/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "vector_vdebug.h" #ifdef LOTTIE_LOGGING_SUPPORT #include <atomic> #include <chrono> #include <cstring> #include <ctime> #include <fstream> #include <memory> #include <queue> #include <sstream> #include <thread> #include <tuple> namespace { /* Returns microseconds since epoch */ uint64_t timestamp_now() { return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch()) .count(); } /* I want [2016-10-13 00:01:23.528514] */ void format_timestamp(std::ostream& os, uint64_t timestamp) { // The next 3 lines do not work on MSVC! // auto duration = std::chrono::microseconds(timestamp); // std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point time_point(duration); // std::time_t time_t = // std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::to_time_t(time_point); std::time_t time_t = timestamp / 1000000; auto gmtime = std::gmtime(&time_t); char buffer[32]; strftime(buffer, 32, "%Y-%m-%d %T.", gmtime); char microseconds[7]; snprintf(microseconds, 7, "%06llu", (long long unsigned int)timestamp % 1000000); os << '[' << buffer << microseconds << ']'; } std::thread::id this_thread_id() { static thread_local const std::thread::id id = std::this_thread::get_id(); return id; } template <typename T, typename Tuple> struct TupleIndex; template <typename T, typename... Types> struct TupleIndex<T, std::tuple<T, Types...> > { static constexpr const std::size_t value = 0; }; template <typename T, typename U, typename... Types> struct TupleIndex<T, std::tuple<U, Types...> > { static constexpr const std::size_t value = 1 + TupleIndex<T, std::tuple<Types...> >::value; }; } // anonymous namespace typedef std::tuple<char, uint32_t, uint64_t, int32_t, int64_t, double, VDebug::string_literal_t, char*> SupportedTypes; char const* to_string(LogLevel loglevel) { switch (loglevel) { case LogLevel::OFF: return "OFF"; case LogLevel::INFO: return "INFO"; case LogLevel::WARN: return "WARN"; case LogLevel::CRIT: return "CRIT"; } return "XXXX"; } template <typename Arg> void VDebug::encode(Arg arg) { *reinterpret_cast<Arg*>(buffer()) = arg; m_bytes_used += sizeof(Arg); } template <typename Arg> void VDebug::encode(Arg arg, uint8_t type_id) { resize_buffer_if_needed(sizeof(Arg) + sizeof(uint8_t)); encode<uint8_t>(type_id); encode<Arg>(arg); } VDebug::VDebug(LogLevel level, char const* file, char const* function, uint32_t line) : m_bytes_used(0), m_buffer_size(sizeof(m_stack_buffer)) { encode<uint64_t>(timestamp_now()); encode<std::thread::id>(this_thread_id()); encode<string_literal_t>(string_literal_t(file)); encode<string_literal_t>(string_literal_t(function)); encode<uint32_t>(line); encode<LogLevel>(level); if (level == LogLevel::INFO) { m_logAll = false; } else { m_logAll = true; } } VDebug::~VDebug() = default; void VDebug::stringify(std::ostream& os) { char* b = !m_heap_buffer ? m_stack_buffer : m_heap_buffer.get(); char const* const end = b + m_bytes_used; uint64_t timestamp = *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(b); b += sizeof(uint64_t); std::thread::id threadid = *reinterpret_cast<std::thread::id*>(b); b += sizeof(std::thread::id); string_literal_t file = *reinterpret_cast<string_literal_t*>(b); b += sizeof(string_literal_t); string_literal_t function = *reinterpret_cast<string_literal_t*>(b); b += sizeof(string_literal_t); uint32_t line = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(b); b += sizeof(uint32_t); LogLevel loglevel = *reinterpret_cast<LogLevel*>(b); b += sizeof(LogLevel); if (m_logAll) { format_timestamp(os, timestamp); os << '[' << to_string(loglevel) << ']' << '[' << threadid << ']' << '[' << file.m_s << ':' << function.m_s << ':' << line << "] "; } stringify(os, b, end); os << std::endl; if (loglevel >= LogLevel::CRIT) os.flush(); } template <typename Arg> char* decode(std::ostream& os, char* b, Arg* /*dummy*/) { Arg arg = *reinterpret_cast<Arg*>(b); os << arg; return b + sizeof(Arg); } template <> char* decode(std::ostream& os, char* b, VDebug::string_literal_t* /*dummy*/) { VDebug::string_literal_t s = *reinterpret_cast<VDebug::string_literal_t*>(b); os << s.m_s; return b + sizeof(VDebug::string_literal_t); } template <> char* decode(std::ostream& os, char* b, char** /*dummy*/) { while (*b != '\0') { os << *b; ++b; } return ++b; } void VDebug::stringify(std::ostream& os, char* start, char const* const end) { if (start == end) return; int type_id = static_cast<int>(*start); start++; switch (type_id) { case 0: stringify( os, decode(os, start, static_cast<std::tuple_element<0, SupportedTypes>::type*>( nullptr)), end); return; case 1: stringify( os, decode(os, start, static_cast<std::tuple_element<1, SupportedTypes>::type*>( nullptr)), end); return; case 2: stringify( os, decode(os, start, static_cast<std::tuple_element<2, SupportedTypes>::type*>( nullptr)), end); return; case 3: stringify( os, decode(os, start, static_cast<std::tuple_element<3, SupportedTypes>::type*>( nullptr)), end); return; case 4: stringify( os, decode(os, start, static_cast<std::tuple_element<4, SupportedTypes>::type*>( nullptr)), end); return; case 5: stringify( os, decode(os, start, static_cast<std::tuple_element<5, SupportedTypes>::type*>( nullptr)), end); return; case 6: stringify( os, decode(os, start, static_cast<std::tuple_element<6, SupportedTypes>::type*>( nullptr)), end); return; case 7: stringify( os, decode(os, start, static_cast<std::tuple_element<7, SupportedTypes>::type*>( nullptr)), end); return; } } char* VDebug::buffer() { return !m_heap_buffer ? &m_stack_buffer[m_bytes_used] : &(m_heap_buffer.get())[m_bytes_used]; } void VDebug::resize_buffer_if_needed(size_t additional_bytes) { size_t const required_size = m_bytes_used + additional_bytes; if (required_size <= m_buffer_size) return; if (!m_heap_buffer) { m_buffer_size = std::max(static_cast<size_t>(512), required_size); m_heap_buffer = std::make_unique<char[]>(m_buffer_size); memcpy(m_heap_buffer.get(), m_stack_buffer, m_bytes_used); return; } else { m_buffer_size = std::max(static_cast<size_t>(2 * m_buffer_size), required_size); std::unique_ptr<char[]> new_heap_buffer(new char[m_buffer_size]); memcpy(new_heap_buffer.get(), m_heap_buffer.get(), m_bytes_used); m_heap_buffer.swap(new_heap_buffer); } } void VDebug::encode(char const* arg) { if (arg != nullptr) encode_c_string(arg, strlen(arg)); } void VDebug::encode(char* arg) { if (arg != nullptr) encode_c_string(arg, strlen(arg)); } void VDebug::encode_c_string(char const* arg, size_t length) { if (length == 0) return; resize_buffer_if_needed(1 + length + 1); char* b = buffer(); auto type_id = TupleIndex<char*, SupportedTypes>::value; *reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(b++) = static_cast<uint8_t>(type_id); memcpy(b, arg, length + 1); m_bytes_used += 1 + length + 1; } void VDebug::encode(string_literal_t arg) { encode<string_literal_t>( arg, TupleIndex<string_literal_t, SupportedTypes>::value); } VDebug& VDebug::operator<<(std::string const& arg) { encode_c_string(arg.c_str(), arg.length()); return *this; } VDebug& VDebug::operator<<(int32_t arg) { encode<int32_t>(arg, TupleIndex<int32_t, SupportedTypes>::value); return *this; } VDebug& VDebug::operator<<(uint32_t arg) { encode<uint32_t>(arg, TupleIndex<uint32_t, SupportedTypes>::value); return *this; } // VDebug& VDebug::operator<<(int64_t arg) // { // encode < int64_t >(arg, TupleIndex < int64_t, SupportedTypes >::value); // return *this; // } // VDebug& VDebug::operator<<(uint64_t arg) // { // encode < uint64_t >(arg, TupleIndex < uint64_t, SupportedTypes >::value); // return *this; // } VDebug& VDebug::operator<<(unsigned long arg) { encode<uint64_t>(arg, TupleIndex<uint64_t, SupportedTypes>::value); return *this; } VDebug& VDebug::operator<<(long arg) { encode<int64_t>(arg, TupleIndex<int64_t, SupportedTypes>::value); return *this; } VDebug& VDebug::operator<<(double arg) { encode<double>(arg, TupleIndex<double, SupportedTypes>::value); return *this; } VDebug& VDebug::operator<<(char arg) { encode<char>(arg, TupleIndex<char, SupportedTypes>::value); return *this; } struct BufferBase { virtual ~BufferBase() = default; virtual void push(VDebug&& logline) = 0; virtual bool try_pop(VDebug& logline) = 0; }; struct SpinLock { SpinLock(std::atomic_flag& flag) : m_flag(flag) { while (m_flag.test_and_set(std::memory_order_acquire)) ; } ~SpinLock() { m_flag.clear(std::memory_order_release); } private: std::atomic_flag& m_flag; }; /* Multi Producer Single Consumer Ring Buffer */ class RingBuffer : public BufferBase { public: struct alignas(64) Item { Item() : flag(), written(0), logline(LogLevel::INFO, nullptr, nullptr, 0) { } std::atomic_flag flag; char written; char padding[256 - sizeof(std::atomic_flag) - sizeof(char) - sizeof(VDebug)]; VDebug logline; }; RingBuffer(size_t const size) : m_size(size), m_ring(static_cast<Item*>(std::malloc(size * sizeof(Item)))), m_write_index(0), m_read_index(0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_size; ++i) { new (&m_ring[i]) Item(); } static_assert(sizeof(Item) == 256, "Unexpected size != 256"); } ~RingBuffer() override { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_size; ++i) { m_ring[i].~Item(); } std::free(m_ring); } void push(VDebug&& logline) override { unsigned int write_index = m_write_index.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed) % m_size; Item& item = m_ring[write_index]; SpinLock spinlock(item.flag); item.logline = std::move(logline); item.written = 1; } bool try_pop(VDebug& logline) override { Item& item = m_ring[m_read_index % m_size]; SpinLock spinlock(item.flag); if (item.written == 1) { logline = std::move(item.logline); item.written = 0; ++m_read_index; return true; } return false; } RingBuffer(RingBuffer const&) = delete; RingBuffer& operator=(RingBuffer const&) = delete; private: size_t const m_size; Item* m_ring; std::atomic<unsigned int> m_write_index; public: char pad[64]; private: unsigned int m_read_index; }; class Buffer { public: struct Item { Item(VDebug&& logline) : logline(std::move(logline)) {} char padding[256 - sizeof(VDebug)]; VDebug logline; }; static constexpr const size_t size = 32768; // 8MB. Helps reduce memory fragmentation Buffer() : m_buffer(static_cast<Item*>(std::malloc(size * sizeof(Item)))) { for (size_t i = 0; i <= size; ++i) { m_write_state[i].store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed); } static_assert(sizeof(Item) == 256, "Unexpected size != 256"); } ~Buffer() { unsigned int write_count = m_write_state[size].load(); for (size_t i = 0; i < write_count; ++i) { m_buffer[i].~Item(); } std::free(m_buffer); } // Returns true if we need to switch to next buffer bool push(VDebug&& logline, unsigned int const write_index) { new (&m_buffer[write_index]) Item(std::move(logline)); m_write_state[write_index].store(1, std::memory_order_release); return m_write_state[size].fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acquire) + 1 == size; } bool try_pop(VDebug& logline, unsigned int const read_index) { if (m_write_state[read_index].load(std::memory_order_acquire)) { Item& item = m_buffer[read_index]; logline = std::move(item.logline); return true; } return false; } Buffer(Buffer const&) = delete; Buffer& operator=(Buffer const&) = delete; private: Item* m_buffer; std::atomic<unsigned int> m_write_state[size + 1]; }; class QueueBuffer : public BufferBase { public: QueueBuffer(QueueBuffer const&) = delete; QueueBuffer& operator=(QueueBuffer const&) = delete; QueueBuffer() : m_current_read_buffer{nullptr}, m_write_index(0), m_flag(), m_read_index(0) { setup_next_write_buffer(); } void push(VDebug&& logline) override { unsigned int write_index = m_write_index.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); if (write_index < Buffer::size) { if (m_current_write_buffer.load(std::memory_order_acquire) ->push(std::move(logline), write_index)) { setup_next_write_buffer(); } } else { while (m_write_index.load(std::memory_order_acquire) >= Buffer::size) ; push(std::move(logline)); } } bool try_pop(VDebug& logline) override { if (m_current_read_buffer == nullptr) m_current_read_buffer = get_next_read_buffer(); Buffer* read_buffer = m_current_read_buffer; if (read_buffer == nullptr) return false; if (read_buffer->try_pop(logline, m_read_index)) { m_read_index++; if (m_read_index == Buffer::size) { m_read_index = 0; m_current_read_buffer = nullptr; SpinLock spinlock(m_flag); m_buffers.pop(); } return true; } return false; } private: void setup_next_write_buffer() { std::unique_ptr<Buffer> next_write_buffer(new Buffer()); m_current_write_buffer.store(next_write_buffer.get(), std::memory_order_release); SpinLock spinlock(m_flag); m_buffers.push(std::move(next_write_buffer)); m_write_index.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed); } Buffer* get_next_read_buffer() { SpinLock spinlock(m_flag); return m_buffers.empty() ? nullptr : m_buffers.front().get(); } private: std::queue<std::unique_ptr<Buffer> > m_buffers; std::atomic<Buffer*> m_current_write_buffer; Buffer* m_current_read_buffer; std::atomic<unsigned int> m_write_index; std::atomic_flag m_flag; unsigned int m_read_index; }; class FileWriter { public: FileWriter(std::string const& log_directory, std::string const& log_file_name, uint32_t log_file_roll_size_mb) : m_log_file_roll_size_bytes(log_file_roll_size_mb * 1024 * 1024), m_name(log_directory + log_file_name) { roll_file(); } void write(VDebug& logline) { auto pos = m_os->tellp(); logline.stringify(*m_os); m_bytes_written += m_os->tellp() - pos; if (m_bytes_written > m_log_file_roll_size_bytes) { roll_file(); } } private: void roll_file() { if (m_os) { m_os->flush(); m_os->close(); } m_bytes_written = 0; m_os = std::make_unique<std::ofstream>(); // TODO Optimize this part. Does it even matter ? std::string log_file_name = m_name; log_file_name.append("."); log_file_name.append(std::to_string(++m_file_number)); log_file_name.append(".txt"); m_os->open(log_file_name, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc); } private: uint32_t m_file_number = 0; std::streamoff m_bytes_written = 0; uint32_t const m_log_file_roll_size_bytes; std::string const m_name; std::unique_ptr<std::ofstream> m_os; }; class NanoLogger { public: NanoLogger(NonGuaranteedLogger ngl, std::string const& log_directory, std::string const& log_file_name, uint32_t log_file_roll_size_mb) : m_state(State::INIT), m_buffer_base( new RingBuffer(std::max(1u, ngl.ring_buffer_size_mb) * 1024 * 4)), m_file_writer(log_directory, log_file_name, std::max(1u, log_file_roll_size_mb)), m_thread(&NanoLogger::pop, this) { m_state.store(State::READY, std::memory_order_release); } NanoLogger(GuaranteedLogger /*gl*/, std::string const& log_directory, std::string const& log_file_name, uint32_t log_file_roll_size_mb) : m_state(State::INIT), m_buffer_base(new QueueBuffer()), m_file_writer(log_directory, log_file_name, std::max(1u, log_file_roll_size_mb)), m_thread(&NanoLogger::pop, this) { m_state.store(State::READY, std::memory_order_release); } ~NanoLogger() { m_state.store(State::SHUTDOWN); m_thread.join(); } void add(VDebug&& logline) { m_buffer_base->push(std::move(logline)); } void pop() { // Wait for constructor to complete and pull all stores done there to // this thread / core. while (m_state.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == State::INIT) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(50)); VDebug logline(LogLevel::INFO, nullptr, nullptr, 0); while (m_state.load() == State::READY) { if (m_buffer_base->try_pop(logline)) m_file_writer.write(logline); else std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(50)); } // Pop and log all remaining entries while (m_buffer_base->try_pop(logline)) { m_file_writer.write(logline); } } private: enum class State { INIT, READY, SHUTDOWN }; std::atomic<State> m_state; std::unique_ptr<BufferBase> m_buffer_base; FileWriter m_file_writer; std::thread m_thread; }; std::unique_ptr<NanoLogger> nanologger; std::atomic<NanoLogger*> atomic_nanologger; bool VDebugServer::operator==(VDebug& logline) { atomic_nanologger.load(std::memory_order_acquire)->add(std::move(logline)); return true; } void initialize(NonGuaranteedLogger ngl, std::string const& log_directory, std::string const& log_file_name, uint32_t log_file_roll_size_mb) { nanologger = std::make_unique<NanoLogger>(ngl, log_directory, log_file_name, log_file_roll_size_mb); atomic_nanologger.store(nanologger.get(), std::memory_order_seq_cst); } void initialize(GuaranteedLogger gl, std::string const& log_directory, std::string const& log_file_name, uint32_t log_file_roll_size_mb) { nanologger = std::make_unique<NanoLogger>(gl, log_directory, log_file_name, log_file_roll_size_mb); atomic_nanologger.store(nanologger.get(), std::memory_order_seq_cst); } std::atomic<unsigned int> loglevel = {0}; void set_log_level(LogLevel level) { loglevel.store(static_cast<unsigned int>(level), std::memory_order_release); } bool is_logged(LogLevel level) { return static_cast<unsigned int>(level) >= loglevel.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); } #endif // LOTTIE_LOGGING_SUPPORT