* Update dependencies and build to go1.22 * Fix api changes wrt to dependencies * Update golangci config
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// Copyright (c) 2021 Tulir Asokan
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package whatsmeow
import (
waBinary "go.mau.fi/whatsmeow/binary"
waProto "go.mau.fi/whatsmeow/binary/proto"
const BusinessMessageLinkPrefix = "https://wa.me/message/"
const ContactQRLinkPrefix = "https://wa.me/qr/"
const BusinessMessageLinkDirectPrefix = "https://api.whatsapp.com/message/"
const ContactQRLinkDirectPrefix = "https://api.whatsapp.com/qr/"
const NewsletterLinkPrefix = "https://whatsapp.com/channel/"
// ResolveBusinessMessageLink resolves a business message short link and returns the target JID, business name and
// text to prefill in the input field (if any).
// The links look like https://wa.me/message/<code> or https://api.whatsapp.com/message/<code>. You can either provide
// the full link, or just the <code> part.
func (cli *Client) ResolveBusinessMessageLink(code string) (*types.BusinessMessageLinkTarget, error) {
code = strings.TrimPrefix(code, BusinessMessageLinkPrefix)
code = strings.TrimPrefix(code, BusinessMessageLinkDirectPrefix)
resp, err := cli.sendIQ(infoQuery{
Namespace: "w:qr",
Type: iqGet,
// WhatsApp android doesn't seem to have a "to" field for this one at all, not sure why but it works
Content: []waBinary.Node{{
Tag: "qr",
Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{
"code": code,
if errors.Is(err, ErrIQNotFound) {
return nil, wrapIQError(ErrBusinessMessageLinkNotFound, err)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
qrChild, ok := resp.GetOptionalChildByTag("qr")
if !ok {
return nil, &ElementMissingError{Tag: "qr", In: "response to business message link query"}
var target types.BusinessMessageLinkTarget
ag := qrChild.AttrGetter()
target.JID = ag.JID("jid")
target.PushName = ag.String("notify")
messageChild, ok := qrChild.GetOptionalChildByTag("message")
if ok {
messageBytes, _ := messageChild.Content.([]byte)
target.Message = string(messageBytes)
businessChild, ok := qrChild.GetOptionalChildByTag("business")
if ok {
bag := businessChild.AttrGetter()
target.IsSigned = bag.OptionalBool("is_signed")
target.VerifiedName = bag.OptionalString("verified_name")
target.VerifiedLevel = bag.OptionalString("verified_level")
return &target, ag.Error()
// ResolveContactQRLink resolves a link from a contact share QR code and returns the target JID and push name.
// The links look like https://wa.me/qr/<code> or https://api.whatsapp.com/qr/<code>. You can either provide
// the full link, or just the <code> part.
func (cli *Client) ResolveContactQRLink(code string) (*types.ContactQRLinkTarget, error) {
code = strings.TrimPrefix(code, ContactQRLinkPrefix)
code = strings.TrimPrefix(code, ContactQRLinkDirectPrefix)
resp, err := cli.sendIQ(infoQuery{
Namespace: "w:qr",
Type: iqGet,
Content: []waBinary.Node{{
Tag: "qr",
Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{
"code": code,
if errors.Is(err, ErrIQNotFound) {
return nil, wrapIQError(ErrContactQRLinkNotFound, err)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
qrChild, ok := resp.GetOptionalChildByTag("qr")
if !ok {
return nil, &ElementMissingError{Tag: "qr", In: "response to contact link query"}
var target types.ContactQRLinkTarget
ag := qrChild.AttrGetter()
target.JID = ag.JID("jid")
target.PushName = ag.OptionalString("notify")
target.Type = ag.String("type")
return &target, ag.Error()
// GetContactQRLink gets your own contact share QR link that can be resolved using ResolveContactQRLink
// (or scanned with the official apps when encoded as a QR code).
// If the revoke parameter is set to true, it will ask the server to revoke the previous link and generate a new one.
func (cli *Client) GetContactQRLink(revoke bool) (string, error) {
action := "get"
if revoke {
action = "revoke"
resp, err := cli.sendIQ(infoQuery{
Namespace: "w:qr",
Type: iqSet,
Content: []waBinary.Node{{
Tag: "qr",
Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{
"type": "contact",
"action": action,
if err != nil {
return "", err
qrChild, ok := resp.GetOptionalChildByTag("qr")
if !ok {
return "", &ElementMissingError{Tag: "qr", In: "response to own contact link fetch"}
ag := qrChild.AttrGetter()
return ag.String("code"), ag.Error()
// SetStatusMessage updates the current user's status text, which is shown in the "About" section in the user profile.
// This is different from the ephemeral status broadcast messages. Use SendMessage to types.StatusBroadcastJID to send
// such messages.
func (cli *Client) SetStatusMessage(msg string) error {
_, err := cli.sendIQ(infoQuery{
Namespace: "status",
Type: iqSet,
To: types.ServerJID,
Content: []waBinary.Node{{
Tag: "status",
Content: msg,
return err
// IsOnWhatsApp checks if the given phone numbers are registered on WhatsApp.
// The phone numbers should be in international format, including the `+` prefix.
func (cli *Client) IsOnWhatsApp(phones []string) ([]types.IsOnWhatsAppResponse, error) {
jids := make([]types.JID, len(phones))
for i := range jids {
jids[i] = types.NewJID(phones[i], types.LegacyUserServer)
list, err := cli.usync(context.TODO(), jids, "query", "interactive", []waBinary.Node{
{Tag: "business", Content: []waBinary.Node{{Tag: "verified_name"}}},
{Tag: "contact"},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
output := make([]types.IsOnWhatsAppResponse, 0, len(jids))
querySuffix := "@" + types.LegacyUserServer
for _, child := range list.GetChildren() {
jid, jidOK := child.Attrs["jid"].(types.JID)
if child.Tag != "user" || !jidOK {
var info types.IsOnWhatsAppResponse
info.JID = jid
info.VerifiedName, err = parseVerifiedName(child.GetChildByTag("business"))
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to parse %s's verified name details: %v", jid, err)
contactNode := child.GetChildByTag("contact")
info.IsIn = contactNode.AttrGetter().String("type") == "in"
contactQuery, _ := contactNode.Content.([]byte)
info.Query = strings.TrimSuffix(string(contactQuery), querySuffix)
output = append(output, info)
return output, nil
// GetUserInfo gets basic user info (avatar, status, verified business name, device list).
func (cli *Client) GetUserInfo(jids []types.JID) (map[types.JID]types.UserInfo, error) {
list, err := cli.usync(context.TODO(), jids, "full", "background", []waBinary.Node{
{Tag: "business", Content: []waBinary.Node{{Tag: "verified_name"}}},
{Tag: "status"},
{Tag: "picture"},
{Tag: "devices", Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{"version": "2"}},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
respData := make(map[types.JID]types.UserInfo, len(jids))
for _, child := range list.GetChildren() {
jid, jidOK := child.Attrs["jid"].(types.JID)
if child.Tag != "user" || !jidOK {
var info types.UserInfo
verifiedName, err := parseVerifiedName(child.GetChildByTag("business"))
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to parse %s's verified name details: %v", jid, err)
status, _ := child.GetChildByTag("status").Content.([]byte)
info.Status = string(status)
info.PictureID, _ = child.GetChildByTag("picture").Attrs["id"].(string)
info.Devices = parseDeviceList(jid.User, child.GetChildByTag("devices"))
if verifiedName != nil {
cli.updateBusinessName(jid, nil, verifiedName.Details.GetVerifiedName())
respData[jid] = info
return respData, nil
func (cli *Client) parseBusinessProfile(node *waBinary.Node) (*types.BusinessProfile, error) {
profileNode := node.GetChildByTag("profile")
jid, ok := profileNode.AttrGetter().GetJID("jid", true)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("missing jid in business profile")
address := string(profileNode.GetChildByTag("address").Content.([]byte))
email := string(profileNode.GetChildByTag("email").Content.([]byte))
businessHour := profileNode.GetChildByTag("business_hours")
businessHourTimezone := businessHour.AttrGetter().String("timezone")
businessHoursConfigs := businessHour.GetChildren()
businessHours := make([]types.BusinessHoursConfig, 0)
for _, config := range businessHoursConfigs {
if config.Tag != "business_hours_config" {
dow := config.AttrGetter().String("dow")
mode := config.AttrGetter().String("mode")
openTime := config.AttrGetter().String("open_time")
closeTime := config.AttrGetter().String("close_time")
businessHours = append(businessHours, types.BusinessHoursConfig{
DayOfWeek: dow,
Mode: mode,
OpenTime: openTime,
CloseTime: closeTime,
categoriesNode := profileNode.GetChildByTag("categories")
categories := make([]types.Category, 0)
for _, category := range categoriesNode.GetChildren() {
if category.Tag != "category" {
id := category.AttrGetter().String("id")
name := string(category.Content.([]byte))
categories = append(categories, types.Category{
ID: id,
Name: name,
profileOptionsNode := profileNode.GetChildByTag("profile_options")
profileOptions := make(map[string]string)
for _, option := range profileOptionsNode.GetChildren() {
profileOptions[option.Tag] = string(option.Content.([]byte))
return &types.BusinessProfile{
JID: jid,
Email: email,
Address: address,
Categories: categories,
ProfileOptions: profileOptions,
BusinessHoursTimeZone: businessHourTimezone,
BusinessHours: businessHours,
}, nil
// GetBusinessProfile gets the profile info of a WhatsApp business account
func (cli *Client) GetBusinessProfile(jid types.JID) (*types.BusinessProfile, error) {
resp, err := cli.sendIQ(infoQuery{
Type: iqGet,
To: types.ServerJID,
Namespace: "w:biz",
Content: []waBinary.Node{{
Tag: "business_profile",
Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{
"v": "244",
Content: []waBinary.Node{{
Tag: "profile",
Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{
"jid": jid,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
node, ok := resp.GetOptionalChildByTag("business_profile")
if !ok {
return nil, &ElementMissingError{Tag: "business_profile", In: "response to business profile query"}
return cli.parseBusinessProfile(&node)
// GetUserDevices gets the list of devices that the given user has. The input should be a list of
// regular JIDs, and the output will be a list of AD JIDs. The local device will not be included in
// the output even if the user's JID is included in the input. All other devices will be included.
func (cli *Client) GetUserDevices(jids []types.JID) ([]types.JID, error) {
return cli.GetUserDevicesContext(context.Background(), jids)
func (cli *Client) GetUserDevicesContext(ctx context.Context, jids []types.JID) ([]types.JID, error) {
defer cli.userDevicesCacheLock.Unlock()
var devices, jidsToSync, fbJIDsToSync []types.JID
for _, jid := range jids {
cached, ok := cli.userDevicesCache[jid]
if ok && len(cached.devices) > 0 {
devices = append(devices, cached.devices...)
} else if jid.Server == types.MessengerServer {
fbJIDsToSync = append(fbJIDsToSync, jid)
} else {
jidsToSync = append(jidsToSync, jid)
if len(jidsToSync) > 0 {
list, err := cli.usync(ctx, jidsToSync, "query", "message", []waBinary.Node{
{Tag: "devices", Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{"version": "2"}},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, user := range list.GetChildren() {
jid, jidOK := user.Attrs["jid"].(types.JID)
if user.Tag != "user" || !jidOK {
userDevices := parseDeviceList(jid.User, user.GetChildByTag("devices"))
cli.userDevicesCache[jid] = deviceCache{devices: userDevices, dhash: participantListHashV2(userDevices)}
devices = append(devices, userDevices...)
if len(fbJIDsToSync) > 0 {
list, err := cli.getFBIDDevices(ctx, fbJIDsToSync)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, user := range list.GetChildren() {
jid, jidOK := user.Attrs["jid"].(types.JID)
if user.Tag != "user" || !jidOK {
userDevices := parseFBDeviceList(jid, user.GetChildByTag("devices"))
cli.userDevicesCache[jid] = userDevices
devices = append(devices, userDevices.devices...)
return devices, nil
type GetProfilePictureParams struct {
Preview bool
ExistingID string
IsCommunity bool
// GetProfilePictureInfo gets the URL where you can download a WhatsApp user's profile picture or group's photo.
// Optionally, you can pass the last known profile picture ID.
// If the profile picture hasn't changed, this will return nil with no error.
// To get a community photo, you should pass `IsCommunity: true`, as otherwise you may get a 401 error.
func (cli *Client) GetProfilePictureInfo(jid types.JID, params *GetProfilePictureParams) (*types.ProfilePictureInfo, error) {
attrs := waBinary.Attrs{
"query": "url",
var target, to types.JID
if params == nil {
params = &GetProfilePictureParams{}
if params.Preview {
attrs["type"] = "preview"
} else {
attrs["type"] = "image"
if params.ExistingID != "" {
attrs["id"] = params.ExistingID
var expectWrapped bool
var content []waBinary.Node
namespace := "w:profile:picture"
if params.IsCommunity {
target = types.EmptyJID
namespace = "w:g2"
to = jid
attrs["parent_group_jid"] = jid
expectWrapped = true
content = []waBinary.Node{{
Tag: "pictures",
Content: []waBinary.Node{{
Tag: "picture",
Attrs: attrs,
} else {
to = types.ServerJID
target = jid
content = []waBinary.Node{{
Tag: "picture",
Attrs: attrs,
resp, err := cli.sendIQ(infoQuery{
Namespace: namespace,
Type: "get",
To: to,
Target: target,
Content: content,
if errors.Is(err, ErrIQNotAuthorized) {
return nil, wrapIQError(ErrProfilePictureUnauthorized, err)
} else if errors.Is(err, ErrIQNotFound) {
return nil, wrapIQError(ErrProfilePictureNotSet, err)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
if expectWrapped {
pics, ok := resp.GetOptionalChildByTag("pictures")
if !ok {
return nil, &ElementMissingError{Tag: "pictures", In: "response to profile picture query"}
resp = &pics
picture, ok := resp.GetOptionalChildByTag("picture")
if !ok {
if params.ExistingID != "" {
return nil, nil
return nil, &ElementMissingError{Tag: "picture", In: "response to profile picture query"}
var info types.ProfilePictureInfo
ag := picture.AttrGetter()
if ag.OptionalInt("status") == 304 {
return nil, nil
info.ID = ag.String("id")
info.URL = ag.String("url")
info.Type = ag.String("type")
info.DirectPath = ag.String("direct_path")
if !ag.OK() {
return &info, ag.Error()
return &info, nil
func (cli *Client) handleHistoricalPushNames(names []*waProto.Pushname) {
if cli.Store.Contacts == nil {
cli.Log.Infof("Updating contact store with %d push names from history sync", len(names))
for _, user := range names {
if user.GetPushname() == "-" {
var changed bool
if jid, err := types.ParseJID(user.GetId()); err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to parse user ID '%s' in push name history sync: %v", user.GetId(), err)
} else if changed, _, err = cli.Store.Contacts.PutPushName(jid, user.GetPushname()); err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to store push name of %s from history sync: %v", err)
} else if changed {
cli.Log.Debugf("Got push name %s for %s in history sync", user.GetPushname(), jid)
func (cli *Client) updatePushName(user types.JID, messageInfo *types.MessageInfo, name string) {
if cli.Store.Contacts == nil {
user = user.ToNonAD()
changed, previousName, err := cli.Store.Contacts.PutPushName(user, name)
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Errorf("Failed to save push name of %s in device store: %v", user, err)
} else if changed {
cli.Log.Debugf("Push name of %s changed from %s to %s, dispatching event", user, previousName, name)
JID: user,
Message: messageInfo,
OldPushName: previousName,
NewPushName: name,
func (cli *Client) updateBusinessName(user types.JID, messageInfo *types.MessageInfo, name string) {
if cli.Store.Contacts == nil {
changed, previousName, err := cli.Store.Contacts.PutBusinessName(user, name)
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Errorf("Failed to save business name of %s in device store: %v", user, err)
} else if changed {
cli.Log.Debugf("Business name of %s changed from %s to %s, dispatching event", user, previousName, name)
JID: user,
Message: messageInfo,
OldBusinessName: previousName,
NewBusinessName: name,
func parseVerifiedName(businessNode waBinary.Node) (*types.VerifiedName, error) {
if businessNode.Tag != "business" {
return nil, nil
verifiedNameNode, ok := businessNode.GetOptionalChildByTag("verified_name")
if !ok {
return nil, nil
return parseVerifiedNameContent(verifiedNameNode)
func parseVerifiedNameContent(verifiedNameNode waBinary.Node) (*types.VerifiedName, error) {
rawCert, ok := verifiedNameNode.Content.([]byte)
if !ok {
return nil, nil
var cert waProto.VerifiedNameCertificate
err := proto.Unmarshal(rawCert, &cert)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var certDetails waProto.VerifiedNameCertificate_Details
err = proto.Unmarshal(cert.GetDetails(), &certDetails)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &types.VerifiedName{
Certificate: &cert,
Details: &certDetails,
}, nil
func parseDeviceList(user string, deviceNode waBinary.Node) []types.JID {
deviceList := deviceNode.GetChildByTag("device-list")
if deviceNode.Tag != "devices" || deviceList.Tag != "device-list" {
return nil
children := deviceList.GetChildren()
devices := make([]types.JID, 0, len(children))
for _, device := range children {
deviceID, ok := device.AttrGetter().GetInt64("id", true)
if device.Tag != "device" || !ok {
devices = append(devices, types.NewADJID(user, 0, byte(deviceID)))
return devices
func parseFBDeviceList(user types.JID, deviceList waBinary.Node) deviceCache {
children := deviceList.GetChildren()
devices := make([]types.JID, 0, len(children))
for _, device := range children {
deviceID, ok := device.AttrGetter().GetInt64("id", true)
if device.Tag != "device" || !ok {
user.Device = uint16(deviceID)
devices = append(devices, user)
// TODO take identities here too?
// TODO do something with the icdc blob?
return deviceCache{
devices: devices,
dhash: deviceList.AttrGetter().String("dhash"),
func (cli *Client) getFBIDDevices(ctx context.Context, jids []types.JID) (*waBinary.Node, error) {
users := make([]waBinary.Node, len(jids))
for i, jid := range jids {
users[i].Tag = "user"
users[i].Attrs = waBinary.Attrs{"jid": jid}
// TODO include dhash for users
resp, err := cli.sendIQ(infoQuery{
Context: ctx,
Namespace: "fbid:devices",
Type: iqGet,
To: types.ServerJID,
Content: []waBinary.Node{{
Tag: "users",
Content: users,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to send usync query: %w", err)
} else if list, ok := resp.GetOptionalChildByTag("users"); !ok {
return nil, &ElementMissingError{Tag: "users", In: "response to fbid devices query"}
} else {
return &list, err
func (cli *Client) usync(ctx context.Context, jids []types.JID, mode, context string, query []waBinary.Node) (*waBinary.Node, error) {
userList := make([]waBinary.Node, len(jids))
for i, jid := range jids {
userList[i].Tag = "user"
jid = jid.ToNonAD()
switch jid.Server {
case types.LegacyUserServer:
userList[i].Content = []waBinary.Node{{
Tag: "contact",
Content: jid.String(),
case types.DefaultUserServer:
userList[i].Attrs = waBinary.Attrs{"jid": jid}
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown user server '%s'", jid.Server)
resp, err := cli.sendIQ(infoQuery{
Context: ctx,
Namespace: "usync",
Type: "get",
To: types.ServerJID,
Content: []waBinary.Node{{
Tag: "usync",
Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{
"sid": cli.generateRequestID(),
"mode": mode,
"last": "true",
"index": "0",
"context": context,
Content: []waBinary.Node{
{Tag: "query", Content: query},
{Tag: "list", Content: userList},
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to send usync query: %w", err)
} else if list, ok := resp.GetOptionalChildByTag("usync", "list"); !ok {
return nil, &ElementMissingError{Tag: "list", In: "response to usync query"}
} else {
return &list, err
func (cli *Client) parseBlocklist(node *waBinary.Node) *types.Blocklist {
output := &types.Blocklist{
DHash: node.AttrGetter().String("dhash"),
for _, child := range node.GetChildren() {
ag := child.AttrGetter()
blockedJID := ag.JID("jid")
if !ag.OK() {
cli.Log.Debugf("Ignoring contact blocked data with unexpected attributes: %v", ag.Error())
output.JIDs = append(output.JIDs, blockedJID)
return output
// GetBlocklist gets the list of users that this user has blocked.
func (cli *Client) GetBlocklist() (*types.Blocklist, error) {
resp, err := cli.sendIQ(infoQuery{
Namespace: "blocklist",
Type: iqGet,
To: types.ServerJID,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
list, ok := resp.GetOptionalChildByTag("list")
if !ok {
return nil, &ElementMissingError{Tag: "list", In: "response to blocklist query"}
return cli.parseBlocklist(&list), nil
// UpdateBlocklist updates the user's block list and returns the updated list.
func (cli *Client) UpdateBlocklist(jid types.JID, action events.BlocklistChangeAction) (*types.Blocklist, error) {
resp, err := cli.sendIQ(infoQuery{
Namespace: "blocklist",
Type: iqSet,
To: types.ServerJID,
Content: []waBinary.Node{{
Tag: "item",
Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{
"jid": jid,
"action": string(action),
list, ok := resp.GetOptionalChildByTag("list")
if !ok {
return nil, &ElementMissingError{Tag: "list", In: "response to blocklist update"}
return cli.parseBlocklist(&list), err