Media embeds #4

opened 2025-02-22 14:17:31 -08:00 by jshiffer · 2 comments

Discord images show up as links in XMPP. We should be using OOB.
XMPP images show up as links in discord, which happen to get auto-embedded. This causes the image to re-appear if there's anything which copies the message content (eg. XMPP-to-XMPP replies). It should preferably be a rich embed.

Discord images show up as links in XMPP. We should be using OOB. XMPP images show up as links in discord, which happen to get auto-embedded. This causes the image to re-appear if there's anything which copies the message content (eg. XMPP-to-XMPP replies). It should preferably be a rich embed.

On the same token, replies via XMPP will repeat a ping to a Discord user for every reply in a chain. That is,

{{foo}}: @discord_user
{{bar (xmpp}}: > @discord_user
# discord_user has been pinged twice
On the same token, replies via XMPP will repeat a ping to a Discord user for every reply in a chain. That is, ``` {{foo}}: @discord_user {{bar (xmpp}}: > @discord_user # discord_user has been pinged twice ```

Forwarded messages in Discord are completely invisible to matterbridge

Forwarded messages in Discord are completely invisible to matterbridge
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