package middleware

import (


type (
	// BodyLimitConfig defines the config for BodyLimit middleware.
	BodyLimitConfig struct {
		// Skipper defines a function to skip middleware.
		Skipper Skipper

		// Maximum allowed size for a request body, it can be specified
		// as `4x` or `4xB`, where x is one of the multiple from K, M, G, T or P.
		Limit string `yaml:"limit"`
		limit int64

	limitedReader struct {
		reader  io.ReadCloser
		read    int64
		context echo.Context

var (
	// DefaultBodyLimitConfig is the default BodyLimit middleware config.
	DefaultBodyLimitConfig = BodyLimitConfig{
		Skipper: DefaultSkipper,

// BodyLimit returns a BodyLimit middleware.
// BodyLimit middleware sets the maximum allowed size for a request body, if the
// size exceeds the configured limit, it sends "413 - Request Entity Too Large"
// response. The BodyLimit is determined based on both `Content-Length` request
// header and actual content read, which makes it super secure.
// Limit can be specified as `4x` or `4xB`, where x is one of the multiple from K, M,
// G, T or P.
func BodyLimit(limit string) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	c := DefaultBodyLimitConfig
	c.Limit = limit
	return BodyLimitWithConfig(c)

// BodyLimitWithConfig returns a BodyLimit middleware with config.
// See: `BodyLimit()`.
func BodyLimitWithConfig(config BodyLimitConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	// Defaults
	if config.Skipper == nil {
		config.Skipper = DefaultBodyLimitConfig.Skipper

	limit, err := bytes.Parse(config.Limit)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("echo: invalid body-limit=%s", config.Limit))
	config.limit = limit
	pool := limitedReaderPool(config)

	return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
		return func(c echo.Context) error {
			if config.Skipper(c) {
				return next(c)

			req := c.Request()

			// Based on content length
			if req.ContentLength > config.limit {
				return echo.ErrStatusRequestEntityTooLarge

			// Based on content read
			r := pool.Get().(*limitedReader)
			r.Reset(req.Body, c)
			defer pool.Put(r)
			req.Body = r

			return next(c)

func (r *limitedReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
	n, err = r.reader.Read(b) += int64(n)
	if > r.limit {
		return n, echo.ErrStatusRequestEntityTooLarge

func (r *limitedReader) Close() error {
	return r.reader.Close()

func (r *limitedReader) Reset(reader io.ReadCloser, context echo.Context) {
	r.reader = reader
	r.context = context = 0

func limitedReaderPool(c BodyLimitConfig) sync.Pool {
	return sync.Pool{
		New: func() interface{} {
			return &limitedReader{BodyLimitConfig: c}