// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE-GO file.

package memory

import (

// https://cs.opensource.google/go/go/+/refs/tags/go1.17.8:src/syscall/syscall_linux_s390x.go;l=105-115
// Linux on s390x uses the old mmap interface, which requires arguments to be passed in a struct.
// mmap2 also requires arguments to be passed in a struct; it is currently not exposed in <asm/unistd.h>.
func mmapSyscall(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flags int, fd int, offset int64) (xaddr uintptr, err error) {
	mmap_args := [6]uintptr{addr, length, uintptr(prot), uintptr(flags), uintptr(fd), uintptr(offset)}
	r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_MMAP, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&mmap_args[0])), 0, 0)
	xaddr = uintptr(r0)
	if e1 != 0 {
		err = e1