package middleware

import (


type (
	// CSRFConfig defines the config for CSRF middleware.
	CSRFConfig struct {
		// Skipper defines a function to skip middleware.
		Skipper Skipper

		// TokenLength is the length of the generated token.
		TokenLength uint8 `yaml:"token_length"`
		// Optional. Default value 32.

		// TokenLookup is a string in the form of "<source>:<name>" or "<source>:<name>,<source>:<name>" that is used
		// to extract token from the request.
		// Optional. Default value "header:X-CSRF-Token".
		// Possible values:
		// - "header:<name>" or "header:<name>:<cut-prefix>"
		// - "query:<name>"
		// - "form:<name>"
		// Multiple sources example:
		// - "header:X-CSRF-Token,query:csrf"
		TokenLookup string `yaml:"token_lookup"`

		// Context key to store generated CSRF token into context.
		// Optional. Default value "csrf".
		ContextKey string `yaml:"context_key"`

		// Name of the CSRF cookie. This cookie will store CSRF token.
		// Optional. Default value "csrf".
		CookieName string `yaml:"cookie_name"`

		// Domain of the CSRF cookie.
		// Optional. Default value none.
		CookieDomain string `yaml:"cookie_domain"`

		// Path of the CSRF cookie.
		// Optional. Default value none.
		CookiePath string `yaml:"cookie_path"`

		// Max age (in seconds) of the CSRF cookie.
		// Optional. Default value 86400 (24hr).
		CookieMaxAge int `yaml:"cookie_max_age"`

		// Indicates if CSRF cookie is secure.
		// Optional. Default value false.
		CookieSecure bool `yaml:"cookie_secure"`

		// Indicates if CSRF cookie is HTTP only.
		// Optional. Default value false.
		CookieHTTPOnly bool `yaml:"cookie_http_only"`

		// Indicates SameSite mode of the CSRF cookie.
		// Optional. Default value SameSiteDefaultMode.
		CookieSameSite http.SameSite `yaml:"cookie_same_site"`

		// ErrorHandler defines a function which is executed for returning custom errors.
		ErrorHandler CSRFErrorHandler

	// CSRFErrorHandler is a function which is executed for creating custom errors.
	CSRFErrorHandler func(err error, c echo.Context) error

// ErrCSRFInvalid is returned when CSRF check fails
var ErrCSRFInvalid = echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusForbidden, "invalid csrf token")

var (
	// DefaultCSRFConfig is the default CSRF middleware config.
	DefaultCSRFConfig = CSRFConfig{
		Skipper:        DefaultSkipper,
		TokenLength:    32,
		TokenLookup:    "header:" + echo.HeaderXCSRFToken,
		ContextKey:     "csrf",
		CookieName:     "_csrf",
		CookieMaxAge:   86400,
		CookieSameSite: http.SameSiteDefaultMode,

// CSRF returns a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) middleware.
// See:
func CSRF() echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	c := DefaultCSRFConfig
	return CSRFWithConfig(c)

// CSRFWithConfig returns a CSRF middleware with config.
// See `CSRF()`.
func CSRFWithConfig(config CSRFConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	// Defaults
	if config.Skipper == nil {
		config.Skipper = DefaultCSRFConfig.Skipper
	if config.TokenLength == 0 {
		config.TokenLength = DefaultCSRFConfig.TokenLength
	if config.TokenLookup == "" {
		config.TokenLookup = DefaultCSRFConfig.TokenLookup
	if config.ContextKey == "" {
		config.ContextKey = DefaultCSRFConfig.ContextKey
	if config.CookieName == "" {
		config.CookieName = DefaultCSRFConfig.CookieName
	if config.CookieMaxAge == 0 {
		config.CookieMaxAge = DefaultCSRFConfig.CookieMaxAge
	if config.CookieSameSite == http.SameSiteNoneMode {
		config.CookieSecure = true

	extractors, cErr := CreateExtractors(config.TokenLookup)
	if cErr != nil {

	return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
		return func(c echo.Context) error {
			if config.Skipper(c) {
				return next(c)

			token := ""
			if k, err := c.Cookie(config.CookieName); err != nil {
				token = random.String(config.TokenLength) // Generate token
			} else {
				token = k.Value // Reuse token

			switch c.Request().Method {
			case http.MethodGet, http.MethodHead, http.MethodOptions, http.MethodTrace:
				// Validate token only for requests which are not defined as 'safe' by RFC7231
				var lastExtractorErr error
				var lastTokenErr error
				for _, extractor := range extractors {
					clientTokens, err := extractor(c)
					if err != nil {
						lastExtractorErr = err

					for _, clientToken := range clientTokens {
						if validateCSRFToken(token, clientToken) {
							lastTokenErr = nil
							lastExtractorErr = nil
							break outer
						lastTokenErr = ErrCSRFInvalid
				var finalErr error
				if lastTokenErr != nil {
					finalErr = lastTokenErr
				} else if lastExtractorErr != nil {
					// ugly part to preserve backwards compatible errors. someone could rely on them
					if lastExtractorErr == errQueryExtractorValueMissing {
						lastExtractorErr = echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, "missing csrf token in the query string")
					} else if lastExtractorErr == errFormExtractorValueMissing {
						lastExtractorErr = echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, "missing csrf token in the form parameter")
					} else if lastExtractorErr == errHeaderExtractorValueMissing {
						lastExtractorErr = echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, "missing csrf token in request header")
					} else {
						lastExtractorErr = echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, lastExtractorErr.Error())
					finalErr = lastExtractorErr

				if finalErr != nil {
					if config.ErrorHandler != nil {
						return config.ErrorHandler(finalErr, c)
					return finalErr

			// Set CSRF cookie
			cookie := new(http.Cookie)
			cookie.Name = config.CookieName
			cookie.Value = token
			if config.CookiePath != "" {
				cookie.Path = config.CookiePath
			if config.CookieDomain != "" {
				cookie.Domain = config.CookieDomain
			if config.CookieSameSite != http.SameSiteDefaultMode {
				cookie.SameSite = config.CookieSameSite
			cookie.Expires = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(config.CookieMaxAge) * time.Second)
			cookie.Secure = config.CookieSecure
			cookie.HttpOnly = config.CookieHTTPOnly

			// Store token in the context
			c.Set(config.ContextKey, token)

			// Protect clients from caching the response
			c.Response().Header().Add(echo.HeaderVary, echo.HeaderCookie)

			return next(c)

func validateCSRFToken(token, clientToken string) bool {
	return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(token), []byte(clientToken)) == 1