// Code generated by msgraph.go/gen DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

// EasEmailProfileConfigurationBase Apple device features configuration profile.
type EasEmailProfileConfigurationBase struct {
	// DeviceConfiguration is the base model of EasEmailProfileConfigurationBase
	// UsernameSource Username attribute that is picked from AAD and injected into this profile before installing on the device.
	UsernameSource *UserEmailSource `json:"usernameSource,omitempty"`
	// UsernameAADSource Name of the AAD field, that will be used to retrieve UserName for email profile.
	UsernameAADSource *UsernameSource `json:"usernameAADSource,omitempty"`
	// UserDomainNameSource UserDomainname attribute that is picked from AAD and injected into this profile before installing on the device.
	UserDomainNameSource *DomainNameSource `json:"userDomainNameSource,omitempty"`
	// CustomDomainName Custom domain name value used while generating an email profile before installing on the device.
	CustomDomainName *string `json:"customDomainName,omitempty"`