1125 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2022 Tulir Asokan
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package whatsmeow
import (
waBinary "go.mau.fi/whatsmeow/binary"
waProto "go.mau.fi/whatsmeow/binary/proto"
// GenerateMessageID generates a random string that can be used as a message ID on WhatsApp.
// msgID := cli.GenerateMessageID()
// cli.SendMessage(context.Background(), targetJID, &waProto.Message{...}, whatsmeow.SendRequestExtra{ID: msgID})
func (cli *Client) GenerateMessageID() types.MessageID {
if cli.MessengerConfig != nil {
return types.MessageID(strconv.FormatInt(GenerateFacebookMessageID(), 10))
data := make([]byte, 8, 8+20+16)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(data, uint64(time.Now().Unix()))
ownID := cli.getOwnID()
if !ownID.IsEmpty() {
data = append(data, []byte(ownID.User)...)
data = append(data, []byte("@c.us")...)
data = append(data, random.Bytes(16)...)
hash := sha256.Sum256(data)
return "3EB0" + strings.ToUpper(hex.EncodeToString(hash[:9]))
func GenerateFacebookMessageID() int64 {
const randomMask = (1 << 22) - 1
return (time.Now().UnixMilli() << 22) | (int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(random.Bytes(4))) & randomMask)
// GenerateMessageID generates a random string that can be used as a message ID on WhatsApp.
// msgID := whatsmeow.GenerateMessageID()
// cli.SendMessage(context.Background(), targetJID, &waProto.Message{...}, whatsmeow.SendRequestExtra{ID: msgID})
// Deprecated: WhatsApp web has switched to using a hash of the current timestamp, user id and random bytes. Use Client.GenerateMessageID instead.
func GenerateMessageID() types.MessageID {
return "3EB0" + strings.ToUpper(hex.EncodeToString(random.Bytes(8)))
type MessageDebugTimings struct {
Queue time.Duration
Marshal time.Duration
GetParticipants time.Duration
GetDevices time.Duration
GroupEncrypt time.Duration
PeerEncrypt time.Duration
Send time.Duration
Resp time.Duration
Retry time.Duration
func (mdt MessageDebugTimings) MarshalZerologObject(evt *zerolog.Event) {
evt.Dur("queue", mdt.Queue)
evt.Dur("marshal", mdt.Marshal)
if mdt.GetParticipants != 0 {
evt.Dur("get_participants", mdt.GetParticipants)
evt.Dur("get_devices", mdt.GetDevices)
if mdt.GroupEncrypt != 0 {
evt.Dur("group_encrypt", mdt.GroupEncrypt)
evt.Dur("peer_encrypt", mdt.PeerEncrypt)
evt.Dur("send", mdt.Send)
evt.Dur("resp", mdt.Resp)
if mdt.Retry != 0 {
evt.Dur("retry", mdt.Retry)
type SendResponse struct {
// The message timestamp returned by the server
Timestamp time.Time
// The ID of the sent message
ID types.MessageID
// The server-specified ID of the sent message. Only present for newsletter messages.
ServerID types.MessageServerID
// Message handling duration, used for debugging
DebugTimings MessageDebugTimings
// SendRequestExtra contains the optional parameters for SendMessage.
// By default, optional parameters don't have to be provided at all, e.g.
// cli.SendMessage(ctx, to, message)
// When providing optional parameters, add a single instance of this struct as the last parameter:
// cli.SendMessage(ctx, to, message, whatsmeow.SendRequestExtra{...})
// Trying to add multiple extra parameters will return an error.
type SendRequestExtra struct {
// The message ID to use when sending. If this is not provided, a random message ID will be generated
ID types.MessageID
// JID of the bot to be invoked (optional)
InlineBotJID types.JID
// Should the message be sent as a peer message (protocol messages to your own devices, e.g. app state key requests)
Peer bool
// A timeout for the send request. Unlike timeouts using the context parameter, this only applies
// to the actual response waiting and not preparing/encrypting the message.
// Defaults to 75 seconds. The timeout can be disabled by using a negative value.
Timeout time.Duration
// When sending media to newsletters, the Handle field returned by the file upload.
MediaHandle string
// SendMessage sends the given message.
// This method will wait for the server to acknowledge the message before returning.
// The return value is the timestamp of the message from the server.
// Optional parameters like the message ID can be specified with the SendRequestExtra struct.
// Only one extra parameter is allowed, put all necessary parameters in the same struct.
// The message itself can contain anything you want (within the protobuf schema).
// e.g. for a simple text message, use the Conversation field:
// cli.SendMessage(context.Background(), targetJID, &waProto.Message{
// Conversation: proto.String("Hello, World!"),
// })
// Things like replies, mentioning users and the "forwarded" flag are stored in ContextInfo,
// which can be put in ExtendedTextMessage and any of the media message types.
// For uploading and sending media/attachments, see the Upload method.
// For other message types, you'll have to figure it out yourself. Looking at the protobuf schema
// in binary/proto/def.proto may be useful to find out all the allowed fields. Printing the RawMessage
// field in incoming message events to figure out what it contains is also a good way to learn how to
// send the same kind of message.
func (cli *Client) SendMessage(ctx context.Context, to types.JID, message *waE2E.Message, extra ...SendRequestExtra) (resp SendResponse, err error) {
var req SendRequestExtra
if len(extra) > 1 {
err = errors.New("only one extra parameter may be provided to SendMessage")
} else if len(extra) == 1 {
req = extra[0]
if to.Device > 0 && !req.Peer {
err = ErrRecipientADJID
ownID := cli.getOwnID()
if ownID.IsEmpty() {
err = ErrNotLoggedIn
if req.Timeout == 0 {
req.Timeout = defaultRequestTimeout
if len(req.ID) == 0 {
req.ID = cli.GenerateMessageID()
if to.Server == types.NewsletterServer {
// TODO somehow deduplicate this with the code in sendNewsletter?
if message.EditedMessage != nil {
req.ID = types.MessageID(message.GetEditedMessage().GetMessage().GetProtocolMessage().GetKey().GetId())
} else if message.ProtocolMessage != nil && message.ProtocolMessage.GetType() == waProto.ProtocolMessage_REVOKE {
req.ID = types.MessageID(message.GetProtocolMessage().GetKey().GetId())
resp.ID = req.ID
isInlineBotMode := false
if !req.InlineBotJID.IsEmpty() {
if !req.InlineBotJID.IsBot() {
err = ErrInvalidInlineBotID
isInlineBotMode = true
isBotMode := isInlineBotMode || to.IsBot()
var botNode *waBinary.Node
if isBotMode {
if message.MessageContextInfo == nil {
message.MessageContextInfo = &waE2E.MessageContextInfo{}
if message.MessageContextInfo.MessageSecret == nil {
message.MessageContextInfo.MessageSecret = random.Bytes(32)
if message.MessageContextInfo.BotMetadata == nil {
message.MessageContextInfo.BotMetadata = &waE2E.BotMetadata{
PersonaID: proto.String("867051314767696$760019659443059"),
if isInlineBotMode {
// inline mode specific code
messageSecret := message.GetMessageContextInfo().GetMessageSecret()
message = &waE2E.Message{
BotInvokeMessage: &waE2E.FutureProofMessage{
Message: &waE2E.Message{
ExtendedTextMessage: message.ExtendedTextMessage,
MessageContextInfo: &waE2E.MessageContextInfo{
BotMetadata: message.MessageContextInfo.BotMetadata,
MessageContextInfo: message.MessageContextInfo,
botMessage := &waE2E.Message{
BotInvokeMessage: message.BotInvokeMessage,
MessageContextInfo: &waE2E.MessageContextInfo{
BotMetadata: message.MessageContextInfo.BotMetadata,
BotMessageSecret: applyBotMessageHKDF(messageSecret),
messagePlaintext, _, marshalErr := marshalMessage(req.InlineBotJID, botMessage)
if marshalErr != nil {
err = marshalErr
participantNodes, _ := cli.encryptMessageForDevices(ctx, []types.JID{req.InlineBotJID}, ownID, resp.ID, messagePlaintext, nil, waBinary.Attrs{})
botNode = &waBinary.Node{
Tag: "bot",
Attrs: nil,
Content: participantNodes,
start := time.Now()
// Sending multiple messages at a time can cause weird issues and makes it harder to retry safely
resp.DebugTimings.Queue = time.Since(start)
defer cli.messageSendLock.Unlock()
respChan := cli.waitResponse(req.ID)
// Peer message retries aren't implemented yet
if !req.Peer {
cli.addRecentMessage(to, req.ID, message, nil)
if message.GetMessageContextInfo().GetMessageSecret() != nil {
err = cli.Store.MsgSecrets.PutMessageSecret(to, ownID, req.ID, message.GetMessageContextInfo().GetMessageSecret())
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to store message secret key for outgoing message %s: %v", req.ID, err)
} else {
cli.Log.Debugf("Stored message secret key for outgoing message %s", req.ID)
var phash string
var data []byte
switch to.Server {
case types.GroupServer, types.BroadcastServer:
phash, data, err = cli.sendGroup(ctx, to, ownID, req.ID, message, &resp.DebugTimings, botNode)
case types.DefaultUserServer:
if req.Peer {
data, err = cli.sendPeerMessage(to, req.ID, message, &resp.DebugTimings)
} else {
data, err = cli.sendDM(ctx, to, ownID, req.ID, message, &resp.DebugTimings, botNode)
case types.NewsletterServer:
data, err = cli.sendNewsletter(to, req.ID, message, req.MediaHandle, &resp.DebugTimings)
err = fmt.Errorf("%w %s", ErrUnknownServer, to.Server)
start = time.Now()
if err != nil {
cli.cancelResponse(req.ID, respChan)
var respNode *waBinary.Node
var timeoutChan <-chan time.Time
if req.Timeout > 0 {
timeoutChan = time.After(req.Timeout)
} else {
timeoutChan = make(<-chan time.Time)
select {
case respNode = <-respChan:
case <-timeoutChan:
cli.cancelResponse(req.ID, respChan)
err = ErrMessageTimedOut
case <-ctx.Done():
cli.cancelResponse(req.ID, respChan)
err = ctx.Err()
resp.DebugTimings.Resp = time.Since(start)
if isDisconnectNode(respNode) {
start = time.Now()
respNode, err = cli.retryFrame("message send", req.ID, data, respNode, ctx, 0)
resp.DebugTimings.Retry = time.Since(start)
if err != nil {
ag := respNode.AttrGetter()
resp.ServerID = types.MessageServerID(ag.OptionalInt("server_id"))
resp.Timestamp = ag.UnixTime("t")
if errorCode := ag.Int("error"); errorCode != 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("%w %d", ErrServerReturnedError, errorCode)
expectedPHash := ag.OptionalString("phash")
if len(expectedPHash) > 0 && phash != expectedPHash {
cli.Log.Warnf("Server returned different participant list hash when sending to %s. Some devices may not have received the message.", to)
// TODO also invalidate device list caches
delete(cli.groupParticipantsCache, to)
// RevokeMessage deletes the given message from everyone in the chat.
// This method will wait for the server to acknowledge the revocation message before returning.
// The return value is the timestamp of the message from the server.
// Deprecated: This method is deprecated in favor of BuildRevoke
func (cli *Client) RevokeMessage(chat types.JID, id types.MessageID) (SendResponse, error) {
return cli.SendMessage(context.TODO(), chat, cli.BuildRevoke(chat, types.EmptyJID, id))
// BuildMessageKey builds a MessageKey object, which is used to refer to previous messages
// for things such as replies, revocations and reactions.
func (cli *Client) BuildMessageKey(chat, sender types.JID, id types.MessageID) *waProto.MessageKey {
key := &waProto.MessageKey{
FromMe: proto.Bool(true),
ID: proto.String(id),
RemoteJID: proto.String(chat.String()),
if !sender.IsEmpty() && sender.User != cli.getOwnID().User {
key.FromMe = proto.Bool(false)
if chat.Server != types.DefaultUserServer && chat.Server != types.MessengerServer {
key.Participant = proto.String(sender.ToNonAD().String())
return key
// BuildRevoke builds a message revocation message using the given variables.
// The built message can be sent normally using Client.SendMessage.
// To revoke your own messages, pass your JID or an empty JID as the second parameter (sender).
// resp, err := cli.SendMessage(context.Background(), chat, cli.BuildRevoke(chat, types.EmptyJID, originalMessageID)
// To revoke someone else's messages when you are group admin, pass the message sender's JID as the second parameter.
// resp, err := cli.SendMessage(context.Background(), chat, cli.BuildRevoke(chat, senderJID, originalMessageID)
func (cli *Client) BuildRevoke(chat, sender types.JID, id types.MessageID) *waProto.Message {
return &waProto.Message{
ProtocolMessage: &waProto.ProtocolMessage{
Type: waProto.ProtocolMessage_REVOKE.Enum(),
Key: cli.BuildMessageKey(chat, sender, id),
// BuildReaction builds a message reaction message using the given variables.
// The built message can be sent normally using Client.SendMessage.
// resp, err := cli.SendMessage(context.Background(), chat, cli.BuildReaction(chat, senderJID, targetMessageID, "🐈️")
// Note that for newsletter messages, you need to use NewsletterSendReaction instead of BuildReaction + SendMessage.
func (cli *Client) BuildReaction(chat, sender types.JID, id types.MessageID, reaction string) *waProto.Message {
return &waProto.Message{
ReactionMessage: &waProto.ReactionMessage{
Key: cli.BuildMessageKey(chat, sender, id),
Text: proto.String(reaction),
SenderTimestampMS: proto.Int64(time.Now().UnixMilli()),
// BuildUnavailableMessageRequest builds a message to request the user's primary device to send
// the copy of a message that this client was unable to decrypt.
// The built message can be sent using Client.SendMessage, but you must pass whatsmeow.SendRequestExtra{Peer: true} as the last parameter.
// The full response will come as a ProtocolMessage with type `PEER_DATA_OPERATION_REQUEST_RESPONSE_MESSAGE`.
// The response events will also be dispatched as normal *events.Message's with UnavailableRequestID set to the request message ID.
func (cli *Client) BuildUnavailableMessageRequest(chat, sender types.JID, id string) *waProto.Message {
return &waProto.Message{
ProtocolMessage: &waProto.ProtocolMessage{
Type: waProto.ProtocolMessage_PEER_DATA_OPERATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE.Enum(),
PeerDataOperationRequestMessage: &waProto.PeerDataOperationRequestMessage{
PeerDataOperationRequestType: waProto.PeerDataOperationRequestType_PLACEHOLDER_MESSAGE_RESEND.Enum(),
PlaceholderMessageResendRequest: []*waProto.PeerDataOperationRequestMessage_PlaceholderMessageResendRequest{{
MessageKey: cli.BuildMessageKey(chat, sender, id),
// BuildHistorySyncRequest builds a message to request additional history from the user's primary device.
// The built message can be sent using Client.SendMessage, but you must pass whatsmeow.SendRequestExtra{Peer: true} as the last parameter.
// The response will come as an *events.HistorySync with type `ON_DEMAND`.
// The response will contain to `count` messages immediately before the given message.
// The recommended number of messages to request at a time is 50.
func (cli *Client) BuildHistorySyncRequest(lastKnownMessageInfo *types.MessageInfo, count int) *waProto.Message {
return &waProto.Message{
ProtocolMessage: &waProto.ProtocolMessage{
Type: waProto.ProtocolMessage_PEER_DATA_OPERATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE.Enum(),
PeerDataOperationRequestMessage: &waProto.PeerDataOperationRequestMessage{
PeerDataOperationRequestType: waProto.PeerDataOperationRequestType_HISTORY_SYNC_ON_DEMAND.Enum(),
HistorySyncOnDemandRequest: &waProto.PeerDataOperationRequestMessage_HistorySyncOnDemandRequest{
ChatJID: proto.String(lastKnownMessageInfo.Chat.String()),
OldestMsgID: proto.String(lastKnownMessageInfo.ID),
OldestMsgFromMe: proto.Bool(lastKnownMessageInfo.IsFromMe),
OnDemandMsgCount: proto.Int32(int32(count)),
OldestMsgTimestampMS: proto.Int64(lastKnownMessageInfo.Timestamp.UnixMilli()),
// EditWindow specifies how long a message can be edited for after it was sent.
const EditWindow = 20 * time.Minute
// BuildEdit builds a message edit message using the given variables.
// The built message can be sent normally using Client.SendMessage.
// resp, err := cli.SendMessage(context.Background(), chat, cli.BuildEdit(chat, originalMessageID, &waProto.Message{
// Conversation: proto.String("edited message"),
// })
func (cli *Client) BuildEdit(chat types.JID, id types.MessageID, newContent *waProto.Message) *waProto.Message {
return &waProto.Message{
EditedMessage: &waProto.FutureProofMessage{
Message: &waProto.Message{
ProtocolMessage: &waProto.ProtocolMessage{
Key: &waProto.MessageKey{
FromMe: proto.Bool(true),
ID: proto.String(id),
RemoteJID: proto.String(chat.String()),
Type: waProto.ProtocolMessage_MESSAGE_EDIT.Enum(),
EditedMessage: newContent,
TimestampMS: proto.Int64(time.Now().UnixMilli()),
const (
DisappearingTimerOff = time.Duration(0)
DisappearingTimer24Hours = 24 * time.Hour
DisappearingTimer7Days = 7 * 24 * time.Hour
DisappearingTimer90Days = 90 * 24 * time.Hour
// ParseDisappearingTimerString parses common human-readable disappearing message timer strings into Duration values.
// If the string doesn't look like one of the allowed values (0, 24h, 7d, 90d), the second return value is false.
func ParseDisappearingTimerString(val string) (time.Duration, bool) {
switch strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ToLower(val), " ", "") {
case "0d", "0h", "0s", "0", "off":
return DisappearingTimerOff, true
case "1day", "day", "1d", "1", "24h", "24", "86400s", "86400":
return DisappearingTimer24Hours, true
case "1week", "week", "7d", "7", "168h", "168", "604800s", "604800":
return DisappearingTimer7Days, true
case "3months", "3m", "3mo", "90d", "90", "2160h", "2160", "7776000s", "7776000":
return DisappearingTimer90Days, true
return 0, false
// SetDisappearingTimer sets the disappearing timer in a chat. Both private chats and groups are supported, but they're
// set with different methods.
// Note that while this function allows passing non-standard durations, official WhatsApp apps will ignore those,
// and in groups the server will just reject the change. You can use the DisappearingTimer<Duration> constants for convenience.
// In groups, the server will echo the change as a notification, so it'll show up as a *events.GroupInfo update.
func (cli *Client) SetDisappearingTimer(chat types.JID, timer time.Duration) (err error) {
switch chat.Server {
case types.DefaultUserServer:
_, err = cli.SendMessage(context.TODO(), chat, &waProto.Message{
ProtocolMessage: &waProto.ProtocolMessage{
Type: waProto.ProtocolMessage_EPHEMERAL_SETTING.Enum(),
EphemeralExpiration: proto.Uint32(uint32(timer.Seconds())),
case types.GroupServer:
if timer == 0 {
_, err = cli.sendGroupIQ(context.TODO(), iqSet, chat, waBinary.Node{Tag: "not_ephemeral"})
} else {
_, err = cli.sendGroupIQ(context.TODO(), iqSet, chat, waBinary.Node{
Tag: "ephemeral",
Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{
"expiration": strconv.Itoa(int(timer.Seconds())),
if errors.Is(err, ErrIQBadRequest) {
err = wrapIQError(ErrInvalidDisappearingTimer, err)
err = fmt.Errorf("can't set disappearing time in a %s chat", chat.Server)
func participantListHashV2(participants []types.JID) string {
participantsStrings := make([]string, len(participants))
for i, part := range participants {
participantsStrings[i] = part.ADString()
hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(strings.Join(participantsStrings, "")))
return fmt.Sprintf("2:%s", base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash[:6]))
func (cli *Client) sendNewsletter(to types.JID, id types.MessageID, message *waProto.Message, mediaID string, timings *MessageDebugTimings) ([]byte, error) {
attrs := waBinary.Attrs{
"to": to,
"id": id,
"type": getTypeFromMessage(message),
if mediaID != "" {
attrs["media_id"] = mediaID
if message.EditedMessage != nil {
attrs["edit"] = string(types.EditAttributeAdminEdit)
message = message.GetEditedMessage().GetMessage().GetProtocolMessage().GetEditedMessage()
} else if message.ProtocolMessage != nil && message.ProtocolMessage.GetType() == waProto.ProtocolMessage_REVOKE {
attrs["edit"] = string(types.EditAttributeAdminRevoke)
message = nil
start := time.Now()
plaintext, _, err := marshalMessage(to, message)
timings.Marshal = time.Since(start)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
plaintextNode := waBinary.Node{
Tag: "plaintext",
Content: plaintext,
Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{},
if mediaType := getMediaTypeFromMessage(message); mediaType != "" {
plaintextNode.Attrs["mediatype"] = mediaType
node := waBinary.Node{
Tag: "message",
Attrs: attrs,
Content: []waBinary.Node{plaintextNode},
start = time.Now()
data, err := cli.sendNodeAndGetData(node)
timings.Send = time.Since(start)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to send message node: %w", err)
return data, nil
func (cli *Client) sendGroup(ctx context.Context, to, ownID types.JID, id types.MessageID, message *waProto.Message, timings *MessageDebugTimings, botNode *waBinary.Node) (string, []byte, error) {
var participants []types.JID
var err error
start := time.Now()
if to.Server == types.GroupServer {
participants, err = cli.getGroupMembers(ctx, to)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get group members: %w", err)
} else {
// TODO use context
participants, err = cli.getBroadcastListParticipants(to)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get broadcast list members: %w", err)
timings.GetParticipants = time.Since(start)
start = time.Now()
plaintext, _, err := marshalMessage(to, message)
timings.Marshal = time.Since(start)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
start = time.Now()
builder := groups.NewGroupSessionBuilder(cli.Store, pbSerializer)
senderKeyName := protocol.NewSenderKeyName(to.String(), ownID.SignalAddress())
signalSKDMessage, err := builder.Create(senderKeyName)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create sender key distribution message to send %s to %s: %w", id, to, err)
skdMessage := &waE2E.Message{
SenderKeyDistributionMessage: &waE2E.SenderKeyDistributionMessage{
GroupID: proto.String(to.String()),
AxolotlSenderKeyDistributionMessage: signalSKDMessage.Serialize(),
skdPlaintext, err := proto.Marshal(skdMessage)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal sender key distribution message to send %s to %s: %w", id, to, err)
cipher := groups.NewGroupCipher(builder, senderKeyName, cli.Store)
encrypted, err := cipher.Encrypt(padMessage(plaintext))
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to encrypt group message to send %s to %s: %w", id, to, err)
ciphertext := encrypted.SignedSerialize()
timings.GroupEncrypt = time.Since(start)
node, allDevices, err := cli.prepareMessageNode(ctx, to, ownID, id, message, participants, skdPlaintext, nil, timings, botNode)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
phash := participantListHashV2(allDevices)
node.Attrs["phash"] = phash
skMsg := waBinary.Node{
Tag: "enc",
Content: ciphertext,
Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{"v": "2", "type": "skmsg"},
if mediaType := getMediaTypeFromMessage(message); mediaType != "" {
skMsg.Attrs["mediatype"] = mediaType
node.Content = append(node.GetChildren(), skMsg)
start = time.Now()
data, err := cli.sendNodeAndGetData(*node)
timings.Send = time.Since(start)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to send message node: %w", err)
return phash, data, nil
func (cli *Client) sendPeerMessage(to types.JID, id types.MessageID, message *waE2E.Message, timings *MessageDebugTimings) ([]byte, error) {
node, err := cli.preparePeerMessageNode(to, id, message, timings)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
start := time.Now()
data, err := cli.sendNodeAndGetData(*node)
timings.Send = time.Since(start)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to send message node: %w", err)
return data, nil
func (cli *Client) sendDM(ctx context.Context, to, ownID types.JID, id types.MessageID, message *waE2E.Message, timings *MessageDebugTimings, botNode *waBinary.Node) ([]byte, error) {
start := time.Now()
messagePlaintext, deviceSentMessagePlaintext, err := marshalMessage(to, message)
timings.Marshal = time.Since(start)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
node, _, err := cli.prepareMessageNode(ctx, to, ownID, id, message, []types.JID{to, ownID.ToNonAD()}, messagePlaintext, deviceSentMessagePlaintext, timings, botNode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
start = time.Now()
data, err := cli.sendNodeAndGetData(*node)
timings.Send = time.Since(start)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to send message node: %w", err)
return data, nil
func getTypeFromMessage(msg *waProto.Message) string {
switch {
case msg.ViewOnceMessage != nil:
return getTypeFromMessage(msg.ViewOnceMessage.Message)
case msg.ViewOnceMessageV2 != nil:
return getTypeFromMessage(msg.ViewOnceMessageV2.Message)
case msg.ViewOnceMessageV2Extension != nil:
return getTypeFromMessage(msg.ViewOnceMessageV2Extension.Message)
case msg.LottieStickerMessage != nil:
return getTypeFromMessage(msg.LottieStickerMessage.Message)
case msg.EphemeralMessage != nil:
return getTypeFromMessage(msg.EphemeralMessage.Message)
case msg.DocumentWithCaptionMessage != nil:
return getTypeFromMessage(msg.DocumentWithCaptionMessage.Message)
case msg.ReactionMessage != nil:
return "reaction"
case msg.PollCreationMessage != nil, msg.PollUpdateMessage != nil:
return "poll"
case getMediaTypeFromMessage(msg) != "":
return "media"
case msg.Conversation != nil, msg.ExtendedTextMessage != nil, msg.ProtocolMessage != nil:
return "text"
return "text"
func getMediaTypeFromMessage(msg *waProto.Message) string {
switch {
case msg.ViewOnceMessage != nil:
return getMediaTypeFromMessage(msg.ViewOnceMessage.Message)
case msg.ViewOnceMessageV2 != nil:
return getMediaTypeFromMessage(msg.ViewOnceMessageV2.Message)
case msg.ViewOnceMessageV2Extension != nil:
return getMediaTypeFromMessage(msg.ViewOnceMessageV2Extension.Message)
case msg.LottieStickerMessage != nil:
return getMediaTypeFromMessage(msg.LottieStickerMessage.Message)
case msg.EphemeralMessage != nil:
return getMediaTypeFromMessage(msg.EphemeralMessage.Message)
case msg.DocumentWithCaptionMessage != nil:
return getMediaTypeFromMessage(msg.DocumentWithCaptionMessage.Message)
case msg.ExtendedTextMessage != nil && msg.ExtendedTextMessage.Title != nil:
return "url"
case msg.ImageMessage != nil:
return "image"
case msg.StickerMessage != nil:
return "sticker"
case msg.DocumentMessage != nil:
return "document"
case msg.AudioMessage != nil:
if msg.AudioMessage.GetPTT() {
return "ptt"
} else {
return "audio"
case msg.VideoMessage != nil:
if msg.VideoMessage.GetGifPlayback() {
return "gif"
} else {
return "video"
case msg.ContactMessage != nil:
return "vcard"
case msg.ContactsArrayMessage != nil:
return "contact_array"
case msg.ListMessage != nil:
return "list"
case msg.ListResponseMessage != nil:
return "list_response"
case msg.ButtonsResponseMessage != nil:
return "buttons_response"
case msg.OrderMessage != nil:
return "order"
case msg.ProductMessage != nil:
return "product"
case msg.InteractiveResponseMessage != nil:
return "native_flow_response"
return ""
func getButtonTypeFromMessage(msg *waProto.Message) string {
switch {
case msg.ViewOnceMessage != nil:
return getButtonTypeFromMessage(msg.ViewOnceMessage.Message)
case msg.ViewOnceMessageV2 != nil:
return getButtonTypeFromMessage(msg.ViewOnceMessageV2.Message)
case msg.EphemeralMessage != nil:
return getButtonTypeFromMessage(msg.EphemeralMessage.Message)
case msg.ButtonsMessage != nil:
return "buttons"
case msg.ButtonsResponseMessage != nil:
return "buttons_response"
case msg.ListMessage != nil:
return "list"
case msg.ListResponseMessage != nil:
return "list_response"
case msg.InteractiveResponseMessage != nil:
return "interactive_response"
return ""
func getButtonAttributes(msg *waProto.Message) waBinary.Attrs {
switch {
case msg.ViewOnceMessage != nil:
return getButtonAttributes(msg.ViewOnceMessage.Message)
case msg.ViewOnceMessageV2 != nil:
return getButtonAttributes(msg.ViewOnceMessageV2.Message)
case msg.EphemeralMessage != nil:
return getButtonAttributes(msg.EphemeralMessage.Message)
case msg.TemplateMessage != nil:
return waBinary.Attrs{}
case msg.ListMessage != nil:
return waBinary.Attrs{
"v": "2",
"type": strings.ToLower(waE2E.ListMessage_ListType_name[int32(msg.ListMessage.GetListType())]),
return waBinary.Attrs{}
const RemoveReactionText = ""
func getEditAttribute(msg *waProto.Message) types.EditAttribute {
switch {
case msg.EditedMessage != nil && msg.EditedMessage.Message != nil:
return getEditAttribute(msg.EditedMessage.Message)
case msg.ProtocolMessage != nil && msg.ProtocolMessage.GetKey() != nil:
switch msg.ProtocolMessage.GetType() {
case waProto.ProtocolMessage_REVOKE:
if msg.ProtocolMessage.GetKey().GetFromMe() {
return types.EditAttributeSenderRevoke
} else {
return types.EditAttributeAdminRevoke
case waProto.ProtocolMessage_MESSAGE_EDIT:
if msg.ProtocolMessage.EditedMessage != nil {
return types.EditAttributeMessageEdit
case msg.ReactionMessage != nil && msg.ReactionMessage.GetText() == RemoveReactionText:
return types.EditAttributeSenderRevoke
case msg.KeepInChatMessage != nil && msg.KeepInChatMessage.GetKey().GetFromMe() && msg.KeepInChatMessage.GetKeepType() == waProto.KeepType_UNDO_KEEP_FOR_ALL:
return types.EditAttributeSenderRevoke
return types.EditAttributeEmpty
func (cli *Client) preparePeerMessageNode(to types.JID, id types.MessageID, message *waProto.Message, timings *MessageDebugTimings) (*waBinary.Node, error) {
attrs := waBinary.Attrs{
"id": id,
"type": "text",
"category": "peer",
"to": to,
if message.GetProtocolMessage().GetType() == waProto.ProtocolMessage_APP_STATE_SYNC_KEY_REQUEST {
attrs["push_priority"] = "high"
start := time.Now()
plaintext, err := proto.Marshal(message)
timings.Marshal = time.Since(start)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal message: %w", err)
return nil, err
start = time.Now()
encrypted, isPreKey, err := cli.encryptMessageForDevice(plaintext, to, nil, nil)
timings.PeerEncrypt = time.Since(start)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to encrypt peer message for %s: %v", to, err)
content := []waBinary.Node{*encrypted}
if isPreKey && cli.MessengerConfig == nil {
content = append(content, cli.makeDeviceIdentityNode())
return &waBinary.Node{
Tag: "message",
Attrs: attrs,
Content: content,
}, nil
func (cli *Client) getMessageContent(baseNode waBinary.Node, message *waE2E.Message, msgAttrs waBinary.Attrs, includeIdentity bool, botNode *waBinary.Node) []waBinary.Node {
content := []waBinary.Node{baseNode}
if includeIdentity {
content = append(content, cli.makeDeviceIdentityNode())
if msgAttrs["type"] == "poll" {
pollType := "creation"
if message.PollUpdateMessage != nil {
pollType = "vote"
content = append(content, waBinary.Node{
Tag: "meta",
Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{
"polltype": pollType,
if botNode != nil {
content = append(content, *botNode)
if buttonType := getButtonTypeFromMessage(message); buttonType != "" {
content = append(content, waBinary.Node{
Tag: "biz",
Content: []waBinary.Node{{
Tag: buttonType,
Attrs: getButtonAttributes(message),
return content
func (cli *Client) prepareMessageNode(ctx context.Context, to, ownID types.JID, id types.MessageID, message *waE2E.Message, participants []types.JID, plaintext, dsmPlaintext []byte, timings *MessageDebugTimings, botNode *waBinary.Node) (*waBinary.Node, []types.JID, error) {
start := time.Now()
allDevices, err := cli.GetUserDevicesContext(ctx, participants)
timings.GetDevices = time.Since(start)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get device list: %w", err)
msgType := getTypeFromMessage(message)
encAttrs := waBinary.Attrs{}
// Only include encMediaType for 1:1 messages (groups don't have a device-sent message plaintext)
if encMediaType := getMediaTypeFromMessage(message); dsmPlaintext != nil && encMediaType != "" {
encAttrs["mediatype"] = encMediaType
attrs := waBinary.Attrs{
"id": id,
"type": msgType,
"to": to,
if editAttr := getEditAttribute(message); editAttr != "" {
attrs["edit"] = string(editAttr)
encAttrs["decrypt-fail"] = string(events.DecryptFailHide)
if msgType == "reaction" || message.GetPollUpdateMessage() != nil {
encAttrs["decrypt-fail"] = string(events.DecryptFailHide)
start = time.Now()
participantNodes, includeIdentity := cli.encryptMessageForDevices(ctx, allDevices, ownID, id, plaintext, dsmPlaintext, encAttrs)
timings.PeerEncrypt = time.Since(start)
participantNode := waBinary.Node{
Tag: "participants",
Content: participantNodes,
return &waBinary.Node{
Tag: "message",
Attrs: attrs,
Content: cli.getMessageContent(participantNode, message, attrs, includeIdentity, botNode),
}, allDevices, nil
func marshalMessage(to types.JID, message *waProto.Message) (plaintext, dsmPlaintext []byte, err error) {
if message == nil && to.Server == types.NewsletterServer {
plaintext, err = proto.Marshal(message)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal message: %w", err)
if to.Server != types.GroupServer && to.Server != types.NewsletterServer {
dsmPlaintext, err = proto.Marshal(&waProto.Message{
DeviceSentMessage: &waProto.DeviceSentMessage{
DestinationJID: proto.String(to.String()),
Message: message,
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal message (for own devices): %w", err)
func (cli *Client) makeDeviceIdentityNode() waBinary.Node {
deviceIdentity, err := proto.Marshal(cli.Store.Account)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal device identity: %w", err))
return waBinary.Node{
Tag: "device-identity",
Content: deviceIdentity,
func (cli *Client) encryptMessageForDevices(ctx context.Context, allDevices []types.JID, ownID types.JID, id string, msgPlaintext, dsmPlaintext []byte, encAttrs waBinary.Attrs) ([]waBinary.Node, bool) {
includeIdentity := false
participantNodes := make([]waBinary.Node, 0, len(allDevices))
var retryDevices []types.JID
for _, jid := range allDevices {
plaintext := msgPlaintext
if jid.User == ownID.User && dsmPlaintext != nil {
if jid == ownID {
plaintext = dsmPlaintext
encrypted, isPreKey, err := cli.encryptMessageForDeviceAndWrap(plaintext, jid, nil, encAttrs)
if errors.Is(err, ErrNoSession) {
retryDevices = append(retryDevices, jid)
} else if err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to encrypt %s for %s: %v", id, jid, err)
participantNodes = append(participantNodes, *encrypted)
if isPreKey {
includeIdentity = true
if len(retryDevices) > 0 {
bundles, err := cli.fetchPreKeys(ctx, retryDevices)
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to fetch prekeys for %v to retry encryption: %v", retryDevices, err)
} else {
for _, jid := range retryDevices {
resp := bundles[jid]
if resp.err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to fetch prekey for %s: %v", jid, resp.err)
plaintext := msgPlaintext
if jid.User == ownID.User && dsmPlaintext != nil {
plaintext = dsmPlaintext
encrypted, isPreKey, err := cli.encryptMessageForDeviceAndWrap(plaintext, jid, resp.bundle, encAttrs)
if err != nil {
cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to encrypt %s for %s (retry): %v", id, jid, err)
participantNodes = append(participantNodes, *encrypted)
if isPreKey {
includeIdentity = true
return participantNodes, includeIdentity
func (cli *Client) encryptMessageForDeviceAndWrap(plaintext []byte, to types.JID, bundle *prekey.Bundle, encAttrs waBinary.Attrs) (*waBinary.Node, bool, error) {
node, includeDeviceIdentity, err := cli.encryptMessageForDevice(plaintext, to, bundle, encAttrs)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
return &waBinary.Node{
Tag: "to",
Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{"jid": to},
Content: []waBinary.Node{*node},
}, includeDeviceIdentity, nil
func copyAttrs(from, to waBinary.Attrs) {
for k, v := range from {
to[k] = v
func (cli *Client) encryptMessageForDevice(plaintext []byte, to types.JID, bundle *prekey.Bundle, extraAttrs waBinary.Attrs) (*waBinary.Node, bool, error) {
builder := session.NewBuilderFromSignal(cli.Store, to.SignalAddress(), pbSerializer)
if bundle != nil {
cli.Log.Debugf("Processing prekey bundle for %s", to)
err := builder.ProcessBundle(bundle)
if cli.AutoTrustIdentity && errors.Is(err, signalerror.ErrUntrustedIdentity) {
cli.Log.Warnf("Got %v error while trying to process prekey bundle for %s, clearing stored identity and retrying", err, to)
err = builder.ProcessBundle(bundle)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("failed to process prekey bundle: %w", err)
} else if !cli.Store.ContainsSession(to.SignalAddress()) {
return nil, false, ErrNoSession
cipher := session.NewCipher(builder, to.SignalAddress())
ciphertext, err := cipher.Encrypt(padMessage(plaintext))
if err != nil {
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("cipher encryption failed: %w", err)
encAttrs := waBinary.Attrs{
"v": "2",
"type": "msg",
if ciphertext.Type() == protocol.PREKEY_TYPE {
encAttrs["type"] = "pkmsg"
copyAttrs(extraAttrs, encAttrs)
includeDeviceIdentity := encAttrs["type"] == "pkmsg" && cli.MessengerConfig == nil
return &waBinary.Node{
Tag: "enc",
Attrs: encAttrs,
Content: ciphertext.Serialize(),
}, includeDeviceIdentity, nil