Merge branch 'tutorial' of into tutorial
This commit is contained in:
@ -394,11 +394,11 @@ Aby otrzymać tę wiadomość, responder powinien wykorzystać odpowiedni event:
#Pokazuje wyłącznie pole 'body' wiadomości
#Pokazuje wyłącznie pole 'body' wiadomości
//TODO from here
Rozszerzenie Message o nasz tag
Rozszerzenie Message o nowy tag
Aby rozszerzyć obiekt Message wybranym tagiem ze specjalnymi polami, plugin powinien zostać zarejestrowany jako rozszerzenie dla obiektu Message.
Aby rozszerzyć obiekt Message o wybrany tag, plugin powinien zostać zarejestrowany jako rozszerzenie dla obiektu Message:
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -406,21 +406,21 @@ Aby rozszerzyć obiekt Message wybranym tagiem ze specjalnymi polami, plugin pow
class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
def plugin_init(self):
def plugin_init(self):
self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String do przeczytania przez ludzi oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin.
self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String zrozumiały dla ludzi oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin.
self.xep = "ope" ##~ String do przeczytania przez ludzi oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin przez dodanie go do `slixmpp/plugins/`, do metody `__all__` z 'xep_OPE'.
self.xep = "ope" ##~ String zrozumiały dla ludzi oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin przez dodanie go do `slixmpp/plugins/` w metodzie `__all__` z 'xep_OPE'.
namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Rejetrujemy rozszerzony tag dla obiektu Message. Jeśli to nie zostanie zrobione, message['example_tag'] będzie polem tekstowym, a nie rozszerzeniem i nie będzie mogło zawierać atrybutów i podelementów.
register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Zarejestrowany rozszerzony tag dla obiektu Message. Jeśli to nie zostanie zrobione, message['example_tag'] będzie polem tekstowym, a nie rozszerzeniem i nie będzie mogło zawierać atrybutów i podelementów.
class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
name = "example_tag"
name = "example_tag" ##~ Nazwa pliku XML dla tego rozszerzenia..
namespace = ""
namespace = "" ##~ Nazwa obiektu, np. <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>.
plugin_attrib = "example_tag"
plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ Nazwa, którą można odwołać się do obiektu. W szczególności, do zarejestronanego obieksu można odwołać się przez: nazwa_obiektu['tag']. gdzie `'tag'` jest nazwą ElementBase extension. Nazwa powinna być taka sama jak "name" wyżej.
interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"}
interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ Lista kluczy słownika, które mogą być użyte z obiektem. Na przykład: `stanza_object['example_tag']` zwraca {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, gdzie `'example_tag'` jest nazwą rozszerzenia ElementBase.
def set_boolean(self, boolean):
def set_boolean(self, boolean):
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ Aby rozszerzyć obiekt Message wybranym tagiem ze specjalnymi polami, plugin pow
self.xml.attrib['some_string'] = some_string
self.xml.attrib['some_string'] = some_string
Teraz dzięki rejestracji tagu, możemy rozszerzyć wiadomość.
Teraz, po rejestracji tagu, można rozszerzyć wiadomość.
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -446,11 +446,14 @@ Teraz dzięki rejestracji tagu, możemy rozszerzyć wiadomość.
self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
def start(self, event):
def start(self, event):
# Metody niewymagane, ale pozwalające na zobaczenie dostepności online.
self.send_example_message(, "example_message")
self.send_example_message(, "example_message")
def send_example_message(self, to, body):
def send_example_message(self, to, body):
#~ make_message(mfrom=None, mto=None, mtype=None, mquery=None)
# Default mtype == "chat";
msg = self.make_message(mto=to, mbody=body)
msg = self.make_message(mto=to, mbody=body)
@ -458,7 +461,7 @@ Teraz dzięki rejestracji tagu, możemy rozszerzyć wiadomość.
Po uruchomieniu, logging powinien wyświetlić Message wraz z tagiem `'example_tag'` zawartym w środku <message><example_tag/></message>, wraz z napisem `'Work'` oraz nadanym namespace.
Po uruchomieniu, logging powinien wyświetlić Message wraz z tagiem `'example_tag'` zawartym w środku <message><example_tag/></message>, oraz z napisem `'Work'` i nadanym namespace.
Nadanie oddzielnego sygnału dla rozszerzonej wiadomości
Nadanie oddzielnego sygnału dla rozszerzonej wiadomości
@ -471,34 +474,31 @@ Jeśli event nie zostanie sprecyzowany, to zarówno rozszerzona jak i podstawowa
class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
def plugin_init(self):
def plugin_init(self):
self.description = "OurPluginExtension"
self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String zrozumiały dla ludzi oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin.
self.xep = "ope"
self.xep = "ope" ##~ String zrozumiały dla ludzi oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin przez dodanie go do `slixmpp/plugins/` w metodzie `__all__` z 'xep_OPE'.
namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
Callback('ExampleMessage Event:example_tag', ##~ Nazwa tego Callback
Callback('ExampleMessage Event:example_tag', ##~ Nazwa tego Callback
StanzaPath(f'message/{{{namespace}}}example_tag'), ##~ Przechwytujemy wyłącznie Message z tagiem example_tag i namespace takim jaki zdefiniowaliśmy w ExampleTag
StanzaPath(f'message/{{{namespace}}}example_tag'), ##~ Przechwytuje wyłącznie Message z tagiem example_tag i namespace takim jaki zdefiniowaliśmy w ExampleTag
self.__handle_message)) ##~ Metoda do której przypisujemy przechwycony odpowiedni obiekt, powinna wywołać odpowiedni event dla klienta.
self.__handle_message)) ##~ Metoda do której zostaje przypisany przechwycony odpowiedni obiekt, powinna wywołać odpowiedni event dla klienta.
register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag)
register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Zarejestrowany rozszerzony tag dla obiektu Message. Jeśli to nie zostanie zrobione, message['example_tag'] będzie polem tekstowym, a nie rozszerzeniem i nie będzie mogło zawierać atrybutów i podelementów.
def __handle_message(self, msg):
def __handle_message(self, msg):
# Tu możemy coś zrobić z przechwyconą wiadomością zanim trafi do klienta.
# Tu można coś zrobić z przechwyconą wiadomością zanim trafi do klienta.
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Wywołuje event, który może zostać przechwycony i obsłużony przez klienta, jako argument przekazujemy obiekt który chcemy dopiąć do eventu.
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Wywołuje event, który może zostać przechwycony i obsłużony przez klienta, jako argument przekazujemy obiekt który chcemy dopiąć do eventu.
Obiekt StanzaPath powinien być poprawnie zainicjalizowany, według schematu:
Obiekt StanzaPath powinien być poprawnie zainicjalizowany, według schematu:
* Dla NAZWA_OBIEKTU można użyć `'message'` lub `'iq'`.
* Dla NAZWA_OBIEKTU można użyć `'message'` lub `'iq'`.
* Dla TYP_OBIEKTU, jeśli obiektem jest message, można sprecyzować typ dla message, np. `'chat'`
* Dla TYP_OBIEKTU, jeśli obiektem jest iq, można użyć typu spośród: `'get, set, error or result'`. Jeśli obiektem jest message, można sprecyzować typ dla message, np. `'chat'`..
* Dla TYP_OBIEKTU, jeśli obiektem jest iq, można sprecyzować typ spośród: `'get, set, error or result'`
* Dla NAMESPACE powinien to być namespace zgodny z rozszerzeniem tagu.
* Dla NAMESPACE to powinien być namespace zgodny z rozszerzeniem tagu.
* TAG powinien zawierać tag, tutaj: `'example_tag'`.
* TAG powinien zawierać tag, tutaj: `'example_tag'`.
Teraz, rogram przechwyci wszystkie message, które zawierają sprecyzowany namespace wewnątrz `'example_tag'`. Można też, jak w programowaniu agentowym, sprawdzić co message zawiera, czy na pewno posiada wymagane pola itd. Następnie wiadomośc jest wysyłana do klienta za pośrednictwem eventu `'example_tag_message'`.
Teraz, program przechwyci wszystkie message, które zawierają sprecyzowany namespace wewnątrz `'example_tag'`. Można też sprawdzić co message zawiera, czy na pewno posiada wymagane pola itd. Następnie wiadomość jest wysyłana do klienta za pośrednictwem eventu `'example_tag_message'`.
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -514,19 +514,22 @@ Teraz, rogram przechwyci wszystkie message, które zawierają sprecyzowany names
self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
def start(self, event):
def start(self, event):
# Metody niewymagane, ale pozwalające na zobaczenie dostepności online.
self.send_example_message(, "example_message", "example_string")
self.send_example_message(, "example_message", "example_string")
def send_example_message(self, to, body, some_string=""):
def send_example_message(self, to, body, some_string=""):
#~ make_message(mfrom=None, mto=None, mtype=None, mquery=None)
# Default mtype == "chat";
msg = self.make_message(mto=to, mbody=body)
msg = self.make_message(mto=to, mbody=body)
if some_string:
if some_string:
Należy zapamiętać linię pluginu: `'self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg)'`. W tej linii została zdefiniowana nazwa eventu do przechwycenia wewnątrz pliku Tutaj: `'example_tag_message'`.
Należy zapamiętać linię: `'self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg)'`. W tej linii została zdefiniowana nazwa eventu do przechwycenia wewnątrz pliku "". Tutaj to: `'example_tag_message'`.
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -542,24 +545,25 @@ Należy zapamiętać linię pluginu: `'self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', ms
def start(self, event):
def start(self, event):
# Metody niewymagane, ale pozwalające na zobaczenie dostepności online.
def example_tag_message(self, msg):
def example_tag_message(self, msg):
|||||| # Message jest obiektem który nie wymaga wiadomości zwrotnej. Może zostać zwrócona odpowiedź, ale nie jest to sposób komunikacji maszyn, więc żaden timeout error nie zostanie wywołany gdy nie zostanie zwrócona. (W przypadku Iq jest inaczej).
| # Message jest obiektem który nie wymaga wiadomości zwrotnej, ale nic się nie stanie, gdy zostanie wysłana.
Teraz można odesłać wiadomość, ale nic się nie stanie jeśli to nie zostanie zrobione.
Można odesłać wiadomość, ale nic się nie stanie jeśli to nie zostanie zrobione.
Natomiast kolejny obiekt komunikacji (Iq) już będzie wymagał odpowiedzi, więc obydwaj klienci powinni pozostawać online. W innym wypadku, klient otrzyma automatyczny error z powodu timeout jeśli cell Iq nie odpowie za pomocą Iq o tym samym Id.
Natomiast obiekt komunikacji (Iq) już będzie wymagał odpowiedzi, więc obydwaj klienci powinni pozostawać online. W innym wypadku, klient otrzyma automatyczny error z powodu timeout, jeśli cell Iq nie odpowie za pomocą Iq o tym samym Id.
Użyteczne metody i inne
Użyteczne metody i inne
Modyfikacja przykładowego obiektu `Message` na `Iq`.
Modyfikacja przykładowego obiektu `Message` na obiekt `Iq`.
Aby przerobić przykładowy obiekt Message na obiekt Iq, należy zarejestrować nowy handler dla Iq, podobnie jak zostało to przedstawione w rozdziale `"Rozszerzenie Message o nasz tag"`. Tym razem, przykład będzie zawierał kilka typów Iq z oddzielnymi typami. Poprawia to czytelność kodu oraz weryfikację poprawności działania. Wszystkie Iq powinny odesłać odpowiedź z tym samym Id do wysyłającego wraz z odpowiedzią. W przeciwnym wypadku, wysyłający dostanie Iq zwrotne typu error, zawierające informacje o przekroczonym czasie oczekiwania (timeout).
Aby przerobić przykładowy obiekt Message na obiekt Iq, należy zarejestrować nowy handler dla Iq, podobnie jak zostało to przedstawione w rozdziale `"Rozszerzenie Message o tag"`. Tym razem, przykład będzie zawierał kilka rodzajów Iq o oddzielnych typami. Poprawia to czytelność kodu oraz usprawnia weryfikację poprawności działania. Wszystkie Iq powinny odesłać odpowiedź z tym samym Id i odpowiedzią do wysyłającego. W przeciwnym wypadku, wysyłający dostanie Iq zwrotne typu error, zawierające informacje o przekroczonym czasie oczekiwania (timeout).
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -567,50 +571,52 @@ Aby przerobić przykładowy obiekt Message na obiekt Iq, należy zarejestrować
class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
def plugin_init(self):
def plugin_init(self):
self.description = "OurPluginExtension"
self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String zrozumiały dla ludzi oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin.
self.xep = "ope"
self.xep = "ope" ##~ String zrozumiały dla ludzi oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin przez dodanie go do `slixmpp/plugins/` w metodzie `__all__` z 'xep_OPE'.
namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
Callback('ExampleGet Event:example_tag',
Callback('ExampleGet Event:example_tag', ##~ Nazwa tego Callbacka
StanzaPath(f"iq@type=get/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Obsługuje tylko Iq o typie 'get' oraz example_tag
self.__handle_get_iq)) ##~ Metoda obsługująca odpowiednie Iq, powinna wywołać event dla klienta.
Callback('ExampleResult Event:example_tag',
Callback('ExampleResult Event:example_tag', ##~ Nazwa tego Callbacka
StanzaPath(f"iq@type=result/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Obsługuje tylko Iq o typie 'result' oraz example_tag
self.__handle_result_iq)) ##~ Metoda obsługująca odpowiednie Iq, powinna wywołać event dla klienta.
Callback('ExampleError Event:example_tag',
Callback('ExampleError Event:example_tag', ##~ Nazwa tego Callbacka
StanzaPath(f"iq@type=error/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Obsługuje tylko Iq o typie 'error' oraz example_tag
self.__handle_error_iq)) ##~ Metoda obsługująca odpowiednie Iq, powinna wywołać event dla klienta.
Callback('ExampleMessage Event:example_tag',##~ Nazwa tego Callbacka
StanzaPath(f'message/{{{namespace}}}example_tag'), ##~ Obsługuje tylko Iq z example_tag
self.__handle_message)) ##~ Metoda obsługująca odpowiednie Iq, powinna wywołać event dla klienta.
register_stanza_plugin(Iq, ExampleTag) ##~ Rejestruje rozszerzenie taga dla obiektu Iq. W przeciwnym wypadku, Iq['example_tag'] będzie polem string zamiast kontenerem.
register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Rejestruje rozszerzenie taga dla obiektu Message. W przeciwnym wypadku, message['example_tag'] będzie polem string zamiast kontenerem.
Callback('ExampleMessage Event:example_tag',
register_stanza_plugin(Iq, ExampleTag)
register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag)
# Wszystkie możliwe typy Iq to: get, set, error, result
# Wszystkie możliwe typy Iq to: get, set, error, result
def __handle_get_iq(self, iq):
def __handle_get_iq(self, iq):
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_get_iq', iq)
# Zrób coś z otrzymanym iq
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_get_iq', iq) ##~ Wywołuje event, który może być obsłuzony przez klienta lub inaczej.
def __handle_result_iq(self, iq):
def __handle_result_iq(self, iq):
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_result_iq', iq)
# Zrób coś z otrzymanym Iq
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_result_iq', iq) ##~ Wywołuje event, który może być obsłuzony przez klienta lub inaczej.
def __handle_error_iq(self, iq):
def __handle_error_iq(self, iq):
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_error_iq', iq)
# Zrób coś z otrzymanym Iq
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_error_iq', iq) ##~ Wywołuje event, który może być obsłuzony przez klienta lub inaczej.
def __handle_message(self, msg):
def __handle_message(self, msg):
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg)
# Zrób coś z otrzymanym message
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Wywołuje event, który może być obsłuzony przez klienta lub inaczej.
Eventy wywołane przez powyższe handlery mogą zostać przechwycone tak, jak w przypadku eventu `'example_tag_message'`.
Eventy wywołane przez powyższe handlery mogą zostać przechwycone tak, jak w przypadku eventu `'example_tag_message'`.
@ -1290,7 +1296,6 @@ W poniższym kodzie zostały pozostawione oryginalne komentarze w języku angiel
print ("Error: unable to start thread")
print ("Error: unable to start thread")
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
#File: $WORKDIR/example/
#File: $WORKDIR/example/
@ -1421,7 +1426,6 @@ W poniższym kodzie zostały pozostawione oryginalne komentarze w języku angiel
itemXML.text = text #~ Fill field inside tag, for example: <inside_tag (...)>our_text</inside_tag>
itemXML.text = text #~ Fill field inside tag, for example: <inside_tag (...)>our_text</inside_tag>
self.xml.append(itemXML) #~ Add that all what we set, as inner tag inside `example_tag` tag.
self.xml.append(itemXML) #~ Add that all what we set, as inner tag inside `example_tag` tag.
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -1765,21 +1769,19 @@ W poniższym kodzie zostały pozostawione oryginalne komentarze w języku angiel
<example_tag xmlns="" some_string="StringFromFile">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="3" secound_field="4" /></example_tag>
<example_tag xmlns="" some_string="StringFromFile">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="3" secound_field="4" /></example_tag>
Źródła i bibliogarfia
Źródła i bibliogarfia
Slixmpp project description:
Slixmpp - opis projektu:
Official web documentation:
Oficjalna strona z dokumentacją:
Oficjalna dokumentacja PDF:
Official pdf documentation:
Note: Dokumentacje w formie Web i PDF mają pewne różnice, pewne szczegóły potrafią być wspomniane tylko w jednej z dwóch.
Note: Dokumentacje w formie Web i PDF różnią się; pewne szczegóły potrafią być wspomniane tylko w jednej z dwóch.
@ -393,11 +393,11 @@ To receive this message, the responder should have a proper handler to the signa
#Show only body attribute
#Show only body attribute
//TODO from here
Expanding the message with new tag
Expanding the Message with a new tag
To expand the Message object with our tag, the plugin should be registered as the extension for the Message object:
To expand the Message object with a tag, the plugin should be registered as the extension for the Message object:
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -405,19 +405,19 @@ To expand the Message object with our tag, the plugin should be registered as th
class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
def plugin_init(self):
def plugin_init(self):
self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String data readable by humans and to find plugin by another plugin.
self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String data to read by humans and to find the plugin by another plugin.
self.xep = "ope" ##~ String data for Human readable and find plugin by another plugin with adding it into `slixmpp/plugins/` to the `__all__` declaration with 'xep_OPE'. Otherwise it's just human readable annotation.
self.xep = "ope" ##~ String data to read by humans and to find the plugin by another plugin by adding it into `slixmpp/plugins/` to the `__all__` declaration with 'xep_OPE'.
namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Register tags extension for Message object, otherwise message['example_tag'] will be string field instead container where we can manage our fields and create sub elements.
register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Register the tags extension for Message object, otherwise message['example_tag'] will be string field instead container and whould not be able to manage fields and create sub elements.
class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
namespace = "<>" ##~ The namespace our stanza object lives in, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. You should change it for your own namespace
namespace = "" ##~ The namespace for stanza object, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>.
plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'] now `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension. And this should be that same as name.
plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'] now `'example_tag'` is name of ElementBase extension. And this should be that same as 'name' above.
interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ A list of dictionary-like keys that can be used with the stanza object. For example `stanza_object['example_tag']` gives us {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, whenever `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension.
interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ A list of dictionary-like keys that can be used with the stanza object. For example `stanza_object['example_tag']` gives us {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, whenever `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension.
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ To expand the Message object with our tag, the plugin should be registered as th
self.xml.attrib['some_string'] = some_string
self.xml.attrib['some_string'] = some_string
Now with the registered object, the message can be extended.
Now, with the registered object, the message can be extended.
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -460,12 +460,12 @@ Now with the registered object, the message can be extended.
After running, the following message from the logging should show the `'example_tag'` stored inside <message><example_tag/></message> with string and namespace defined previously by us.
After running, the logging should print the Message with tag `'example_tag'` stored inside <message><example_tag/></message>, string `'Work'` and given namespace.
Catching the extended message with different event handler
Giving the extended message the separate signal
To get the difference between the extended messages and basic messages (or Iq), we can register the handler for the new namespace and tag. Then, make a unique name combination and handle only these required messages.
If the separate event is not defined, then both normal and extended message will be cached by signal `'message'`. In order to have the special event, the handler for the namespace ang tag should be created. Then, make a unique name combination, which allows the handler can catch only the wanted messages (or Iq object).
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -473,30 +473,30 @@ To get the difference between the extended messages and basic messages (or Iq),
class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
def plugin_init(self):
def plugin_init(self):
self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String data for Human readable and find plugin by another plugin with method.
self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String data to read by humans and to find the plugin by another plugin.
self.xep = "ope" ##~ String data for Human readable and find plugin by another plugin with adding it into `slixmpp/plugins/` to the `__all__` declaration with 'xep_OPE'. Otherwise it's just human readable annotation.
self.xep = "ope" ##~ String data to read by humans and to find the plugin by another plugin by adding it into `slixmpp/plugins/` to the `__all__` declaration with 'xep_OPE'.
namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
Callback('ExampleMessage Event:example_tag',##~ Name of this Callback
Callback('ExampleMessage Event:example_tag',##~ Name of this Callback
StanzaPath(f'message/{{{namespace}}}example_tag'), ##~ Handle only Message with example_tag
StanzaPath(f'message/{{{namespace}}}example_tag'), ##~ Handles only the Message with good example_tag and namespace.
self.__handle_message)) ##~ Method which catch proper Message, should raise proper event for client.
self.__handle_message)) ##~ Method which catches the proper Message, should raise event for the client.
register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Register tags extension for Message object, otherwise message['example_tag'] will be string field instead container where we can manage our fields and create sub elements.
register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Register the tags extension for Message object, otherwise message['example_tag'] will be string field instead container and whould not be able to manage fields and create sub elements.
def __handle_message(self, msg):
def __handle_message(self, msg):
# Do something with received message
# Here something can be done with received message before it reaches the client.
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Call event which can be handled by the client with desired objest as an argument.
StanzaPath objects should be initialized in a specific way, such as:
StanzaPath objects should be initialized in a specific way, such as:
- For OBJECT_NAME we can use `'message'` or `'iq'`.
* For OBJECT_NAME we can use `'message'` or `'iq'`.
- For TYPE_OF_OBJECT, if we specify iq, we can use`'get, set, error or result'`
* For TYPE_OF_OBJECT, when iq is specified, `'get, set, error or result'` can be used. When objest is a message, then the message type can be used, like `'chat'`.
- NAMESPACE should always be a namespace from our tag extension class.
* NAMESPACE should always be a namespace from tag extension class.
- TAG should contain our tag, in this case:`'example_tag'`.
* TAG should contain the tag, in this case:`'example_tag'`.
Now we are catching every message containing our namespace inside the `'example_tag'`field. We can check the content of it and then send it to the client with `'example_tag_message'` event.
Now every message containing the defined namespace inside `'example_tag'` is catched. It is possible to check the content of it. Then, the message is send to the client with the `'example_tag_message'` event.
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -527,9 +527,7 @@ Now we are catching every message containing our namespace inside the `'example_
Next, remember line: `'self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg)'`.
Now, remember the line: `'self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg)'`. The name of an event to catch inside the "" file was defined here. Here it is: `'example_tag_message'`.
There is a responder event handler that uses the`'example_tag_message'`.
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -541,7 +539,7 @@ There is a responder event handler that uses the`'example_tag_message'`.
self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
self.add_event_handler("example_tag_message", self.example_tag_message)
self.add_event_handler("example_tag_message", self.example_tag_message) #Registration of the handler
def start(self, event):
def start(self, event):
@ -551,17 +549,19 @@ There is a responder event handler that uses the`'example_tag_message'`.
def example_tag_message(self, msg):
def example_tag_message(self, msg):
|||||| # Message is standalone object, it can be replied, but no error arrives if not.
| # Message is standalone object, it can be replied, but no error rises if not.
We can reply to the messages, but nothing will happen if we don't. However, when we receive the Iq object, we should always reply. Otherwise, the error reply occurs on the client side due to the target timeout.
The messages can be replied, but nothing will happen if we don't.
However, when we receive the Iq object, we should always reply. Otherwise, the error occurs on the client side due to the target timeout if the cell Iq won't reply with Iq with the same Id.
## Useful methods and others
Useful methods and misc.
Modifying the `Message` object example to `Iq` object.
Modifying the example `Message` object to the `Iq` object.
To convert the Message to the Iq object, we need to register a new handler for the Iq. We can do it in the same maner as in the `,,Extend message with our tags''`part. The following example contains several types of Iq [TODO with separate types to catch]. We can use it to check the difference between the Iq request and Iq response or to verify the correctness of the objects. All of the Iq messages should be pass on to the sender with the same ID parameter, otherwise the sender receives the Iq with the timeout error.
To convert the Message into the Iq object, a new handler for the Iq should be registered, in the same maner as in the `,,Extend message with tags''`part. The following example contains several types of Iq different types to catch. It can be used to check the difference between the Iq request and Iq response or to verify the correctness of the objects. All of the Iq messages should be passed to the sender with the same ID parameter, otherwise the sender receives the Iq with the timeout error.
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -569,24 +569,24 @@ To convert the Message to the Iq object, we need to register a new handler for t
class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
def plugin_init(self):
def plugin_init(self):
self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String data for Human readable and find plugin by another plugin with method.
self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String data to read by humans and to find the plugin by another plugin.
self.xep = "ope" ##~ String data for Human readable and find plugin by another plugin with adding it into `slixmpp/plugins/` to the `__all__` declaration with 'xep_OPE'. Otherwise it's just human readable annotation.
self.xep = "ope" ##~ String data to read by humans and to find the plugin by another plugin by adding it into `slixmpp/plugins/` to the `__all__` declaration with 'xep_OPE'.
namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
Callback('ExampleGet Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
Callback('ExampleGet Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
StanzaPath(f"iq@type=get/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type get and example_tag
StanzaPath(f"iq@type=get/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type 'get' and example_tag
self.__handle_get_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
self.__handle_get_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
Callback('ExampleResult Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
Callback('ExampleResult Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
StanzaPath(f"iq@type=result/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type result and example_tag
StanzaPath(f"iq@type=result/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type 'result' and example_tag
self.__handle_result_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
self.__handle_result_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
Callback('ExampleError Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
Callback('ExampleError Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
StanzaPath(f"iq@type=error/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type error and example_tag
StanzaPath(f"iq@type=error/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type 'error' and example_tag
self.__handle_error_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
self.__handle_error_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
@ -602,22 +602,21 @@ To convert the Message to the Iq object, we need to register a new handler for t
# All iq types are: get, set, error, result
# All iq types are: get, set, error, result
def __handle_get_iq(self, iq):
def __handle_get_iq(self, iq):
# Do something with received iq
# Do something with received iq
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_get_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_get_iq', iq) ##~ Call the event which can be handled by clients to send or something other.
def __handle_result_iq(self, iq):
def __handle_result_iq(self, iq):
# Do something with received iq
# Do something with received iq
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_result_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_result_iq', iq) ##~ Call the event which can be handled by clients to send or something other.
def __handle_error_iq(self, iq):
def __handle_error_iq(self, iq):
# Do something with received iq
# Do something with received iq
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_error_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_error_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other.
def __handle_message(self, msg):
def __handle_message(self, msg):
# Do something with received message
# Do something with received message
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other.
The events called from the handlers, can be caught like in the`'example_tag_message'` example.
The events called by the example handlers can be caught like in the`'example_tag_message'` example.
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -634,7 +633,7 @@ The events called from the handlers, can be caught like in the`'example_tag_mess
def example_tag_get_iq(self, iq): # Iq stanza always should have a respond. If user is offline, it call an error.
def example_tag_get_iq(self, iq): # Iq stanza always should have a respond. If user is offline, it calls an error.
reply = iq.reply(clear=False)
reply = iq.reply(clear=False)
@ -666,7 +665,7 @@ By default, the parameter `'clear'` in the `'Iq.reply'` is set to True. In that
# <iq to=RESPONDER/RESOURCE xml:lang="en" type="get" id="0" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Another_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag</example_tag></iq>
# <iq to=RESPONDER/RESOURCE xml:lang="en" type="get" id="0" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag</example_tag></iq>
@ -690,7 +689,7 @@ By default, the parameter `'clear'` in the `'Iq.reply'` is set to True. In that
Different ways to access the elements
Different ways to access the elements
There are several ways to access the elements inside the Message or Iq stanza. The first one, from the client's side, is simply accessing the dictionary:
There are several ways to access the elements inside the Message or Iq stanza. The first one: the client can access them like a dictionary:
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -708,7 +707,7 @@ There are several ways to access the elements inside the Message or Iq stanza. T
For the ExampleTag extension, there is a getter and setter method for specific fields:
The access to the elements from extendet ExampleTag is simmilar. However, defining the types is not required and the access can be diversified (like for the `'text'` field below). For the ExampleTag extension, there is a 'getter' and 'setter' method for specific fields:
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -716,9 +715,9 @@ For the ExampleTag extension, there is a getter and setter method for specific f
class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
namespace = "<>" ##~ The namespace our stanza object lives in, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. You should change it for your own namespace
namespace = "" ##~ The namespace our stanza object lives in, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. Should be changed for own namespace.
plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'] now `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension. And this should be that same as name.
plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'], the `'example_tag'` is the name of ElementBase extension. And this should be that same as name.
interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ A list of dictionary-like keys that can be used with the stanza object. For example `stanza_object['example_tag']` gives us {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, whenever `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension.
interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ A list of dictionary-like keys that can be used with the stanza object. For example `stanza_object['example_tag']` gives us {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, whenever `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension.
@ -738,7 +737,7 @@ For the ExampleTag extension, there is a getter and setter method for specific f
The attribute `'self.xml'` is inherited from the ElementBase and is exactly the same as the `'Iq['example_tag']'` from the client namespace.
The attribute `'self.xml'` is inherited from the ElementBase and is exactly the same as the `'Iq['example_tag']'` from the client namespace.
When the proper setters and getters are used, then the code can be cleaner and more object-oriented, like in the example below:
When the proper setters and getters are used, it is easy to check whether some argument is proper for the plugin or is conversable to another type. The code itself can be cleaner and more object-oriented, like in the example below:
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -758,9 +757,9 @@ When the proper setters and getters are used, then the code can be cleaner and m
def send_example_iq(self, to):
def send_example_iq(self, to):
#~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
#~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get")
iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get")
iq['example_tag']['boolean'] = "True"
iq['example_tag']['boolean'] = "True" #Direct assignment
iq['example_tag'].set_some_string("Another_string") #Assignment by setter
@ -768,7 +767,7 @@ When the proper setters and getters are used, then the code can be cleaner and m
Message setup from the XML files, strings and other objects
Message setup from the XML files, strings and other objects
There are many ways set up a xml from a string, xml-containing file or lxml (ElementTree) file. One of them is parsing the strings to lxml object, passing the attributes and other information, which may look like this:
There are many ways to set up a xml from a string, xml-containing file or lxml (ElementTree) file. One of them is parsing the strings to lxml object, passing the attributes and other information, which may look like this:
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -780,7 +779,7 @@ There are many ways set up a xml from a string, xml-containing file or lxml (Ele
class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
namespace = "<>" ##~ The namespace our stanza object lives in, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. You should change it for your own namespace
namespace = "" ##~ The namespace our stanza object lives in, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. You should change it for your own namespace
plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'] now `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension. And this should be that same as name.
plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'] now `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension. And this should be that same as name.
@ -806,13 +805,13 @@ There are many ways set up a xml from a string, xml-containing file or lxml (Ele
To test this, we need an example file with xml, example xml string and example ET object:
To test this, we need an example file with xml, example xml string and example lxml (ET) object:
.. code-block:: xml
.. code-block:: xml
#File: $WORKDIR/test_example_tag.xml
#File: $WORKDIR/test_example_tag.xml
<example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="StringFromFile">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="3" secound_field="4" /></example_tag>
<example_tag xmlns="" some_string="StringFromFile">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="3" secound_field="4" /></example_tag>
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -839,24 +838,24 @@ To test this, we need an example file with xml, example xml string and example E
self.disconnect_counter = 3 # This is only for disconnect when we receive all replies for sended Iq
self.disconnect_counter = 3 # Disconnects when all replies from Iq are received.
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_file(, self.path)
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_file(, self.path)
# <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" id="2" type="get" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
# <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" id="2" type="get" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
string = '<example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag>'
string = '<example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag>'
et = ET.fromstring(string)
et = ET.fromstring(string)
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(, et)
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(, et)
# <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="3" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
# <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="3" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_string(, string)
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_string(, string)
# <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="5" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
# <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="5" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
self.disconnect_counter -= 1
self.disconnect_counter -= 1
if not self.disconnect_counter:
if not self.disconnect_counter:
self.disconnect() # Example disconnect after first received iq stanza extended by example_tag with result type.
self.disconnect() # Example disconnect after receiving the maximum number of recponses.
def send_example_iq_tag_from_file(self, to, path):
def send_example_iq_tag_from_file(self, to, path):
#~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
#~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
@ -880,13 +879,13 @@ To test this, we need an example file with xml, example xml string and example E
If the Responder returns the proper `'Iq'` in the reply, then everything went okay and the Sender can be disconnected.
If the Responder returns the proper `'Iq'` and the Sender disconnects after three answers, then everything works okay.
Dev friendly methods for plugin usage
Dev friendly methods for plugin usage
Any plugin should have some sort of object-like methods, setup for our elements: getters, setters and signals to make it easy to use.
Any plugin should have some sort of object-like methods, that was setup for elements: reading the data, getters, setters and signals, to make them easy to use.
During handling, the correctness of the data should be checked and the eventual errors returned to the sender.
During handling, the correctness of the data should be checked and the eventual errors returned back to the sender. In order to avoid the situation where the answer message is never send, the sender gets the timeout error.
The following code presents exactly this:
The following code presents exactly this:
@ -910,8 +909,8 @@ The following code presents exactly this:
class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
def plugin_init(self):
def plugin_init(self):
self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String data for Human readable and find plugin by another plugin with method.
self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String data to read by humans and to find the plugin by another plugin.
self.xep = "ope" ##~ String data for Human readable and find plugin by another plugin with adding it into `slixmpp/plugins/` to the `__all__` declaration with 'xep_OPE'. Otherwise it's just human readable annotation.
self.xep = "ope" ##~ String data to read by humans and to find the plugin by another plugin by adding it into `slixmpp/plugins/` to the `__all__` declaration with 'xep_OPE'.
namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
@ -934,8 +933,8 @@ The following code presents exactly this:
StanzaPath(f'message/{{{namespace}}}example_tag'), ##~ Handle only Message with example_tag
StanzaPath(f'message/{{{namespace}}}example_tag'), ##~ Handle only Message with example_tag
self.__handle_message)) ##~ Method which catch proper Message, should raise proper event for client.
self.__handle_message)) ##~ Method which catch proper Message, should raise proper event for client.
register_stanza_plugin(Iq, ExampleTag) ##~ Register tags extension for Iq object, otherwise iq['example_tag'] will be string field instead container where we can manage our fields and create sub elements.
register_stanza_plugin(Iq, ExampleTag) ##~ Register tags extension for Iq object, otherwise iq['example_tag'] will be string field instead of container, where we can manage our fields and create sub elements.
register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Register tags extension for Message object, otherwise message['example_tag'] will be string field instead container where we can manage our fields and create sub elements.
register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Register tags extension for Message object, otherwise message['example_tag'] will be string field instead of container, where we can manage our fields and create sub elements.
# All iq types are: get, set, error, result
# All iq types are: get, set, error, result
def __handle_get_iq(self, iq):
def __handle_get_iq(self, iq):
@ -946,23 +945,23 @@ The following code presents exactly this:
error["error"]["text"] = "Without some_string value returns error."
error["error"]["text"] = "Without some_string value returns error."
# Do something with received iq
# Do something with received iq
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_get_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_get_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other.
def __handle_result_iq(self, iq):
def __handle_result_iq(self, iq):
# Do something with received iq
# Do something with received iq
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_result_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_result_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other.
def __handle_error_iq(self, iq):
def __handle_error_iq(self, iq):
# Do something with received iq
# Do something with received iq
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_error_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_error_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other.
def __handle_message(self, msg):
def __handle_message(self, msg):
# Do something with received message
# Do something with received message
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other.
class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
namespace = "<>" ##~ The namespace our stanza object lives in, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. You should change it for your own namespace
namespace = "" ##~ The namespace stanza object lives in, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. You should change it for your own namespace.
plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'] now `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension. And this should be that same as name.
plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'] now `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension. And this should be that same as name.
@ -1261,7 +1260,8 @@ To make the nested element inside our IQ tag, we need to consider `self.xml` fie
There is a way to do this with a dictionary and name for the nested element tag. In that case, the insides of the function fields should be transferred to the ET element.
There is a way to do this with a dictionary and name for the nested element tag. In that case, the insides of the function fields should be transferred to the ET element.
## Complete code from tutorial
Complete code from tutorial
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: python
@ -1294,10 +1294,10 @@ There is a way to do this with a dictionary and name for the nested element tag.
responder_password = "RESPONDER_PASSWORD"
responder_password = "RESPONDER_PASSWORD"
# Remember about rights to run your python files. (`chmod +x ./`)
# Remember about rights to run your python files. (`chmod +x ./`)
SENDER_TEST = f"{prefix} {sender_path} -j {sender_jid} -p {sender_password}" + \\
SENDER_TEST = f"{prefix} {sender_path} -j {sender_jid} -p {sender_password}" + \
" -t {responder_jid} --path {example_file} {postfix}"
" -t {responder_jid} --path {example_file} {postfix}"
RESPON_TEST = f"{prefix} {responder_path} -j {responder_jid}" + \\
RESPON_TEST = f"{prefix} {responder_path} -j {responder_jid}" + \
" -p {responder_password} {postfix}"
" -p {responder_password} {postfix}"
@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ There is a way to do this with a dictionary and name for the nested element tag.
class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
namespace = "<>" ##~ The namespace our stanza object lives in, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. You should change it for your own namespace
namespace = "" ##~ The namespace our stanza object lives in, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. You should change it for your own namespace
plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'] now `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension. And this should be that same as name.
plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'] now `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension. And this should be that same as name.
@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ There is a way to do this with a dictionary and name for the nested element tag.
def add_inside_tag(self, tag, attributes, text=""):
def add_inside_tag(self, tag, attributes, text=""):
#If we want to fill with additionaly tags our element, then we can do it that way for example:
#If we want to fill with additionaly tags our element, then we can do it that way for example:
itemXML = ET.Element("{{{0:s}}}{1:s}".format(self.namespace, tag)) #~ Initialize ET with our tag, for example: <example_tag (...)> <inside_tag namespace="<>"/></example_tag>
itemXML = ET.Element("{{{0:s}}}{1:s}".format(self.namespace, tag)) #~ Initialize ET with our tag, for example: <example_tag (...)> <inside_tag namespace=""/></example_tag>
itemXML.attrib.update(attributes) #~ There we add some fields inside tag, for example: <inside_tag namespace=(...) inner_data="some"/>
itemXML.attrib.update(attributes) #~ There we add some fields inside tag, for example: <inside_tag namespace=(...) inner_data="some"/>
itemXML.text = text #~ Fill field inside tag, for example: <inside_tag (...)>our_text</inside_tag>
itemXML.text = text #~ Fill field inside tag, for example: <inside_tag (...)>our_text</inside_tag>
self.xml.append(itemXML) #~ Add that all what we set, as inner tag inside `example_tag` tag.
self.xml.append(itemXML) #~ Add that all what we set, as inner tag inside `example_tag` tag.
@ -1475,29 +1475,29 @@ There is a way to do this with a dictionary and name for the nested element tag.
self.disconnect_counter = 6 # This is only for disconnect when we receive all replies for sended Iq
self.disconnect_counter = 6 # This is only for disconnect when we receive all replies for sended Iq
# <iq to=RESPONDER/RESOURCE xml:lang="en" type="get" id="0" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Another_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag</example_tag></iq>
# <iq to=RESPONDER/RESOURCE xml:lang="en" type="get" id="0" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag</example_tag></iq>
# <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="1" xml:lang="en" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
# <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="1" xml:lang="en" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
# <message to="RESPONDER" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="<>" boolean="True" some_string="Message string">Info_inside_tag_message</example_tag></message>
# <message to="RESPONDER" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" some_string="Message string">Info_inside_tag_message</example_tag></message>
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_file(, self.path)
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_file(, self.path)
# <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" id="2" type="get" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
# <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" id="2" type="get" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
string = '<example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag>'
string = '<example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag>'
et = ET.fromstring(string)
et = ET.fromstring(string)
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(, et)
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(, et)
# <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="3" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
# <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="3" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
# <iq type="get" id="4" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="<>" boolean="True" /></iq>
# <iq type="get" id="4" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /></iq>
# OUR ERROR <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="4" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="<>" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel"><feature-not-implemented xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Without boolean value returns error.</text></error></iq>
# OUR ERROR <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="4" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel"><feature-not-implemented xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Without boolean value returns error.</text></error></iq>
# OFFLINE ERROR <iq id="4" from="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="<>" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel" code="503"><service-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" xml:lang="en">User session not found</text></error></iq>
# OFFLINE ERROR <iq id="4" from="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel" code="503"><service-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" xml:lang="en">User session not found</text></error></iq>
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_string(, string)
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_string(, string)
# <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="5" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
# <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="5" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
@ -1642,29 +1642,29 @@ There is a way to do this with a dictionary and name for the nested element tag.
self.disconnect_counter = 6 # This is only for disconnect when we receive all replies for sended Iq
self.disconnect_counter = 6 # This is only for disconnect when we receive all replies for sended Iq
# <iq to=RESPONDER/RESOURCE xml:lang="en" type="get" id="0" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Another_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag</example_tag></iq>
# <iq to=RESPONDER/RESOURCE xml:lang="en" type="get" id="0" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag</example_tag></iq>
# <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="1" xml:lang="en" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
# <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="1" xml:lang="en" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
# <message to="RESPONDER" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="<>" boolean="True" some_string="Message string">Info_inside_tag_message</example_tag></message>
# <message to="RESPONDER" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" some_string="Message string">Info_inside_tag_message</example_tag></message>
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_file(, self.path)
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_file(, self.path)
# <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" id="2" type="get" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
# <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" id="2" type="get" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
string = '<example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag>'
string = '<example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag>'
et = ET.fromstring(string)
et = ET.fromstring(string)
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(, et)
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(, et)
# <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="3" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
# <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="3" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
# <iq type="get" id="4" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="<>" boolean="True" /></iq>
# <iq type="get" id="4" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /></iq>
# OUR ERROR <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="4" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="<>" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel"><feature-not-implemented xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Without boolean value returns error.</text></error></iq>
# OUR ERROR <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="4" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel"><feature-not-implemented xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Without boolean value returns error.</text></error></iq>
# OFFLINE ERROR <iq id="4" from="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="<>" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel" code="503"><service-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" xml:lang="en">User session not found</text></error></iq>
# OFFLINE ERROR <iq id="4" from="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel" code="503"><service-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" xml:lang="en">User session not found</text></error></iq>
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_string(, string)
self.send_example_iq_tag_from_string(, string)
# <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="5" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
# <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="5" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
@ -1782,20 +1782,21 @@ There is a way to do this with a dictionary and name for the nested element tag.
.. code-block:: xml
.. code-block:: xml
<example_tag xmlns="<>" some_string="StringFromFile">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="3" secound_field="4" /></example_tag>
<example_tag xmlns="" some_string="StringFromFile">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="3" secound_field="4" /></example_tag>
## Sources and references
Sources and references
The Slixmpp project description:
The Slixmpp project description:
- [](
Official web documentation:
Official web documentation:
- [](
Official pdf documentation:
Official PDF documentation:
- [](
Note: Web and PDF Documentations have differences and some things are mentioned in only one of them.
Note: Web and PDF Documentations have differences and some things are mentioned in only one of them.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user