#!/bin/bash set -e # Ensure that we can compile the binary. pushd badger go build -v . popd # Run the memory intensive tests first. go test -v --manual=true -run='TestBigKeyValuePairs$' go test -v --manual=true -run='TestPushValueLogLimit' # Run the special Truncate test. rm -rf p go test -v --manual=true -run='TestTruncateVlogNoClose$' . truncate --size=4096 p/000000.vlog go test -v --manual=true -run='TestTruncateVlogNoClose2$' . go test -v --manual=true -run='TestTruncateVlogNoClose3$' . rm -rf p # Then the normal tests. echo echo "==> Starting tests with value log mmapped..." sleep 5 go test -v --vlog_mmap=true -race ./... echo echo "==> Starting tests with value log not mmapped..." sleep 5 go test -v --vlog_mmap=false -race ./...