// Copyright (c) Liam Stanley <me@liamstanley.io>. All rights reserved. Use // of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in // the LICENSE file. package girc import ( "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) // Something not in the list? Depending on the type of capability, you can // enable it using Config.SupportedCaps. var possibleCap = map[string][]string{ "account-notify": nil, "account-tag": nil, "away-notify": nil, "batch": nil, "cap-notify": nil, "chghost": nil, "extended-join": nil, "invite-notify": nil, "message-tags": nil, "msgid": nil, "multi-prefix": nil, "server-time": nil, "userhost-in-names": nil, // Supported draft versions, some may be duplicated above, this is for backwards // compatibility. "draft/message-tags-0.2": nil, "draft/msgid": nil, // sts, sasl, etc are enabled dynamically/depending on client configuration, // so aren't included on this list. // "echo-message" is supported, but it's not enabled by default. This is // to prevent unwanted confusion and utilize less traffic if it's not needed. // echo messages aren't sent to girc.PRIVMSG and girc.NOTICE handlers, // rather they are only sent to girc.ALL_EVENTS handlers (this is to prevent // each handler to have to check these types of things for each message). // You can compare events using Event.Equals() to see if they are the same. } // https://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/server-time-3.2.html // <value> ::= YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ const capServerTimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z" func (c *Client) listCAP() { if !c.Config.disableTracking { c.write(&Event{Command: CAP, Params: []string{CAP_LS, "302"}}) } } func possibleCapList(c *Client) map[string][]string { out := make(map[string][]string) if c.Config.SASL != nil { out["sasl"] = nil } if !c.Config.DisableSTS && !c.Config.SSL { // If fallback supported, and we failed recently, don't try negotiating STS. // ONLY do this fallback if we're expired (primarily useful during the first // sts negotiation). if time.Since(c.state.sts.lastFailed) < 5*time.Minute && !c.Config.DisableSTSFallback { c.debug.Println("skipping strict transport policy negotiation; failed within the last 5 minutes") } else { out["sts"] = nil } } for k := range c.Config.SupportedCaps { out[k] = c.Config.SupportedCaps[k] } for k := range possibleCap { out[k] = possibleCap[k] } return out } func parseCap(raw string) map[string]map[string]string { out := make(map[string]map[string]string) parts := strings.Split(raw, " ") var val int for i := 0; i < len(parts); i++ { val = strings.IndexByte(parts[i], prefixTagValue) // = // No value splitter, or has splitter but no trailing value. if val < 1 || len(parts[i]) < val+1 { // The capability doesn't contain a value. out[parts[i]] = nil continue } out[parts[i][:val]] = make(map[string]string) for _, option := range strings.Split(parts[i][val+1:], ",") { j := strings.Index(option, "=") if j < 0 { out[parts[i][:val]][option] = "" } else { out[parts[i][:val]][option[:j]] = option[j+1:] } } } return out } // handleCAP attempts to find out what IRCv3 capabilities the server supports. // This will lock further registration until we have acknowledged (or denied) // the capabilities. func handleCAP(c *Client, e Event) { c.state.Lock() defer c.state.Unlock() if len(e.Params) >= 2 && e.Params[1] == CAP_DEL { caps := parseCap(e.Last()) for cap := range caps { // TODO: test the deletion. delete(c.state.enabledCap, cap) } return } // We can assume there was a failure attempting to enable a capability. if len(e.Params) >= 2 && e.Params[1] == CAP_NAK { // Let the server know that we're done. c.write(&Event{Command: CAP, Params: []string{CAP_END}}) return } possible := possibleCapList(c) // TODO: test the addition. if len(e.Params) >= 3 && (e.Params[1] == CAP_LS || e.Params[1] == CAP_NEW) { caps := parseCap(e.Last()) for capName := range caps { if _, ok := possible[capName]; !ok { continue } if len(possible[capName]) == 0 || len(caps[capName]) == 0 { c.state.tmpCap[capName] = caps[capName] continue } var contains bool for capAttr := range caps[capName] { for i := 0; i < len(possible[capName]); i++ { if _, ok := caps[capName][capAttr]; ok { // Assuming we have a matching attribute for the capability. contains = true goto checkcontains } } } checkcontains: if !contains { continue } c.state.tmpCap[capName] = caps[capName] } // Indicates if this is a multi-line LS. (3 args means it's the // last LS). if len(e.Params) == 3 { // If we support no caps, just ack the CAP message and END. if len(c.state.tmpCap) == 0 { c.write(&Event{Command: CAP, Params: []string{CAP_END}}) return } // Let them know which ones we'd like to enable. reqKeys := make([]string, len(c.state.tmpCap)) i := 0 for k := range c.state.tmpCap { reqKeys[i] = k i++ } c.write(&Event{Command: CAP, Params: []string{CAP_REQ, strings.Join(reqKeys, " ")}}) } } if len(e.Params) == 3 && e.Params[1] == CAP_ACK { enabled := strings.Split(e.Last(), " ") for _, cap := range enabled { if val, ok := c.state.tmpCap[cap]; ok { c.state.enabledCap[cap] = val } else { c.state.enabledCap[cap] = nil } } // Anything client side that needs to be setup post-capability-acknowledgement, // should be done here. // Handle STS, and only if it's something specifically we enabled (client // may choose to disable girc automatic STS, and do it themselves). if sts, sok := c.state.enabledCap["sts"]; sok && !c.Config.DisableSTS { var isError bool // Some things are updated in the policy depending on if the current // connection is over tls or not. var hasTLSConnection bool if tlsState, _ := c.TLSConnectionState(); tlsState != nil { hasTLSConnection = true } // "This key indicates the port number for making a secure connection. // This key’s value MUST be a single port number. If the client is not // already connected securely to the server at the requested hostname, // it MUST close the insecure connection and reconnect securely on the // stated port. // // To enforce an STS upgrade policy, servers MUST send this key to // insecurely connected clients. Servers MAY send this key to securely // connected clients, but it will be ignored." // // See: https://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sts#the-port-key if !hasTLSConnection { if port, ok := sts["port"]; ok { c.state.sts.upgradePort, _ = strconv.Atoi(port) if c.state.sts.upgradePort < 21 { isError = true } } else { isError = true } } // "This key is used on secure connections to indicate how long clients // MUST continue to use secure connections when connecting to the server // at the requested hostname. The value of this key MUST be given as a // single integer which represents the number of seconds until the persistence // policy expires. // // To enforce an STS persistence policy, servers MUST send this key to // securely connected clients. Servers MAY send this key to all clients, // but insecurely connected clients MUST ignore it." // // See: https://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sts#the-duration-key if hasTLSConnection { if duration, ok := sts["duration"]; ok { c.state.sts.persistenceDuration, _ = strconv.Atoi(duration) c.state.sts.persistenceReceived = time.Now() } else { isError = true } } // See: https://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sts#the-preload-key if hasTLSConnection { if preload, ok := sts["preload"]; ok { c.state.sts.preload, _ = strconv.ParseBool(preload) } } if isError { c.rx <- &Event{Command: ERROR, Params: []string{ fmt.Sprintf("closing connection: strict transport policy provided by server is invalid; possible MITM? config: %#v", sts), }} return } // Only upgrade if not already upgraded. if !hasTLSConnection { c.state.sts.beginUpgrade = true c.RunHandlers(&Event{Command: STS_UPGRADE_INIT}) c.debug.Println("strict transport security policy provided by server; closing connection to begin upgrade...") c.Close() return } } // Re-initialize the tmpCap, so if we get multiple 'CAP LS' requests // due to cap-notify, we can re-evaluate what we can support. c.state.tmpCap = make(map[string]map[string]string) if _, ok := c.state.enabledCap["sasl"]; ok && c.Config.SASL != nil { c.write(&Event{Command: AUTHENTICATE, Params: []string{c.Config.SASL.Method()}}) // Don't "CAP END", since we want to authenticate. return } // Let the server know that we're done. c.write(&Event{Command: CAP, Params: []string{CAP_END}}) return } } // handleCHGHOST handles incoming IRCv3 hostname change events. CHGHOST is // what occurs (when enabled) when a servers services change the hostname of // a user. Traditionally, this was simply resolved with a quick QUIT and JOIN, // however CHGHOST resolves this in a much cleaner fashion. func handleCHGHOST(c *Client, e Event) { if len(e.Params) != 2 { return } c.state.Lock() user := c.state.lookupUser(e.Source.Name) if user != nil { user.Ident = e.Params[0] user.Host = e.Params[1] } c.state.Unlock() c.state.notify(c, UPDATE_STATE) } // handleAWAY handles incoming IRCv3 AWAY events, for which are sent both // when users are no longer away, or when they are away. func handleAWAY(c *Client, e Event) { c.state.Lock() user := c.state.lookupUser(e.Source.Name) if user != nil { user.Extras.Away = e.Last() } c.state.Unlock() c.state.notify(c, UPDATE_STATE) } // handleACCOUNT handles incoming IRCv3 ACCOUNT events. ACCOUNT is sent when // a user logs into an account, logs out of their account, or logs into a // different account. The account backend is handled server-side, so this // could be NickServ, X (undernet?), etc. func handleACCOUNT(c *Client, e Event) { if len(e.Params) != 1 { return } account := e.Params[0] if account == "*" { account = "" } c.state.Lock() user := c.state.lookupUser(e.Source.Name) if user != nil { user.Extras.Account = account } c.state.Unlock() c.state.notify(c, UPDATE_STATE) }