
413 lines
17 KiB

* EnvConfiguration.cs
* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 kbinani
* This file is part of LipSync.
* LipSync is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the BSD License.
* LipSync is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Boare.Lib.AppUtil;
namespace LipSync {
public partial class EnvConfiguration : Form, IMultiLanguageControl {
const string _DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_STRING = "Default";
EnvSettings m_config;
public EnvConfiguration( EnvSettings config ) {
ApplyFont( AppManager.Config.Font.GetFont() );
m_config = (EnvSettings)config.Clone();
int selected = -1;
string[] t_list = Messaging.GetRegisteredLanguage();
comboLanguage.Items.Add( _DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_STRING );
foreach ( string lang in t_list ) {
comboLanguage.Items.Add( lang );
if ( lang == Messaging.Language ) {
selected = comboLanguage.Items.Count - 1;
if ( selected >= 0 ) {
comboLanguage.SelectedIndex = selected;
} else {
comboLanguage.SelectedIndex = 0;
// nn
string[] list_nn = new string[] { "b", "p", "m", "b'", "p'", "m'" };
for ( int i = 0; i < list_nn.Length; i++ ) {
string s = list_nn[i];
mListClose.Items.Add( new ListViewItem( s ) );
mListClose.Items[i].Checked = VowelType.IsRegisteredToNN( s );
// i
string[] list_i = new string[] { "k'", "g'", "S", "dZ", "tS", "J", "C" };
for ( int i = 0; i < list_i.Length; i++ ) {
string s = list_i[i];
mListI.Items.Add( new ListViewItem( s ) );
mListI.Items[i].Checked = VowelType.IsRegisteredToI( s );
// u
string[] list_u = new string[] { @"p\", @"p\'", "w", "ts", "dz" };
for ( int i = 0; i < list_u.Length; i++ ) {
string s = list_u[i];
mListU.Items.Add( new ListViewItem( s ) );
mListU.Items[i].Checked = VowelType.IsRegisteredToU( s );
//mListClose.BackColor = tabLipSync.BackColor;
//mListI.BackColor = tabLipSync.BackColor;
//mListU.BackColor = tabLipSync.BackColor;
ScreenFont = m_config.Font.GetFont();
numWheelRatio.Value = (decimal)(1.0 / m_config.WheelRatio);
chkGenCharacterAutomaticaly.Checked = m_config.GenerateCharacterAutomatically;
chkHeavyOpenCharacterDialog.Checked = m_config.UseHeavyDialogInOpeningCharacterSettings;
chkSerialVowel.Checked = m_config.CloseMouthWhenSameVowelsRepeated;
txtFFmpeg.Text = m_config.PathFFmpeg;
txtMEncoder.Text = m_config.PathMEncoder;
chkSyncAtCenter.Checked = m_config.SyncAtCentre;
public void ApplyFont( Font font ) {
this.Font = font;
foreach ( Control c in this.Controls ) {
Boare.Lib.AppUtil.Misc.ApplyFontRecurse( c, font );
public void ApplyLanguage() {
this.btnOK.Text = _( "OK" );
this.btnCancel.Text = _( "Cancel" );
this.groupLanguage.Text = _( "Language" );
this.Text = _( "Option" );
this.tabUserConfig.Text = _( "User Config" );
this.tabAppearance.Text = _( "Appearance" );
this.tabLipSync.Text = _( "lip-sync Option" );
this.tabSystem.Text = _( "System" );
this.lblTimeLineTitle.Text = _( "Title of timeline" );
this.lblTimeLineVSQ.Text = _( "VSQ Entry" );
this.lblTimeLinePlugin.Text = _( "Plugin Entry" );
this.lblTimeLineDefault.Text = _( "Another Entry" );
this.lblEntryHeight.Text = _( "Entry height (pixel)" );
this.btnChangeTimeLineTitle.Text = _( "Change" );
this.btnChangeTimeLineVSQ.Text = _( "Change" );
this.btnChangeTimeLinePlugin.Text = _( "Change" );
this.btnChangeTimeLineDefault.Text = _( "Change" );
this.groupPhoneticSymbol.Text = _( "Check phonetic symbol to configure detailed mouth shape control" );
this.mListClose.Header = _( "Close mouth before pronunciation" );
this.mListI.Header = _( "\"i\" shaped mouth before pronunciation" );
this.mListU.Header = _( "\"u\" shaped mouth before pronunciation" );
this.groupColor.Text = _( "Color" );
this.groupDesign.Text = _( "Design" );
this.lblFFmpeg.Text = _( "Path of ffmpeg" );
this.lblMEncoder.Text = _( "Path of mencoder" );
this.lblFont.Text = _( "Font" );
this.btnChangeFont.Text = _( "Change" );
this.groupSerialVowel.Text = _( "Another settings" );
this.chkSerialVowel.Text = _( "Close mouth when same vowels repeated" );
this.groupEncoder.Text = _( "Encoder/Decoder" );
this.chkGenCharacterAutomaticaly.Text = _( "Generate character automaticaly when importing vsq" );
this.lblCombineThreshold.Text = _( "Threshold silence length(sec)" );
this.groupAnotherBehavior.Text = _( "Another settings" );
this.chkHeavyOpenCharacterDialog.Text = _( "Use preview-enabled dialog in character selection" );
this.btnReloadLanguageConfig.Text = _( "Reload language configurations" );
this.groupControl.Text = _( "Operation" );
this.lblWheelRatio.Text = _( "mouse wheel rate" );
this.chkSyncAtCenter.Text = _( "Fix cursor to center in Sync mode" );
public static string _( string s ) {
return Messaging.GetMessage( s );
private Font ScreenFont {
get {
return m_config.Font.GetFont();
set {
m_config.Font = new FontConfig( value );
lblFontName.Text = m_config.Font.GetFont().FontFamily.Name + ", " + m_config.Font.GetFont().SizeInPoints + "pt, " + m_config.Font.GetFont().Style.ToString();
private void btnOK_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
foreach ( ListViewItem item in mListClose.Items ) {
if ( item.Checked ) {
m_config.CloseMouthPhoneticSymbols.Add( item.Text );
foreach ( ListViewItem item in mListI.Items ) {
if ( item.Checked ) {
m_config.IMouthPhoneticSymbols.Add( item.Text );
foreach ( ListViewItem item in mListU.Items ) {
if ( item.Checked ) {
m_config.UMouthPhoneticSymbols.Add( item.Text );
try {
m_config.EntryCombineThreshold = float.Parse( txtCombineThreshold.Text );
} catch {
_( "Invalid value has been entered" ),
_( "Error" ),
MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation );
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
private void EnvConfiguration_Load( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
numEntryHeight.Value = m_config.TrackHeight;
txtCombineThreshold.Text = m_config.EntryCombineThreshold + "";
private void ApplyColorConfig() {
lblTimelineTitleColor.BackColor = m_config.TimeLineTitleColor.Color;
lblTimeLineVSQColor.BackColor = m_config.TimeLineVsqColor.Color;
lblTimeLinePluginColor.BackColor = m_config.TimeLinePluginColor.Color;
lblTimeLineDefaultColor.BackColor = m_config.TimeLineDefaultColor.Color;
private void btnChangeTimeLineTitle_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
colorDialog1.Color = m_config.TimeLineTitleColor.Color;
if ( colorDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK ) {
m_config.TimeLineTitleColor = new ColorSet( colorDialog1.Color );
private void btnChangeTimeLineVSQ_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
colorDialog1.Color = m_config.TimeLineVsqColor.Color;
if ( colorDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK ) {
m_config.TimeLineVsqColor = new ColorSet( colorDialog1.Color );
private void btnChangeTimeLinePlugin_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
colorDialog1.Color = m_config.TimeLinePluginColor.Color;
if ( colorDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK ) {
m_config.TimeLinePluginColor = new ColorSet( colorDialog1.Color );
private void btnChangeTimeLineDefault_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
colorDialog1.Color = m_config.TimeLineDefaultColor.Color;
if ( colorDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK ) {
m_config.TimeLineDefaultColor = new ColorSet( colorDialog1.Color );
private void btnTimeLineTitleDefault_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
m_config.TimeLineTitleColor = new ColorSet( Color.LightPink );
private void btnTimeLineVSQDefault_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
m_config.TimeLineVsqColor = new ColorSet( Color.FromArgb( 175, 222, 82 ) );
private void btnTimeLinePluginDefault_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
m_config.TimeLinePluginColor = new ColorSet( Color.FromArgb( 255, 184, 51 ) );
private void btnTimeLineDefaultDefault_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
m_config.TimeLineDefaultColor = new ColorSet( Color.LightBlue );
private void btnEntryHeightDefault_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
m_config.TrackHeight = 18;
numEntryHeight.Value = m_config.TrackHeight;
private void numEntryHeight_ValueChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
m_config.TrackHeight = (int)numEntryHeight.Value;
private void btnFFmpeg_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
using ( OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog() ) {
if ( m_config.PathFFmpeg != "" ) {
try {
dlg.InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName( m_config.PathFFmpeg );
dlg.FileName = m_config.PathFFmpeg;
} catch {
try {
dlg.Filter = _( "Executable file(*.exe)|*.exe" ) + "|" + _( "All Files(*.*)|*.*" );
} catch {
dlg.Filter = "Executable file(*.exe)|*.exe|All Files(*.*)|*.*";
if ( dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK ) {
string file = dlg.FileName;
if ( File.Exists( file ) ) {
txtFFmpeg.Text = file;
m_config.PathFFmpeg = file;
private void btnMEncoder_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
using ( OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog() ) {
if ( m_config.PathMEncoder != "" ) {
try {
dlg.InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName( m_config.PathMEncoder );
dlg.FileName = m_config.PathMEncoder;
} catch {
try {
dlg.Filter = _( "Executable file(*.exe)|*.exe" ) + "|" + _( "All Files(*.*)|*.*" );
} catch {
dlg.Filter = "Executable file(*.exe)|*.exe|All Files(*.*)|*.*";
if ( dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK ) {
string file = dlg.FileName;
if ( File.Exists( file ) ) {
txtMEncoder.Text = file;
m_config.PathMEncoder = file;
public string PathFFmpeg {
get {
return txtFFmpeg.Text;
set {
txtFFmpeg.Text = value;
public string PathMEncoder {
get {
return txtMEncoder.Text;
set {
txtMEncoder.Text = value;
private void btnChangeFont_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
fontDialog.Font = ScreenFont;
if ( fontDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK ) {
ScreenFont = fontDialog.Font;
private void btnFontDefault_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
ScreenFont = new Font( "MS UI Gothic", 9 );
private void btnReloadLanguageConfig_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
string current_lang = m_config.Language;
List<string> list = new List<string>( Messaging.GetRegisteredLanguage() );
if ( !list.Contains( current_lang ) ) {
comboLanguage.Items.AddRange( list.ToArray() );
for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++ ) {
if ( list[i] == current_lang ) {
comboLanguage.SelectedIndex = i;
private void comboLanguage_SelectedIndexChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
string res = "";
if( comboLanguage.SelectedIndex >= 0 ) {
res = (string)comboLanguage.Items[comboLanguage.SelectedIndex];
res = "";
m_config.Language = res;
private void numWheelRatio_ValueChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
m_config.WheelRatio = (float)(1.0 / (double)numWheelRatio.Value);
private void btnWheelRatioDefault_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
numWheelRatio.Value = 5;
public EnvSettings EnvSettings {
get {
return m_config;
private void chkHeavyOpenCharacterDialog_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
m_config.UseHeavyDialogInOpeningCharacterSettings = chkHeavyOpenCharacterDialog.Checked;
private void chkGenCharacterAutomaticaly_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
m_config.GenerateCharacterAutomatically = chkGenCharacterAutomaticaly.Checked;
private void txtFFmpeg_TextChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
m_config.PathFFmpeg = txtFFmpeg.Text;
private void txtMEncoder_TextChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
m_config.PathMEncoder = txtMEncoder.Text;
private void chkSyncAtCenter_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
m_config.SyncAtCentre = chkSyncAtCenter.Checked;