Our Message type has an extra ID field which contains the message ID of the specific bridge. The Send() function has been modified to return a msg ID (after the message to that specific bridge has been created). There is a lru cache of 5000 entries (message IDs). All in memory, so editing messages will only work for messages the bot has seen. Currently we go out from the idea that every message ID is unique, so we don't keep the ID separate for each bridge. (we do for each gateway though) If there's a new message from a bridge, we put that message ID in the LRU cache as key and the []*BrMsgID as value (this slice contains the message ID's of each bridge that received the new message) If there's a new message and this message ID already exists in the cache, it must be an updated message. The value from the cache gets checked for each bridge and if there is a message ID for this bridge, the ID will be added to the Message{} sent to that bridge. If the bridge sees that the ID isn't empty, it'll know it has to update the message with that specific ID instead of creating a new message.
279 lines
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package bmattermost
import (
log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
type MMhook struct {
mh *matterhook.Client
type MMapi struct {
mc *matterclient.MMClient
mmMap map[string]string
type MMMessage struct {
Text string
Channel string
Username string
UserID string
ID string
type Bmattermost struct {
Config *config.Protocol
Remote chan config.Message
TeamId string
Account string
var flog *log.Entry
var protocol = "mattermost"
func init() {
flog = log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": protocol})
func New(cfg config.Protocol, account string, c chan config.Message) *Bmattermost {
b := &Bmattermost{}
b.Config = &cfg
b.Remote = c
b.Account = account
b.mmMap = make(map[string]string)
return b
func (b *Bmattermost) Command(cmd string) string {
return ""
func (b *Bmattermost) Connect() error {
if b.Config.WebhookBindAddress != "" {
if b.Config.WebhookURL != "" {
flog.Info("Connecting using webhookurl (sending) and webhookbindaddress (receiving)")
b.mh = matterhook.New(b.Config.WebhookURL,
matterhook.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: b.Config.SkipTLSVerify,
BindAddress: b.Config.WebhookBindAddress})
} else if b.Config.Token != "" {
flog.Info("Connecting using token (sending)")
err := b.apiLogin()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if b.Config.Login != "" {
flog.Info("Connecting using login/password (sending)")
err := b.apiLogin()
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
flog.Info("Connecting using webhookbindaddress (receiving)")
b.mh = matterhook.New(b.Config.WebhookURL,
matterhook.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: b.Config.SkipTLSVerify,
BindAddress: b.Config.WebhookBindAddress})
go b.handleMatter()
return nil
if b.Config.WebhookURL != "" {
flog.Info("Connecting using webhookurl (sending)")
b.mh = matterhook.New(b.Config.WebhookURL,
matterhook.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: b.Config.SkipTLSVerify,
DisableServer: true})
if b.Config.Token != "" {
flog.Info("Connecting using token (receiving)")
err := b.apiLogin()
if err != nil {
return err
go b.handleMatter()
} else if b.Config.Login != "" {
flog.Info("Connecting using login/password (receiving)")
err := b.apiLogin()
if err != nil {
return err
go b.handleMatter()
return nil
} else if b.Config.Token != "" {
flog.Info("Connecting using token (sending and receiving)")
err := b.apiLogin()
if err != nil {
return err
go b.handleMatter()
} else if b.Config.Login != "" {
flog.Info("Connecting using login/password (sending and receiving)")
err := b.apiLogin()
if err != nil {
return err
go b.handleMatter()
if b.Config.WebhookBindAddress == "" && b.Config.WebhookURL == "" && b.Config.Login == "" && b.Config.Token == "" {
return errors.New("No connection method found. See that you have WebhookBindAddress, WebhookURL or Token/Login/Password/Server/Team configured.")
return nil
func (b *Bmattermost) Disconnect() error {
return nil
func (b *Bmattermost) JoinChannel(channel config.ChannelInfo) error {
// we can only join channels using the API
if b.Config.WebhookURL == "" && b.Config.WebhookBindAddress == "" {
return b.mc.JoinChannel(b.mc.GetChannelId(channel.Name, ""))
return nil
func (b *Bmattermost) Send(msg config.Message) (string, error) {
flog.Debugf("Receiving %#v", msg)
if msg.Event == config.EVENT_USER_ACTION {
msg.Text = "*" + msg.Text + "*"
nick := msg.Username
message := msg.Text
channel := msg.Channel
if b.Config.PrefixMessagesWithNick {
message = nick + message
if b.Config.WebhookURL != "" {
matterMessage := matterhook.OMessage{IconURL: b.Config.IconURL}
matterMessage.IconURL = msg.Avatar
matterMessage.Channel = channel
matterMessage.UserName = nick
matterMessage.Type = ""
matterMessage.Text = message
err := b.mh.Send(matterMessage)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "", nil
if msg.ID != "" {
return b.mc.EditMessage(msg.ID, message)
return b.mc.PostMessage(b.mc.GetChannelId(channel, ""), message)
func (b *Bmattermost) handleMatter() {
mchan := make(chan *MMMessage)
if b.Config.WebhookBindAddress != "" {
flog.Debugf("Choosing webhooks based receiving")
go b.handleMatterHook(mchan)
} else {
if b.Config.Token != "" {
flog.Debugf("Choosing token based receiving")
} else {
flog.Debugf("Choosing login/password based receiving")
go b.handleMatterClient(mchan)
for message := range mchan {
rmsg := config.Message{Username: message.Username, Channel: message.Channel, Account: b.Account, UserID: message.UserID, ID: message.ID}
text, ok := b.replaceAction(message.Text)
if ok {
rmsg.Event = config.EVENT_USER_ACTION
rmsg.Text = text
flog.Debugf("Sending message from %s on %s to gateway", message.Username, b.Account)
b.Remote <- rmsg
func (b *Bmattermost) handleMatterClient(mchan chan *MMMessage) {
for message := range b.mc.MessageChan {
flog.Debugf("%#v", message.Raw.Data)
if message.Type == "system_join_leave" ||
message.Type == "system_join_channel" ||
message.Type == "system_leave_channel" {
flog.Debugf("Sending JOIN_LEAVE event from %s to gateway", b.Account)
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: "system", Text: message.Text, Channel: message.Channel, Account: b.Account, Event: config.EVENT_JOIN_LEAVE}
if (message.Raw.Event == "post_edited") && b.Config.EditDisable {
// do not post our own messages back to irc
// only listen to message from our team
if (message.Raw.Event == "posted" || message.Raw.Event == "post_edited") &&
b.mc.User.Username != message.Username && message.Raw.Data["team_id"].(string) == b.TeamId {
// if the message has reactions don't repost it (for now, until we can correlate reaction with message)
if message.Post.HasReactions {
flog.Debugf("Receiving from matterclient %#v", message)
m := &MMMessage{}
m.UserID = message.UserID
m.Username = message.Username
m.Channel = message.Channel
m.Text = message.Text
m.ID = message.Post.Id
if message.Raw.Event == "post_edited" && !b.Config.EditDisable {
m.Text = message.Text + b.Config.EditSuffix
if len(message.Post.FileIds) > 0 {
for _, link := range b.mc.GetFileLinks(message.Post.FileIds) {
m.Text = m.Text + "\n" + link
mchan <- m
func (b *Bmattermost) handleMatterHook(mchan chan *MMMessage) {
for {
message := b.mh.Receive()
flog.Debugf("Receiving from matterhook %#v", message)
m := &MMMessage{}
m.UserID = message.UserID
m.Username = message.UserName
m.Text = message.Text
m.Channel = message.ChannelName
mchan <- m
func (b *Bmattermost) apiLogin() error {
password := b.Config.Password
if b.Config.Token != "" {
password = "MMAUTHTOKEN=" + b.Config.Token
b.mc = matterclient.New(b.Config.Login, password,
b.Config.Team, b.Config.Server)
b.mc.SkipTLSVerify = b.Config.SkipTLSVerify
b.mc.NoTLS = b.Config.NoTLS
flog.Infof("Connecting %s (team: %s) on %s", b.Config.Login, b.Config.Team, b.Config.Server)
err := b.mc.Login()
if err != nil {
return err
flog.Info("Connection succeeded")
b.TeamId = b.mc.GetTeamId()
go b.mc.WsReceiver()
go b.mc.StatusLoop()
return nil
func (b *Bmattermost) replaceAction(text string) (string, bool) {
if strings.HasPrefix(text, "*") && strings.HasSuffix(text, "*") {
return strings.Replace(text, "*", "", -1), true
return text, false