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* Util.cs
* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 kbinani
* This file is part of Boare.Lib.Media.
* Boare.Lib.Media is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the BSD License.
* Boare.Lib.Media is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
using System;
using System.IO;
using bocoree;
namespace Boare.Lib.Media {
internal static class Util {
public const byte AVI_INDEX_OF_INDEXES = 0x00; //when each entry in aIndex
// array points to an index chunk
public const byte AVI_INDEX_OF_CHUNKS = 0x01; // when each entry in aIndex
// array points to a chunk in the file
public const byte AVI_INDEX_IS_DATA = 0x80; // when each entry is aIndex is
// really the data
public const byte AVI_INDEX_2FIELD = 0x01; // when fields within frames
// are also indexed
public const int AVIF_HASINDEX = 16; // Indicates the AVI file has an “idx1” chunk.
public const int AVIF_MUSTUSEINDEX = 32; // Indicates the index should be used to determine the order of presentation of the data.
public const int AVIF_ISINTERLEAVED = 256; // Indicates the AVI file is interleaved.
public const int AVIF_WASCAPTUREFILE = 65536; // Indicates the AVI file is a specially allocated file used for capturing real-time video.
public const int AVIF_COPYRIGHTED = 131072; // Indicates the AVI file contains copyrighted data.
public const int AVIF_TRUSTCKTYPE = 2048; // Use CKType to find key frames
public const int BMP_MAGIC_COOKIE = 19778; //ascii string "BM"
/*// <summary>
/// 指定されたBITMAP型変数の情報ヘッダーをファイルに書き込みます
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bmp"></param>
/// <param name="fp"></param>
public static void bmpWriteInfoHeader( BITMAPINFOHEADER infoHeader, BinaryWriter stream ) {
//type(INFO_HEADER), intent(in) :: infoHeader
//type(FILE), intent(inout) :: fp
Util.WriteDWORD( (uint)infoHeader.biSize, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( (uint)infoHeader.biWidth, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( (uint)infoHeader.biHeight, stream );
Util.WriteWORD( (ushort)infoHeader.biPlanes, stream );
Util.WriteWORD( (ushort)(infoHeader.biBitCount), stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( (uint)infoHeader.biCompression, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( (uint)infoHeader.biSizeImage, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( (uint)infoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( (uint)infoHeader.biYPelsPerMeter, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( (uint)infoHeader.biClrUsed, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( (uint)infoHeader.biClrImportant, stream );
/// <summary>
/// ファイルにAVIStreamHeader構造体の値を書き込みます
/// </summary>
public static void aviWriteStreamHeader( AVIStreamHeader streamHeader, MainAVIHeader mainHeader, BinaryWriter stream ) {
//type(AVI_CONTAINER), intent(inout) :: avi
Util.fwrite( "strh", stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( 56, stream );// call bmpQWordWrite( 56, avi%fp ) !// AVIStreamHeaderのサイズ
//fwrite( streamHeader.fccType, fp );// i = fwrite( avi%streamHeader%fccType, 1, 4, avi%fp )
Util.WriteDWORD( (uint)streamHeader.fccType, stream );
//fwrite( streamHeader.fccHandler, fp );// i = fwrite( streamHeader.fccHandler, 1, 4, fp );
Util.WriteDWORD( (uint)streamHeader.fccHandler, stream );
//WriteDWORD( 0, fp );
Util.WriteDWORD( streamHeader.dwFlags, stream );
//WriteDWORD( streamHeader.dwReserved1, fp );
Util.WriteWORD( 0, stream );//wPriority
Util.WriteWORD( 0, stream );//wLanghage
Util.WriteDWORD( streamHeader.dwInitialFrames, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( streamHeader.dwScale, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( streamHeader.dwRate, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( streamHeader.dwStart, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( streamHeader.dwLength, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( streamHeader.dwSuggestedBufferSize, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( streamHeader.dwQuality, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( streamHeader.dwSampleSize, stream );
Util.WriteWORD( 0, stream );//left
Util.WriteWORD( 0, stream );//top
Util.WriteWORD( (ushort)mainHeader.dwWidth, stream );//right
Util.WriteWORD( (ushort)mainHeader.dwHeight, stream );//bottom
/// <summary>
/// ファイルにMainAviHeader構造体の値を書き込みます
/// </summary>
public static void aviWriteMainHeader( MainAVIHeader mainHeader, BinaryWriter stream ) {
//type(AVI_CONTAINER), intent(inout) :: avi
Util.fwrite( "avih", stream );// i = fwrite( 'avih', 1, 4, avi%fp )
Util.WriteDWORD( 56, stream ); // MainAVIHeaderのサイズ
Util.WriteDWORD( mainHeader.dwMicroSecPerFrame, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( 0/*this.mainHeader.dwMaxBytesPerSec*/, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( mainHeader.dwReserved1, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( mainHeader.dwFlags, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( mainHeader.dwTotalFrames, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( mainHeader.dwInitialFrames, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( mainHeader.dwStreams, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( 0/*this.mainHeader.dwSuggestedBufferSize*/, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( mainHeader.dwWidth, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( mainHeader.dwHeight, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( mainHeader.dwScale, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( mainHeader.dwRate, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( mainHeader.dwStart, stream );
Util.WriteDWORD( mainHeader.dwLength, stream );
}//end subroutine
public static void fwrite( string str, BinaryWriter fp ) {
int length = str.Length;
if ( length <= 0 ) {
foreach ( char ch in str ) {
fp.Write( (byte)ch );
/// <summary>
/// BYTE値を1byte分ファイルに書き込みます
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number"></param>
/// <param name="fp"></param>
public static void WriteBYTE( byte number, BinaryWriter fp ) {
fp.Write( number );
/// <summary>
/// integer(2)のDWORD値を2byte分ファイルに書き込みます
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number"></param>
/// <param name="fp"></param>
public static void WriteWORD( ushort number, BinaryWriter fp ) {
byte k1, k2;
k1 = (byte)(number >> 8);
k2 = (byte)(number - (k1 << 8));
fp.Write( k2 );
fp.Write( k1 );
/// <summary>
/// integer(4)のDWORD値を4byte分ファイルに書き込みます
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number"></param>
/// <param name="fp"></param>
public static void WriteDWORD( uint number, BinaryWriter fp ) {
uint tmp;
byte k1, k2, k3, k4;
k1 = (byte)(number >> 24);
number -= (uint)(k1 << 24);
k2 = (byte)(number >> 16);
number -= (uint)(k2 << 16);
k3 = (byte)(number >> 8);
k4 = (byte)(number - (k3 << 8));
fp.Write( k4 );
fp.Write( k3 );
fp.Write( k2 );
fp.Write( k1 );
/// <summary>
/// integer(8)のQWORD値を8byte分ファイルに書き込みます
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number"></param>
/// <param name="fp"></param>
public static void WriteQWORD( ulong number, BinaryWriter fp ) {
byte k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8;
k1 = (byte)(number >> 56);
number -= (ulong)k1 << 56;
k2 = (byte)(number >> 48);
number -= (ulong)k2 << 48;
k3 = (byte)(number >> 40);
number -= (ulong)k3 << 40;
k4 = (byte)(number >> 32);
number -= (ulong)k4 << 32;
k5 = (byte)(number >> 24);
number -= (ulong)k5 << 24;
k6 = (byte)(number >> 16);
number -= (ulong)k6 << 16;
k7 = (byte)(number >> 8);
k8 = (byte)(number - (ulong)(k7 << 8));
fp.Write( k8 );
fp.Write( k7 );
fp.Write( k6 );
fp.Write( k5 );
fp.Write( k4 );
fp.Write( k3 );
fp.Write( k2 );
fp.Write( k1 );
public static uint mmioFOURCC( string fcc ) {
char[] str = new char[4];
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
if ( i < fcc.Length ) {
str[i] = fcc[i];
} else {
str[i] = ' ';
return mmioFOURCC( str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3] );
public static uint mmioFOURCC( char ch0, char ch1, char ch2, char ch3 ) {
return (uint)((byte)(ch0) | ((byte)(ch1) << 8) | ((byte)(ch2) << 16) | ((byte)(ch3) << 24));