Update vendor lrstanley/girc and readme
This commit is contained in:
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Matterbridge wouldn't exist without these libraries:
* echo - https://github.com/labstack/echo
* gitter - https://github.com/sromku/go-gitter
* gops - https://github.com/google/gops
* irc - https://github.com/thoj/go-ircevent
* irc - https://github.com/lrstanley/girc
* mattermost - https://github.com/mattermost/platform
* matrix - https://github.com/matrix-org/gomatrix
* slack - https://github.com/nlopes/slack
@ -16,64 +16,62 @@ func (c *Client) registerBuiltins() {
// Built-in things that should always be supported.
c.Handlers.register(true, RPL_WELCOME, HandlerFunc(func(c *Client, e Event) {
go handleConnect(c, e)
c.Handlers.register(true, PING, HandlerFunc(handlePING))
c.Handlers.register(true, PONG, HandlerFunc(handlePONG))
c.Handlers.register(true, true, RPL_WELCOME, HandlerFunc(handleConnect))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, PING, HandlerFunc(handlePING))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, PONG, HandlerFunc(handlePONG))
if !c.Config.disableTracking {
// Joins/parts/anything that may add/remove/rename users.
c.Handlers.register(true, JOIN, HandlerFunc(handleJOIN))
c.Handlers.register(true, PART, HandlerFunc(handlePART))
c.Handlers.register(true, KICK, HandlerFunc(handleKICK))
c.Handlers.register(true, QUIT, HandlerFunc(handleQUIT))
c.Handlers.register(true, NICK, HandlerFunc(handleNICK))
c.Handlers.register(true, RPL_NAMREPLY, HandlerFunc(handleNAMES))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, JOIN, HandlerFunc(handleJOIN))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, PART, HandlerFunc(handlePART))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, KICK, HandlerFunc(handleKICK))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, QUIT, HandlerFunc(handleQUIT))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, NICK, HandlerFunc(handleNICK))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, RPL_NAMREPLY, HandlerFunc(handleNAMES))
// Modes.
c.Handlers.register(true, MODE, HandlerFunc(handleMODE))
c.Handlers.register(true, RPL_CHANNELMODEIS, HandlerFunc(handleMODE))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, MODE, HandlerFunc(handleMODE))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, RPL_CHANNELMODEIS, HandlerFunc(handleMODE))
// WHO/WHOX responses.
c.Handlers.register(true, RPL_WHOREPLY, HandlerFunc(handleWHO))
c.Handlers.register(true, RPL_WHOSPCRPL, HandlerFunc(handleWHO))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, RPL_WHOREPLY, HandlerFunc(handleWHO))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, RPL_WHOSPCRPL, HandlerFunc(handleWHO))
// Other misc. useful stuff.
c.Handlers.register(true, TOPIC, HandlerFunc(handleTOPIC))
c.Handlers.register(true, RPL_TOPIC, HandlerFunc(handleTOPIC))
c.Handlers.register(true, RPL_MYINFO, HandlerFunc(handleMYINFO))
c.Handlers.register(true, RPL_ISUPPORT, HandlerFunc(handleISUPPORT))
c.Handlers.register(true, RPL_MOTDSTART, HandlerFunc(handleMOTD))
c.Handlers.register(true, RPL_MOTD, HandlerFunc(handleMOTD))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, TOPIC, HandlerFunc(handleTOPIC))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, RPL_TOPIC, HandlerFunc(handleTOPIC))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, RPL_MYINFO, HandlerFunc(handleMYINFO))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, RPL_ISUPPORT, HandlerFunc(handleISUPPORT))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, RPL_MOTDSTART, HandlerFunc(handleMOTD))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, RPL_MOTD, HandlerFunc(handleMOTD))
// Keep users lastactive times up to date.
c.Handlers.register(true, PRIVMSG, HandlerFunc(updateLastActive))
c.Handlers.register(true, NOTICE, HandlerFunc(updateLastActive))
c.Handlers.register(true, TOPIC, HandlerFunc(updateLastActive))
c.Handlers.register(true, KICK, HandlerFunc(updateLastActive))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, PRIVMSG, HandlerFunc(updateLastActive))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, NOTICE, HandlerFunc(updateLastActive))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, TOPIC, HandlerFunc(updateLastActive))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, KICK, HandlerFunc(updateLastActive))
// CAP IRCv3-specific tracking and functionality.
c.Handlers.register(true, CAP, HandlerFunc(handleCAP))
c.Handlers.register(true, CAP_CHGHOST, HandlerFunc(handleCHGHOST))
c.Handlers.register(true, CAP_AWAY, HandlerFunc(handleAWAY))
c.Handlers.register(true, CAP_ACCOUNT, HandlerFunc(handleACCOUNT))
c.Handlers.register(true, ALL_EVENTS, HandlerFunc(handleTags))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, CAP, HandlerFunc(handleCAP))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, CAP_CHGHOST, HandlerFunc(handleCHGHOST))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, CAP_AWAY, HandlerFunc(handleAWAY))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, CAP_ACCOUNT, HandlerFunc(handleACCOUNT))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, ALL_EVENTS, HandlerFunc(handleTags))
// SASL IRCv3 support.
c.Handlers.register(true, AUTHENTICATE, HandlerFunc(handleSASL))
c.Handlers.register(true, RPL_SASLSUCCESS, HandlerFunc(handleSASL))
c.Handlers.register(true, RPL_NICKLOCKED, HandlerFunc(handleSASLError))
c.Handlers.register(true, ERR_SASLFAIL, HandlerFunc(handleSASLError))
c.Handlers.register(true, ERR_SASLTOOLONG, HandlerFunc(handleSASLError))
c.Handlers.register(true, ERR_SASLABORTED, HandlerFunc(handleSASLError))
c.Handlers.register(true, RPL_SASLMECHS, HandlerFunc(handleSASLError))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, AUTHENTICATE, HandlerFunc(handleSASL))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, RPL_SASLSUCCESS, HandlerFunc(handleSASL))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, RPL_NICKLOCKED, HandlerFunc(handleSASLError))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, ERR_SASLFAIL, HandlerFunc(handleSASLError))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, ERR_SASLTOOLONG, HandlerFunc(handleSASLError))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, ERR_SASLABORTED, HandlerFunc(handleSASLError))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, RPL_SASLMECHS, HandlerFunc(handleSASLError))
// Nickname collisions.
c.Handlers.register(true, ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE, HandlerFunc(nickCollisionHandler))
c.Handlers.register(true, ERR_NICKCOLLISION, HandlerFunc(nickCollisionHandler))
c.Handlers.register(true, ERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE, HandlerFunc(nickCollisionHandler))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE, HandlerFunc(nickCollisionHandler))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, ERR_NICKCOLLISION, HandlerFunc(nickCollisionHandler))
c.Handlers.register(true, false, ERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE, HandlerFunc(nickCollisionHandler))
@ -389,7 +387,7 @@ func handleISUPPORT(c *Client, e Event) {
// Skip the first parameter, as it's our nickname.
for i := 1; i < len(e.Params); i++ {
j := strings.IndexByte(e.Params[i], 0x3D) // =
j := strings.IndexByte(e.Params[i], '=')
if j < 1 || (j+1) == len(e.Params[i]) {
c.state.serverOptions[e.Params[i]] = ""
@ -375,10 +375,10 @@ func handleTags(c *Client, e Event) {
const (
prefixTag byte = 0x40 // @
prefixTagValue byte = 0x3D // =
prefixUserTag byte = 0x2B // +
tagSeparator byte = 0x3B // ;
prefixTag byte = '@'
prefixTagValue byte = '='
prefixUserTag byte = '+'
tagSeparator byte = ';'
maxTagLength int = 511 // 510 + @ and " " (space), though space usually not included.
@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ func validTag(name string) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(name); i++ {
// A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -/._
if (name[i] < 0x41 || name[i] > 0x5A) && (name[i] < 0x61 || name[i] > 0x7A) && (name[i] < 0x2D || name[i] > 0x39) && name[i] != 0x5F {
if (name[i] < 'A' || name[i] > 'Z') && (name[i] < 'a' || name[i] > 'z') && (name[i] < '-' || name[i] > '9') && name[i] != '_' {
return false
@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ func validTag(name string) bool {
func validTagValue(value string) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(value); i++ {
// Don't allow any invisible chars within the tag, or semicolons.
if value[i] < 0x21 || value[i] > 0x7E || value[i] == 0x3B {
if value[i] < '!' || value[i] > '~' || value[i] == ';' {
return false
@ -464,9 +464,9 @@ func (c *Client) GetHost() string {
return c.state.host
// Channels returns the active list of channels that the client is in.
// ChannelList returns the active list of channel names that the client is in.
// Panics if tracking is disabled.
func (c *Client) Channels() []string {
func (c *Client) ChannelList() []string {
@ -482,9 +482,26 @@ func (c *Client) Channels() []string {
return channels
// Users returns the active list of users that the client is tracking across
// all files. Panics if tracking is disabled.
func (c *Client) Users() []string {
// Channels returns the active channels that the client is in. Panics if
// tracking is disabled.
func (c *Client) Channels() []*Channel {
channels := make([]*Channel, len(c.state.channels))
var i int
for channel := range c.state.channels {
channels[i] = c.state.channels[channel].Copy()
return channels
// UserList returns the active list of nicknames that the client is tracking
// across all networks. Panics if tracking is disabled.
func (c *Client) UserList() []string {
@ -500,6 +517,23 @@ func (c *Client) Users() []string {
return users
// Users returns the active users that the client is tracking across all
// networks. Panics if tracking is disabled.
func (c *Client) Users() []*User {
users := make([]*User, len(c.state.users))
var i int
for user := range c.state.users {
users[i] = c.state.users[user].Copy()
return users
// LookupChannel looks up a given channel in state. If the channel doesn't
// exist, nil is returned. Panics if tracking is disabled.
func (c *Client) LookupChannel(name string) *Channel {
@ -272,6 +272,27 @@ func (cmd *Commands) Kick(channel, user, reason string) {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: KICK, Params: []string{channel, user}})
// Ban adds the +b mode on the given mask on a channel.
func (cmd *Commands) Ban(channel, mask string) {
cmd.Mode(channel, "+b", mask)
// Unban removes the +b mode on the given mask on a channel.
func (cmd *Commands) Unban(channel, mask string) {
cmd.Mode(channel, "-b", mask)
// Mode sends a mode change to the server which should be applied to target
// (usually a channel or user), along with a set of modes (generally "+m",
// "+mmmm", or "-m", where "m" is the mode you want to change). Params is only
// needed if the mode change requires a parameter (ban or invite-only exclude.)
func (cmd *Commands) Mode(target, modes string, params ...string) {
out := []string{target, modes}
out = append(out, params...)
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: MODE, Params: out})
// Invite sends a INVITE query to the server, to invite nick to channel.
func (cmd *Commands) Invite(channel string, users ...string) {
for i := 0; i < len(users); i++ {
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ func decodeCTCP(e *Event) *CTCPEvent {
if s < 0 {
for i := 0; i < len(text); i++ {
// Check for A-Z, 0-9.
if (text[i] < 0x41 || text[i] > 0x5A) && (text[i] < 0x30 || text[i] > 0x39) {
if (text[i] < 'A' || text[i] > 'Z') && (text[i] < '0' || text[i] > '9') {
return nil
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ func decodeCTCP(e *Event) *CTCPEvent {
// Loop through checking the tag first.
for i := 0; i < s; i++ {
// Check for A-Z, 0-9.
if (text[i] < 0x41 || text[i] > 0x5A) && (text[i] < 0x30 || text[i] > 0x39) {
if (text[i] < 'A' || text[i] > 'Z') && (text[i] < '0' || text[i] > '9') {
return nil
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ func (c *CTCP) parseCMD(cmd string) string {
for i := 0; i < len(cmd); i++ {
// Check for A-Z, 0-9.
if (cmd[i] < 0x41 || cmd[i] > 0x5A) && (cmd[i] < 0x30 || cmd[i] > 0x39) {
if (cmd[i] < 'A' || cmd[i] > 'Z') && (cmd[i] < '0' || cmd[i] > '9') {
return ""
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
const (
eventSpace byte = 0x20 // Separator.
eventSpace byte = ' ' // Separator.
maxLength = 510 // Maximum length is 510 (2 for line endings).
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ func (e *Event) Bytes() []byte {
// Strip newlines and carriage returns.
for i := 0; i < len(out); i++ {
if out[i] == 0x0A || out[i] == 0x0D {
if out[i] == '\n' || out[i] == '\r' {
out = append(out[:i], out[i+1:]...)
i-- // Decrease the index so we can pick up where we left off.
@ -432,9 +432,9 @@ func (e *Event) StripAction() string {
const (
messagePrefix byte = 0x3A // ":" -- prefix or last argument
prefixIdent byte = 0x21 // "!" -- username
prefixHost byte = 0x40 // "@" -- hostname
messagePrefix byte = ':' // Prefix or last argument.
prefixIdent byte = '!' // Username.
prefixHost byte = '@' // Hostname.
// Source represents the sender of an IRC event, see RFC1459 section 2.3.1.
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import (
const (
fmtOpenChar = 0x7B // {
fmtCloseChar = 0x7D // }
fmtOpenChar = '{'
fmtCloseChar = '}'
var fmtColors = map[string]int{
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ func Fmt(text string) string {
if last > -1 {
// A-Z, a-z, and ","
if text[i] != 0x2c && (text[i] <= 0x41 || text[i] >= 0x5a) && (text[i] <= 0x61 || text[i] >= 0x7a) {
if text[i] != ',' && (text[i] <= 'A' || text[i] >= 'Z') && (text[i] <= 'a' || text[i] >= 'z') {
last = -1
@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ func Fmt(text string) string {
// See Fmt() for more information.
func TrimFmt(text string) string {
for color := range fmtColors {
text = strings.Replace(text, "{"+color+"}", "", -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, string(fmtOpenChar)+color+string(fmtCloseChar), "", -1)
for code := range fmtCodes {
text = strings.Replace(text, "{"+code+"}", "", -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, string(fmtOpenChar)+code+string(fmtCloseChar), "", -1)
return text
@ -175,9 +175,10 @@ func IsValidChannel(channel string) bool {
return false
// #, +, !<channelid>, or &
// Including "*" in the prefix list, as this is commonly used (e.g. ZNC)
if bytes.IndexByte([]byte{0x21, 0x23, 0x26, 0x2A, 0x2B}, channel[0]) == -1 {
// #, +, !<channelid>, ~, or &
// Including "*" and "~" in the prefix list, as these are commonly used
// (e.g. ZNC.)
if bytes.IndexByte([]byte{'!', '#', '&', '*', '~', '+'}, channel[0]) == -1 {
return false
@ -186,14 +187,14 @@ func IsValidChannel(channel string) bool {
// 1 (prefix) + 5 (id) + 1 (+, channel name)
// On some networks, this may be extended with ISUPPORT capabilities,
// however this is extremely uncommon.
if channel[0] == 0x21 {
if channel[0] == '!' {
if len(channel) < 7 {
return false
// check for valid ID
for i := 1; i < 6; i++ {
if (channel[i] < 0x30 || channel[i] > 0x39) && (channel[i] < 0x41 || channel[i] > 0x5A) {
if (channel[i] < '0' || channel[i] > '9') && (channel[i] < 'A' || channel[i] > 'Z') {
return false
@ -222,18 +223,15 @@ func IsValidNick(nick string) bool {
return false
nick = ToRFC1459(nick)
// Check the first index. Some characters aren't allowed for the first
// index of an IRC nickname.
if nick[0] < 0x41 || nick[0] > 0x7D {
// a-z, A-Z, and _\[]{}^|
if (nick[0] < 'A' || nick[0] > '}') && nick[0] != '?' {
// a-z, A-Z, '_\[]{}^|', and '?' in the case of znc.
return false
for i := 1; i < len(nick); i++ {
if (nick[i] < 0x41 || nick[i] > 0x7E) && (nick[i] < 0x30 || nick[i] > 0x39) && nick[i] != 0x2D {
fmt.Println(nick[i], i, nick)
if (nick[i] < 'A' || nick[i] > '}') && (nick[i] < '0' || nick[i] > '9') && nick[i] != '-' {
// a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, and _\[]{}^|
return false
@ -262,10 +260,8 @@ func IsValidUser(name string) bool {
return false
name = ToRFC1459(name)
// "~" is prepended (commonly) if there was no ident server response.
if name[0] == 0x7E {
if name[0] == '~' {
// Means name only contained "~".
if len(name) < 2 {
return false
@ -275,12 +271,12 @@ func IsValidUser(name string) bool {
// Check to see if the first index is alphanumeric.
if (name[0] < 0x41 || name[0] > 0x4A) && (name[0] < 0x61 || name[0] > 0x7A) && (name[0] < 0x30 || name[0] > 0x39) {
if (name[0] < 'A' || name[0] > 'J') && (name[0] < 'a' || name[0] > 'z') && (name[0] < '0' || name[0] > '9') {
return false
for i := 1; i < len(name); i++ {
if (name[i] < 0x41 || name[i] > 0x7D) && (name[i] < 0x30 || name[i] > 0x39) && name[i] != 0x2D && name[i] != 0x2E {
if (name[i] < 'A' || name[i] > '}') && (name[i] < '0' || name[i] > '9') && name[i] != '-' && name[i] != '.' {
// a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, and _\[]{}^|
return false
@ -291,7 +287,10 @@ func IsValidUser(name string) bool {
// ToRFC1459 converts a string to the stripped down conversion within RFC
// 1459. This will do things like replace an "A" with an "a", "[]" with "{}",
// and so forth. Useful to compare two nicknames or channels.
// and so forth. Useful to compare two nicknames or channels. Note that this
// should not be used to normalize nicknames or similar, as this may convert
// valid input characters to non-rfc-valid characters. As such, it's main use
// is for comparing two nicks.
func ToRFC1459(input string) string {
var out string
@ -29,11 +29,12 @@ func (c *Client) RunHandlers(event *Event) {
// Regular wildcard handlers.
c.Handlers.exec(ALL_EVENTS, c, event.Copy())
// Background handlers first.
c.Handlers.exec(ALL_EVENTS, true, c, event.Copy())
c.Handlers.exec(event.Command, true, c, event.Copy())
// Then regular handlers.
c.Handlers.exec(event.Command, c, event.Copy())
c.Handlers.exec(ALL_EVENTS, false, c, event.Copy())
c.Handlers.exec(event.Command, false, c, event.Copy())
// Check if it's a CTCP.
if ctcp := decodeCTCP(event.Copy()); ctcp != nil {
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ func (c *Caller) cuid(cmd string, n int) (cuid, uid string) {
// cuidToID allows easy mapping between a generated cuid and the caller
// external/internal handler maps.
func (c *Caller) cuidToID(input string) (cmd, uid string) {
i := strings.IndexByte(input, 0x3A)
i := strings.IndexByte(input, ':')
if i < 0 {
return "", ""
@ -160,9 +161,9 @@ type execStack struct {
// exec executes all handlers pertaining to specified event. Internal first,
// then external.
// Please note that there is no specific order/priority for which the
// handler types themselves or the handlers are executed.
func (c *Caller) exec(command string, client *Client, event *Event) {
// Please note that there is no specific order/priority for which the handlers
// are executed.
func (c *Caller) exec(command string, bg bool, client *Client, event *Event) {
// Build a stack of handlers which can be executed concurrently.
var stack []execStack
@ -170,13 +171,21 @@ func (c *Caller) exec(command string, client *Client, event *Event) {
// Get internal handlers first.
if _, ok := c.internal[command]; ok {
for cuid := range c.internal[command] {
if (strings.HasSuffix(cuid, ":bg") && !bg) || (!strings.HasSuffix(cuid, ":bg") && bg) {
stack = append(stack, execStack{c.internal[command][cuid], cuid})
// Aaand then external handlers.
// Then external handlers.
if _, ok := c.external[command]; ok {
for cuid := range c.external[command] {
if (strings.HasSuffix(cuid, ":bg") && !bg) || (!strings.HasSuffix(cuid, ":bg") && bg) {
stack = append(stack, execStack{c.external[command][cuid], cuid})
@ -189,18 +198,29 @@ func (c *Caller) exec(command string, client *Client, event *Event) {
for i := 0; i < len(stack); i++ {
go func(index int) {
c.debug.Printf("executing handler %s for event %s (%d of %d)", stack[index].cuid, command, index+1, len(stack))
defer wg.Done()
c.debug.Printf("[%d/%d] exec %s => %s", index+1, len(stack), stack[index].cuid, command)
start := time.Now()
// If they want to catch any panics, add to defer stack.
if bg {
go func() {
if client.Config.RecoverFunc != nil {
defer recoverHandlerPanic(client, event, stack[index].cuid, 3)
stack[index].Execute(client, *event)
c.debug.Printf("[%d/%d] done %s == %s", index+1, len(stack), stack[index].cuid, time.Since(start))
c.debug.Printf("execution of %s took %s (%d of %d)", stack[index].cuid, time.Since(start), index+1, len(stack))
if client.Config.RecoverFunc != nil {
defer recoverHandlerPanic(client, event, stack[index].cuid, 3)
stack[index].Execute(client, *event)
c.debug.Printf("[%d/%d] done %s == %s", index+1, len(stack), stack[index].cuid, time.Since(start))
@ -281,9 +301,9 @@ func (c *Caller) remove(cuid string) (success bool) {
// sregister is much like Caller.register(), except that it safely locks
// the Caller mutex.
func (c *Caller) sregister(internal bool, cmd string, handler Handler) (cuid string) {
func (c *Caller) sregister(internal, bg bool, cmd string, handler Handler) (cuid string) {
cuid = c.register(internal, cmd, handler)
cuid = c.register(internal, bg, cmd, handler)
return cuid
@ -291,30 +311,34 @@ func (c *Caller) sregister(internal bool, cmd string, handler Handler) (cuid str
// register will register a handler in the internal tracker. Unsafe (you
// must lock c.mu yourself!)
func (c *Caller) register(internal bool, cmd string, handler Handler) (cuid string) {
func (c *Caller) register(internal, bg bool, cmd string, handler Handler) (cuid string) {
var uid string
cmd = strings.ToUpper(cmd)
cuid, uid = c.cuid(cmd, 20)
if bg {
uid += ":bg"
cuid += ":bg"
if internal {
if _, ok := c.internal[cmd]; !ok {
c.internal[cmd] = map[string]Handler{}
cuid, uid = c.cuid(cmd, 20)
c.internal[cmd][uid] = handler
} else {
if _, ok := c.external[cmd]; !ok {
c.external[cmd] = map[string]Handler{}
cuid, uid = c.cuid(cmd, 20)
c.external[cmd][uid] = handler
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(3)
c.debug.Printf("registering handler for %q with cuid %q (internal: %t) from: %s:%d", cmd, cuid, internal, file, line)
c.debug.Printf("reg %q => %s [int:%t bg:%t] %s:%d", uid, cmd, internal, bg, file, line)
return cuid
@ -323,31 +347,20 @@ func (c *Caller) register(internal bool, cmd string, handler Handler) (cuid stri
// given event. cuid is the handler uid which can be used to remove the
// handler with Caller.Remove().
func (c *Caller) AddHandler(cmd string, handler Handler) (cuid string) {
return c.sregister(false, cmd, handler)
return c.sregister(false, false, cmd, handler)
// Add registers the handler function for the given event. cuid is the
// handler uid which can be used to remove the handler with Caller.Remove().
func (c *Caller) Add(cmd string, handler func(client *Client, event Event)) (cuid string) {
return c.sregister(false, cmd, HandlerFunc(handler))
return c.sregister(false, false, cmd, HandlerFunc(handler))
// AddBg registers the handler function for the given event and executes it
// in a go-routine. cuid is the handler uid which can be used to remove the
// handler with Caller.Remove().
func (c *Caller) AddBg(cmd string, handler func(client *Client, event Event)) (cuid string) {
return c.sregister(false, cmd, HandlerFunc(func(client *Client, event Event) {
// Setting up background-based handlers this way allows us to get
// clean call stacks for use with panic recovery.
go func() {
// If they want to catch any panics, add to defer stack.
if client.Config.RecoverFunc != nil {
defer recoverHandlerPanic(client, &event, "goroutine", 3)
handler(client, event)
return c.sregister(false, true, cmd, HandlerFunc(handler))
// AddTmp adds a "temporary" handler, which is good for one-time or few-time
@ -361,47 +374,37 @@ func (c *Caller) AddBg(cmd string, handler func(client *Client, event Event)) (c
// Additionally, AddTmp has a useful option, deadline. When set to greater
// than 0, deadline will be the amount of time that passes before the handler
// is removed from the stack, regardless if the handler returns true or not.
// is removed from the stack, regardless of if the handler returns true or not.
// This is useful in that it ensures that the handler is cleaned up if the
// server does not respond appropriately, or takes too long to respond.
// Note that handlers supplied with AddTmp are executed in a goroutine to
// ensure that they are not blocking other handlers. Additionally, use cuid
// with Caller.Remove() to prematurely remove the handler from the stack,
// bypassing the timeout or waiting for the handler to return that it wants
// to be removed from the stack.
// ensure that they are not blocking other handlers. However, if you are
// creating a temporary handler from another handler, it should be a
// background handler.
// Use cuid with Caller.Remove() to prematurely remove the handler from the
// stack, bypassing the timeout or waiting for the handler to return that it
// wants to be removed from the stack.
func (c *Caller) AddTmp(cmd string, deadline time.Duration, handler func(client *Client, event Event) bool) (cuid string, done chan struct{}) {
var uid string
cuid, uid = c.cuid(cmd, 20)
done = make(chan struct{})
if _, ok := c.external[cmd]; !ok {
c.external[cmd] = map[string]Handler{}
c.external[cmd][uid] = HandlerFunc(func(client *Client, event Event) {
// Setting up background-based handlers this way allows us to get
// clean call stacks for use with panic recovery.
go func() {
// If they want to catch any panics, add to defer stack.
if client.Config.RecoverFunc != nil {
defer recoverHandlerPanic(client, &event, "tmp-goroutine", 3)
cuid = c.sregister(false, true, cmd, HandlerFunc(func(client *Client, event Event) {
remove := handler(client, event)
if remove {
if ok := c.Remove(cuid); ok {
if deadline > 0 {
go func() {
select {
case <-time.After(deadline):
case <-done:
if ok := c.Remove(cuid); ok {
@ -206,11 +206,11 @@ func (c *CModes) Parse(flags string, args []string) (out []CMode) {
var argCount int
for i := 0; i < len(flags); i++ {
if flags[i] == 0x2B {
if flags[i] == '+' {
add = true
if flags[i] == 0x2D {
if flags[i] == '-' {
add = false
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ func IsValidChannelMode(raw string) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(raw); i++ {
// Allowed are: ",", A-Z and a-z.
if raw[i] != 0x2C && (raw[i] < 0x41 || raw[i] > 0x5A) && (raw[i] < 0x61 || raw[i] > 0x7A) {
if raw[i] != ',' && (raw[i] < 'A' || raw[i] > 'Z') && (raw[i] < 'a' || raw[i] > 'z') {
return false
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ func isValidUserPrefix(raw string) bool {
return false
if raw[0] != 0x28 { // (.
if raw[0] != '(' {
return false
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ func isValidUserPrefix(raw string) bool {
// Skip the first one as we know it's (.
for i := 1; i < len(raw); i++ {
if raw[i] == 0x29 { // ).
if raw[i] == ')' {
passedKeys = true
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
"importpath": "github.com/lrstanley/girc",
"repository": "https://github.com/lrstanley/girc",
"vcs": "git",
"revision": "e698f0468e166574e122130ffd2f579aba7e2abc",
"revision": "5dff93b5453c1b2ac8382c9a38881635f47bba0e",
"branch": "master",
"notests": true
Reference in New Issue
Block a user