// Discordgo - Discord bindings for Go
// Available at https://github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo

// Copyright 2015-2016 Bruce Marriner <bruce@sqls.net>.  All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// This file contains all structures for the discordgo package.  These
// may be moved about later into separate files but I find it easier to have
// them all located together.

package discordgo

import (


// A Session represents a connection to the Discord API.
type Session struct {

	// General configurable settings.

	// Authentication token for this session
	// TODO: Remove Below, Deprecated, Use Identify struct
	Token string

	MFA bool

	// Debug for printing JSON request/responses
	Debug    bool // Deprecated, will be removed.
	LogLevel int

	// Should the session reconnect the websocket on errors.
	ShouldReconnectOnError bool

	// Should the session retry requests when rate limited.
	ShouldRetryOnRateLimit bool

	// Identify is sent during initial handshake with the discord gateway.
	// https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#identify
	Identify Identify

	// TODO: Remove Below, Deprecated, Use Identify struct
	// Should the session request compressed websocket data.
	Compress bool

	// Sharding
	ShardID    int
	ShardCount int

	// Should state tracking be enabled.
	// State tracking is the best way for getting the users
	// active guilds and the members of the guilds.
	StateEnabled bool

	// Whether or not to call event handlers synchronously.
	// e.g. false = launch event handlers in their own goroutines.
	SyncEvents bool

	// Exposed but should not be modified by User.

	// Whether the Data Websocket is ready
	DataReady bool // NOTE: Maye be deprecated soon

	// Max number of REST API retries
	MaxRestRetries int

	// Status stores the current status of the websocket connection
	// this is being tested, may stay, may go away.
	status int32

	// Whether the Voice Websocket is ready
	VoiceReady bool // NOTE: Deprecated.

	// Whether the UDP Connection is ready
	UDPReady bool // NOTE: Deprecated

	// Stores a mapping of guild id's to VoiceConnections
	VoiceConnections map[string]*VoiceConnection

	// Managed state object, updated internally with events when
	// StateEnabled is true.
	State *State

	// The http client used for REST requests
	Client *http.Client

	// The dialer used for WebSocket connection
	Dialer *websocket.Dialer

	// The user agent used for REST APIs
	UserAgent string

	// Stores the last HeartbeatAck that was received (in UTC)
	LastHeartbeatAck time.Time

	// Stores the last Heartbeat sent (in UTC)
	LastHeartbeatSent time.Time

	// used to deal with rate limits
	Ratelimiter *RateLimiter

	// Event handlers
	handlersMu   sync.RWMutex
	handlers     map[string][]*eventHandlerInstance
	onceHandlers map[string][]*eventHandlerInstance

	// The websocket connection.
	wsConn *websocket.Conn

	// When nil, the session is not listening.
	listening chan interface{}

	// sequence tracks the current gateway api websocket sequence number
	sequence *int64

	// stores sessions current Discord Gateway
	gateway string

	// stores session ID of current Gateway connection
	sessionID string

	// used to make sure gateway websocket writes do not happen concurrently
	wsMutex sync.Mutex

// Application stores values for a Discord Application
type Application struct {
	ID                  string   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name                string   `json:"name"`
	Icon                string   `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	Description         string   `json:"description,omitempty"`
	RPCOrigins          []string `json:"rpc_origins,omitempty"`
	BotPublic           bool     `json:"bot_public,omitempty"`
	BotRequireCodeGrant bool     `json:"bot_require_code_grant,omitempty"`
	TermsOfServiceURL   string   `json:"terms_of_service_url"`
	PrivacyProxyURL     string   `json:"privacy_policy_url"`
	Owner               *User    `json:"owner"`
	Summary             string   `json:"summary"`
	VerifyKey           string   `json:"verify_key"`
	Team                *Team    `json:"team"`
	GuildID             string   `json:"guild_id"`
	PrimarySKUID        string   `json:"primary_sku_id"`
	Slug                string   `json:"slug"`
	CoverImage          string   `json:"cover_image"`
	Flags               int      `json:"flags,omitempty"`

// UserConnection is a Connection returned from the UserConnections endpoint
type UserConnection struct {
	ID           string         `json:"id"`
	Name         string         `json:"name"`
	Type         string         `json:"type"`
	Revoked      bool           `json:"revoked"`
	Integrations []*Integration `json:"integrations"`

// Integration stores integration information
type Integration struct {
	ID                string             `json:"id"`
	Name              string             `json:"name"`
	Type              string             `json:"type"`
	Enabled           bool               `json:"enabled"`
	Syncing           bool               `json:"syncing"`
	RoleID            string             `json:"role_id"`
	EnableEmoticons   bool               `json:"enable_emoticons"`
	ExpireBehavior    ExpireBehavior     `json:"expire_behavior"`
	ExpireGracePeriod int                `json:"expire_grace_period"`
	User              *User              `json:"user"`
	Account           IntegrationAccount `json:"account"`
	SyncedAt          time.Time          `json:"synced_at"`

// ExpireBehavior of Integration
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#integration-object-integration-expire-behaviors
type ExpireBehavior int

// Block of valid ExpireBehaviors
const (
	ExpireBehaviorRemoveRole ExpireBehavior = 0
	ExpireBehaviorKick       ExpireBehavior = 1

// IntegrationAccount is integration account information
// sent by the UserConnections endpoint
type IntegrationAccount struct {
	ID   string `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

// A VoiceRegion stores data for a specific voice region server.
type VoiceRegion struct {
	ID   string `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

// InviteTargetType indicates the type of target of an invite
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/invite#invite-object-invite-target-types
type InviteTargetType uint8

// Invite target types
const (
	InviteTargetStream              InviteTargetType = 1
	InviteTargetEmbeddedApplication InviteTargetType = 2

// A Invite stores all data related to a specific Discord Guild or Channel invite.
type Invite struct {
	Guild             *Guild           `json:"guild"`
	Channel           *Channel         `json:"channel"`
	Inviter           *User            `json:"inviter"`
	Code              string           `json:"code"`
	CreatedAt         time.Time        `json:"created_at"`
	MaxAge            int              `json:"max_age"`
	Uses              int              `json:"uses"`
	MaxUses           int              `json:"max_uses"`
	Revoked           bool             `json:"revoked"`
	Temporary         bool             `json:"temporary"`
	Unique            bool             `json:"unique"`
	TargetUser        *User            `json:"target_user"`
	TargetType        InviteTargetType `json:"target_type"`
	TargetApplication *Application     `json:"target_application"`

	// will only be filled when using InviteWithCounts
	ApproximatePresenceCount int `json:"approximate_presence_count"`
	ApproximateMemberCount   int `json:"approximate_member_count"`

	ExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"expires_at"`

// ChannelType is the type of a Channel
type ChannelType int

// Block contains known ChannelType values
const (
	ChannelTypeGuildText          ChannelType = 0
	ChannelTypeDM                 ChannelType = 1
	ChannelTypeGuildVoice         ChannelType = 2
	ChannelTypeGroupDM            ChannelType = 3
	ChannelTypeGuildCategory      ChannelType = 4
	ChannelTypeGuildNews          ChannelType = 5
	ChannelTypeGuildStore         ChannelType = 6
	ChannelTypeGuildNewsThread    ChannelType = 10
	ChannelTypeGuildPublicThread  ChannelType = 11
	ChannelTypeGuildPrivateThread ChannelType = 12
	ChannelTypeGuildStageVoice    ChannelType = 13

// A Channel holds all data related to an individual Discord channel.
type Channel struct {
	// The ID of the channel.
	ID string `json:"id"`

	// The ID of the guild to which the channel belongs, if it is in a guild.
	// Else, this ID is empty (e.g. DM channels).
	GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`

	// The name of the channel.
	Name string `json:"name"`

	// The topic of the channel.
	Topic string `json:"topic"`

	// The type of the channel.
	Type ChannelType `json:"type"`

	// The ID of the last message sent in the channel. This is not
	// guaranteed to be an ID of a valid message.
	LastMessageID string `json:"last_message_id"`

	// The timestamp of the last pinned message in the channel.
	// nil if the channel has no pinned messages.
	LastPinTimestamp *time.Time `json:"last_pin_timestamp"`

	// An approximate count of messages in a thread, stops counting at 50
	MessageCount int `json:"message_count"`
	// An approximate count of users in a thread, stops counting at 50
	MemberCount int `json:"member_count"`

	// Whether the channel is marked as NSFW.
	NSFW bool `json:"nsfw"`

	// Icon of the group DM channel.
	Icon string `json:"icon"`

	// The position of the channel, used for sorting in client.
	Position int `json:"position"`

	// The bitrate of the channel, if it is a voice channel.
	Bitrate int `json:"bitrate"`

	// The recipients of the channel. This is only populated in DM channels.
	Recipients []*User `json:"recipients"`

	// The messages in the channel. This is only present in state-cached channels,
	// and State.MaxMessageCount must be non-zero.
	Messages []*Message `json:"-"`

	// A list of permission overwrites present for the channel.
	PermissionOverwrites []*PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites"`

	// The user limit of the voice channel.
	UserLimit int `json:"user_limit"`

	// The ID of the parent channel, if the channel is under a category. For threads - id of the channel thread was created in.
	ParentID string `json:"parent_id"`

	// Amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message or creating another thread (0-21600)
	// bots, as well as users with the permission manage_messages or manage_channel, are unaffected
	RateLimitPerUser int `json:"rate_limit_per_user"`

	// ID of the creator of the group DM or thread
	OwnerID string `json:"owner_id"`

	// ApplicationID of the DM creator Zeroed if guild channel or not a bot user
	ApplicationID string `json:"application_id"`

	// Thread-specific fields not needed by other channels
	ThreadMetadata *ThreadMetadata `json:"thread_metadata,omitempty"`
	// Thread member object for the current user, if they have joined the thread, only included on certain API endpoints
	Member *ThreadMember `json:"thread_member"`

	// All thread members. State channels only.
	Members []*ThreadMember `json:"-"`

// Mention returns a string which mentions the channel
func (c *Channel) Mention() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("<#%s>", c.ID)

// IsThread is a helper function to determine if channel is a thread or not
func (c *Channel) IsThread() bool {
	return c.Type == ChannelTypeGuildPublicThread || c.Type == ChannelTypeGuildPrivateThread || c.Type == ChannelTypeGuildNewsThread

// A ChannelEdit holds Channel Field data for a channel edit.
type ChannelEdit struct {
	Name                 string                 `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Topic                string                 `json:"topic,omitempty"`
	NSFW                 *bool                  `json:"nsfw,omitempty"`
	Position             int                    `json:"position"`
	Bitrate              int                    `json:"bitrate,omitempty"`
	UserLimit            int                    `json:"user_limit,omitempty"`
	PermissionOverwrites []*PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites,omitempty"`
	ParentID             string                 `json:"parent_id,omitempty"`
	RateLimitPerUser     *int                   `json:"rate_limit_per_user,omitempty"`

	// NOTE: threads only

	Archived            *bool `json:"archived,omitempty"`
	AutoArchiveDuration int   `json:"auto_archive_duration,omitempty"`
	Locked              *bool `json:"locked,omitempty"`
	Invitable           *bool `json:"invitable,omitempty"`

// A ChannelFollow holds data returned after following a news channel
type ChannelFollow struct {
	ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"`
	WebhookID string `json:"webhook_id"`

// PermissionOverwriteType represents the type of resource on which
// a permission overwrite acts.
type PermissionOverwriteType int

// The possible permission overwrite types.
const (
	PermissionOverwriteTypeRole   PermissionOverwriteType = 0
	PermissionOverwriteTypeMember PermissionOverwriteType = 1

// A PermissionOverwrite holds permission overwrite data for a Channel
type PermissionOverwrite struct {
	ID    string                  `json:"id"`
	Type  PermissionOverwriteType `json:"type"`
	Deny  int64                   `json:"deny,string"`
	Allow int64                   `json:"allow,string"`

// ThreadStart stores all parameters you can use with MessageThreadStartComplex or ThreadStartComplex
type ThreadStart struct {
	Name                string      `json:"name"`
	AutoArchiveDuration int         `json:"auto_archive_duration,omitempty"`
	Type                ChannelType `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Invitable           bool        `json:"invitable"`
	RateLimitPerUser    int         `json:"rate_limit_per_user,omitempty"`

// ThreadMetadata contains a number of thread-specific channel fields that are not needed by other channel types.
type ThreadMetadata struct {
	// Whether the thread is archived
	Archived bool `json:"archived"`
	// Duration in minutes to automatically archive the thread after recent activity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080
	AutoArchiveDuration int `json:"auto_archive_duration"`
	// Timestamp when the thread's archive status was last changed, used for calculating recent activity
	ArchiveTimestamp time.Time `json:"archive_timestamp"`
	// Whether the thread is locked; when a thread is locked, only users with MANAGE_THREADS can unarchive it
	Locked bool `json:"locked"`
	// Whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to a thread; only available on private threads
	Invitable bool `json:"invitable"`

// ThreadMember is used to indicate whether a user has joined a thread or not.
// NOTE: ID and UserID are empty (omitted) on the member sent within each thread in the GUILD_CREATE event.
type ThreadMember struct {
	// The id of the thread
	ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The id of the user
	UserID string `json:"user_id,omitempty"`
	// The time the current user last joined the thread
	JoinTimestamp time.Time `json:"join_timestamp"`
	// Any user-thread settings, currently only used for notifications
	Flags int

// ThreadsList represents a list of threads alongisde with thread member objects for the current user.
type ThreadsList struct {
	Threads []*Channel      `json:"threads"`
	Members []*ThreadMember `json:"members"`
	HasMore bool            `json:"has_more"`

// AddedThreadMember holds information about the user who was added to the thread
type AddedThreadMember struct {
	Member   *Member   `json:"member"`
	Presence *Presence `json:"presence"`

// Emoji struct holds data related to Emoji's
type Emoji struct {
	ID            string   `json:"id"`
	Name          string   `json:"name"`
	Roles         []string `json:"roles"`
	User          *User    `json:"user"`
	RequireColons bool     `json:"require_colons"`
	Managed       bool     `json:"managed"`
	Animated      bool     `json:"animated"`
	Available     bool     `json:"available"`

// EmojiRegex is the regex used to find and identify emojis in messages
var (
	EmojiRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`<(a|):[A-z0-9_~]+:[0-9]{18}>`)

// MessageFormat returns a correctly formatted Emoji for use in Message content and embeds
func (e *Emoji) MessageFormat() string {
	if e.ID != "" && e.Name != "" {
		if e.Animated {
			return "<a:" + e.APIName() + ">"

		return "<:" + e.APIName() + ">"

	return e.APIName()

// APIName returns an correctly formatted API name for use in the MessageReactions endpoints.
func (e *Emoji) APIName() string {
	if e.ID != "" && e.Name != "" {
		return e.Name + ":" + e.ID
	if e.Name != "" {
		return e.Name
	return e.ID

// EmojiParams represents parameters needed to create or update an Emoji.
type EmojiParams struct {
	// Name of the emoji
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// A base64 encoded emoji image, has to be smaller than 256KB.
	// NOTE: can be only set on creation.
	Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
	// Roles for which this emoji will be available.
	Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"`

// StickerFormat is the file format of the Sticker.
type StickerFormat int

// Defines all known Sticker types.
const (
	StickerFormatTypePNG    StickerFormat = 1
	StickerFormatTypeAPNG   StickerFormat = 2
	StickerFormatTypeLottie StickerFormat = 3

// StickerType is the type of sticker.
type StickerType int

// Defines Sticker types.
const (
	StickerTypeStandard StickerType = 1
	StickerTypeGuild    StickerType = 2

// Sticker represents a sticker object that can be sent in a Message.
type Sticker struct {
	ID          string        `json:"id"`
	PackID      string        `json:"pack_id"`
	Name        string        `json:"name"`
	Description string        `json:"description"`
	Tags        string        `json:"tags"`
	Type        StickerType   `json:"type"`
	FormatType  StickerFormat `json:"format_type"`
	Available   bool          `json:"available"`
	GuildID     string        `json:"guild_id"`
	User        *User         `json:"user"`
	SortValue   int           `json:"sort_value"`

// StickerPack represents a pack of standard stickers.
type StickerPack struct {
	ID             string     `json:"id"`
	Stickers       []*Sticker `json:"stickers"`
	Name           string     `json:"name"`
	SKUID          string     `json:"sku_id"`
	CoverStickerID string     `json:"cover_sticker_id"`
	Description    string     `json:"description"`
	BannerAssetID  string     `json:"banner_asset_id"`

// VerificationLevel type definition
type VerificationLevel int

// Constants for VerificationLevel levels from 0 to 4 inclusive
const (
	VerificationLevelNone     VerificationLevel = 0
	VerificationLevelLow      VerificationLevel = 1
	VerificationLevelMedium   VerificationLevel = 2
	VerificationLevelHigh     VerificationLevel = 3
	VerificationLevelVeryHigh VerificationLevel = 4

// ExplicitContentFilterLevel type definition
type ExplicitContentFilterLevel int

// Constants for ExplicitContentFilterLevel levels from 0 to 2 inclusive
const (
	ExplicitContentFilterDisabled            ExplicitContentFilterLevel = 0
	ExplicitContentFilterMembersWithoutRoles ExplicitContentFilterLevel = 1
	ExplicitContentFilterAllMembers          ExplicitContentFilterLevel = 2

// GuildNSFWLevel type definition
type GuildNSFWLevel int

// Constants for GuildNSFWLevel levels from 0 to 3 inclusive
const (
	GuildNSFWLevelDefault       GuildNSFWLevel = 0
	GuildNSFWLevelExplicit      GuildNSFWLevel = 1
	GuildNSFWLevelSafe          GuildNSFWLevel = 2
	GuildNSFWLevelAgeRestricted GuildNSFWLevel = 3

// MfaLevel type definition
type MfaLevel int

// Constants for MfaLevel levels from 0 to 1 inclusive
const (
	MfaLevelNone     MfaLevel = 0
	MfaLevelElevated MfaLevel = 1

// PremiumTier type definition
type PremiumTier int

// Constants for PremiumTier levels from 0 to 3 inclusive
const (
	PremiumTierNone PremiumTier = 0
	PremiumTier1    PremiumTier = 1
	PremiumTier2    PremiumTier = 2
	PremiumTier3    PremiumTier = 3

// A Guild holds all data related to a specific Discord Guild.  Guilds are also
// sometimes referred to as Servers in the Discord client.
type Guild struct {
	// The ID of the guild.
	ID string `json:"id"`

	// The name of the guild. (2–100 characters)
	Name string `json:"name"`

	// The hash of the guild's icon. Use Session.GuildIcon
	// to retrieve the icon itself.
	Icon string `json:"icon"`

	// The voice region of the guild.
	Region string `json:"region"`

	// The ID of the AFK voice channel.
	AfkChannelID string `json:"afk_channel_id"`

	// The user ID of the owner of the guild.
	OwnerID string `json:"owner_id"`

	// If we are the owner of the guild
	Owner bool `json:"owner"`

	// The time at which the current user joined the guild.
	// This field is only present in GUILD_CREATE events and websocket
	// update events, and thus is only present in state-cached guilds.
	JoinedAt time.Time `json:"joined_at"`

	// The hash of the guild's discovery splash.
	DiscoverySplash string `json:"discovery_splash"`

	// The hash of the guild's splash.
	Splash string `json:"splash"`

	// The timeout, in seconds, before a user is considered AFK in voice.
	AfkTimeout int `json:"afk_timeout"`

	// The number of members in the guild.
	// This field is only present in GUILD_CREATE events and websocket
	// update events, and thus is only present in state-cached guilds.
	MemberCount int `json:"member_count"`

	// The verification level required for the guild.
	VerificationLevel VerificationLevel `json:"verification_level"`

	// Whether the guild is considered large. This is
	// determined by a member threshold in the identify packet,
	// and is currently hard-coded at 250 members in the library.
	Large bool `json:"large"`

	// The default message notification setting for the guild.
	DefaultMessageNotifications MessageNotifications `json:"default_message_notifications"`

	// A list of roles in the guild.
	Roles []*Role `json:"roles"`

	// A list of the custom emojis present in the guild.
	Emojis []*Emoji `json:"emojis"`

	// A list of the custom stickers present in the guild.
	Stickers []*Sticker `json:"stickers"`

	// A list of the members in the guild.
	// This field is only present in GUILD_CREATE events and websocket
	// update events, and thus is only present in state-cached guilds.
	Members []*Member `json:"members"`

	// A list of partial presence objects for members in the guild.
	// This field is only present in GUILD_CREATE events and websocket
	// update events, and thus is only present in state-cached guilds.
	Presences []*Presence `json:"presences"`

	// The maximum number of presences for the guild (the default value, currently 25000, is in effect when null is returned)
	MaxPresences int `json:"max_presences"`

	// The maximum number of members for the guild
	MaxMembers int `json:"max_members"`

	// A list of channels in the guild.
	// This field is only present in GUILD_CREATE events and websocket
	// update events, and thus is only present in state-cached guilds.
	Channels []*Channel `json:"channels"`

	// A list of all active threads in the guild that current user has permission to view
	// This field is only present in GUILD_CREATE events and websocket
	// update events and thus is only present in state-cached guilds.
	Threads []*Channel `json:"threads"`

	// A list of voice states for the guild.
	// This field is only present in GUILD_CREATE events and websocket
	// update events, and thus is only present in state-cached guilds.
	VoiceStates []*VoiceState `json:"voice_states"`

	// Whether this guild is currently unavailable (most likely due to outage).
	// This field is only present in GUILD_CREATE events and websocket
	// update events, and thus is only present in state-cached guilds.
	Unavailable bool `json:"unavailable"`

	// The explicit content filter level
	ExplicitContentFilter ExplicitContentFilterLevel `json:"explicit_content_filter"`

	// The NSFW Level of the guild
	NSFWLevel GuildNSFWLevel `json:"nsfw_level"`

	// The list of enabled guild features
	Features []GuildFeature `json:"features"`

	// Required MFA level for the guild
	MfaLevel MfaLevel `json:"mfa_level"`

	// The application id of the guild if bot created.
	ApplicationID string `json:"application_id"`

	// Whether or not the Server Widget is enabled
	WidgetEnabled bool `json:"widget_enabled"`

	// The Channel ID for the Server Widget
	WidgetChannelID string `json:"widget_channel_id"`

	// The Channel ID to which system messages are sent (eg join and leave messages)
	SystemChannelID string `json:"system_channel_id"`

	// The System channel flags
	SystemChannelFlags SystemChannelFlag `json:"system_channel_flags"`

	// The ID of the rules channel ID, used for rules.
	RulesChannelID string `json:"rules_channel_id"`

	// the vanity url code for the guild
	VanityURLCode string `json:"vanity_url_code"`

	// the description for the guild
	Description string `json:"description"`

	// The hash of the guild's banner
	Banner string `json:"banner"`

	// The premium tier of the guild
	PremiumTier PremiumTier `json:"premium_tier"`

	// The total number of users currently boosting this server
	PremiumSubscriptionCount int `json:"premium_subscription_count"`

	// The preferred locale of a guild with the "PUBLIC" feature; used in server discovery and notices from Discord; defaults to "en-US"
	PreferredLocale string `json:"preferred_locale"`

	// The id of the channel where admins and moderators of guilds with the "PUBLIC" feature receive notices from Discord
	PublicUpdatesChannelID string `json:"public_updates_channel_id"`

	// The maximum amount of users in a video channel
	MaxVideoChannelUsers int `json:"max_video_channel_users"`

	// Approximate number of members in this guild, returned from the GET /guild/<id> endpoint when with_counts is true
	ApproximateMemberCount int `json:"approximate_member_count"`

	// Approximate number of non-offline members in this guild, returned from the GET /guild/<id> endpoint when with_counts is true
	ApproximatePresenceCount int `json:"approximate_presence_count"`

	// Permissions of our user
	Permissions int64 `json:"permissions,string"`

	// Stage instances in the guild
	StageInstances []*StageInstance `json:"stage_instances"`

// A GuildPreview holds data related to a specific public Discord Guild, even if the user is not in the guild.
type GuildPreview struct {
	// The ID of the guild.
	ID string `json:"id"`

	// The name of the guild. (2–100 characters)
	Name string `json:"name"`

	// The hash of the guild's icon. Use Session.GuildIcon
	// to retrieve the icon itself.
	Icon string `json:"icon"`

	// The hash of the guild's splash.
	Splash string `json:"splash"`

	// The hash of the guild's discovery splash.
	DiscoverySplash string `json:"discovery_splash"`

	// A list of the custom emojis present in the guild.
	Emojis []*Emoji `json:"emojis"`

	// The list of enabled guild features
	Features []string `json:"features"`

	// Approximate number of members in this guild
	// NOTE: this field is only filled when using GuildWithCounts
	ApproximateMemberCount int `json:"approximate_member_count"`

	// Approximate number of non-offline members in this guild
	// NOTE: this field is only filled when using GuildWithCounts
	ApproximatePresenceCount int `json:"approximate_presence_count"`

	// the description for the guild
	Description string `json:"description"`

// IconURL returns a URL to the guild's icon.
func (g *GuildPreview) IconURL() string {
	if g.Icon == "" {
		return ""

	if strings.HasPrefix(g.Icon, "a_") {
		return EndpointGuildIconAnimated(g.ID, g.Icon)

	return EndpointGuildIcon(g.ID, g.Icon)

// GuildScheduledEvent is a representation of a scheduled event in a guild. Only for retrieval of the data.
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild-scheduled-event#guild-scheduled-event
type GuildScheduledEvent struct {
	// The ID of the scheduled event
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The guild id which the scheduled event belongs to
	GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
	// The channel id in which the scheduled event will be hosted, or null if scheduled entity type is EXTERNAL
	ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"`
	// The id of the user that created the scheduled event
	CreatorID string `json:"creator_id"`
	// The name of the scheduled event (1-100 characters)
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The description of the scheduled event (1-1000 characters)
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// The time the scheduled event will start
	ScheduledStartTime time.Time `json:"scheduled_start_time"`
	// The time the scheduled event will end, required only when entity_type is EXTERNAL
	ScheduledEndTime *time.Time `json:"scheduled_end_time"`
	// The privacy level of the scheduled event
	PrivacyLevel GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel `json:"privacy_level"`
	// The status of the scheduled event
	Status GuildScheduledEventStatus `json:"status"`
	// Type of the entity where event would be hosted
	// See field requirements
	// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild-scheduled-event#guild-scheduled-event-object-field-requirements-by-entity-type
	EntityType GuildScheduledEventEntityType `json:"entity_type"`
	// The id of an entity associated with a guild scheduled event
	EntityID string `json:"entity_id"`
	// Additional metadata for the guild scheduled event
	EntityMetadata GuildScheduledEventEntityMetadata `json:"entity_metadata"`
	// The user that created the scheduled event
	Creator *User `json:"creator"`
	// The number of users subscribed to the scheduled event
	UserCount int `json:"user_count"`
	// The cover image hash of the scheduled event
	// see https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#image-formatting for more
	// information about image formatting
	Image string `json:"image"`

// GuildScheduledEventParams are the parameters allowed for creating or updating a scheduled event
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild-scheduled-event#create-guild-scheduled-event
type GuildScheduledEventParams struct {
	// The channel id in which the scheduled event will be hosted, or null if scheduled entity type is EXTERNAL
	ChannelID string `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the scheduled event (1-100 characters)
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The description of the scheduled event (1-1000 characters)
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The time the scheduled event will start
	ScheduledStartTime *time.Time `json:"scheduled_start_time,omitempty"`
	// The time the scheduled event will end, required only when entity_type is EXTERNAL
	ScheduledEndTime *time.Time `json:"scheduled_end_time,omitempty"`
	// The privacy level of the scheduled event
	PrivacyLevel GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel `json:"privacy_level,omitempty"`
	// The status of the scheduled event
	Status GuildScheduledEventStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// Type of the entity where event would be hosted
	// See field requirements
	// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild-scheduled-event#guild-scheduled-event-object-field-requirements-by-entity-type
	EntityType GuildScheduledEventEntityType `json:"entity_type,omitempty"`
	// Additional metadata for the guild scheduled event
	EntityMetadata *GuildScheduledEventEntityMetadata `json:"entity_metadata,omitempty"`
	// The cover image hash of the scheduled event
	// see https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#image-formatting for more
	// information about image formatting
	Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`

// MarshalJSON is a helper function to marshal GuildScheduledEventParams
func (p GuildScheduledEventParams) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	type guildScheduledEventParams GuildScheduledEventParams

	if p.EntityType == GuildScheduledEventEntityTypeExternal && p.ChannelID == "" {
		return Marshal(struct {
			ChannelID json.RawMessage `json:"channel_id"`
			guildScheduledEventParams: guildScheduledEventParams(p),
			ChannelID:                 json.RawMessage("null"),

	return Marshal(guildScheduledEventParams(p))

// GuildScheduledEventEntityMetadata holds additional metadata for guild scheduled event.
type GuildScheduledEventEntityMetadata struct {
	// location of the event (1-100 characters)
	// required for events with 'entity_type': EXTERNAL
	Location string `json:"location"`

// GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel is the privacy level of a scheduled event.
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild-scheduled-event#guild-scheduled-event-object-guild-scheduled-event-privacy-level
type GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel int

const (
	// GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevelGuildOnly makes the scheduled
	// event is only accessible to guild members
	GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevelGuildOnly GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel = 2

// GuildScheduledEventStatus is the status of a scheduled event
// Valid Guild Scheduled Event Status Transitions :
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild-scheduled-event#guild-scheduled-event-object-guild-scheduled-event-status
type GuildScheduledEventStatus int

const (
	// GuildScheduledEventStatusScheduled represents the current event is in scheduled state
	GuildScheduledEventStatusScheduled = 1
	// GuildScheduledEventStatusActive represents the current event is in active state
	GuildScheduledEventStatusActive = 2
	// GuildScheduledEventStatusCompleted represents the current event is in completed state
	GuildScheduledEventStatusCompleted = 3
	// GuildScheduledEventStatusCanceled represents the current event is in canceled state
	GuildScheduledEventStatusCanceled = 4

// GuildScheduledEventEntityType is the type of entity associated with a guild scheduled event.
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild-scheduled-event#guild-scheduled-event-object-guild-scheduled-event-entity-types
type GuildScheduledEventEntityType int

const (
	// GuildScheduledEventEntityTypeStageInstance represents a stage channel
	GuildScheduledEventEntityTypeStageInstance = 1
	// GuildScheduledEventEntityTypeVoice represents a voice channel
	GuildScheduledEventEntityTypeVoice = 2
	// GuildScheduledEventEntityTypeExternal represents an external event
	GuildScheduledEventEntityTypeExternal = 3

// GuildScheduledEventUser is a user subscribed to a scheduled event.
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild-scheduled-event#guild-scheduled-event-user-object
type GuildScheduledEventUser struct {
	GuildScheduledEventID string  `json:"guild_scheduled_event_id"`
	User                  *User   `json:"user"`
	Member                *Member `json:"member"`

// A GuildTemplate represents a replicable template for guild creation
type GuildTemplate struct {
	// The unique code for the guild template
	Code string `json:"code"`

	// The name of the template
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// The description for the template
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`

	// The number of times this template has been used
	UsageCount int `json:"usage_count"`

	// The ID of the user who created the template
	CreatorID string `json:"creator_id"`

	// The user who created the template
	Creator *User `json:"creator"`

	// The timestamp of when the template was created
	CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`

	// The timestamp of when the template was last synced
	UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"`

	// The ID of the guild the template was based on
	SourceGuildID string `json:"source_guild_id"`

	// The guild 'snapshot' this template contains
	SerializedSourceGuild *Guild `json:"serialized_source_guild"`

	// Whether the template has unsynced changes
	IsDirty bool `json:"is_dirty"`

// GuildTemplateParams stores the data needed to create or update a GuildTemplate.
type GuildTemplateParams struct {
	// The name of the template (1-100 characters)
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The description of the template (0-120 characters)
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`

// MessageNotifications is the notification level for a guild
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#guild-object-default-message-notification-level
type MessageNotifications int

// Block containing known MessageNotifications values
const (
	MessageNotificationsAllMessages  MessageNotifications = 0
	MessageNotificationsOnlyMentions MessageNotifications = 1

// SystemChannelFlag is the type of flags in the system channel (see SystemChannelFlag* consts)
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#guild-object-system-channel-flags
type SystemChannelFlag int

// Block containing known SystemChannelFlag values
const (
	SystemChannelFlagsSuppressJoin    SystemChannelFlag = 1 << 0
	SystemChannelFlagsSuppressPremium SystemChannelFlag = 1 << 1

// IconURL returns a URL to the guild's icon.
func (g *Guild) IconURL() string {
	if g.Icon == "" {
		return ""

	if strings.HasPrefix(g.Icon, "a_") {
		return EndpointGuildIconAnimated(g.ID, g.Icon)

	return EndpointGuildIcon(g.ID, g.Icon)

// BannerURL returns a URL to the guild's banner.
func (g *Guild) BannerURL() string {
	if g.Banner == "" {
		return ""
	return EndpointGuildBanner(g.ID, g.Banner)

// A UserGuild holds a brief version of a Guild
type UserGuild struct {
	ID          string         `json:"id"`
	Name        string         `json:"name"`
	Icon        string         `json:"icon"`
	Owner       bool           `json:"owner"`
	Permissions int64          `json:"permissions,string"`
	Features    []GuildFeature `json:"features"`

// GuildFeature indicates the presence of a feature in a guild
type GuildFeature string

// Constants for GuildFeature
const (
	GuildFeatureAnimatedBanner                GuildFeature = "ANIMATED_BANNER"
	GuildFeatureAnimatedIcon                  GuildFeature = "ANIMATED_ICON"
	GuildFeatureAutoModeration                GuildFeature = "AUTO_MODERATION"
	GuildFeatureBanner                        GuildFeature = "BANNER"
	GuildFeatureCommunity                     GuildFeature = "COMMUNITY"
	GuildFeatureDiscoverable                  GuildFeature = "DISCOVERABLE"
	GuildFeatureFeaturable                    GuildFeature = "FEATURABLE"
	GuildFeatureInviteSplash                  GuildFeature = "INVITE_SPLASH"
	GuildFeatureMemberVerificationGateEnabled GuildFeature = "MEMBER_VERIFICATION_GATE_ENABLED"
	GuildFeatureMonetizationEnabled           GuildFeature = "MONETIZATION_ENABLED"
	GuildFeatureMoreStickers                  GuildFeature = "MORE_STICKERS"
	GuildFeatureNews                          GuildFeature = "NEWS"
	GuildFeaturePartnered                     GuildFeature = "PARTNERED"
	GuildFeaturePreviewEnabled                GuildFeature = "PREVIEW_ENABLED"
	GuildFeaturePrivateThreads                GuildFeature = "PRIVATE_THREADS"
	GuildFeatureRoleIcons                     GuildFeature = "ROLE_ICONS"
	GuildFeatureTicketedEventsEnabled         GuildFeature = "TICKETED_EVENTS_ENABLED"
	GuildFeatureVanityURL                     GuildFeature = "VANITY_URL"
	GuildFeatureVerified                      GuildFeature = "VERIFIED"
	GuildFeatureVipRegions                    GuildFeature = "VIP_REGIONS"
	GuildFeatureWelcomeScreenEnabled          GuildFeature = "WELCOME_SCREEN_ENABLED"

// A GuildParams stores all the data needed to update discord guild settings
type GuildParams struct {
	Name                        string             `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Region                      string             `json:"region,omitempty"`
	VerificationLevel           *VerificationLevel `json:"verification_level,omitempty"`
	DefaultMessageNotifications int                `json:"default_message_notifications,omitempty"` // TODO: Separate type?
	AfkChannelID                string             `json:"afk_channel_id,omitempty"`
	AfkTimeout                  int                `json:"afk_timeout,omitempty"`
	Icon                        string             `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	OwnerID                     string             `json:"owner_id,omitempty"`
	Splash                      string             `json:"splash,omitempty"`
	Banner                      string             `json:"banner,omitempty"`

// A Role stores information about Discord guild member roles.
type Role struct {
	// The ID of the role.
	ID string `json:"id"`

	// The name of the role.
	Name string `json:"name"`

	// Whether this role is managed by an integration, and
	// thus cannot be manually added to, or taken from, members.
	Managed bool `json:"managed"`

	// Whether this role is mentionable.
	Mentionable bool `json:"mentionable"`

	// Whether this role is hoisted (shows up separately in member list).
	Hoist bool `json:"hoist"`

	// The hex color of this role.
	Color int `json:"color"`

	// The position of this role in the guild's role hierarchy.
	Position int `json:"position"`

	// The permissions of the role on the guild (doesn't include channel overrides).
	// This is a combination of bit masks; the presence of a certain permission can
	// be checked by performing a bitwise AND between this int and the permission.
	Permissions int64 `json:"permissions,string"`

// Mention returns a string which mentions the role
func (r *Role) Mention() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("<@&%s>", r.ID)

// RoleParams represents the parameters needed to create or update a Role
type RoleParams struct {
	// The role's name
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The color the role should have (as a decimal, not hex)
	Color *int `json:"color,omitempty"`
	// Whether to display the role's users separately
	Hoist *bool `json:"hoist,omitempty"`
	// The overall permissions number of the role
	Permissions *int64 `json:"permissions,omitempty,string"`
	// Whether this role is mentionable
	Mentionable *bool `json:"mentionable,omitempty"`

// Roles are a collection of Role
type Roles []*Role

func (r Roles) Len() int {
	return len(r)

func (r Roles) Less(i, j int) bool {
	return r[i].Position > r[j].Position

func (r Roles) Swap(i, j int) {
	r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i]

// A VoiceState stores the voice states of Guilds
type VoiceState struct {
	GuildID                 string     `json:"guild_id"`
	ChannelID               string     `json:"channel_id"`
	UserID                  string     `json:"user_id"`
	Member                  *Member    `json:"member"`
	SessionID               string     `json:"session_id"`
	Deaf                    bool       `json:"deaf"`
	Mute                    bool       `json:"mute"`
	SelfDeaf                bool       `json:"self_deaf"`
	SelfMute                bool       `json:"self_mute"`
	SelfStream              bool       `json:"self_stream"`
	SelfVideo               bool       `json:"self_video"`
	Suppress                bool       `json:"suppress"`
	RequestToSpeakTimestamp *time.Time `json:"request_to_speak_timestamp"`

// A Presence stores the online, offline, or idle and game status of Guild members.
type Presence struct {
	User       *User       `json:"user"`
	Status     Status      `json:"status"`
	Activities []*Activity `json:"activities"`
	Since      *int        `json:"since"`

// A TimeStamps struct contains start and end times used in the rich presence "playing .." Game
type TimeStamps struct {
	EndTimestamp   int64 `json:"end,omitempty"`
	StartTimestamp int64 `json:"start,omitempty"`

// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals JSON into TimeStamps struct
func (t *TimeStamps) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
	temp := struct {
		End   float64 `json:"end,omitempty"`
		Start float64 `json:"start,omitempty"`
	err := Unmarshal(b, &temp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	t.EndTimestamp = int64(temp.End)
	t.StartTimestamp = int64(temp.Start)
	return nil

// An Assets struct contains assets and labels used in the rich presence "playing .." Game
type Assets struct {
	LargeImageID string `json:"large_image,omitempty"`
	SmallImageID string `json:"small_image,omitempty"`
	LargeText    string `json:"large_text,omitempty"`
	SmallText    string `json:"small_text,omitempty"`

// A Member stores user information for Guild members. A guild
// member represents a certain user's presence in a guild.
type Member struct {
	// The guild ID on which the member exists.
	GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`

	// The time at which the member joined the guild.
	JoinedAt time.Time `json:"joined_at"`

	// The nickname of the member, if they have one.
	Nick string `json:"nick"`

	// Whether the member is deafened at a guild level.
	Deaf bool `json:"deaf"`

	// Whether the member is muted at a guild level.
	Mute bool `json:"mute"`

	// The hash of the avatar for the guild member, if any.
	Avatar string `json:"avatar"`

	// The underlying user on which the member is based.
	User *User `json:"user"`

	// A list of IDs of the roles which are possessed by the member.
	Roles []string `json:"roles"`

	// When the user used their Nitro boost on the server
	PremiumSince *time.Time `json:"premium_since"`

	// Is true while the member hasn't accepted the membership screen.
	Pending bool `json:"pending"`

	// Total permissions of the member in the channel, including overrides, returned when in the interaction object.
	Permissions int64 `json:"permissions,string"`

	// The time at which the member's timeout will expire.
	// Time in the past or nil if the user is not timed out.
	CommunicationDisabledUntil *time.Time `json:"communication_disabled_until"`

// Mention creates a member mention
func (m *Member) Mention() string {
	return "<@!" + m.User.ID + ">"

// AvatarURL returns the URL of the member's avatar
//    size:    The size of the user's avatar as a power of two
//             if size is an empty string, no size parameter will
//             be added to the URL.
func (m *Member) AvatarURL(size string) string {
	if m.Avatar == "" {
		return m.User.AvatarURL(size)
	// The default/empty avatar case should be handled by the above condition
	return avatarURL(m.Avatar, "", EndpointGuildMemberAvatar(m.GuildID, m.User.ID, m.Avatar),
		EndpointGuildMemberAvatarAnimated(m.GuildID, m.User.ID, m.Avatar), size)


// Status type definition
type Status string

// Constants for Status with the different current available status
const (
	StatusOnline       Status = "online"
	StatusIdle         Status = "idle"
	StatusDoNotDisturb Status = "dnd"
	StatusInvisible    Status = "invisible"
	StatusOffline      Status = "offline"

// A TooManyRequests struct holds information received from Discord
// when receiving a HTTP 429 response.
type TooManyRequests struct {
	Bucket     string        `json:"bucket"`
	Message    string        `json:"message"`
	RetryAfter time.Duration `json:"retry_after"`

// UnmarshalJSON helps support translation of a milliseconds-based float
// into a time.Duration on TooManyRequests.
func (t *TooManyRequests) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
	u := struct {
		Bucket     string  `json:"bucket"`
		Message    string  `json:"message"`
		RetryAfter float64 `json:"retry_after"`
	err := Unmarshal(b, &u)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	t.Bucket = u.Bucket
	t.Message = u.Message
	whole, frac := math.Modf(u.RetryAfter)
	t.RetryAfter = time.Duration(whole)*time.Second + time.Duration(frac*1000)*time.Millisecond
	return nil

// A ReadState stores data on the read state of channels.
type ReadState struct {
	MentionCount  int    `json:"mention_count"`
	LastMessageID string `json:"last_message_id"`
	ID            string `json:"id"`

// A GuildRole stores data for guild roles.
type GuildRole struct {
	Role    *Role  `json:"role"`
	GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`

// A GuildBan stores data for a guild ban.
type GuildBan struct {
	Reason string `json:"reason"`
	User   *User  `json:"user"`

// AutoModerationRule stores data for an auto moderation rule.
type AutoModerationRule struct {
	ID              string                         `json:"id,omitempty"`
	GuildID         string                         `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	Name            string                         `json:"name,omitempty"`
	CreatorID       string                         `json:"creator_id,omitempty"`
	EventType       AutoModerationRuleEventType    `json:"event_type,omitempty"`
	TriggerType     AutoModerationRuleTriggerType  `json:"trigger_type,omitempty"`
	TriggerMetadata *AutoModerationTriggerMetadata `json:"trigger_metadata,omitempty"`
	Actions         []AutoModerationAction         `json:"actions,omitempty"`
	Enabled         *bool                          `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	ExemptRoles     *[]string                      `json:"exempt_roles,omitempty"`
	ExemptChannels  *[]string                      `json:"exempt_channels,omitempty"`

// AutoModerationRuleEventType indicates in what event context a rule should be checked.
type AutoModerationRuleEventType int

// Auto moderation rule event types.
const (
	// AutoModerationEventMessageSend is checked when a member sends or edits a message in the guild
	AutoModerationEventMessageSend AutoModerationRuleEventType = 1

// AutoModerationRuleTriggerType represents the type of content which can trigger the rule.
type AutoModerationRuleTriggerType int

// Auto moderation rule trigger types.
const (
	AutoModerationEventTriggerKeyword       AutoModerationRuleTriggerType = 1
	AutoModerationEventTriggerHarmfulLink   AutoModerationRuleTriggerType = 2
	AutoModerationEventTriggerSpam          AutoModerationRuleTriggerType = 3
	AutoModerationEventTriggerKeywordPreset AutoModerationRuleTriggerType = 4

// AutoModerationKeywordPreset represents an internally pre-defined wordset.
type AutoModerationKeywordPreset uint

// Auto moderation keyword presets.
const (
	AutoModerationKeywordPresetProfanity     AutoModerationKeywordPreset = 1
	AutoModerationKeywordPresetSexualContent AutoModerationKeywordPreset = 2
	AutoModerationKeywordPresetSlurs         AutoModerationKeywordPreset = 3

// AutoModerationTriggerMetadata represents additional metadata used to determine whether rule should be triggered.
type AutoModerationTriggerMetadata struct {
	// Substrings which will be searched for in content.
	// NOTE: should be only used with keyword trigger type.
	KeywordFilter []string `json:"keyword_filter,omitempty"`
	// Internally pre-defined wordsets which will be searched for in content.
	// NOTE: should be only used with keyword preset trigger type.
	Presets []AutoModerationKeywordPreset `json:"presets,omitempty"`

// AutoModerationActionType represents an action which will execute whenever a rule is triggered.
type AutoModerationActionType int

// Auto moderation actions types.
const (
	AutoModerationRuleActionBlockMessage     AutoModerationActionType = 1
	AutoModerationRuleActionSendAlertMessage AutoModerationActionType = 2
	AutoModerationRuleActionTimeout          AutoModerationActionType = 3

// AutoModerationActionMetadata represents additional metadata needed during execution for a specific action type.
type AutoModerationActionMetadata struct {
	// Channel to which user content should be logged.
	// NOTE: should be only used with send alert message action type.
	ChannelID string `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`

	// Timeout duration in seconds (maximum of 2419200 - 4 weeks).
	// NOTE: should be only used with timeout action type.
	Duration int `json:"duration_seconds,omitempty"`

// AutoModerationAction stores data for an auto moderation action.
type AutoModerationAction struct {
	Type     AutoModerationActionType      `json:"type"`
	Metadata *AutoModerationActionMetadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

// A GuildEmbed stores data for a guild embed.
type GuildEmbed struct {
	Enabled   *bool  `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	ChannelID string `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`

// A GuildAuditLog stores data for a guild audit log.
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/audit-log#audit-log-object-audit-log-structure
type GuildAuditLog struct {
	Webhooks        []*Webhook       `json:"webhooks,omitempty"`
	Users           []*User          `json:"users,omitempty"`
	AuditLogEntries []*AuditLogEntry `json:"audit_log_entries"`
	Integrations    []*Integration   `json:"integrations"`

// AuditLogEntry for a GuildAuditLog
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/audit-log#audit-log-entry-object-audit-log-entry-structure
type AuditLogEntry struct {
	TargetID   string            `json:"target_id"`
	Changes    []*AuditLogChange `json:"changes"`
	UserID     string            `json:"user_id"`
	ID         string            `json:"id"`
	ActionType *AuditLogAction   `json:"action_type"`
	Options    *AuditLogOptions  `json:"options"`
	Reason     string            `json:"reason"`

// AuditLogChange for an AuditLogEntry
type AuditLogChange struct {
	NewValue interface{}        `json:"new_value"`
	OldValue interface{}        `json:"old_value"`
	Key      *AuditLogChangeKey `json:"key"`

// AuditLogChangeKey value for AuditLogChange
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/audit-log#audit-log-change-object-audit-log-change-key
type AuditLogChangeKey string

// Block of valid AuditLogChangeKey
const (
	// AuditLogChangeKeyAfkChannelID is sent when afk channel changed (snowflake) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyAfkChannelID AuditLogChangeKey = "afk_channel_id"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyAfkTimeout is sent when afk timeout duration changed (int) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyAfkTimeout AuditLogChangeKey = "afk_timeout"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyAllow is sent when a permission on a text or voice channel was allowed for a role (string) - role
	AuditLogChangeKeyAllow AuditLogChangeKey = "allow"
	// AudirChangeKeyApplicationID is sent when application id of the added or removed webhook or bot (snowflake) - channel
	AuditLogChangeKeyApplicationID AuditLogChangeKey = "application_id"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyArchived is sent when thread was archived/unarchived (bool) - thread
	AuditLogChangeKeyArchived AuditLogChangeKey = "archived"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyAsset is sent when asset is changed (string) - sticker
	AuditLogChangeKeyAsset AuditLogChangeKey = "asset"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyAutoArchiveDuration is sent when auto archive duration changed (int) - thread
	AuditLogChangeKeyAutoArchiveDuration AuditLogChangeKey = "auto_archive_duration"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyAvailable is sent when availability of sticker changed (bool) - sticker
	AuditLogChangeKeyAvailable AuditLogChangeKey = "available"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyAvatarHash is sent when user avatar changed (string) - user
	AuditLogChangeKeyAvatarHash AuditLogChangeKey = "avatar_hash"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyBannerHash is sent when guild banner changed (string) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyBannerHash AuditLogChangeKey = "banner_hash"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyBitrate is sent when voice channel bitrate changed (int) - channel
	AuditLogChangeKeyBitrate AuditLogChangeKey = "bitrate"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyChannelID is sent when channel for invite code or guild scheduled event changed (snowflake) - invite or guild scheduled event
	AuditLogChangeKeyChannelID AuditLogChangeKey = "channel_id"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyCode is sent when invite code changed (string) - invite
	AuditLogChangeKeyCode AuditLogChangeKey = "code"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyColor is sent when role color changed (int) - role
	AuditLogChangeKeyColor AuditLogChangeKey = "color"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyCommunicationDisabledUntil is sent when member timeout state changed (ISO8601 timestamp) - member
	AuditLogChangeKeyCommunicationDisabledUntil AuditLogChangeKey = "communication_disabled_until"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyDeaf is sent when user server deafened/undeafened (bool) - member
	AuditLogChangeKeyDeaf AuditLogChangeKey = "deaf"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyDefaultAutoArchiveDuration is sent when default auto archive duration for newly created threads changed (int) - channel
	AuditLogChangeKeyDefaultAutoArchiveDuration AuditLogChangeKey = "default_auto_archive_duration"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyDefaultMessageNotification is sent when default message notification level changed (int) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyDefaultMessageNotification AuditLogChangeKey = "default_message_notifications"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyDeny is sent when a permission on a text or voice channel was denied for a role (string) - role
	AuditLogChangeKeyDeny AuditLogChangeKey = "deny"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyDescription is sent when description changed (string) - guild, sticker, or guild scheduled event
	AuditLogChangeKeyDescription AuditLogChangeKey = "description"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyDiscoverySplashHash is sent when discovery splash changed (string) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyDiscoverySplashHash AuditLogChangeKey = "discovery_splash_hash"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyEnableEmoticons is sent when integration emoticons enabled/disabled (bool) - integration
	AuditLogChangeKeyEnableEmoticons AuditLogChangeKey = "enable_emoticons"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyEntityType is sent when entity type of guild scheduled event was changed (int) - guild scheduled event
	AuditLogChangeKeyEntityType AuditLogChangeKey = "entity_type"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyExpireBehavior is sent when integration expiring subscriber behavior changed (int) - integration
	AuditLogChangeKeyExpireBehavior AuditLogChangeKey = "expire_behavior"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyExpireGracePeriod is sent when integration expire grace period changed (int) - integration
	AuditLogChangeKeyExpireGracePeriod AuditLogChangeKey = "expire_grace_period"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyExplicitContentFilter is sent when change in whose messages are scanned and deleted for explicit content in the server is made (int) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyExplicitContentFilter AuditLogChangeKey = "explicit_content_filter"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyFormatType is sent when format type of sticker changed (int - sticker format type) - sticker
	AuditLogChangeKeyFormatType AuditLogChangeKey = "format_type"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyGuildID is sent when guild sticker is in changed (snowflake) - sticker
	AuditLogChangeKeyGuildID AuditLogChangeKey = "guild_id"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyHoist is sent when role is now displayed/no longer displayed separate from online users (bool) - role
	AuditLogChangeKeyHoist AuditLogChangeKey = "hoist"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyIconHash is sent when icon changed (string) - guild or role
	AuditLogChangeKeyIconHash AuditLogChangeKey = "icon_hash"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyID is sent when the id of the changed entity - sometimes used in conjunction with other keys (snowflake) - any
	AuditLogChangeKeyID AuditLogChangeKey = "id"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyInvitable is sent when private thread is now invitable/uninvitable (bool) - thread
	AuditLogChangeKeyInvitable AuditLogChangeKey = "invitable"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyInviterID is sent when person who created invite code changed (snowflake) - invite
	AuditLogChangeKeyInviterID AuditLogChangeKey = "inviter_id"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyLocation is sent when channel id for guild scheduled event changed (string) - guild scheduled event
	AuditLogChangeKeyLocation AuditLogChangeKey = "location"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyLocked is sent when thread was locked/unlocked (bool) - thread
	AuditLogChangeKeyLocked AuditLogChangeKey = "locked"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyMaxAge is sent when invite code expiration time changed (int) - invite
	AuditLogChangeKeyMaxAge AuditLogChangeKey = "max_age"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyMaxUses is sent when max number of times invite code can be used changed (int) - invite
	AuditLogChangeKeyMaxUses AuditLogChangeKey = "max_uses"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyMentionable is sent when role is now mentionable/unmentionable (bool) - role
	AuditLogChangeKeyMentionable AuditLogChangeKey = "mentionable"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyMfaLevel is sent when two-factor auth requirement changed (int - mfa level) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyMfaLevel AuditLogChangeKey = "mfa_level"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyMute is sent when user server muted/unmuted (bool) - member
	AuditLogChangeKeyMute AuditLogChangeKey = "mute"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyName is sent when name changed (string) - any
	AuditLogChangeKeyName AuditLogChangeKey = "name"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyNick is sent when user nickname changed (string) - member
	AuditLogChangeKeyNick AuditLogChangeKey = "nick"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyNSFW is sent when channel nsfw restriction changed (bool) - channel
	AuditLogChangeKeyNSFW AuditLogChangeKey = "nsfw"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyOwnerID is sent when owner changed (snowflake) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyOwnerID AuditLogChangeKey = "owner_id"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyPermissionOverwrite is sent when permissions on a channel changed (array of channel overwrite objects) - channel
	AuditLogChangeKeyPermissionOverwrite AuditLogChangeKey = "permission_overwrites"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyPermissions is sent when permissions for a role changed (string) - role
	AuditLogChangeKeyPermissions AuditLogChangeKey = "permissions"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyPosition is sent when text or voice channel position changed (int) - channel
	AuditLogChangeKeyPosition AuditLogChangeKey = "position"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyPreferredLocale is sent when preferred locale changed (string) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyPreferredLocale AuditLogChangeKey = "preferred_locale"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyPrivacylevel is sent when privacy level of the stage instance changed (integer - privacy level) - stage instance or guild scheduled event
	AuditLogChangeKeyPrivacylevel AuditLogChangeKey = "privacy_level"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyPruneDeleteDays is sent when number of days after which inactive and role-unassigned members are kicked changed (int) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyPruneDeleteDays AuditLogChangeKey = "prune_delete_days"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyPulibUpdatesChannelID is sent when id of the public updates channel changed (snowflake) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyPulibUpdatesChannelID AuditLogChangeKey = "public_updates_channel_id"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyRateLimitPerUser is sent when amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message changed (int) - channel
	AuditLogChangeKeyRateLimitPerUser AuditLogChangeKey = "rate_limit_per_user"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyRegion is sent when region changed (string) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyRegion AuditLogChangeKey = "region"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyRulesChannelID is sent when id of the rules channel changed (snowflake) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyRulesChannelID AuditLogChangeKey = "rules_channel_id"
	// AuditLogChangeKeySplashHash is sent when invite splash page artwork changed (string) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeySplashHash AuditLogChangeKey = "splash_hash"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyStatus is sent when status of guild scheduled event was changed (int - guild scheduled event status) - guild scheduled event
	AuditLogChangeKeyStatus AuditLogChangeKey = "status"
	// AuditLogChangeKeySystemChannelID is sent when id of the system channel changed (snowflake) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeySystemChannelID AuditLogChangeKey = "system_channel_id"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyTags is sent when related emoji of sticker changed (string) - sticker
	AuditLogChangeKeyTags AuditLogChangeKey = "tags"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyTemporary is sent when invite code is now temporary or never expires (bool) - invite
	AuditLogChangeKeyTemporary AuditLogChangeKey = "temporary"
	// TODO: remove when compatibility is not required
	AuditLogChangeKeyTempoary = AuditLogChangeKeyTemporary
	// AuditLogChangeKeyTopic is sent when text channel topic or stage instance topic changed (string) - channel or stage instance
	AuditLogChangeKeyTopic AuditLogChangeKey = "topic"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyType is sent when type of entity created (int or string) - any
	AuditLogChangeKeyType AuditLogChangeKey = "type"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyUnicodeEmoji is sent when role unicode emoji changed (string) - role
	AuditLogChangeKeyUnicodeEmoji AuditLogChangeKey = "unicode_emoji"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyUserLimit is sent when new user limit in a voice channel set (int) - voice channel
	AuditLogChangeKeyUserLimit AuditLogChangeKey = "user_limit"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyUses is sent when number of times invite code used changed (int) - invite
	AuditLogChangeKeyUses AuditLogChangeKey = "uses"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyVanityURLCode is sent when guild invite vanity url changed (string) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyVanityURLCode AuditLogChangeKey = "vanity_url_code"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyVerificationLevel is sent when required verification level changed (int - verification level) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyVerificationLevel AuditLogChangeKey = "verification_level"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyWidgetChannelID is sent when channel id of the server widget changed (snowflake) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyWidgetChannelID AuditLogChangeKey = "widget_channel_id"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyWidgetEnabled is sent when server widget enabled/disabled (bool) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyWidgetEnabled AuditLogChangeKey = "widget_enabled"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyRoleAdd is sent when new role added (array of partial role objects) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyRoleAdd AuditLogChangeKey = "$add"
	// AuditLogChangeKeyRoleRemove is sent when role removed (array of partial role objects) - guild
	AuditLogChangeKeyRoleRemove AuditLogChangeKey = "$remove"

// AuditLogOptions optional data for the AuditLog
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/audit-log#audit-log-entry-object-optional-audit-entry-info
type AuditLogOptions struct {
	DeleteMemberDays string               `json:"delete_member_days"`
	MembersRemoved   string               `json:"members_removed"`
	ChannelID        string               `json:"channel_id"`
	MessageID        string               `json:"message_id"`
	Count            string               `json:"count"`
	ID               string               `json:"id"`
	Type             *AuditLogOptionsType `json:"type"`
	RoleName         string               `json:"role_name"`

// AuditLogOptionsType of the AuditLogOption
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/audit-log#audit-log-entry-object-optional-audit-entry-info
type AuditLogOptionsType string

// Valid Types for AuditLogOptionsType
const (
	AuditLogOptionsTypeMember AuditLogOptionsType = "member"
	AuditLogOptionsTypeRole   AuditLogOptionsType = "role"

// AuditLogAction is the Action of the AuditLog (see AuditLogAction* consts)
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/audit-log#audit-log-entry-object-audit-log-events
type AuditLogAction int

// Block contains Discord Audit Log Action Types
const (
	AuditLogActionGuildUpdate AuditLogAction = 1

	AuditLogActionChannelCreate          AuditLogAction = 10
	AuditLogActionChannelUpdate          AuditLogAction = 11
	AuditLogActionChannelDelete          AuditLogAction = 12
	AuditLogActionChannelOverwriteCreate AuditLogAction = 13
	AuditLogActionChannelOverwriteUpdate AuditLogAction = 14
	AuditLogActionChannelOverwriteDelete AuditLogAction = 15

	AuditLogActionMemberKick       AuditLogAction = 20
	AuditLogActionMemberPrune      AuditLogAction = 21
	AuditLogActionMemberBanAdd     AuditLogAction = 22
	AuditLogActionMemberBanRemove  AuditLogAction = 23
	AuditLogActionMemberUpdate     AuditLogAction = 24
	AuditLogActionMemberRoleUpdate AuditLogAction = 25
	AuditLogActionMemberMove       AuditLogAction = 26
	AuditLogActionMemberDisconnect AuditLogAction = 27
	AuditLogActionBotAdd           AuditLogAction = 28

	AuditLogActionRoleCreate AuditLogAction = 30
	AuditLogActionRoleUpdate AuditLogAction = 31
	AuditLogActionRoleDelete AuditLogAction = 32

	AuditLogActionInviteCreate AuditLogAction = 40
	AuditLogActionInviteUpdate AuditLogAction = 41
	AuditLogActionInviteDelete AuditLogAction = 42

	AuditLogActionWebhookCreate AuditLogAction = 50
	AuditLogActionWebhookUpdate AuditLogAction = 51
	AuditLogActionWebhookDelete AuditLogAction = 52

	AuditLogActionEmojiCreate AuditLogAction = 60
	AuditLogActionEmojiUpdate AuditLogAction = 61
	AuditLogActionEmojiDelete AuditLogAction = 62

	AuditLogActionMessageDelete     AuditLogAction = 72
	AuditLogActionMessageBulkDelete AuditLogAction = 73
	AuditLogActionMessagePin        AuditLogAction = 74
	AuditLogActionMessageUnpin      AuditLogAction = 75

	AuditLogActionIntegrationCreate   AuditLogAction = 80
	AuditLogActionIntegrationUpdate   AuditLogAction = 81
	AuditLogActionIntegrationDelete   AuditLogAction = 82
	AuditLogActionStageInstanceCreate AuditLogAction = 83
	AuditLogActionStageInstanceUpdate AuditLogAction = 84
	AuditLogActionStageInstanceDelete AuditLogAction = 85

	AuditLogActionStickerCreate AuditLogAction = 90
	AuditLogActionStickerUpdate AuditLogAction = 91
	AuditLogActionStickerDelete AuditLogAction = 92

	AuditLogGuildScheduledEventCreate AuditLogAction = 100
	AuditLogGuildScheduledEventUpdare AuditLogAction = 101
	AuditLogGuildScheduledEventDelete AuditLogAction = 102

	AuditLogActionThreadCreate AuditLogAction = 110
	AuditLogActionThreadUpdate AuditLogAction = 111
	AuditLogActionThreadDelete AuditLogAction = 112

	AuditLogActionApplicationCommandPermissionUpdate AuditLogAction = 121

// GuildMemberParams stores data needed to update a member
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#modify-guild-member
type GuildMemberParams struct {
	// Value to set user's nickname to.
	Nick string `json:"nick,omitempty"`
	// Array of role ids the member is assigned.
	Roles *[]string `json:"roles,omitempty"`
	// ID of channel to move user to (if they are connected to voice).
	// Set to "" to remove user from a voice channel.
	ChannelID *string `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
	// Whether the user is muted in voice channels.
	Mute *bool `json:"mute,omitempty"`
	// Whether the user is deafened in voice channels.
	Deaf *bool `json:"deaf,omitempty"`
	// When the user's timeout will expire and the user will be able
	// to communicate in the guild again (up to 28 days in the future).
	// Set to time.Time{} to remove timeout.
	CommunicationDisabledUntil *time.Time `json:"communication_disabled_until,omitempty"`

// MarshalJSON is a helper function to marshal GuildMemberParams.
func (p GuildMemberParams) MarshalJSON() (res []byte, err error) {
	type guildMemberParams GuildMemberParams
	v := struct {
		ChannelID                  json.RawMessage `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
		CommunicationDisabledUntil json.RawMessage `json:"communication_disabled_until,omitempty"`
	}{guildMemberParams: guildMemberParams(p)}

	if p.ChannelID != nil {
		if *p.ChannelID == "" {
			v.ChannelID = json.RawMessage(`null`)
		} else {
			res, err = json.Marshal(p.ChannelID)
			if err != nil {
			v.ChannelID = res

	if p.CommunicationDisabledUntil != nil {
		if p.CommunicationDisabledUntil.IsZero() {
			v.CommunicationDisabledUntil = json.RawMessage(`null`)
		} else {
			res, err = json.Marshal(p.CommunicationDisabledUntil)
			if err != nil {
			v.CommunicationDisabledUntil = res

	return json.Marshal(v)

// GuildMemberAddParams stores data needed to add a user to a guild.
// NOTE: All fields are optional, except AccessToken.
type GuildMemberAddParams struct {
	// Valid access_token for the user.
	AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
	// Value to set users nickname to.
	Nick string `json:"nick,omitempty"`
	// A list of role ID's to set on the member.
	Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"`
	// Whether the user is muted.
	Mute bool `json:"mute,omitempty"`
	// Whether the user is deafened.
	Deaf bool `json:"deaf,omitempty"`

// An APIErrorMessage is an api error message returned from discord
type APIErrorMessage struct {
	Code    int    `json:"code"`
	Message string `json:"message"`

// MessageReaction stores the data for a message reaction.
type MessageReaction struct {
	UserID    string `json:"user_id"`
	MessageID string `json:"message_id"`
	Emoji     Emoji  `json:"emoji"`
	ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"`
	GuildID   string `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`

// GatewayBotResponse stores the data for the gateway/bot response
type GatewayBotResponse struct {
	URL               string             `json:"url"`
	Shards            int                `json:"shards"`
	SessionStartLimit SessionInformation `json:"session_start_limit"`

// SessionInformation provides the information for max concurrency sharding
type SessionInformation struct {
	Total          int `json:"total,omitempty"`
	Remaining      int `json:"remaining,omitempty"`
	ResetAfter     int `json:"reset_after,omitempty"`
	MaxConcurrency int `json:"max_concurrency,omitempty"`

// GatewayStatusUpdate is sent by the client to indicate a presence or status update
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#update-status-gateway-status-update-structure
type GatewayStatusUpdate struct {
	Since  int      `json:"since"`
	Game   Activity `json:"game"`
	Status string   `json:"status"`
	AFK    bool     `json:"afk"`

// Activity defines the Activity sent with GatewayStatusUpdate
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#activity-object
type Activity struct {
	Name          string       `json:"name"`
	Type          ActivityType `json:"type"`
	URL           string       `json:"url,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt     time.Time    `json:"created_at"`
	ApplicationID string       `json:"application_id,omitempty"`
	State         string       `json:"state,omitempty"`
	Details       string       `json:"details,omitempty"`
	Timestamps    TimeStamps   `json:"timestamps,omitempty"`
	Emoji         Emoji        `json:"emoji,omitempty"`
	Party         Party        `json:"party,omitempty"`
	Assets        Assets       `json:"assets,omitempty"`
	Secrets       Secrets      `json:"secrets,omitempty"`
	Instance      bool         `json:"instance,omitempty"`
	Flags         int          `json:"flags,omitempty"`

// UnmarshalJSON is a custom unmarshaljson to make CreatedAt a time.Time instead of an int
func (activity *Activity) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
	temp := struct {
		Name          string       `json:"name"`
		Type          ActivityType `json:"type"`
		URL           string       `json:"url,omitempty"`
		CreatedAt     int64        `json:"created_at"`
		ApplicationID string       `json:"application_id,omitempty"`
		State         string       `json:"state,omitempty"`
		Details       string       `json:"details,omitempty"`
		Timestamps    TimeStamps   `json:"timestamps,omitempty"`
		Emoji         Emoji        `json:"emoji,omitempty"`
		Party         Party        `json:"party,omitempty"`
		Assets        Assets       `json:"assets,omitempty"`
		Secrets       Secrets      `json:"secrets,omitempty"`
		Instance      bool         `json:"instance,omitempty"`
		Flags         int          `json:"flags,omitempty"`
	err := Unmarshal(b, &temp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	activity.CreatedAt = time.Unix(0, temp.CreatedAt*1000000)
	activity.ApplicationID = temp.ApplicationID
	activity.Assets = temp.Assets
	activity.Details = temp.Details
	activity.Emoji = temp.Emoji
	activity.Flags = temp.Flags
	activity.Instance = temp.Instance
	activity.Name = temp.Name
	activity.Party = temp.Party
	activity.Secrets = temp.Secrets
	activity.State = temp.State
	activity.Timestamps = temp.Timestamps
	activity.Type = temp.Type
	activity.URL = temp.URL
	return nil

// Party defines the Party field in the Activity struct
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#activity-object
type Party struct {
	ID   string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Size []int  `json:"size,omitempty"`

// Secrets defines the Secrets field for the Activity struct
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#activity-object
type Secrets struct {
	Join     string `json:"join,omitempty"`
	Spectate string `json:"spectate,omitempty"`
	Match    string `json:"match,omitempty"`

// ActivityType is the type of Activity (see ActivityType* consts) in the Activity struct
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#activity-object-activity-types
type ActivityType int

// Valid ActivityType values
const (
	ActivityTypeGame      ActivityType = 0
	ActivityTypeStreaming ActivityType = 1
	ActivityTypeListening ActivityType = 2
	ActivityTypeWatching  ActivityType = 3
	ActivityTypeCustom    ActivityType = 4
	ActivityTypeCompeting ActivityType = 5

// Identify is sent during initial handshake with the discord gateway.
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#identify
type Identify struct {
	Token          string              `json:"token"`
	Properties     IdentifyProperties  `json:"properties"`
	Compress       bool                `json:"compress"`
	LargeThreshold int                 `json:"large_threshold"`
	Shard          *[2]int             `json:"shard,omitempty"`
	Presence       GatewayStatusUpdate `json:"presence,omitempty"`
	Intents        Intent              `json:"intents"`

// IdentifyProperties contains the "properties" portion of an Identify packet
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#identify-identify-connection-properties
type IdentifyProperties struct {
	OS              string `json:"$os"`
	Browser         string `json:"$browser"`
	Device          string `json:"$device"`
	Referer         string `json:"$referer"`
	ReferringDomain string `json:"$referring_domain"`

// StageInstance holds information about a live stage.
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/stage-instance#stage-instance-resource
type StageInstance struct {
	// The id of this Stage instance
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The guild id of the associated Stage channel
	GuildID string `json:"guild_id"`
	// The id of the associated Stage channel
	ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"`
	// The topic of the Stage instance (1-120 characters)
	Topic string `json:"topic"`
	// The privacy level of the Stage instance
	// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/stage-instance#stage-instance-object-privacy-level
	PrivacyLevel StageInstancePrivacyLevel `json:"privacy_level"`
	// Whether or not Stage Discovery is disabled (deprecated)
	DiscoverableDisabled bool `json:"discoverable_disabled"`
	// The id of the scheduled event for this Stage instance
	GuildScheduledEventID string `json:"guild_scheduled_event_id"`

// StageInstanceParams represents the parameters needed to create or edit a stage instance
type StageInstanceParams struct {
	// ChannelID represents the id of the Stage channel
	ChannelID string `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
	// Topic of the Stage instance (1-120 characters)
	Topic string `json:"topic,omitempty"`
	// PrivacyLevel of the Stage instance (default GUILD_ONLY)
	PrivacyLevel StageInstancePrivacyLevel `json:"privacy_level,omitempty"`
	// SendStartNotification will notify @everyone that a Stage instance has started
	SendStartNotification bool `json:"send_start_notification,omitempty"`

// StageInstancePrivacyLevel represents the privacy level of a Stage instance
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/stage-instance#stage-instance-object-privacy-level
type StageInstancePrivacyLevel int

const (
	// StageInstancePrivacyLevelPublic The Stage instance is visible publicly. (deprecated)
	StageInstancePrivacyLevelPublic StageInstancePrivacyLevel = 1
	// StageInstancePrivacyLevelGuildOnly The Stage instance is visible to only guild members.
	StageInstancePrivacyLevelGuildOnly StageInstancePrivacyLevel = 2

// Constants for the different bit offsets of text channel permissions
const (
	// Deprecated: PermissionReadMessages has been replaced with PermissionViewChannel for text and voice channels
	PermissionReadMessages          = 0x0000000000000400
	PermissionSendMessages          = 0x0000000000000800
	PermissionSendTTSMessages       = 0x0000000000001000
	PermissionManageMessages        = 0x0000000000002000
	PermissionEmbedLinks            = 0x0000000000004000
	PermissionAttachFiles           = 0x0000000000008000
	PermissionReadMessageHistory    = 0x0000000000010000
	PermissionMentionEveryone       = 0x0000000000020000
	PermissionUseExternalEmojis     = 0x0000000000040000
	PermissionUseSlashCommands      = 0x0000000080000000
	PermissionManageThreads         = 0x0000000400000000
	PermissionCreatePublicThreads   = 0x0000000800000000
	PermissionCreatePrivateThreads  = 0x0000001000000000
	PermissionUseExternalStickers   = 0x0000002000000000
	PermissionSendMessagesInThreads = 0x0000004000000000

// Constants for the different bit offsets of voice permissions
const (
	PermissionVoicePrioritySpeaker = 0x0000000000000100
	PermissionVoiceStreamVideo     = 0x0000000000000200
	PermissionVoiceConnect         = 0x0000000000100000
	PermissionVoiceSpeak           = 0x0000000000200000
	PermissionVoiceMuteMembers     = 0x0000000000400000
	PermissionVoiceDeafenMembers   = 0x0000000000800000
	PermissionVoiceMoveMembers     = 0x0000000001000000
	PermissionVoiceUseVAD          = 0x0000000002000000
	PermissionVoiceRequestToSpeak  = 0x0000000100000000
	PermissionUseActivities        = 0x0000008000000000

// Constants for general management.
const (
	PermissionChangeNickname  = 0x0000000004000000
	PermissionManageNicknames = 0x0000000008000000
	PermissionManageRoles     = 0x0000000010000000
	PermissionManageWebhooks  = 0x0000000020000000
	PermissionManageEmojis    = 0x0000000040000000
	PermissionManageEvents    = 0x0000000200000000

// Constants for the different bit offsets of general permissions
const (
	PermissionCreateInstantInvite = 0x0000000000000001
	PermissionKickMembers         = 0x0000000000000002
	PermissionBanMembers          = 0x0000000000000004
	PermissionAdministrator       = 0x0000000000000008
	PermissionManageChannels      = 0x0000000000000010
	PermissionManageServer        = 0x0000000000000020
	PermissionAddReactions        = 0x0000000000000040
	PermissionViewAuditLogs       = 0x0000000000000080
	PermissionViewChannel         = 0x0000000000000400
	PermissionViewGuildInsights   = 0x0000000000080000
	PermissionModerateMembers     = 0x0000010000000000

	PermissionAllText = PermissionViewChannel |
		PermissionSendMessages |
		PermissionSendTTSMessages |
		PermissionManageMessages |
		PermissionEmbedLinks |
		PermissionAttachFiles |
		PermissionReadMessageHistory |
	PermissionAllVoice = PermissionViewChannel |
		PermissionVoiceConnect |
		PermissionVoiceSpeak |
		PermissionVoiceMuteMembers |
		PermissionVoiceDeafenMembers |
		PermissionVoiceMoveMembers |
		PermissionVoiceUseVAD |
	PermissionAllChannel = PermissionAllText |
		PermissionAllVoice |
		PermissionCreateInstantInvite |
		PermissionManageRoles |
		PermissionManageChannels |
		PermissionAddReactions |
	PermissionAll = PermissionAllChannel |
		PermissionKickMembers |
		PermissionBanMembers |
		PermissionManageServer |
		PermissionAdministrator |
		PermissionManageWebhooks |

// Block contains Discord JSON Error Response codes
const (
	ErrCodeGeneralError = 0

	ErrCodeUnknownAccount                        = 10001
	ErrCodeUnknownApplication                    = 10002
	ErrCodeUnknownChannel                        = 10003
	ErrCodeUnknownGuild                          = 10004
	ErrCodeUnknownIntegration                    = 10005
	ErrCodeUnknownInvite                         = 10006
	ErrCodeUnknownMember                         = 10007
	ErrCodeUnknownMessage                        = 10008
	ErrCodeUnknownOverwrite                      = 10009
	ErrCodeUnknownProvider                       = 10010
	ErrCodeUnknownRole                           = 10011
	ErrCodeUnknownToken                          = 10012
	ErrCodeUnknownUser                           = 10013
	ErrCodeUnknownEmoji                          = 10014
	ErrCodeUnknownWebhook                        = 10015
	ErrCodeUnknownWebhookService                 = 10016
	ErrCodeUnknownSession                        = 10020
	ErrCodeUnknownBan                            = 10026
	ErrCodeUnknownSKU                            = 10027
	ErrCodeUnknownStoreListing                   = 10028
	ErrCodeUnknownEntitlement                    = 10029
	ErrCodeUnknownBuild                          = 10030
	ErrCodeUnknownLobby                          = 10031
	ErrCodeUnknownBranch                         = 10032
	ErrCodeUnknownStoreDirectoryLayout           = 10033
	ErrCodeUnknownRedistributable                = 10036
	ErrCodeUnknownGiftCode                       = 10038
	ErrCodeUnknownStream                         = 10049
	ErrCodeUnknownPremiumServerSubscribeCooldown = 10050
	ErrCodeUnknownGuildTemplate                  = 10057
	ErrCodeUnknownDiscoveryCategory              = 10059
	ErrCodeUnknownSticker                        = 10060
	ErrCodeUnknownInteraction                    = 10062
	ErrCodeUnknownApplicationCommand             = 10063
	ErrCodeUnknownApplicationCommandPermissions  = 10066
	ErrCodeUnknownStageInstance                  = 10067
	ErrCodeUnknownGuildMemberVerificationForm    = 10068
	ErrCodeUnknownGuildWelcomeScreen             = 10069
	ErrCodeUnknownGuildScheduledEvent            = 10070
	ErrCodeUnknownGuildScheduledEventUser        = 10071

	ErrCodeBotsCannotUseEndpoint                                            = 20001
	ErrCodeOnlyBotsCanUseEndpoint                                           = 20002
	ErrCodeExplicitContentCannotBeSentToTheDesiredRecipients                = 20009
	ErrCodeYouAreNotAuthorizedToPerformThisActionOnThisApplication          = 20012
	ErrCodeThisActionCannotBePerformedDueToSlowmodeRateLimit                = 20016
	ErrCodeOnlyTheOwnerOfThisAccountCanPerformThisAction                    = 20018
	ErrCodeMessageCannotBeEditedDueToAnnouncementRateLimits                 = 20022
	ErrCodeChannelHasHitWriteRateLimit                                      = 20028
	ErrCodeTheWriteActionYouArePerformingOnTheServerHasHitTheWriteRateLimit = 20029
	ErrCodeStageTopicContainsNotAllowedWordsForPublicStages                 = 20031
	ErrCodeGuildPremiumSubscriptionLevelTooLow                              = 20035

	ErrCodeMaximumGuildsReached                                    = 30001
	ErrCodeMaximumPinsReached                                      = 30003
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfRecipientsReached                        = 30004
	ErrCodeMaximumGuildRolesReached                                = 30005
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfWebhooksReached                          = 30007
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfEmojisReached                            = 30008
	ErrCodeTooManyReactions                                        = 30010
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfGuildChannelsReached                     = 30013
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfAttachmentsInAMessageReached             = 30015
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfInvitesReached                           = 30016
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfAnimatedEmojisReached                    = 30018
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfServerMembersReached                     = 30019
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfGuildDiscoverySubcategoriesReached       = 30030
	ErrCodeGuildAlreadyHasATemplate                                = 30031
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfThreadParticipantsReached                = 30033
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfBansForNonGuildMembersHaveBeenExceeded   = 30035
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfBansFetchesHasBeenReached                = 30037
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfUncompletedGuildScheduledEventsReached   = 30038
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfStickersReached                          = 30039
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfPruneRequestsHasBeenReached              = 30040
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfGuildWidgetSettingsUpdatesHasBeenReached = 30042
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfEditsToMessagesOlderThanOneHourReached   = 30046

	ErrCodeUnauthorized                           = 40001
	ErrCodeActionRequiredVerifiedAccount          = 40002
	ErrCodeOpeningDirectMessagesTooFast           = 40003
	ErrCodeSendMessagesHasBeenTemporarilyDisabled = 40004
	ErrCodeRequestEntityTooLarge                  = 40005
	ErrCodeFeatureTemporarilyDisabledServerSide   = 40006
	ErrCodeUserIsBannedFromThisGuild              = 40007
	ErrCodeTargetIsNotConnectedToVoice            = 40032
	ErrCodeMessageAlreadyCrossposted              = 40033
	ErrCodeAnApplicationWithThatNameAlreadyExists = 40041
	ErrCodeInteractionHasAlreadyBeenAcknowledged  = 40060

	ErrCodeMissingAccess                                                = 50001
	ErrCodeInvalidAccountType                                           = 50002
	ErrCodeCannotExecuteActionOnDMChannel                               = 50003
	ErrCodeEmbedDisabled                                                = 50004
	ErrCodeGuildWidgetDisabled                                          = 50004
	ErrCodeCannotEditFromAnotherUser                                    = 50005
	ErrCodeCannotSendEmptyMessage                                       = 50006
	ErrCodeCannotSendMessagesToThisUser                                 = 50007
	ErrCodeCannotSendMessagesInVoiceChannel                             = 50008
	ErrCodeChannelVerificationLevelTooHigh                              = 50009
	ErrCodeOAuth2ApplicationDoesNotHaveBot                              = 50010
	ErrCodeOAuth2ApplicationLimitReached                                = 50011
	ErrCodeInvalidOAuthState                                            = 50012
	ErrCodeMissingPermissions                                           = 50013
	ErrCodeInvalidAuthenticationToken                                   = 50014
	ErrCodeTooFewOrTooManyMessagesToDelete                              = 50016
	ErrCodeCanOnlyPinMessageToOriginatingChannel                        = 50019
	ErrCodeInviteCodeWasEitherInvalidOrTaken                            = 50020
	ErrCodeCannotExecuteActionOnSystemMessage                           = 50021
	ErrCodeCannotExecuteActionOnThisChannelType                         = 50024
	ErrCodeInvalidOAuth2AccessTokenProvided                             = 50025
	ErrCodeMissingRequiredOAuth2Scope                                   = 50026
	ErrCodeInvalidWebhookTokenProvided                                  = 50027
	ErrCodeInvalidRole                                                  = 50028
	ErrCodeInvalidRecipients                                            = 50033
	ErrCodeMessageProvidedTooOldForBulkDelete                           = 50034
	ErrCodeInvalidFormBody                                              = 50035
	ErrCodeInviteAcceptedToGuildApplicationsBotNotIn                    = 50036
	ErrCodeInvalidAPIVersionProvided                                    = 50041
	ErrCodeFileUploadedExceedsTheMaximumSize                            = 50045
	ErrCodeInvalidFileUploaded                                          = 50046
	ErrCodeInvalidGuild                                                 = 50055
	ErrCodeInvalidMessageType                                           = 50068
	ErrCodeCannotDeleteAChannelRequiredForCommunityGuilds               = 50074
	ErrCodeInvalidStickerSent                                           = 50081
	ErrCodePerformedOperationOnArchivedThread                           = 50083
	ErrCodeBeforeValueIsEarlierThanThreadCreationDate                   = 50085
	ErrCodeCommunityServerChannelsMustBeTextChannels                    = 50086
	ErrCodeThisServerIsNotAvailableInYourLocation                       = 50095
	ErrCodeThisServerNeedsMonetizationEnabledInOrderToPerformThisAction = 50097
	ErrCodeThisServerNeedsMoreBoostsToPerformThisAction                 = 50101
	ErrCodeTheRequestBodyContainsInvalidJSON                            = 50109

	ErrCodeNoUsersWithDiscordTagExist = 80004

	ErrCodeReactionBlocked = 90001

	ErrCodeAPIResourceIsCurrentlyOverloaded = 130000

	ErrCodeTheStageIsAlreadyOpen = 150006

	ErrCodeCannotReplyWithoutPermissionToReadMessageHistory = 160002
	ErrCodeThreadAlreadyCreatedForThisMessage               = 160004
	ErrCodeThreadIsLocked                                   = 160005
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfActiveThreadsReached              = 160006
	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfActiveAnnouncementThreadsReached  = 160007

	ErrCodeInvalidJSONForUploadedLottieFile                    = 170001
	ErrCodeUploadedLottiesCannotContainRasterizedImages        = 170002
	ErrCodeStickerMaximumFramerateExceeded                     = 170003
	ErrCodeStickerFrameCountExceedsMaximumOfOneThousandFrames  = 170004
	ErrCodeLottieAnimationMaximumDimensionsExceeded            = 170005
	ErrCodeStickerFrameRateOutOfRange                          = 170006
	ErrCodeStickerAnimationDurationExceedsMaximumOfFiveSeconds = 170007

	ErrCodeCannotUpdateAFinishedEvent             = 180000
	ErrCodeFailedToCreateStageNeededForStageEvent = 180002

// Intent is the type of a Gateway Intent
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#gateway-intents
type Intent int

// Constants for the different bit offsets of intents
const (
	IntentGuilds                      Intent = 1 << 0
	IntentGuildMembers                Intent = 1 << 1
	IntentGuildBans                   Intent = 1 << 2
	IntentGuildEmojis                 Intent = 1 << 3
	IntentGuildIntegrations           Intent = 1 << 4
	IntentGuildWebhooks               Intent = 1 << 5
	IntentGuildInvites                Intent = 1 << 6
	IntentGuildVoiceStates            Intent = 1 << 7
	IntentGuildPresences              Intent = 1 << 8
	IntentGuildMessages               Intent = 1 << 9
	IntentGuildMessageReactions       Intent = 1 << 10
	IntentGuildMessageTyping          Intent = 1 << 11
	IntentDirectMessages              Intent = 1 << 12
	IntentDirectMessageReactions      Intent = 1 << 13
	IntentDirectMessageTyping         Intent = 1 << 14
	IntentMessageContent              Intent = 1 << 15
	IntentGuildScheduledEvents        Intent = 1 << 16
	IntentAutoModerationConfiguration Intent = 1 << 20
	IntentAutoModerationExecution     Intent = 1 << 21

	// TODO: remove when compatibility is not needed

	IntentsGuilds                 Intent = 1 << 0
	IntentsGuildMembers           Intent = 1 << 1
	IntentsGuildBans              Intent = 1 << 2
	IntentsGuildEmojis            Intent = 1 << 3
	IntentsGuildIntegrations      Intent = 1 << 4
	IntentsGuildWebhooks          Intent = 1 << 5
	IntentsGuildInvites           Intent = 1 << 6
	IntentsGuildVoiceStates       Intent = 1 << 7
	IntentsGuildPresences         Intent = 1 << 8
	IntentsGuildMessages          Intent = 1 << 9
	IntentsGuildMessageReactions  Intent = 1 << 10
	IntentsGuildMessageTyping     Intent = 1 << 11
	IntentsDirectMessages         Intent = 1 << 12
	IntentsDirectMessageReactions Intent = 1 << 13
	IntentsDirectMessageTyping    Intent = 1 << 14
	IntentsMessageContent         Intent = 1 << 15
	IntentsGuildScheduledEvents   Intent = 1 << 16

	IntentsAllWithoutPrivileged = IntentGuilds |
		IntentGuildBans |
		IntentGuildEmojis |
		IntentGuildIntegrations |
		IntentGuildWebhooks |
		IntentGuildInvites |
		IntentGuildVoiceStates |
		IntentGuildMessages |
		IntentGuildMessageReactions |
		IntentGuildMessageTyping |
		IntentDirectMessages |
		IntentDirectMessageReactions |
		IntentDirectMessageTyping |
		IntentGuildScheduledEvents |
		IntentAutoModerationConfiguration |

	IntentsAll = IntentsAllWithoutPrivileged |
		IntentGuildMembers |
		IntentGuildPresences |

	IntentsNone Intent = 0

// MakeIntent used to help convert a gateway intent value for use in the Identify structure;
// this was useful to help support the use of a pointer type when intents were optional.
// This is now a no-op, and is not necessary to use.
func MakeIntent(intents Intent) Intent {
	return intents