// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT.

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// WindowsKioskConfiguration This entity provides descriptions of the declared methods, properties and relationships exposed by the kiosk resource.
type WindowsKioskConfiguration struct {
	// DeviceConfiguration is the base model of WindowsKioskConfiguration
	// KioskProfiles This policy setting allows to define a list of Kiosk profiles for a Kiosk configuration. This collection can contain a maximum of 3 elements.
	KioskProfiles []WindowsKioskProfile `json:"kioskProfiles,omitempty"`
	// KioskBrowserDefaultURL Specify the default URL the browser should navigate to on launch.
	KioskBrowserDefaultURL *string `json:"kioskBrowserDefaultUrl,omitempty"`
	// KioskBrowserEnableHomeButton Enable the kiosk browser's home button. By default, the home button is disabled.
	KioskBrowserEnableHomeButton *bool `json:"kioskBrowserEnableHomeButton,omitempty"`
	// KioskBrowserEnableNavigationButtons Enable the kiosk browser's navigation buttons(forward/back). By default, the navigation buttons are disabled.
	KioskBrowserEnableNavigationButtons *bool `json:"kioskBrowserEnableNavigationButtons,omitempty"`
	// KioskBrowserEnableEndSessionButton Enable the kiosk browser's end session button. By default, the end session button is disabled.
	KioskBrowserEnableEndSessionButton *bool `json:"kioskBrowserEnableEndSessionButton,omitempty"`
	// KioskBrowserRestartOnIdleTimeInMinutes Specify the number of minutes the session is idle until the kiosk browser restarts in a fresh state.  Valid values are 1-1440. Valid values 1 to 1440
	KioskBrowserRestartOnIdleTimeInMinutes *int `json:"kioskBrowserRestartOnIdleTimeInMinutes,omitempty"`
	// KioskBrowserBlockedURLs Specify URLs that the kiosk browsers should not navigate to
	KioskBrowserBlockedURLs []string `json:"kioskBrowserBlockedURLs,omitempty"`
	// KioskBrowserBlockedURLExceptions Specify URLs that the kiosk browser is allowed to navigate to
	KioskBrowserBlockedURLExceptions []string `json:"kioskBrowserBlockedUrlExceptions,omitempty"`
	// EdgeKioskEnablePublicBrowsing Enable public browsing kiosk mode for the Microsoft Edge browser. The Default is false.
	EdgeKioskEnablePublicBrowsing *bool `json:"edgeKioskEnablePublicBrowsing,omitempty"`
	// WindowsKioskForceUpdateSchedule force update schedule for Kiosk devices.
	WindowsKioskForceUpdateSchedule *WindowsKioskForceUpdateSchedule `json:"windowsKioskForceUpdateSchedule,omitempty"`