// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

import "time"

// AndroidDeviceOwnerEnrollmentProfile Enrollment Profile used to enroll COSU devices using Google's Cloud Management.
type AndroidDeviceOwnerEnrollmentProfile struct {
	// Entity is the base model of AndroidDeviceOwnerEnrollmentProfile
	// AccountID Tenant GUID the enrollment profile belongs to.
	AccountID *string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
	// DisplayName Display name for the enrollment profile.
	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// Description Description for the enrollment profile.
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// CreatedDateTime Date time the enrollment profile was created.
	CreatedDateTime *time.Time `json:"createdDateTime,omitempty"`
	// LastModifiedDateTime Date time the enrollment profile was last modified.
	LastModifiedDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// TokenValue Value of the most recently created token for this enrollment profile.
	TokenValue *string `json:"tokenValue,omitempty"`
	// TokenCreationDateTime Date time the most recently created token was created.
	TokenCreationDateTime *time.Time `json:"tokenCreationDateTime,omitempty"`
	// TokenExpirationDateTime Date time the most recently created token will expire.
	TokenExpirationDateTime *time.Time `json:"tokenExpirationDateTime,omitempty"`
	// EnrolledDeviceCount Total number of Android devices that have enrolled using this enrollment profile.
	EnrolledDeviceCount *int `json:"enrolledDeviceCount,omitempty"`
	// QrCodeContent String used to generate a QR code for the token.
	QrCodeContent *string `json:"qrCodeContent,omitempty"`
	// QrCodeImage String used to generate a QR code for the token.
	QrCodeImage *MimeContent `json:"qrCodeImage,omitempty"`
	// RoleScopeTagIDs List of Scope Tags for this Entity instance.
	RoleScopeTagIDs []string `json:"roleScopeTagIds,omitempty"`