// Copyright (c) 2022 Tulir Asokan
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

package whatsmeow

import (

	waBinary "go.mau.fi/whatsmeow/binary"
	waProto "go.mau.fi/whatsmeow/binary/proto"

// FetchAppState fetches updates to the given type of app state. If fullSync is true, the current
// cached state will be removed and all app state patches will be re-fetched from the server.
func (cli *Client) FetchAppState(name appstate.WAPatchName, fullSync, onlyIfNotSynced bool) error {
	defer cli.appStateSyncLock.Unlock()
	if fullSync {
		err := cli.Store.AppState.DeleteAppStateVersion(string(name))
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to reset app state %s version: %w", name, err)
	version, hash, err := cli.Store.AppState.GetAppStateVersion(string(name))
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get app state %s version: %w", name, err)
	if version == 0 {
		fullSync = true
	} else if onlyIfNotSynced {
		return nil

	state := appstate.HashState{Version: version, Hash: hash}

	hasMore := true
	wantSnapshot := fullSync
	for hasMore {
		patches, err := cli.fetchAppStatePatches(name, state.Version, wantSnapshot)
		wantSnapshot = false
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch app state %s patches: %w", name, err)
		hasMore = patches.HasMorePatches

		mutations, newState, err := cli.appStateProc.DecodePatches(patches, state, true)
		if err != nil {
			if errors.Is(err, appstate.ErrKeyNotFound) {
				go cli.requestMissingAppStateKeys(context.TODO(), patches)
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode app state %s patches: %w", name, err)
		wasFullSync := state.Version == 0 && patches.Snapshot != nil
		state = newState
		if name == appstate.WAPatchCriticalUnblockLow && wasFullSync && !cli.EmitAppStateEventsOnFullSync {
			var contacts []store.ContactEntry
			mutations, contacts = cli.filterContacts(mutations)
			cli.Log.Debugf("Mass inserting app state snapshot with %d contacts into the store", len(contacts))
			err = cli.Store.Contacts.PutAllContactNames(contacts)
			if err != nil {
				// This is a fairly serious failure, so just abort the whole thing
				return fmt.Errorf("failed to update contact store with data from snapshot: %v", err)
		for _, mutation := range mutations {
			cli.dispatchAppState(mutation, fullSync, cli.EmitAppStateEventsOnFullSync)
	if fullSync {
		cli.Log.Debugf("Full sync of app state %s completed. Current version: %d", name, state.Version)
		cli.dispatchEvent(&events.AppStateSyncComplete{Name: name})
	} else {
		cli.Log.Debugf("Synced app state %s from version %d to %d", name, version, state.Version)
	return nil

func (cli *Client) filterContacts(mutations []appstate.Mutation) ([]appstate.Mutation, []store.ContactEntry) {
	filteredMutations := mutations[:0]
	contacts := make([]store.ContactEntry, 0, len(mutations))
	for _, mutation := range mutations {
		if mutation.Index[0] == "contact" && len(mutation.Index) > 1 {
			jid, _ := types.ParseJID(mutation.Index[1])
			act := mutation.Action.GetContactAction()
			contacts = append(contacts, store.ContactEntry{
				JID:       jid,
				FirstName: act.GetFirstName(),
				FullName:  act.GetFullName(),
		} else {
			filteredMutations = append(filteredMutations, mutation)
	return filteredMutations, contacts

func (cli *Client) dispatchAppState(mutation appstate.Mutation, fullSync bool, emitOnFullSync bool) {

	dispatchEvts := !fullSync || emitOnFullSync

	if mutation.Operation != waProto.SyncdMutation_SET {

	if dispatchEvts {
		cli.dispatchEvent(&events.AppState{Index: mutation.Index, SyncActionValue: mutation.Action})

	var jid types.JID
	if len(mutation.Index) > 1 {
		jid, _ = types.ParseJID(mutation.Index[1])
	ts := time.UnixMilli(mutation.Action.GetTimestamp())

	var storeUpdateError error
	var eventToDispatch interface{}
	switch mutation.Index[0] {
	case appstate.IndexMute:
		act := mutation.Action.GetMuteAction()
		eventToDispatch = &events.Mute{JID: jid, Timestamp: ts, Action: act, FromFullSync: fullSync}
		var mutedUntil time.Time
		if act.GetMuted() {
			mutedUntil = time.UnixMilli(act.GetMuteEndTimestamp())
		if cli.Store.ChatSettings != nil {
			storeUpdateError = cli.Store.ChatSettings.PutMutedUntil(jid, mutedUntil)
	case appstate.IndexPin:
		act := mutation.Action.GetPinAction()
		eventToDispatch = &events.Pin{JID: jid, Timestamp: ts, Action: act, FromFullSync: fullSync}
		if cli.Store.ChatSettings != nil {
			storeUpdateError = cli.Store.ChatSettings.PutPinned(jid, act.GetPinned())
	case appstate.IndexArchive:
		act := mutation.Action.GetArchiveChatAction()
		eventToDispatch = &events.Archive{JID: jid, Timestamp: ts, Action: act, FromFullSync: fullSync}
		if cli.Store.ChatSettings != nil {
			storeUpdateError = cli.Store.ChatSettings.PutArchived(jid, act.GetArchived())
	case appstate.IndexContact:
		act := mutation.Action.GetContactAction()
		eventToDispatch = &events.Contact{JID: jid, Timestamp: ts, Action: act, FromFullSync: fullSync}
		if cli.Store.Contacts != nil {
			storeUpdateError = cli.Store.Contacts.PutContactName(jid, act.GetFirstName(), act.GetFullName())
	case appstate.IndexClearChat:
		act := mutation.Action.GetClearChatAction()
		eventToDispatch = &events.ClearChat{JID: jid, Timestamp: ts, Action: act, FromFullSync: fullSync}
	case appstate.IndexDeleteChat:
		act := mutation.Action.GetDeleteChatAction()
		eventToDispatch = &events.DeleteChat{JID: jid, Timestamp: ts, Action: act, FromFullSync: fullSync}
	case appstate.IndexStar:
		if len(mutation.Index) < 5 {
		evt := events.Star{
			ChatJID:      jid,
			MessageID:    mutation.Index[2],
			Timestamp:    ts,
			Action:       mutation.Action.GetStarAction(),
			IsFromMe:     mutation.Index[3] == "1",
			FromFullSync: fullSync,
		if mutation.Index[4] != "0" {
			evt.SenderJID, _ = types.ParseJID(mutation.Index[4])
		eventToDispatch = &evt
	case appstate.IndexDeleteMessageForMe:
		if len(mutation.Index) < 5 {
		evt := events.DeleteForMe{
			ChatJID:      jid,
			MessageID:    mutation.Index[2],
			Timestamp:    ts,
			Action:       mutation.Action.GetDeleteMessageForMeAction(),
			IsFromMe:     mutation.Index[3] == "1",
			FromFullSync: fullSync,
		if mutation.Index[4] != "0" {
			evt.SenderJID, _ = types.ParseJID(mutation.Index[4])
		eventToDispatch = &evt
	case appstate.IndexMarkChatAsRead:
		eventToDispatch = &events.MarkChatAsRead{
			JID:          jid,
			Timestamp:    ts,
			Action:       mutation.Action.GetMarkChatAsReadAction(),
			FromFullSync: fullSync,
	case appstate.IndexSettingPushName:
		eventToDispatch = &events.PushNameSetting{
			Timestamp:    ts,
			Action:       mutation.Action.GetPushNameSetting(),
			FromFullSync: fullSync,
		cli.Store.PushName = mutation.Action.GetPushNameSetting().GetName()
		err := cli.Store.Save()
		if err != nil {
			cli.Log.Errorf("Failed to save device store after updating push name: %v", err)
	case appstate.IndexSettingUnarchiveChats:
		eventToDispatch = &events.UnarchiveChatsSetting{
			Timestamp:    ts,
			Action:       mutation.Action.GetUnarchiveChatsSetting(),
			FromFullSync: fullSync,
	case appstate.IndexUserStatusMute:
		eventToDispatch = &events.UserStatusMute{
			JID:          jid,
			Timestamp:    ts,
			Action:       mutation.Action.GetUserStatusMuteAction(),
			FromFullSync: fullSync,
	case appstate.IndexLabelEdit:
		act := mutation.Action.GetLabelEditAction()
		eventToDispatch = &events.LabelEdit{
			Timestamp:    ts,
			LabelID:      mutation.Index[1],
			Action:       act,
			FromFullSync: fullSync,
	case appstate.IndexLabelAssociationChat:
		if len(mutation.Index) < 3 {
		jid, _ = types.ParseJID(mutation.Index[2])
		act := mutation.Action.GetLabelAssociationAction()
		eventToDispatch = &events.LabelAssociationChat{
			JID:          jid,
			Timestamp:    ts,
			LabelID:      mutation.Index[1],
			Action:       act,
			FromFullSync: fullSync,
	case appstate.IndexLabelAssociationMessage:
		if len(mutation.Index) < 6 {
		jid, _ = types.ParseJID(mutation.Index[2])
		act := mutation.Action.GetLabelAssociationAction()
		eventToDispatch = &events.LabelAssociationMessage{
			JID:          jid,
			Timestamp:    ts,
			LabelID:      mutation.Index[1],
			MessageID:    mutation.Index[3],
			Action:       act,
			FromFullSync: fullSync,
	if storeUpdateError != nil {
		cli.Log.Errorf("Failed to update device store after app state mutation: %v", storeUpdateError)
	if dispatchEvts && eventToDispatch != nil {

func (cli *Client) downloadExternalAppStateBlob(ref *waProto.ExternalBlobReference) ([]byte, error) {
	return cli.Download(ref)

func (cli *Client) fetchAppStatePatches(name appstate.WAPatchName, fromVersion uint64, snapshot bool) (*appstate.PatchList, error) {
	attrs := waBinary.Attrs{
		"name":            string(name),
		"return_snapshot": snapshot,
	if !snapshot {
		attrs["version"] = fromVersion
	resp, err := cli.sendIQ(infoQuery{
		Namespace: "w:sync:app:state",
		Type:      "set",
		To:        types.ServerJID,
		Content: []waBinary.Node{{
			Tag: "sync",
			Content: []waBinary.Node{{
				Tag:   "collection",
				Attrs: attrs,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return appstate.ParsePatchList(resp, cli.downloadExternalAppStateBlob)

func (cli *Client) requestMissingAppStateKeys(ctx context.Context, patches *appstate.PatchList) {
	rawKeyIDs := cli.appStateProc.GetMissingKeyIDs(patches)
	filteredKeyIDs := make([][]byte, 0, len(rawKeyIDs))
	now := time.Now()
	for _, keyID := range rawKeyIDs {
		stringKeyID := hex.EncodeToString(keyID)
		lastRequestTime := cli.appStateKeyRequests[stringKeyID]
		if lastRequestTime.IsZero() || lastRequestTime.Add(24*time.Hour).Before(now) {
			cli.appStateKeyRequests[stringKeyID] = now
			filteredKeyIDs = append(filteredKeyIDs, keyID)
	cli.requestAppStateKeys(ctx, filteredKeyIDs)

func (cli *Client) requestAppStateKeys(ctx context.Context, rawKeyIDs [][]byte) {
	keyIDs := make([]*waProto.AppStateSyncKeyId, len(rawKeyIDs))
	debugKeyIDs := make([]string, len(rawKeyIDs))
	for i, keyID := range rawKeyIDs {
		keyIDs[i] = &waProto.AppStateSyncKeyId{KeyID: keyID}
		debugKeyIDs[i] = hex.EncodeToString(keyID)
	msg := &waProto.Message{
		ProtocolMessage: &waProto.ProtocolMessage{
			Type: waProto.ProtocolMessage_APP_STATE_SYNC_KEY_REQUEST.Enum(),
			AppStateSyncKeyRequest: &waProto.AppStateSyncKeyRequest{
				KeyIDs: keyIDs,
	ownID := cli.getOwnID().ToNonAD()
	if ownID.IsEmpty() || len(debugKeyIDs) == 0 {
	cli.Log.Infof("Sending key request for app state keys %+v", debugKeyIDs)
	_, err := cli.SendMessage(ctx, ownID, msg, SendRequestExtra{Peer: true})
	if err != nil {
		cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to send app state key request: %v", err)

// SendAppState sends the given app state patch, then resyncs that app state type from the server
// to update local caches and send events for the updates.
// You can use the Build methods in the appstate package to build the parameter for this method, e.g.
//	cli.SendAppState(appstate.BuildMute(targetJID, true, 24 * time.Hour))
func (cli *Client) SendAppState(patch appstate.PatchInfo) error {
	version, hash, err := cli.Store.AppState.GetAppStateVersion(string(patch.Type))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// TODO create new key instead of reusing the primary client's keys
	latestKeyID, err := cli.Store.AppStateKeys.GetLatestAppStateSyncKeyID()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get latest app state key ID: %w", err)
	} else if latestKeyID == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("no app state keys found, creating app state keys is not yet supported")

	state := appstate.HashState{Version: version, Hash: hash}

	encodedPatch, err := cli.appStateProc.EncodePatch(latestKeyID, state, patch)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	resp, err := cli.sendIQ(infoQuery{
		Namespace: "w:sync:app:state",
		Type:      iqSet,
		To:        types.ServerJID,
		Content: []waBinary.Node{{
			Tag: "sync",
			Content: []waBinary.Node{{
				Tag: "collection",
				Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{
					"name":            string(patch.Type),
					"version":         version,
					"return_snapshot": false,
				Content: []waBinary.Node{{
					Tag:     "patch",
					Content: encodedPatch,
	if err != nil {
		return err

	respCollection := resp.GetChildByTag("sync", "collection")
	respCollectionAttr := respCollection.AttrGetter()
	if respCollectionAttr.OptionalString("type") == "error" {
		// TODO parse error properly
		return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrAppStateUpdate, respCollection.XMLString())

	return cli.FetchAppState(patch.Type, false, false)