Update Serbian translation Update Finnish translation Update Italian translation Update Hungarian translation Update Portuguese (Brazil) translation Update Serbian (cyrillic) translation Update Serbian translation Update Finnish translation Update Italian translation Update Hungarian translation Update Portuguese (Brazil) translation Update Serbian (cyrillic) translation Update Serbian translation Update Finnish translation Update Italian translation Update Hungarian translation Update Portuguese (Brazil) translation Update Serbian (cyrillic) translation Update Serbian translation Update Finnish translation Update Italian translation Update Hungarian translation Update Portuguese (Brazil) translation Update Serbian (cyrillic) translation Update Serbian translation Update Finnish translation Update Italian translation Update Hungarian translation Update Portuguese (Brazil) translation Update Bulgarian translation Update German translation Update Serbian (cyrillic) translation Update Serbian translation Update Finnish translation Update Italian translation Update Hungarian translation Update Portuguese (Brazil) translation Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org> Co-authored-by: Jose Delvani <delvani.eletricista@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Least Significant Bite <leastsignificantbite@proton.me> Co-authored-by: NEXI <nexiphotographer@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Radoslav Lelchev <rlelchev@abv.bg> Co-authored-by: Random <random-r@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: Unacceptium <unacceptium@proton.me> Co-authored-by: hiatsu0 <hietsu@gmail.com>
518 lines
25 KiB
518 lines
25 KiB
"Shared `x` ago": "Deljeno pre `x`",
"Unsubscribe": "Prekini praćenje",
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"View channel on YouTube": "Pogledaj kanal na YouTube-u",
"View playlist on YouTube": "Pogledaj plejlistu na YouTube-u",
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"New passwords must match": "Nove lozinke moraju da se podudaraju",
"Authorize token?": "Autorizovati token?",
"Authorize token for `x`?": "Autorizovati token za `x`?",
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"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Uvezi FreeTube praćenja (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Uvezi NewPipe praćenja (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Uvezi NewPipe podatke (.zip)",
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"Export data as JSON": "Izvezi Invidious podatke kao JSON",
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"Source available here.": "Izvorni kôd je dostupan ovde.",
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"Delete playlist `x`?": "Izbrisati plejlistu `x`?",
"Create playlist": "Napravi plejlistu",
"Show less": "Prikaži manje",
"Switch Invidious Instance": "Promeni Invidious instancu",
"Hide annotations": "Sakrij napomene",
"User ID is a required field": "ID korisnika je obavezno polje",
"Wrong username or password": "Pogrešno korisničko ime ili lozinka",
"Please log in": "Molimo, prijavite se",
"channel:`x`": "kanal:`x`",
"Could not fetch comments": "Nije moguće prikupiti komentare",
"Could not create mix.": "Nije moguće napraviti miks.",
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"Not a playlist.": "Nije plejlista.",
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"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript turned off. Click here to view comments, keep in mind they may take a bit longer to load.": "Hej! Izgleda da ste isključili JavaScript. Kliknite ovde da biste videli komentare, imajte na umu da će možda potrajati malo duže da se učitaju.",
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"View privacy policy.": "Pogledaj politiku privatnosti.",
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"comments_view_x_replies_1": "Pogledaj {{count}} odgovora",
"comments_view_x_replies_2": "Pogledaj {{count}} odgovora",
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"error_video_not_in_playlist": "Traženi video snimak ne postoji na ovoj plejlisti. <a href=\"`x`\">Kliknite ovde za početnu stranicu plejliste.</a>",
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"crash_page_you_found_a_bug": "Izgleda da ste pronašli grešku u Invidious-u!",
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"Import YouTube watch history (.json)": "Uvezi YouTube istoriju gledanja (.json)",
"The Popular feed has been disabled by the administrator.": "Administrator je onemogućio fid „Popularno“.",
"Add to playlist: ": "Dodajte na plejlistu: ",
"Add to playlist": "Dodaj na plejlistu",
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"Answer": "Odgovor",
"Search for videos": "Pretražite video snimke",
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