title: News

- 2023-12-20: Wow I have not written anything in a while. The booru site has been moved to a seperate subdomain and we have a Gitea with the website source code. If you want to suggest any changes please submit a pull request!
- 2022-10-03: Github account for LUG has been created. Website is moved to Hugo.
- 2021-12-11: Come play [SuperTuxKart](https://supertuxkart.net) on our new server (it's literally called "LUG Server")!
- 2021-12-03: Some members now have their own  personal websites and emails. If you want your own website and email,  please fill out the application form and email it to  board@linux.ucla.edu
- 2021-12-01: In order to support free software, we have set up an IRC to Discord bridge. You can now chat on IRC and  messages will be relayed to Discord.