection     int                  `json:"main_section,omitempty"`
	OnlineStatus    GroupsOnlineStatus   `json:"online_status,omitempty"` // Status of replies in community messages
	AgeLimits       int                  `json:"age_limits,omitempty"`    // Information whether age limit
	BanInfo         GroupsGroupBanInfo   `json:"ban_info,omitempty"`      // User ban info
	Addresses       GroupsAddressesInfo  `json:"addresses,omitempty"`     // Info about addresses in Groups
	LiveCovers      GroupsLiveCovers     `json:"live_covers,omitempty"`
	CropPhoto       UsersCropPhoto       `json:"crop_photo,omitempty"`
	Wall            int                  `json:"wall,omitempty"`
	ActionButton    GroupsActionButton   `json:"action_button,omitempty"`
	TrackCode       string               `json:"track_code,omitempty"`
	PublicDateLabel string               `json:"public_date_label,omitempty"`
	AuthorID        int                  `json:"author_id,omitempty"`
	Phone           string               `json:"phone,omitempty"`
	Like            GroupsGroupLike      `json:"like"`

// ToMention return mention.
func (group GroupsGroup) ToMention() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("[club%d|%s]", group.ID, group.Name)

// GroupsGroupLike struct.
type GroupsGroupLike struct {
	IsLiked BaseBoolInt            `json:"is_liked"`
	Friends GroupsGroupLikeFriends `json:"friends"`

// GroupsGroupLikeFriends struct.
type GroupsGroupLikeFriends struct {
	Count   int   `json:"count"`
	Preview []int `json:"preview"`

// GroupsLiveCovers struct.
type GroupsLiveCovers struct {
	IsEnabled  BaseBoolInt `json:"is_enabled"`
	IsScalable BaseBoolInt `json:"is_scalable"`
	StoryIds   []string    `json:"story_ids"`

// GroupsBanInfo reason type.
const (
	GroupsBanReasonOther = iota

// GroupsBanInfo struct.
type GroupsBanInfo struct {
	AdminID        int         `json:"admin_id"` // Administrator ID
	Comment        string      `json:"comment"`  // Comment for a ban
	Date           int         `json:"date"`     // Date when user has been added to blacklist in Unixtime
	EndDate        int         `json:"end_date"` // Date when user will be removed from blacklist in Unixtime
	Reason         int         `json:"reason"`
	CommentVisible BaseBoolInt `json:"comment_visible"`

// GroupsCallbackServer struct.
type GroupsCallbackServer struct {
	CreatorID int    `json:"creator_id"`
	ID        int    `json:"id"`
	SecretKey string `json:"secret_key"`
	Status    string `json:"status"`
	Title     string `json:"title"`
	URL       string `json:"url"`

// GroupsCallbackSettings struct.
type GroupsCallbackSettings struct {
	APIVersion string               `json:"api_version"` // API version used for the events
	Events     GroupsLongPollEvents `json:"events"`

// GroupsContactsItem struct.
type GroupsContactsItem struct {
	Desc   string `json:"desc"`    // Contact description
	Email  string `json:"email"`   // Contact email
	Phone  string `json:"phone"`   // Contact phone
	UserID int    `json:"user_id"` // User ID

// GroupsCountersGroup struct.
type GroupsCountersGroup struct {
	Addresses      int `json:"addresses"`       // Addresses number
	Albums         int `json:"albums"`          // Photo albums number
	Articles       int `json:"articles"`        // Articles number
	Audios         int `json:"audios"`          // Audios number
	Docs           int `json:"docs"`            // Docs number
	Market         int `json:"market"`          // Market items number
	Photos         int `json:"photos"`          // Photos number
	Topics         int `json:"topics"`          // Topics number
	Videos         int `json:"videos"`          // Videos number
	Narratives     int `json:"narratives"`      // Narratives number
	Clips          int `json:"clips"`           // Clips number
	ClipsFollowers int `json:"clips_followers"` // Clips followers number

// UnmarshalJSON GroupsCountersGroup.
// BUG(VK): GroupsCountersGroup return [].
func (personal *GroupsCountersGroup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	if bytes.Equal(data, []byte("[]")) {
		return nil

	type renamedGroupsCountersGroup GroupsCountersGroup

	var r renamedGroupsCountersGroup

	err := json.Unmarshal(data, &r)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	*personal = GroupsCountersGroup(r)

	return nil

// DecodeMsgpack GroupsCountersGroup.
// BUG(VK): GroupsCountersGroup return [].
func (personal *GroupsCountersGroup) DecodeMsgpack(dec *msgpack.Decoder) error {
	data, err := dec.DecodeRaw()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if bytes.Equal(data, []byte{msgpcode.FixedArrayLow}) {
		return nil

	type renamedGroupsCountersGroup GroupsCountersGroup

	var r renamedGroupsCountersGroup

	d := msgpack.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data))

	err = d.Decode(&r)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	*personal = GroupsCountersGroup(r)

	return nil

// GroupsCover struct.
type GroupsCover struct {
	Enabled BaseBoolInt `json:"enabled"` // Information whether cover is enabled
	Images  []BaseImage `json:"images"`

// GroupsGroupBanInfo struct.
type GroupsGroupBanInfo struct {
	Comment string `json:"comment"`  // Ban comment
	EndDate int    `json:"end_date"` // End date of ban in Unixtime

// GroupsGroupCategory struct.
type GroupsGroupCategory struct {
	ID            int                  `json:"id"`   // Category ID
	Name          string               `json:"name"` // Category name
	Subcategories []BaseObjectWithName `json:"subcategories"`

// GroupsGroupCategoryFull struct.
type GroupsGroupCategoryFull struct {
	ID            int                       `json:"id"`         // Category ID
	Name          string                    `json:"name"`       // Category name
	PageCount     int                       `json:"page_count"` // Pages number
	PagePreviews  []GroupsGroup             `json:"page_previews"`
	Subcategories []GroupsGroupCategoryFull `json:"subcategories"`

// GroupsGroupCategoryType struct.
type GroupsGroupCategoryType struct {
	ID   int    `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

// GroupsGroupLink struct.
type GroupsGroupLink struct {
	Desc            string      `json:"desc"`             // Link description
	EditTitle       BaseBoolInt `json:"edit_title"`       // Information whether the title can be edited
	ImageProcessing BaseBoolInt `json:"image_processing"` // Information whether the image on processing
	Name            string      `json:"name"`
	ID              int         `json:"id"`  // Link ID
	URL             string      `json:"url"` // Link URL

// GroupsGroupPublicCategoryList struct.
type GroupsGroupPublicCategoryList struct {
	ID            int                       `json:"id"`
	Name          string                    `json:"name"`
	Subcategories []GroupsGroupCategoryType `json:"subcategories"`

// GroupsGroupSettings Photos type.
const (
	GroupsGroupPhotosDisabled = iota

// GroupsGroupSettings Subject type.
const (
	_ = iota

// GroupsGroupSettings Topics type.
const (
	GroupsGroupTopicsDisabled = iota

// GroupsGroupSettings Docs type.
const (
	GroupsGroupDocsDisabled = iota

// GroupsGroupSettings Audio type.
const (
	GroupsGroupAudioDisabled = iota

// GroupsGroupSettings Video type.
const (
	GroupsGroupVideoDisabled = iota

// GroupsGroupSettings Wall type.
const (
	GroupsGroupWallDisabled = iota

// GroupsGroupSettings Wiki type.
const (
	GroupsGroupWikiDisabled = iota

// GroupsGroupSettings struct.
type GroupsGroupSettings struct {
	Access             int                             `json:"access"`          // Community access settings
	Address            string                          `json:"address"`         // Community's page domain
	Audio              int                             `json:"audio"`           // Audio settings
	Description        string                          `json:"description"`     // Community description
	Docs               int                             `json:"docs"`            // Docs settings
	ObsceneWords       []string                        `json:"obscene_words"`   // The list of stop words
	Photos             int                             `json:"photos"`          // Photos settings
	PublicCategory     int                             `json:"public_category"` // Information about the group category
	PublicCategoryList []GroupsGroupPublicCategoryList `json:"public_category_list"`

	// Information about the group subcategory.
	PublicSubcategory int                 `json:"public_subcategory"`
	Rss               string              `json:"rss"`     // URL of the RSS feed
	Subject           int                 `json:"subject"` // Community subject ID
	SubjectList       []GroupsSubjectItem `json:"subject_list"`
	Title             string              `json:"title"`   // Community title
	Topics            int                 `json:"topics"`  // Topics settings
	Video             int                 `json:"video"`   // Video settings
	Wall              int                 `json:"wall"`    // Wall settings
	Website           string              `json:"website"` // Community website
	Wiki              int                 `json:"wiki"`    // Wiki settings
	CountryID         int                 `json:"country_id"`
	CityID            int                 `json:"city_id"`
	Messages          int                 `json:"messages"`
	Articles          int                 `json:"articles"`
	Events            int                 `json:"events"`
	AgeLimits         int                 `json:"age_limits"`

	// Information whether the obscene filter is enabled.
	ObsceneFilter BaseBoolInt `json:"obscene_filter"`

	// Information whether the stopwords filter is enabled.
	ObsceneStopwords BaseBoolInt `json:"obscene_stopwords"`
	LiveCovers       struct {
		IsEnabled BaseBoolInt `json:"is_enabled"`
	} `json:"live_covers"`
	Market           GroupsMarketInfo     `json:"market"`
	SectionsList     []GroupsSectionsList `json:"sections_list"`
	MainSection      int                  `json:"main_section"`
	SecondarySection int                  `json:"secondary_section"`
	ActionButton     GroupsActionButton   `json:"action_button"`
	Phone            string               `json:"phone"`

	RecognizePhoto int `json:"recognize_photo"`

	MarketServices GroupsMarketServices `json:"market_services"`
	Narratives     int                  `json:"narratives"`
	Clips          int                  `json:"clips"`
	Textlives      int                  `json:"textlives"`
	Youla          GroupsYoula          `json:"youla"`

// GroupsMarketServices struct.
type GroupsMarketServices struct {
	Enabled         BaseBoolInt         `json:"enabled"`
	CanMessage      BaseBoolInt         `json:"can_message"`
	CommentsEnabled BaseBoolInt         `json:"comments_enabled"`
	ContactID       int                 `json:"contact_id"`
	Currency        MarketCurrency      `json:"currency"`
	ViewType        GroupsSelectedItems `json:"view_type"`
	BlockName       GroupsSelectedItems `json:"block_name"`
	ButtonLabel     GroupsSelectedItems `json:"button_label"`

// GroupsSelectedItems struct.
type GroupsSelectedItems struct {
	SelectedItemID int64                `json:"selected_item_id"`
	Items          []BaseObjectWithName `json:"items"`

// GroupsYoula struct.
type GroupsYoula struct {
	CategoryTree  GroupsYoulaCategory `json:"category_tree"`
	GroupSettings GroupsYoulaSettings `json:"group_settings"`

// GroupsYoulaCategory struct.
type GroupsYoulaCategory struct {
	ID            int                      `json:"id"`
	Title         string                   `json:"title"`
	Subcategories []GroupsYoulaSubcategory `json:"subcategories"`

// GroupsYoulaSubcategory struct.
type GroupsYoulaSubcategory struct {
	ID            int                      `json:"id"`
	Title         string                   `json:"title"`
	ParentID      int                      `json:"parent_id"`
	Subcategories []GroupsYoulaSubcategory `json:"subcategories"`

// GroupsYoulaSettings struct.
type GroupsYoulaSettings struct {
	IsActive              BaseBoolInt `json:"is_active"`
	IsModerated           BaseBoolInt `json:"is_moderated"`
	ShowModerationSetting BaseBoolInt `json:"show_moderation_setting"`
	ModerationStatus      int         `json:"moderation_status"`
	DeclineReason         string      `json:"decline_reason"`
	GroupMode             int         `json:"group_mode"`
	SelectedCategoryIDS   []int       `json:"selected_category_ids"`
	Lat                   float64     `json:"lat"`
	Long                  float64     `json:"long"`
	Radius                float64     `json:"radius"`
	RadiusArea            string      `json:"radius_area"`
	Address               string      `json:"address"`
	Radiuses              []float64   `json:"radiuses"`

// GroupsSectionsList struct.
type GroupsSectionsList struct {
	ID   int    `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

// UnmarshalJSON need for unmarshal dynamic array (Example: [1, "Фотографии"]) to struct.
// To unmarshal JSON into a value implementing the Unmarshaler interface,
// Unmarshal calls that value's UnmarshalJSON method.
// See more
func (g *GroupsSectionsList) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	var alias []interface{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &alias); err != nil {
		return err

	if len(alias) != 2 {
		return &json.UnmarshalTypeError{
			Value: string(data),
			Type:  reflect.TypeOf((*GroupsSectionsList)(nil)),

	// default concrete Go type float64 for JSON numbers
	id, ok := alias[0].(float64)
	if !ok {
		return &json.UnmarshalTypeError{
			Value:  string(data),
			Type:   reflect.TypeOf((*GroupsSectionsList)(nil)),
			Struct: "GroupsSectionsList",
			Field:  "ID",

	name, ok := alias[1].(string)
	if !ok {
		return &json.UnmarshalTypeError{
			Value:  string(data),
			Type:   reflect.TypeOf((*GroupsSectionsList)(nil)),
			Struct: "GroupsSectionsList",
			Field:  "Name",

	g.ID = int(id)
	g.Name = name

	return nil

// DecodeMsgpack need for decode dynamic array (Example: [1, "Фотографии"]) to struct.
func (g *GroupsSectionsList) DecodeMsgpack(dec *msgpack.Decoder) error {
	data, err := dec.DecodeRaw()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var alias []interface{}

	err = msgpack.Unmarshal(data, &alias)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if len(alias) != 2 {
		return &json.UnmarshalTypeError{
			Value: string(data),
			Type:  reflect.TypeOf((*GroupsSectionsList)(nil)),

	id, ok := alias[0].(int8)
	if !ok {
		return &json.UnmarshalTypeError{
			Value:  string(data),
			Type:   reflect.TypeOf((*GroupsSectionsList)(nil)),
			Struct: "GroupsSectionsList",
			Field:  "ID",

	name, ok := alias[1].(string)
	if !ok {
		return &json.UnmarshalTypeError{
			Value:  string(data),
			Type:   reflect.TypeOf((*GroupsSectionsList)(nil)),
			Struct: "GroupsSectionsList",
			Field:  "Name",

	g.ID = int(id)
	g.Name = name

	return nil

// GroupsActionType for action_button in groups.
type GroupsActionType string

// GroupsActionType enums.
const (
	GroupsActionTypeOpenURL      GroupsActionType = "open_url"
	GroupsActionTypeSendEmail    GroupsActionType = "send_email"
	GroupsActionTypeCallPhone    GroupsActionType = "call_phone"
	GroupsActionTypeCallVK       GroupsActionType = "call_vk"
	GroupsActionTypeOpenGroupApp GroupsActionType = "open_group_app"
	GroupsActionTypeOpenApp      GroupsActionType = "open_app"

// GroupsActionButton struct.
type GroupsActionButton struct {
	ActionType GroupsActionType         `json:"action_type"`
	Target     GroupsActionButtonTarget `json:"target"`
	Title      string                   `json:"title"`

	// IsEnabled for GroupsGroupSettings
	IsEnabled BaseBoolInt `json:"is_enabled,omitempty"`

// GroupsActionButtonTarget struct.
type GroupsActionButtonTarget struct {
	// ActionType == ActionTypeSendEmail
	Email string `json:"email"`

	// ActionType == ActionTypeCallPhone
	Phone string `json:"phone"`

	// ActionType == ActionTypeCallVK
	UserID int `json:"user_id"`

	// ActionType == ActionTypeOpenURL
	URL string `json:"url"`

	// ActionType == ActionTypeOpenApp
	GoogleStoreURL string `json:"google_store_url"`
	ItunesURL      string `json:"itunes_url"`
	// URL string `json:"url"`

	// ActionType == ActionTypeOpenGroupApp
	AppID int `json:"app_id"`

	IsInternal BaseBoolInt `json:"is_internal"`

// GroupsGroupXtrInvitedBy struct.
type GroupsGroupXtrInvitedBy struct {
	AdminLevel   int         `json:"admin_level"`
	ID           int         `json:"id"`          // Community ID
	InvitedBy    int         `json:"invited_by"`  // Inviter ID
	Name         string      `json:"name"`        // Community name
	Photo100     string      `json:"photo_100"`   // URL of square photo of the community with 100 pixels in width
	Photo200     string      `json:"photo_200"`   // URL of square photo of the community with 200 pixels in width
	Photo50      string      `json:"photo_50"`    // URL of square photo of the community with 50 pixels in width
	ScreenName   string      `json:"screen_name"` // Domain of the community page
	Type         string      `json:"type"`
	IsClosed     int         `json:"is_closed"`     // Information whether community is closed
	IsAdmin      BaseBoolInt `json:"is_admin"`      // Information whether current user is manager
	IsMember     BaseBoolInt `json:"is_member"`     // Information whether current user is member
	IsAdvertiser BaseBoolInt `json:"is_advertiser"` // Information whether current user is advertiser

// ToMention return mention.
func (group GroupsGroupXtrInvitedBy) ToMention() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("[club%d|%s]", group.ID, group.Name)

// GroupsLinksItem struct.
type GroupsLinksItem struct {
	Desc      string      `json:"desc"`       // Link description
	EditTitle BaseBoolInt `json:"edit_title"` // Information whether the link title can be edited
	ID        int         `json:"id"`         // Link ID
	Name      string      `json:"name"`       // Link title
	Photo100  string      `json:"photo_100"`  // URL of square image of the link with 100 pixels in width
	Photo50   string      `json:"photo_50"`   // URL of square image of the link with 50 pixels in width
	URL       string      `json:"url"`        // Link URL

// GroupsLongPollEvents struct.
type GroupsLongPollEvents struct {
	MessageNew                    BaseBoolInt `json:"message_new"`
	MessageReply                  BaseBoolInt `json:"message_reply"`
	PhotoNew                      BaseBoolInt `json:"photo_new"`
	AudioNew                      BaseBoolInt `json:"audio_new"`
	VideoNew                      BaseBoolInt `json:"video_new"`
	WallReplyNew                  BaseBoolInt `json:"wall_reply_new"`
	WallReplyEdit                 BaseBoolInt `json:"wall_reply_edit"`
	WallReplyDelete               BaseBoolInt `json:"wall_reply_delete"`
	WallReplyRestore              BaseBoolInt `json:"wall_reply_restore"`
	WallPostNew                   BaseBoolInt `json:"wall_post_new"`
	BoardPostNew                  BaseBoolInt `json:"board_post_new"`
	BoardPostEdit                 BaseBoolInt `json:"board_post_edit"`
	BoardPostRestore              BaseBoolInt `json:"board_post_restore"`
	BoardPostDelete               BaseBoolInt `json:"board_post_delete"`
	PhotoCommentNew               BaseBoolInt `json:"photo_comment_new"`
	PhotoCommentEdit              BaseBoolInt `json:"photo_comment_edit"`
	PhotoCommentDelete            BaseBoolInt `json:"photo_comment_delete"`
	PhotoCommentRestore           BaseBoolInt `json:"photo_comment_restore"`
	VideoCommentNew               BaseBoolInt `json:"video_comment_new"`
	VideoCommentEdit              BaseBoolInt `json:"video_comment_edit"`
	VideoCommentDelete            BaseBoolInt `json:"video_comment_delete"`
	VideoCommentRestore           BaseBoolInt `json:"video_comment_restore"`
	MarketCommentNew              BaseBoolInt `json:"market_comment_new"`
	MarketCommentEdit             BaseBoolInt `json:"market_comment_edit"`
	MarketCommentDelete           BaseBoolInt `json:"market_comment_delete"`
	MarketCommentRestore          BaseBoolInt `json:"market_comment_restore"`
	MarketOrderNew                BaseBoolInt `json:"market_order_new"`
	MarketOrderEdit               BaseBoolInt `json:"market_order_edit"`
	PollVoteNew                   BaseBoolInt `json:"poll_vote_new"`
	GroupJoin                     BaseBoolInt `json:"group_join"`
	GroupLeave                    BaseBoolInt `json:"group_leave"`
	GroupChangeSettings           BaseBoolInt `json:"group_change_settings"`
	GroupChangePhoto              BaseBoolInt `json:"group_change_photo"`
	GroupOfficersEdit             BaseBoolInt `json:"group_officers_edit"`
	MessageAllow                  BaseBoolInt `json:"message_allow"`
	MessageDeny                   BaseBoolInt `json:"message_deny"`
	WallRepost                    BaseBoolInt `json:"wall_repost"`
	UserBlock                     BaseBoolInt `json:"user_block"`
	UserUnblock                   BaseBoolInt `json:"user_unblock"`
	MessageEdit                   BaseBoolInt `json:"message_edit"`
	MessageTypingState            BaseBoolInt `json:"message_typing_state"`
	LeadFormsNew                  BaseBoolInt `json:"lead_forms_new"`
	LikeAdd                       BaseBoolInt `json:"like_add"`
	LikeRemove                    BaseBoolInt `json:"like_remove"`
	VkpayTransaction              BaseBoolInt `json:"vkpay_transaction"`
	AppPayload                    BaseBoolInt `json:"app_payload"`
	MessageRead                   BaseBoolInt `json:"message_read"`
	MessageEvent                  BaseBoolInt `json:"message_event"`
	DonutSubscriptionCreate       BaseBoolInt `json:"donut_subscription_create"`
	DonutSubscriptionProlonged    BaseBoolInt `json:"donut_subscription_prolonged"`
	DonutSubscriptionExpired      BaseBoolInt `json:"donut_subscription_expired"`
	DonutSubscriptionCancelled    BaseBoolInt `json:"donut_subscription_cancelled"`
	DonutSubscriptionPriceChanged BaseBoolInt `json:"donut_subscription_price_changed"`
	DonutMoneyWithdraw            BaseBoolInt `json:"donut_money_withdraw"`
	DonutMoneyWithdrawError       BaseBoolInt `json:"donut_money_withdraw_error"`

	// Bugs
	// MessagesEdit  BaseBoolInt `json:"messages_edit"`
	// WallNew       BaseBoolInt `json:"wall_new"`
	// WallNewReply  BaseBoolInt `json:"wall_new_reply"`
	// WallEditReply BaseBoolInt `json:"wall_edit_reply"`

// GroupsLongPollServer struct.
type GroupsLongPollServer struct {
	Key    string `json:"key"`    // Long Poll key
	Server string `json:"server"` // Long Poll server address
	Ts     string `json:"ts"`     // Number of the last event

// GetURL return link.
func (lp GroupsLongPollServer) GetURL(wait int) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s?act=a_check&key=%s&ts=%s&wait=%d", lp.Server, lp.Key, lp.Ts, wait)

// GroupsLongPollSettings struct.
type GroupsLongPollSettings struct {
	APIVersion string               `json:"api_version"` // API version used for the events
	Events     GroupsLongPollEvents `json:"events"`
	IsEnabled  BaseBoolInt          `json:"is_enabled"` // Shows whether Long Poll is enabled

// GroupsMarketType ...
type GroupsMarketType string

// Possible values.
const (
	GroupsMarketBasic    GroupsMarketType = "basic"
	GroupsMarketAdvanced GroupsMarketType = "advanced"

// GroupsMarketInfo struct.
type GroupsMarketInfo struct {
	// information about the type of store. Returned if the group includes
	// the "Products" section.
	Type            GroupsMarketType  `json:"type,omitempty"`
	ContactID       int               `json:"contact_id,omitempty"` // Contact person ID
	Currency        MarketCurrency    `json:"currency,omitempty"`
	CurrencyText    string            `json:"currency_text,omitempty"` // Currency name
	Enabled         BaseBoolInt       `json:"enabled"`                 // Information whether the market is enabled
	CommentsEnabled BaseBoolInt       `json:"comments_enabled,omitempty"`
	CanMessage      BaseBoolInt       `json:"can_message,omitempty"`
	IsHsEnabled     BaseBoolInt       `json:"is_hs_enabled,omitempty"`
	MainAlbumID     int               `json:"main_album_id,omitempty"` // Main market album ID
	PriceMax        string            `json:"price_max,omitempty"`     // Maximum price
	PriceMin        string            `json:"price_min,omitempty"`     // Minimum price
	Wiki            PagesWikipageFull `json:"wiki,omitempty"`
	CityIDs         []int             `json:"city_ids"`
	CountryIDs      []int             `json:"country_ids,omitempty"`
	MinOrderPrice   MarketPrice       `json:"min_order_price,omitempty"`

// GroupsGroupRole Role type.
const (
	GroupsGroupRoleModerator     = "moderator"
	GroupsGroupRoleEditor        = "editor"
	GroupsGroupRoleAdministrator = "administrator"
	GroupsGroupRoleCreator       = "creator"

// GroupsMemberRole struct.
type GroupsMemberRole struct {
	ID          int      `json:"id"` // User ID
	Role        string   `json:"role"`
	Permissions []string `json:"permissions"`

// GroupsMemberRoleXtrUsersUser struct.
type GroupsMemberRoleXtrUsersUser struct {
	Role        string   `json:"role"`
	Permissions []string `json:"permissions"`

// GroupsMemberStatus struct.
type GroupsMemberStatus struct {
	Member      BaseBoolInt `json:"member"`  // Information whether user is a member of the group
	UserID      int         `json:"user_id"` // User ID
	Permissions []string    `json:"permissions"`

// GroupsMemberStatusFull struct.
type GroupsMemberStatusFull struct {
	Invitation BaseBoolInt `json:"invitation"` // Information whether user has been invited to the group
	Member     BaseBoolInt `json:"member"`     // Information whether user is a member of the group
	Request    BaseBoolInt `json:"request"`    // Information whether user has send request to the group
	CanInvite  BaseBoolInt `json:"can_invite"` // Information whether user can be invite
	CanRecall  BaseBoolInt `json:"can_recall"` // Information whether user's invite to the group can be recalled
	UserID     int         `json:"user_id"`    // User ID

// GroupsOnlineStatus Status type.
const (
	GroupsOnlineStatusTypeNone       = "none"
	GroupsOnlineStatusTypeOnline     = "online"
	GroupsOnlineStatusTypeAnswerMark = "answer_mark"

// GroupsOnlineStatus struct.
type GroupsOnlineStatus struct {
	Minutes int    `json:"minutes"` // Estimated time of answer (for status = answer_mark)
	Status  string `json:"status"`

// GroupsOwnerXtrBanInfo struct.
type GroupsOwnerXtrBanInfo struct {
	BanInfo GroupsBanInfo `json:"ban_info"`
	Group   GroupsGroup   `json:"group"`
	Profile UsersUser     `json:"profile"`
	Type    string        `json:"type"`

// GroupsSubjectItem struct.
type GroupsSubjectItem struct {
	ID   int    `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

// GroupsTokenPermissionSetting struct.
type GroupsTokenPermissionSetting struct {
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	Setting int    `json:"setting"`

// GroupsTokenPermissions struct.
type GroupsTokenPermissions struct {
	Mask        int                            `json:"mask"`
	Permissions []GroupsTokenPermissionSetting `json:"permissions"`

// GroupsTag struct.
type GroupsTag struct {
	ID    int    `json:"id"`
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Color string `json:"color"`