diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index e83676f2..572dd1f0 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ packages = [ 'sleekxmpp',
+ 'sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza',
diff --git a/sleekxmpp/plugins/stanza_pubsub.py b/sleekxmpp/plugins/stanza_pubsub.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b5964537..00000000
--- a/sleekxmpp/plugins/stanza_pubsub.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,557 +0,0 @@
-from .. xmlstream.stanzabase import registerStanzaPlugin, ElementBase, ET, JID
-from .. stanza.iq import Iq
-from .. stanza.message import Message
-from .. basexmpp import basexmpp
-from .. xmlstream.xmlstream import XMLStream
-import logging
-from . import xep_0004
-class PubsubState(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/psstate'
- name = 'state'
- plugin_attrib = 'psstate'
- interfaces = set(('node', 'item', 'payload'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- def setPayload(self, value):
- self.xml.append(value)
- def getPayload(self):
- childs = self.xml.getchildren()
- if len(childs) > 0:
- return childs[0]
- def delPayload(self):
- for child in self.xml.getchildren():
- self.xml.remove(child)
-registerStanzaPlugin(Iq, PubsubState)
-class PubsubStateEvent(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/psstate#event'
- name = 'event'
- plugin_attrib = 'psstate_event'
- intefaces = set(tuple())
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-registerStanzaPlugin(Message, PubsubStateEvent)
-registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubStateEvent, PubsubState)
-class Pubsub(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
- name = 'pubsub'
- plugin_attrib = 'pubsub'
- interfaces = set(tuple())
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-registerStanzaPlugin(Iq, Pubsub)
-class PubsubOwner(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
- name = 'pubsub'
- plugin_attrib = 'pubsub_owner'
- interfaces = set(tuple())
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-registerStanzaPlugin(Iq, PubsubOwner)
-class Affiliation(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
- name = 'affiliation'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('node', 'affiliation'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-class Affiliations(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
- name = 'affiliations'
- plugin_attrib = 'affiliations'
- interfaces = set(tuple())
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- subitem = (Affiliation,)
- def append(self, affiliation):
- if not isinstance(affiliation, Affiliation):
- raise TypeError
- self.xml.append(affiliation.xml)
- return self.iterables.append(affiliation)
-registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Affiliations)
-class Subscription(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
- name = 'subscription'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('jid', 'node', 'subscription', 'subid'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- def setjid(self, value):
- self._setattr('jid', str(value))
- def getjid(self):
- return jid(self._getattr('jid'))
-registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Subscription)
-class Subscriptions(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
- name = 'subscriptions'
- plugin_attrib = 'subscriptions'
- interfaces = set(tuple())
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- subitem = (Subscription,)
-registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Subscriptions)
-class OptionalSetting(object):
- interfaces = set(('required',))
- def setRequired(self, value):
- value = bool(value)
- if value and not self['required']:
- self.xml.append(ET.Element("{%s}required" % self.namespace))
- elif not value and self['required']:
- self.delRequired()
- def getRequired(self):
- required = self.xml.find("{%s}required" % self.namespace)
- if required is not None:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def delRequired(self):
- required = self.xml.find("{%s}required" % self.namespace)
- if required is not None:
- self.xml.remove(required)
-class SubscribeOptions(ElementBase, OptionalSetting):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
- name = 'subscribe-options'
- plugin_attrib = 'suboptions'
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- interfaces = set(('required',))
-registerStanzaPlugin(Subscription, SubscribeOptions)
-class Item(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
- name = 'item'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('id', 'payload'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- def setPayload(self, value):
- self.xml.append(value)
- def getPayload(self):
- childs = self.xml.getchildren()
- if len(childs) > 0:
- return childs[0]
- def delPayload(self):
- for child in self.xml.getchildren():
- self.xml.remove(child)
-class Items(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
- name = 'items'
- plugin_attrib = 'items'
- interfaces = set(('node',))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- subitem = (Item,)
-registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Items)
-class Create(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
- name = 'create'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('node',))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Create)
-#class Default(ElementBase):
-# namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
-# name = 'default'
-# plugin_attrib = name
-# interfaces = set(('node', 'type'))
-# plugin_attrib_map = {}
-# plugin_tag_map = {}
-# def getType(self):
-# t = self._getAttr('type')
-# if not t: t == 'leaf'
-# return t
-#registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Default)
-class Publish(Items):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
- name = 'publish'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('node',))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- subitem = (Item,)
-registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Publish)
-class Retract(Items):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
- name = 'retract'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('node', 'notify'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Retract)
-class Unsubscribe(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
- name = 'unsubscribe'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('node', 'jid'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- def setJid(self, value):
- self._setAttr('jid', str(value))
- def getJid(self):
- return JID(self._getAttr('jid'))
-registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Unsubscribe)
-class Subscribe(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
- name = 'subscribe'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('node', 'jid'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- def setJid(self, value):
- self._setAttr('jid', str(value))
- def getJid(self):
- return JID(self._getAttr('jid'))
-registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Subscribe)
-class Configure(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
- name = 'configure'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('node', 'type'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- def getType(self):
- t = self._getAttr('type')
- if not t: t == 'leaf'
- return t
-registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Configure)
-registerStanzaPlugin(Configure, xep_0004.Form)
-class DefaultConfig(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
- name = 'default'
- plugin_attrib = 'default'
- interfaces = set(('node', 'type', 'config'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- ElementBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- def getType(self):
- t = self._getAttr('type')
- if not t: t = 'leaf'
- return t
- def getConfig(self):
- return self['form']
- def setConfig(self, value):
- self['form'].setStanzaValues(value.getStanzaValues())
- return self
-registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubOwner, DefaultConfig)
-registerStanzaPlugin(DefaultConfig, xep_0004.Form)
-class Options(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
- name = 'options'
- plugin_attrib = 'options'
- interfaces = set(('jid', 'node', 'options'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- ElementBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- def getOptions(self):
- config = self.xml.find('{jabber:x:data}x')
- form = xep_0004.Form()
- if config is not None:
- form.fromXML(config)
- return form
- def setOptions(self, value):
- self.xml.append(value.getXML())
- return self
- def delOptions(self):
- config = self.xml.find('{jabber:x:data}x')
- self.xml.remove(config)
- def setJid(self, value):
- self._setAttr('jid', str(value))
- def getJid(self):
- return JID(self._getAttr('jid'))
-registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Options)
-registerStanzaPlugin(Subscribe, Options)
-class OwnerAffiliations(Affiliations):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
- interfaces = set(('node'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- def append(self, affiliation):
- if not isinstance(affiliation, OwnerAffiliation):
- raise TypeError
- self.xml.append(affiliation.xml)
- return self.affiliations.append(affiliation)
-registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerAffiliations)
-class OwnerAffiliation(Affiliation):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
- interfaces = set(('affiliation', 'jid'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-class OwnerConfigure(Configure):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
- interfaces = set(('node', 'config'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerConfigure)
-class OwnerDefault(OwnerConfigure):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
- interfaces = set(('node', 'config'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- def getConfig(self):
- return self['form']
- def setConfig(self, value):
- self['form'].setStanzaValues(value.getStanzaValues())
- return self
-registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerDefault)
-registerStanzaPlugin(OwnerDefault, xep_0004.Form)
-class OwnerDelete(ElementBase, OptionalSetting):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
- name = 'delete'
- plugin_attrib = 'delete'
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- interfaces = set(('node',))
-registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerDelete)
-class OwnerPurge(ElementBase, OptionalSetting):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
- name = 'purge'
- plugin_attrib = name
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerPurge)
-class OwnerRedirect(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
- name = 'redirect'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('node', 'jid'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- def setJid(self, value):
- self._setAttr('jid', str(value))
- def getJid(self):
- return JID(self._getAttr('jid'))
-registerStanzaPlugin(OwnerDelete, OwnerRedirect)
-class OwnerSubscriptions(Subscriptions):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
- interfaces = set(('node',))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- def append(self, subscription):
- if not isinstance(subscription, OwnerSubscription):
- raise TypeError
- self.xml.append(subscription.xml)
- return self.subscriptions.append(subscription)
-registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerSubscriptions)
-class OwnerSubscription(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
- name = 'subscription'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('jid', 'subscription'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- def setJid(self, value):
- self._setAttr('jid', str(value))
- def getJid(self):
- return JID(self._getAttr('from'))
-class Event(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
- name = 'event'
- plugin_attrib = 'pubsub_event'
- interfaces = set(('node',))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-registerStanzaPlugin(Message, Event)
-class EventItem(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
- name = 'item'
- plugin_attrib = 'item'
- interfaces = set(('id', 'payload'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- def setPayload(self, value):
- self.xml.append(value)
- def getPayload(self):
- childs = self.xml.getchildren()
- if len(childs) > 0:
- return childs[0]
- def delPayload(self):
- for child in self.xml.getchildren():
- self.xml.remove(child)
-class EventRetract(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
- name = 'retract'
- plugin_attrib = 'retract'
- interfaces = set(('id',))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-class EventItems(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
- name = 'items'
- plugin_attrib = 'items'
- interfaces = set(('node',))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- subitem = (EventItem, EventRetract)
-registerStanzaPlugin(Event, EventItems)
-class EventCollection(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
- name = 'collection'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('node',))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-registerStanzaPlugin(Event, EventCollection)
-class EventAssociate(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
- name = 'associate'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('node',))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-registerStanzaPlugin(EventCollection, EventAssociate)
-class EventDisassociate(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
- name = 'disassociate'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('node',))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-registerStanzaPlugin(EventCollection, EventDisassociate)
-class EventConfiguration(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
- name = 'configuration'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('node', 'config'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-registerStanzaPlugin(Event, EventConfiguration)
-registerStanzaPlugin(EventConfiguration, xep_0004.Form)
-class EventPurge(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
- name = 'purge'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('node',))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
-registerStanzaPlugin(Event, EventPurge)
-class EventSubscription(ElementBase):
- namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
- name = 'subscription'
- plugin_attrib = name
- interfaces = set(('node','expiry', 'jid', 'subid', 'subscription'))
- plugin_attrib_map = {}
- plugin_tag_map = {}
- def setJid(self, value):
- self._setAttr('jid', str(value))
- def getJid(self):
- return JID(self._getAttr('jid'))
-registerStanzaPlugin(Event, EventSubscription)
diff --git a/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/__init__.py b/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/__init__.py
index bb7503a0..a0c91f85 100644
--- a/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/__init__.py
+++ b/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/__init__.py
@@ -1,313 +1,2 @@
-from __future__ import with_statement
-from sleekxmpp.plugins import base
-import logging
-#from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
-from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import registerStanzaPlugin, ElementBase, ET
-from sleekxmpp.plugins import stanza_pubsub
-from sleekxmpp.plugins.xep_0004 import Form
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class xep_0060(base.base_plugin):
- """
- XEP-0060 Publish Subscribe
- """
- def plugin_init(self):
- self.xep = '0060'
- self.description = 'Publish-Subscribe'
- def create_node(self, jid, node, config=None, collection=False, ntype=None):
- pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub}pubsub')
- create = ET.Element('create')
- create.set('node', node)
- pubsub.append(create)
- configure = ET.Element('configure')
- if collection:
- ntype = 'collection'
- #if config is None:
- # submitform = self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0004'].makeForm('submit')
- #else:
- if config is not None:
- submitform = config
- if 'FORM_TYPE' in submitform.field:
- submitform.field['FORM_TYPE'].setValue('http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config')
- else:
- submitform.addField('FORM_TYPE', 'hidden', value='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config')
- if ntype:
- if 'pubsub#node_type' in submitform.field:
- submitform.field['pubsub#node_type'].setValue(ntype)
- else:
- submitform.addField('pubsub#node_type', value=ntype)
- else:
- if 'pubsub#node_type' in submitform.field:
- submitform.field['pubsub#node_type'].setValue('leaf')
- else:
- submitform.addField('pubsub#node_type', value='leaf')
- submitform['type'] = 'submit'
- configure.append(submitform.xml)
- pubsub.append(configure)
- iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet(pubsub)
- iq.attrib['to'] = jid
- iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- id = iq['id']
- result = iq.send()
- if result is False or result is None or result['type'] == 'error': return False
- return True
- def subscribe(self, jid, node, bare=True, subscribee=None):
- pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub}pubsub')
- subscribe = ET.Element('subscribe')
- subscribe.attrib['node'] = node
- if subscribee is None:
- if bare:
- subscribe.attrib['jid'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.bare
- else:
- subscribe.attrib['jid'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- else:
- subscribe.attrib['jid'] = subscribee
- pubsub.append(subscribe)
- iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet(pubsub)
- iq.attrib['to'] = jid
- iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- id = iq['id']
- result = iq.send()
- if result is False or result is None or result['type'] == 'error': return False
- return True
- def unsubscribe(self, jid, node, bare=True, subscribee=None):
- pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub}pubsub')
- unsubscribe = ET.Element('unsubscribe')
- unsubscribe.attrib['node'] = node
- if subscribee is None:
- if bare:
- unsubscribe.attrib['jid'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.bare
- else:
- unsubscribe.attrib['jid'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- else:
- unsubscribe.attrib['jid'] = subscribee
- pubsub.append(unsubscribe)
- iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet(pubsub)
- iq.attrib['to'] = jid
- iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- id = iq['id']
- result = iq.send()
- if result is False or result is None or result['type'] == 'error': return False
- return True
- def getNodeConfig(self, jid, node=None): # if no node, then grab default
- pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub')
- if node is not None:
- configure = ET.Element('configure')
- configure.attrib['node'] = node
- else:
- configure = ET.Element('default')
- pubsub.append(configure)
- #TODO: Add configure support.
- iq = self.xmpp.makeIqGet()
- iq.append(pubsub)
- iq.attrib['to'] = jid
- iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- id = iq['id']
- #self.xmpp.add_handler("" % id, self.handlerCreateNodeResponse)
- result = iq.send()
- if result is None or result == False or result['type'] == 'error':
- log.warning("got error instead of config")
- return False
- if node is not None:
- form = result.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub/{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}configure/{jabber:x:data}x')
- else:
- form = result.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub/{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}default/{jabber:x:data}x')
- if not form or form is None:
- log.error("No form found.")
- return False
- return Form(xml=form)
- def getNodeSubscriptions(self, jid, node):
- pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub')
- subscriptions = ET.Element('subscriptions')
- subscriptions.attrib['node'] = node
- pubsub.append(subscriptions)
- iq = self.xmpp.makeIqGet()
- iq.append(pubsub)
- iq.attrib['to'] = jid
- iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- id = iq['id']
- result = iq.send()
- if result is None or result == False or result['type'] == 'error':
- log.warning("got error instead of config")
- return False
- else:
- results = result.findall('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub/{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}subscriptions/{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}subscription')
- if results is None:
- return False
- subs = {}
- for sub in results:
- subs[sub.get('jid')] = sub.get('subscription')
- return subs
- def getNodeAffiliations(self, jid, node):
- pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub')
- affiliations = ET.Element('affiliations')
- affiliations.attrib['node'] = node
- pubsub.append(affiliations)
- iq = self.xmpp.makeIqGet()
- iq.append(pubsub)
- iq.attrib['to'] = jid
- iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- id = iq['id']
- result = iq.send()
- if result is None or result == False or result['type'] == 'error':
- log.warning("got error instead of config")
- return False
- else:
- results = result.findall('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub/{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}affiliations/{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}affiliation')
- if results is None:
- return False
- subs = {}
- for sub in results:
- subs[sub.get('jid')] = sub.get('affiliation')
- return subs
- def deleteNode(self, jid, node):
- pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub')
- iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet()
- delete = ET.Element('delete')
- delete.attrib['node'] = node
- pubsub.append(delete)
- iq.append(pubsub)
- iq.attrib['to'] = jid
- iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- result = iq.send()
- if result is not None and result is not False and result['type'] != 'error':
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def setNodeConfig(self, jid, node, config):
- pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub')
- configure = ET.Element('configure')
- configure.attrib['node'] = node
- config = config.getXML('submit')
- configure.append(config)
- pubsub.append(configure)
- iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet(pubsub)
- iq.attrib['to'] = jid
- iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- id = iq['id']
- result = iq.send()
- if result is None or result['type'] == 'error':
- return False
- return True
- def setItem(self, jid, node, items=[]):
- pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub}pubsub')
- publish = ET.Element('publish')
- publish.attrib['node'] = node
- for pub_item in items:
- id, payload = pub_item
- item = ET.Element('item')
- if id is not None:
- item.attrib['id'] = id
- item.append(payload)
- publish.append(item)
- pubsub.append(publish)
- iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet(pubsub)
- iq.attrib['to'] = jid
- iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- id = iq['id']
- result = iq.send()
- if result is None or result is False or result['type'] == 'error': return False
- return True
- def addItem(self, jid, node, items=[]):
- return self.setItem(jid, node, items)
- def deleteItem(self, jid, node, item):
- pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub}pubsub')
- retract = ET.Element('retract')
- retract.attrib['node'] = node
- itemn = ET.Element('item')
- itemn.attrib['id'] = item
- retract.append(itemn)
- pubsub.append(retract)
- iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet(pubsub)
- iq.attrib['to'] = jid
- iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- id = iq['id']
- result = iq.send()
- if result is None or result is False or result['type'] == 'error': return False
- return True
- def getNodes(self, jid):
- response = self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].getItems(jid)
- items = response.findall('{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items}query/{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items}item')
- nodes = {}
- if items is not None and items is not False:
- for item in items:
- nodes[item.get('node')] = item.get('name')
- return nodes
- def getItems(self, jid, node):
- response = self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].getItems(jid, node)
- items = response.findall('{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items}query/{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items}item')
- nodeitems = []
- if items is not None and items is not False:
- for item in items:
- nodeitems.append(item.get('node'))
- return nodeitems
- def addNodeToCollection(self, jid, child, parent=''):
- config = self.getNodeConfig(jid, child)
- if not config or config is None:
- self.lasterror = "Config Error"
- return False
- try:
- config.field['pubsub#collection'].setValue(parent)
- except KeyError:
- log.warning("pubsub#collection doesn't exist in config, trying to add it")
- config.addField('pubsub#collection', value=parent)
- if not self.setNodeConfig(jid, child, config):
- return False
- return True
- def modifyAffiliation(self, ps_jid, node, user_jid, affiliation):
- if affiliation not in ('owner', 'publisher', 'member', 'none', 'outcast'):
- raise TypeError
- pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub')
- affs = ET.Element('affiliations')
- affs.attrib['node'] = node
- aff = ET.Element('affiliation')
- aff.attrib['jid'] = user_jid
- aff.attrib['affiliation'] = affiliation
- affs.append(aff)
- pubsub.append(affs)
- iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet(pubsub)
- iq.attrib['to'] = ps_jid
- iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- id = iq['id']
- result = iq.send()
- if result is None or result is False or result['type'] == 'error':
- return False
- return True
- def addNodeToCollection(self, jid, child, parent=''):
- config = self.getNodeConfig(jid, child)
- if not config or config is None:
- self.lasterror = "Config Error"
- return False
- try:
- config.field['pubsub#collection'].setValue(parent)
- except KeyError:
- log.warning("pubsub#collection doesn't exist in config, trying to add it")
- config.addField('pubsub#collection', value=parent)
- if not self.setNodeConfig(jid, child, config):
- return False
- return True
- def removeNodeFromCollection(self, jid, child):
- self.addNodeToCollection(jid, child, '')
+from pubsub import xep_0060
+import stanza
diff --git a/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/pubsub.py b/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/pubsub.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e199be07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/pubsub.py
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+from __future__ import with_statement
+from sleekxmpp.plugins import base
+import logging
+#from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import registerStanzaPlugin, ElementBase, ET
+from sleekxmpp.plugins.xep_0060 import stanza
+from sleekxmpp.plugins.xep_0004 import Form
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class xep_0060(base.base_plugin):
+ """
+ XEP-0060 Publish Subscribe
+ """
+ def plugin_init(self):
+ self.xep = '0060'
+ self.description = 'Publish-Subscribe'
+ def create_node(self, jid, node, config=None, collection=False, ntype=None):
+ pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub}pubsub')
+ create = ET.Element('create')
+ create.set('node', node)
+ pubsub.append(create)
+ configure = ET.Element('configure')
+ if collection:
+ ntype = 'collection'
+ #if config is None:
+ # submitform = self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0004'].makeForm('submit')
+ #else:
+ if config is not None:
+ submitform = config
+ if 'FORM_TYPE' in submitform.field:
+ submitform.field['FORM_TYPE'].setValue('http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config')
+ else:
+ submitform.addField('FORM_TYPE', 'hidden', value='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config')
+ if ntype:
+ if 'pubsub#node_type' in submitform.field:
+ submitform.field['pubsub#node_type'].setValue(ntype)
+ else:
+ submitform.addField('pubsub#node_type', value=ntype)
+ else:
+ if 'pubsub#node_type' in submitform.field:
+ submitform.field['pubsub#node_type'].setValue('leaf')
+ else:
+ submitform.addField('pubsub#node_type', value='leaf')
+ submitform['type'] = 'submit'
+ configure.append(submitform.xml)
+ pubsub.append(configure)
+ iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet(pubsub)
+ iq.attrib['to'] = jid
+ iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ id = iq['id']
+ result = iq.send()
+ if result is False or result is None or result['type'] == 'error': return False
+ return True
+ def subscribe(self, jid, node, bare=True, subscribee=None):
+ pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub}pubsub')
+ subscribe = ET.Element('subscribe')
+ subscribe.attrib['node'] = node
+ if subscribee is None:
+ if bare:
+ subscribe.attrib['jid'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.bare
+ else:
+ subscribe.attrib['jid'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ else:
+ subscribe.attrib['jid'] = subscribee
+ pubsub.append(subscribe)
+ iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet(pubsub)
+ iq.attrib['to'] = jid
+ iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ id = iq['id']
+ result = iq.send()
+ if result is False or result is None or result['type'] == 'error': return False
+ return True
+ def unsubscribe(self, jid, node, bare=True, subscribee=None):
+ pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub}pubsub')
+ unsubscribe = ET.Element('unsubscribe')
+ unsubscribe.attrib['node'] = node
+ if subscribee is None:
+ if bare:
+ unsubscribe.attrib['jid'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.bare
+ else:
+ unsubscribe.attrib['jid'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ else:
+ unsubscribe.attrib['jid'] = subscribee
+ pubsub.append(unsubscribe)
+ iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet(pubsub)
+ iq.attrib['to'] = jid
+ iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ id = iq['id']
+ result = iq.send()
+ if result is False or result is None or result['type'] == 'error': return False
+ return True
+ def getNodeConfig(self, jid, node=None): # if no node, then grab default
+ pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub')
+ if node is not None:
+ configure = ET.Element('configure')
+ configure.attrib['node'] = node
+ else:
+ configure = ET.Element('default')
+ pubsub.append(configure)
+ #TODO: Add configure support.
+ iq = self.xmpp.makeIqGet()
+ iq.append(pubsub)
+ iq.attrib['to'] = jid
+ iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ id = iq['id']
+ #self.xmpp.add_handler("" % id, self.handlerCreateNodeResponse)
+ result = iq.send()
+ if result is None or result == False or result['type'] == 'error':
+ log.warning("got error instead of config")
+ return False
+ if node is not None:
+ form = result.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub/{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}configure/{jabber:x:data}x')
+ else:
+ form = result.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub/{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}default/{jabber:x:data}x')
+ if not form or form is None:
+ log.error("No form found.")
+ return False
+ return Form(xml=form)
+ def getNodeSubscriptions(self, jid, node):
+ pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub')
+ subscriptions = ET.Element('subscriptions')
+ subscriptions.attrib['node'] = node
+ pubsub.append(subscriptions)
+ iq = self.xmpp.makeIqGet()
+ iq.append(pubsub)
+ iq.attrib['to'] = jid
+ iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ id = iq['id']
+ result = iq.send()
+ if result is None or result == False or result['type'] == 'error':
+ log.warning("got error instead of config")
+ return False
+ else:
+ results = result.findall('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub/{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}subscriptions/{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}subscription')
+ if results is None:
+ return False
+ subs = {}
+ for sub in results:
+ subs[sub.get('jid')] = sub.get('subscription')
+ return subs
+ def getNodeAffiliations(self, jid, node):
+ pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub')
+ affiliations = ET.Element('affiliations')
+ affiliations.attrib['node'] = node
+ pubsub.append(affiliations)
+ iq = self.xmpp.makeIqGet()
+ iq.append(pubsub)
+ iq.attrib['to'] = jid
+ iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ id = iq['id']
+ result = iq.send()
+ if result is None or result == False or result['type'] == 'error':
+ log.warning("got error instead of config")
+ return False
+ else:
+ results = result.findall('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub/{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}affiliations/{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}affiliation')
+ if results is None:
+ return False
+ subs = {}
+ for sub in results:
+ subs[sub.get('jid')] = sub.get('affiliation')
+ return subs
+ def deleteNode(self, jid, node):
+ pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub')
+ iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet()
+ delete = ET.Element('delete')
+ delete.attrib['node'] = node
+ pubsub.append(delete)
+ iq.append(pubsub)
+ iq.attrib['to'] = jid
+ iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ result = iq.send()
+ if result is not None and result is not False and result['type'] != 'error':
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def setNodeConfig(self, jid, node, config):
+ pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub')
+ configure = ET.Element('configure')
+ configure.attrib['node'] = node
+ config = config.getXML('submit')
+ configure.append(config)
+ pubsub.append(configure)
+ iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet(pubsub)
+ iq.attrib['to'] = jid
+ iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ id = iq['id']
+ result = iq.send()
+ if result is None or result['type'] == 'error':
+ return False
+ return True
+ def setItem(self, jid, node, items=[]):
+ pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub}pubsub')
+ publish = ET.Element('publish')
+ publish.attrib['node'] = node
+ for pub_item in items:
+ id, payload = pub_item
+ item = ET.Element('item')
+ if id is not None:
+ item.attrib['id'] = id
+ item.append(payload)
+ publish.append(item)
+ pubsub.append(publish)
+ iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet(pubsub)
+ iq.attrib['to'] = jid
+ iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ id = iq['id']
+ result = iq.send()
+ if result is None or result is False or result['type'] == 'error': return False
+ return True
+ def addItem(self, jid, node, items=[]):
+ return self.setItem(jid, node, items)
+ def deleteItem(self, jid, node, item):
+ pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub}pubsub')
+ retract = ET.Element('retract')
+ retract.attrib['node'] = node
+ itemn = ET.Element('item')
+ itemn.attrib['id'] = item
+ retract.append(itemn)
+ pubsub.append(retract)
+ iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet(pubsub)
+ iq.attrib['to'] = jid
+ iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ id = iq['id']
+ result = iq.send()
+ if result is None or result is False or result['type'] == 'error': return False
+ return True
+ def getNodes(self, jid):
+ response = self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].getItems(jid)
+ items = response.findall('{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items}query/{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items}item')
+ nodes = {}
+ if items is not None and items is not False:
+ for item in items:
+ nodes[item.get('node')] = item.get('name')
+ return nodes
+ def getItems(self, jid, node):
+ response = self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].getItems(jid, node)
+ items = response.findall('{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items}query/{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items}item')
+ nodeitems = []
+ if items is not None and items is not False:
+ for item in items:
+ nodeitems.append(item.get('node'))
+ return nodeitems
+ def addNodeToCollection(self, jid, child, parent=''):
+ config = self.getNodeConfig(jid, child)
+ if not config or config is None:
+ self.lasterror = "Config Error"
+ return False
+ try:
+ config.field['pubsub#collection'].setValue(parent)
+ except KeyError:
+ log.warning("pubsub#collection doesn't exist in config, trying to add it")
+ config.addField('pubsub#collection', value=parent)
+ if not self.setNodeConfig(jid, child, config):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def modifyAffiliation(self, ps_jid, node, user_jid, affiliation):
+ if affiliation not in ('owner', 'publisher', 'member', 'none', 'outcast'):
+ raise TypeError
+ pubsub = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner}pubsub')
+ affs = ET.Element('affiliations')
+ affs.attrib['node'] = node
+ aff = ET.Element('affiliation')
+ aff.attrib['jid'] = user_jid
+ aff.attrib['affiliation'] = affiliation
+ affs.append(aff)
+ pubsub.append(affs)
+ iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet(pubsub)
+ iq.attrib['to'] = ps_jid
+ iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ id = iq['id']
+ result = iq.send()
+ if result is None or result is False or result['type'] == 'error':
+ return False
+ return True
+ def addNodeToCollection(self, jid, child, parent=''):
+ config = self.getNodeConfig(jid, child)
+ if not config or config is None:
+ self.lasterror = "Config Error"
+ return False
+ try:
+ config.field['pubsub#collection'].setValue(parent)
+ except KeyError:
+ log.warning("pubsub#collection doesn't exist in config, trying to add it")
+ config.addField('pubsub#collection', value=parent)
+ if not self.setNodeConfig(jid, child, config):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def removeNodeFromCollection(self, jid, child):
+ self.addNodeToCollection(jid, child, '')
diff --git a/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza/__init__.py b/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52a21efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from pubsub import Pubsub, Affiliation, Affiliations, Subscription, Subscriptions, SubscribeOptions, Item, Items, Create, Publish, Retract, Unsubscribe, Subscribe, Configure, Options, PubsubState, PubsubStateEvent
+from pubsub_owner import PubsubOwner, DefaultConfig, OwnerAffiliations, OwnerAffiliation, OwnerConfigure, OwnerDefault, OwnerDelete, OwnerPurge, OwnerRedirect, OwnerSubscriptions, OwnerSubscription
+from pubsub_event import Event, EventItem, EventRetract, EventItems, EventCollection, EventAssociate, EventDisassociate, EventConfiguration, EventPurge, EventSubscription
diff --git a/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza/base.py b/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b1efe1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+class OptionalSetting(object):
+ interfaces = set(('required',))
+ def setRequired(self, value):
+ value = bool(value)
+ if value and not self['required']:
+ self.xml.append(ET.Element("{%s}required" % self.namespace))
+ elif not value and self['required']:
+ self.delRequired()
+ def getRequired(self):
+ required = self.xml.find("{%s}required" % self.namespace)
+ if required is not None:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def delRequired(self):
+ required = self.xml.find("{%s}required" % self.namespace)
+ if required is not None:
+ self.xml.remove(required)
diff --git a/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza/pubsub.py b/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza/pubsub.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d586cae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza/pubsub.py
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import registerStanzaPlugin, ElementBase, ET, JID
+from sleekxmpp.stanza.iq import Iq
+from sleekxmpp.stanza.message import Message
+from sleekxmpp.basexmpp import basexmpp
+from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream import XMLStream
+import logging
+from sleekxmpp.plugins import xep_0004
+from base import OptionalSetting
+class Pubsub(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+ name = 'pubsub'
+ plugin_attrib = 'pubsub'
+ interfaces = set(tuple())
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+registerStanzaPlugin(Iq, Pubsub)
+class Affiliation(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+ name = 'affiliation'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('node', 'affiliation'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+class Affiliations(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+ name = 'affiliations'
+ plugin_attrib = 'affiliations'
+ interfaces = set(tuple())
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ subitem = (Affiliation,)
+ def append(self, affiliation):
+ if not isinstance(affiliation, Affiliation):
+ raise TypeError
+ self.xml.append(affiliation.xml)
+ return self.iterables.append(affiliation)
+registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Affiliations)
+class Subscription(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+ name = 'subscription'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('jid', 'node', 'subscription', 'subid'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ def setjid(self, value):
+ self._setattr('jid', str(value))
+ def getjid(self):
+ return jid(self._getattr('jid'))
+registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Subscription)
+class Subscriptions(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+ name = 'subscriptions'
+ plugin_attrib = 'subscriptions'
+ interfaces = set(tuple())
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ subitem = (Subscription,)
+registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Subscriptions)
+class SubscribeOptions(ElementBase, OptionalSetting):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+ name = 'subscribe-options'
+ plugin_attrib = 'suboptions'
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ interfaces = set(('required',))
+registerStanzaPlugin(Subscription, SubscribeOptions)
+class Item(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+ name = 'item'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('id', 'payload'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ def setPayload(self, value):
+ self.xml.append(value)
+ def getPayload(self):
+ childs = self.xml.getchildren()
+ if len(childs) > 0:
+ return childs[0]
+ def delPayload(self):
+ for child in self.xml.getchildren():
+ self.xml.remove(child)
+class Items(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+ name = 'items'
+ plugin_attrib = 'items'
+ interfaces = set(('node',))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ subitem = (Item,)
+registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Items)
+class Create(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+ name = 'create'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('node',))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Create)
+#class Default(ElementBase):
+# namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+# name = 'default'
+# plugin_attrib = name
+# interfaces = set(('node', 'type'))
+# plugin_attrib_map = {}
+# plugin_tag_map = {}
+# def getType(self):
+# t = self._getAttr('type')
+# if not t: t == 'leaf'
+# return t
+#registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Default)
+class Publish(Items):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+ name = 'publish'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('node',))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ subitem = (Item,)
+registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Publish)
+class Retract(Items):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+ name = 'retract'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('node', 'notify'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Retract)
+class Unsubscribe(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+ name = 'unsubscribe'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('node', 'jid'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ def setJid(self, value):
+ self._setAttr('jid', str(value))
+ def getJid(self):
+ return JID(self._getAttr('jid'))
+registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Unsubscribe)
+class Subscribe(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+ name = 'subscribe'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('node', 'jid'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ def setJid(self, value):
+ self._setAttr('jid', str(value))
+ def getJid(self):
+ return JID(self._getAttr('jid'))
+registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Subscribe)
+class Configure(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+ name = 'configure'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('node', 'type'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ def getType(self):
+ t = self._getAttr('type')
+ if not t: t == 'leaf'
+ return t
+registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Configure)
+registerStanzaPlugin(Configure, xep_0004.Form)
+class Options(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
+ name = 'options'
+ plugin_attrib = 'options'
+ interfaces = set(('jid', 'node', 'options'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ ElementBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def getOptions(self):
+ config = self.xml.find('{jabber:x:data}x')
+ form = xep_0004.Form()
+ if config is not None:
+ form.fromXML(config)
+ return form
+ def setOptions(self, value):
+ self.xml.append(value.getXML())
+ return self
+ def delOptions(self):
+ config = self.xml.find('{jabber:x:data}x')
+ self.xml.remove(config)
+ def setJid(self, value):
+ self._setAttr('jid', str(value))
+ def getJid(self):
+ return JID(self._getAttr('jid'))
+registerStanzaPlugin(Pubsub, Options)
+registerStanzaPlugin(Subscribe, Options)
+class PubsubState(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/psstate'
+ name = 'state'
+ plugin_attrib = 'psstate'
+ interfaces = set(('node', 'item', 'payload'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ def setPayload(self, value):
+ self.xml.append(value)
+ def getPayload(self):
+ childs = self.xml.getchildren()
+ if len(childs) > 0:
+ return childs[0]
+ def delPayload(self):
+ for child in self.xml.getchildren():
+ self.xml.remove(child)
+registerStanzaPlugin(Iq, PubsubState)
+class PubsubStateEvent(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/psstate#event'
+ name = 'event'
+ plugin_attrib = 'psstate_event'
+ intefaces = set(tuple())
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+registerStanzaPlugin(Message, PubsubStateEvent)
+registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubStateEvent, PubsubState)
diff --git a/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza/pubsub_event.py b/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza/pubsub_event.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2dfe6c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza/pubsub_event.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import registerStanzaPlugin, ElementBase, ET, JID
+from sleekxmpp.stanza.iq import Iq
+from sleekxmpp.stanza.message import Message
+from sleekxmpp.basexmpp import basexmpp
+from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream import XMLStream
+import logging
+from sleekxmpp.plugins import xep_0004
+class Event(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
+ name = 'event'
+ plugin_attrib = 'pubsub_event'
+ interfaces = set(('node',))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+registerStanzaPlugin(Message, Event)
+class EventItem(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
+ name = 'item'
+ plugin_attrib = 'item'
+ interfaces = set(('id', 'payload'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ def setPayload(self, value):
+ self.xml.append(value)
+ def getPayload(self):
+ childs = self.xml.getchildren()
+ if len(childs) > 0:
+ return childs[0]
+ def delPayload(self):
+ for child in self.xml.getchildren():
+ self.xml.remove(child)
+class EventRetract(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
+ name = 'retract'
+ plugin_attrib = 'retract'
+ interfaces = set(('id',))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+class EventItems(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
+ name = 'items'
+ plugin_attrib = 'items'
+ interfaces = set(('node',))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ subitem = (EventItem, EventRetract)
+registerStanzaPlugin(Event, EventItems)
+class EventCollection(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
+ name = 'collection'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('node',))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+registerStanzaPlugin(Event, EventCollection)
+class EventAssociate(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
+ name = 'associate'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('node',))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+registerStanzaPlugin(EventCollection, EventAssociate)
+class EventDisassociate(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
+ name = 'disassociate'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('node',))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+registerStanzaPlugin(EventCollection, EventDisassociate)
+class EventConfiguration(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
+ name = 'configuration'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('node', 'config'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+registerStanzaPlugin(Event, EventConfiguration)
+registerStanzaPlugin(EventConfiguration, xep_0004.Form)
+class EventPurge(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
+ name = 'purge'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('node',))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+registerStanzaPlugin(Event, EventPurge)
+class EventSubscription(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'
+ name = 'subscription'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('node','expiry', 'jid', 'subid', 'subscription'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ def setJid(self, value):
+ self._setAttr('jid', str(value))
+ def getJid(self):
+ return JID(self._getAttr('jid'))
+registerStanzaPlugin(Event, EventSubscription)
diff --git a/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza/pubsub_owner.py b/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza/pubsub_owner.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05889611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sleekxmpp/plugins/xep_0060/stanza/pubsub_owner.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import registerStanzaPlugin, ElementBase, ET, JID
+from sleekxmpp.stanza.iq import Iq
+from sleekxmpp.stanza.message import Message
+from sleekxmpp.basexmpp import basexmpp
+from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream import XMLStream
+import logging
+from sleekxmpp.plugins import xep_0004
+from base import OptionalSetting
+from pubsub import Affiliations, Affiliation, Configure, Subscriptions
+class PubsubOwner(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
+ name = 'pubsub'
+ plugin_attrib = 'pubsub_owner'
+ interfaces = set(tuple())
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+registerStanzaPlugin(Iq, PubsubOwner)
+class DefaultConfig(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
+ name = 'default'
+ plugin_attrib = 'default'
+ interfaces = set(('node', 'type', 'config'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ ElementBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def getType(self):
+ t = self._getAttr('type')
+ if not t: t = 'leaf'
+ return t
+ def getConfig(self):
+ return self['form']
+ def setConfig(self, value):
+ self['form'].setStanzaValues(value.getStanzaValues())
+ return self
+registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubOwner, DefaultConfig)
+registerStanzaPlugin(DefaultConfig, xep_0004.Form)
+class OwnerAffiliations(Affiliations):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
+ interfaces = set(('node'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ def append(self, affiliation):
+ if not isinstance(affiliation, OwnerAffiliation):
+ raise TypeError
+ self.xml.append(affiliation.xml)
+ return self.affiliations.append(affiliation)
+registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerAffiliations)
+class OwnerAffiliation(Affiliation):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
+ interfaces = set(('affiliation', 'jid'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+class OwnerConfigure(Configure):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
+ interfaces = set(('node', 'config'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerConfigure)
+class OwnerDefault(OwnerConfigure):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
+ interfaces = set(('node', 'config'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ def getConfig(self):
+ return self['form']
+ def setConfig(self, value):
+ self['form'].setStanzaValues(value.getStanzaValues())
+ return self
+registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerDefault)
+registerStanzaPlugin(OwnerDefault, xep_0004.Form)
+class OwnerDelete(ElementBase, OptionalSetting):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
+ name = 'delete'
+ plugin_attrib = 'delete'
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ interfaces = set(('node',))
+registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerDelete)
+class OwnerPurge(ElementBase, OptionalSetting):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
+ name = 'purge'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerPurge)
+class OwnerRedirect(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
+ name = 'redirect'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('node', 'jid'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ def setJid(self, value):
+ self._setAttr('jid', str(value))
+ def getJid(self):
+ return JID(self._getAttr('jid'))
+registerStanzaPlugin(OwnerDelete, OwnerRedirect)
+class OwnerSubscriptions(Subscriptions):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
+ interfaces = set(('node',))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ def append(self, subscription):
+ if not isinstance(subscription, OwnerSubscription):
+ raise TypeError
+ self.xml.append(subscription.xml)
+ return self.subscriptions.append(subscription)
+registerStanzaPlugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerSubscriptions)
+class OwnerSubscription(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'
+ name = 'subscription'
+ plugin_attrib = name
+ interfaces = set(('jid', 'subscription'))
+ plugin_attrib_map = {}
+ plugin_tag_map = {}
+ def setJid(self, value):
+ self._setAttr('jid', str(value))
+ def getJid(self):
+ return JID(self._getAttr('from'))
diff --git a/tests/test_stanza_xep_0060.py b/tests/test_stanza_xep_0060.py
index 8e6e820d..d42c11bd 100644
--- a/tests/test_stanza_xep_0060.py
+++ b/tests/test_stanza_xep_0060.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from sleekxmpp.test import *
import sleekxmpp.plugins.xep_0004 as xep_0004
-import sleekxmpp.plugins.stanza_pubsub as pubsub
+import sleekxmpp.plugins.xep_0060.stanza as pubsub
class TestPubsubStanzas(SleekTest):