// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

import "time"

// AndroidForWorkSettings Settings for Android For Work.
type AndroidForWorkSettings struct {
	// Entity is the base model of AndroidForWorkSettings
	// BindStatus Bind status of the tenant with the Google EMM API
	BindStatus *AndroidForWorkBindStatus `json:"bindStatus,omitempty"`
	// LastAppSyncDateTime Last completion time for app sync
	LastAppSyncDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastAppSyncDateTime,omitempty"`
	// LastAppSyncStatus Last application sync result
	LastAppSyncStatus *AndroidForWorkSyncStatus `json:"lastAppSyncStatus,omitempty"`
	// OwnerUserPrincipalName Owner UPN that created the enterprise
	OwnerUserPrincipalName *string `json:"ownerUserPrincipalName,omitempty"`
	// OwnerOrganizationName Organization name used when onboarding Android for Work
	OwnerOrganizationName *string `json:"ownerOrganizationName,omitempty"`
	// LastModifiedDateTime Last modification time for Android for Work settings
	LastModifiedDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// EnrollmentTarget Indicates which users can enroll devices in Android for Work device management
	EnrollmentTarget *AndroidForWorkEnrollmentTarget `json:"enrollmentTarget,omitempty"`
	// TargetGroupIDs Specifies which AAD groups can enroll devices in Android for Work device management if enrollmentTarget is set to 'Targeted'
	TargetGroupIDs []string `json:"targetGroupIds,omitempty"`
	// DeviceOwnerManagementEnabled Indicates if this account is flighting for Android Device Owner Management with CloudDPC.
	DeviceOwnerManagementEnabled *bool `json:"deviceOwnerManagementEnabled,omitempty"`