* Update dependencies and build to go1.22 * Fix api changes wrt to dependencies * Update golangci config
58 lines
1.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer
58 lines
1.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package WAMultiDevice;
option go_package = "go.mau.fi/whatsmeow/binary/armadillo/waMultiDevice";
message MultiDevice {
message Metadata {
message Payload {
oneof payload {
ApplicationData applicationData = 1;
Signal signal = 2;
message ApplicationData {
message AppStateSyncKeyRequestMessage {
repeated AppStateSyncKeyId keyIDs = 1;
message AppStateSyncKeyShareMessage {
repeated AppStateSyncKey keys = 1;
message AppStateSyncKey {
message AppStateSyncKeyData {
message AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint {
uint32 rawID = 1;
uint32 currentIndex = 2;
repeated uint32 deviceIndexes = 3 [packed=true];
bytes keyData = 1;
AppStateSyncKeyFingerprint fingerprint = 2;
int64 timestamp = 3;
AppStateSyncKeyId keyID = 1;
AppStateSyncKeyData keyData = 2;
message AppStateSyncKeyId {
bytes keyID = 1;
oneof applicationData {
AppStateSyncKeyShareMessage appStateSyncKeyShare = 1;
AppStateSyncKeyRequestMessage appStateSyncKeyRequest = 2;
message Signal {
Payload payload = 1;
Metadata metadata = 2;