* EnvSettings.cs
* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 kbinani
* This file is part of LipSync.
* LipSync is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the BSD License.
* LipSync is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using Boare.Lib.AppUtil;
namespace LipSync {
/// 操作環境の設定値を格納します
public class EnvSettings : ICloneable{
private static XmlSerializer m_xml_serializer = null;
public float PixelPerSec = 150.0f;
public float WheelRatio = 0.2f;
public int TimeLineInterval = 5;
public Rectangle WindowPosition = new Rectangle( 0, 0, 473, 435 );
public bool WindowIsMaximized = false;
public Rectangle PreviewWindowPos = new Rectangle( 0, 0, 349, 340 );
public Rectangle CurveWindowPos = new Rectangle( 0, 0, 349, 340 );
public bool PreviewMaximized = false;
public bool CurveMaximized = false;
public PictureBoxSizeMode PreviewZoomMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
public string Language = "";
public ColorSet TimeLineTitleColor = new ColorSet( Color.LightPink );
public ColorSet TimeLineVsqColor = new ColorSet( Color.FromArgb( 175, 222, 82 ) );
public ColorSet TimeLinePluginColor = new ColorSet( Color.FromArgb( 255, 184, 51 ) );
public ColorSet TimeLineDefaultColor = new ColorSet( Color.LightBlue );
public string PathFFmpeg = "";
public string PathMEncoder = "";
public bool PreviewHidden = false;
public float LastPreviewAspecto = 0.5f;
public FontConfig TelopDefaultFont = new FontConfig( "MS UI Gothic", 18 );
public ColorSet TelopDefaultColor = new ColorSet( Color.Black );
public bool PropertyHidden = false;
public int LastPropertyWidth = 175;
public int VerticalStringOffset = 3;
public bool CloseMouthWhenSameVowelsRepeated = true;
public bool GenerateCharacterAutomatically = true;
public float EntryCombineThreshold = 0f;
public string LastCharacterPath = "";
public string LastMusicPath = "";
public string LastVsqPath = "";
public bool UseHeavyDialogInOpeningCharacterSettings = false;
public bool DrawBars = true;
/// Vsqトラックを常に表示するかどうかを表す
public bool FixVsqTrackPosition = false;
/// 最後に使用されたAviファイルへのパス
public string LastAviPath = "";
public FontConfig Font = new FontConfig( "MS UI Gothic", 9 );
/// キャラクタ設定ファイルの編集時に、静止画ファイルの名前をそのまま画像のタイトルとするかどうか
public bool FileNameAsImageTitle = true;
private QuantizeMode m_quantize_mode = QuantizeMode.off; // 音符編集時の量子化モード
private bool m_quantize_triplet = false; // 3連符モードが有効かどうか
private bool m_sync_at_centre = true;
private int m_track_height = 15;
private bool m_save_character_config_outside = false;
private List m_close_mouth_phonetic_symbols = new List( new string[] { "b", "p", "m", "b'", "p'", "m'" } );
private List m_i_mouth_phonetic_symbols = new List( new string[] { "k'", "g'", "S", "dZ", "tS", "J", "C" } );
private List m_u_mouth_phonetic_symbols = new List( new string[] { @"p\", @"p\'", "w", "ts", "dz" } );
public int TrackHeight {
get {
return m_track_height;
set {
m_track_height = value;
Size font_size = Misc.MeasureString( "abQBHqj", Font.GetFont() );
VerticalStringOffset = (m_track_height - font_size.Height) / 2;
public static EnvSettings FromFile( string config_file ) {
EnvSettings env;
if ( File.Exists( config_file ) ) {
if ( m_xml_serializer == null ) {
m_xml_serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( EnvSettings ) );
FileStream fs = null;
try {
fs = new FileStream( config_file, FileMode.Open );
env = (EnvSettings)m_xml_serializer.Deserialize( fs );
} catch {
Common.DebugWriteLine( "EnvSettings2+FromFile" );
Common.DebugWriteLine( " ctor from xml has been failed. trying ctor from EnvSettings." );
/*if ( fs != null ) {
try {
fs = new FileStream( config_file, FileMode.Open );
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
EnvSettings env1 = (EnvSettings)bf.Deserialize( fs );
env = new EnvSettings2( env1 );
} catch ( Exception ex ){
Common.DebugWriteLine( " ex=" + ex.ToString() );
env = new EnvSettings2();
} finally {
if ( fs != null ) {
env = new EnvSettings();
} finally {
if ( fs != null ) {
} else {
env = new EnvSettings();
env.Save( config_file );
return env;
public EnvSettings() {
/*internal EnvSettings2( EnvSettings old ) {
PixelPerSec = old.PIXEL_PER_SEC;
WheelRatio = old.WHEEL_RATIO;
TimeLineInterval = old.TIMELINE_INTERVAL;
WindowPosition = old.WINDOW_POS;
WindowIsMaximized = old.MAXIMIZED;
PreviewWindowPos = old.PREVIEW_WINDOW_POS;
CurveWindowPos = new Rectangle( 0, 0, 349, 340 );
PreviewMaximized = false;
CurveMaximized = false;
PreviewZoomMode = old.PREVIEW_PICTUREMODE;
if ( old.LANGUAGE == LipSync.Language.ja ) {
Language = "ja";
} else {
Language = "";
TimeLineTitleColor = new ColorSet( old.TIMELINE_TITLE );
TimeLineVsqColor = new ColorSet( old.TIMELINE_VSQ_ENTRY );
TimeLinePluginColor = new ColorSet( old.TIMELINE_PLUGIN_ENTRY );
TimeLineDefaultColor = new ColorSet( old.TIMELINE_DEFAULT_ENTRY );
PathFFmpeg = old.PATH_FFMPEG;
PathMEncoder = old.PATH_MENCODER;
PreviewHidden = old.PREVIEW_HIDDEN;
LastPreviewAspecto = old.LAST_ASPECTO;
TelopDefaultFont = new FontConfig( old.TELOP_DEFAULT_FONT );
TelopDefaultColor = new ColorSet( old.TELOP_DEFAULT_COLOR );
PropertyHidden = old.PROPERTY_HIDDEN;
LastPropertyWidth = old.LAST_PROPERTY_WIDTH;
VerticalStringOffset = old.STRING_OFFSET;
CloseMouthWhenSameVowelsRepeated = old.CLOSE_MOUTH_WHEN_SAME_VOWEL_REPEATED;
GenerateCharacterAutomatically = old.GEN_CHARACTER_AUTOMATICELY;
EntryCombineThreshold = old.COMBINE_THRESHOLD;
LastCharacterPath = old.LAST_CHARACTER_PATH;
LastMusicPath = old.LAST_MUSIC_PATH;
LastVsqPath = old.LAST_VSQ_PATH;
UseHeavyDialogInOpeningCharacterSettings = old.USE_HEAVY_DIALOG;
DrawBars = true;
FixVsqTrackPosition = false;
LastAviPath = "";
Font = new FontConfig( "MS UI Gothic", 9 );
m_quantize_mode = QuantizeMode.off;
m_quantize_triplet = false;
m_sync_at_centre = true;
m_track_height = old.TRACK_HEIGHT;
m_save_character_config_outside = false;
m_close_mouth_phonetic_symbols = old.LIST_NN;
m_i_mouth_phonetic_symbols = old.LIST_I;
m_u_mouth_phonetic_symbols = old.LIST_U;
public void Save( string file ) {
if ( m_xml_serializer == null ) {
m_xml_serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( EnvSettings ) );
using ( FileStream fs = new FileStream( file, FileMode.Create ) ) {
m_xml_serializer.Serialize( fs, this );
public bool SaveCharacterConfigOutside {
get {
return m_save_character_config_outside;
[XmlArrayItem(typeof(string), ElementName="PhoneticSymbol")]
public List CloseMouthPhoneticSymbols {
get {
return m_close_mouth_phonetic_symbols;
set {
m_close_mouth_phonetic_symbols = new List( value.ToArray() );
[XmlArrayItem( typeof( string ), ElementName = "PhoneticSymbol" )]
public List IMouthPhoneticSymbols {
get {
return m_i_mouth_phonetic_symbols;
set {
m_i_mouth_phonetic_symbols = new List( value.ToArray() );
[XmlArrayItem( typeof( string ), ElementName = "PhoneticSymbol" )]
public List UMouthPhoneticSymbols {
get {
return m_u_mouth_phonetic_symbols;
set {
m_u_mouth_phonetic_symbols = new List( value.ToArray() );
public QuantizeMode QuantizeMode {
get {
return m_quantize_mode;
set {
m_quantize_mode = value;
public bool QuantizeTripletEnabled {
get {
return m_quantize_triplet;
set {
m_quantize_triplet = value;
public void CleanUpMouthList() {
for ( int i = 0; i < IMouthPhoneticSymbols.Count - 1; i++ ) {
bool changed = true;
while ( changed ) {
changed = false;
for ( int j = i + 1; j < IMouthPhoneticSymbols.Count; j++ ) {
if ( IMouthPhoneticSymbols[i] == IMouthPhoneticSymbols[j] ) {
IMouthPhoneticSymbols.RemoveAt( j );
changed = true;
for ( int i = 0; i < UMouthPhoneticSymbols.Count - 1; i++ ) {
bool changed = true;
while ( changed ) {
changed = false;
for ( int j = i + 1; j < UMouthPhoneticSymbols.Count; j++ ) {
if ( UMouthPhoneticSymbols[i] == UMouthPhoneticSymbols[j] ) {
UMouthPhoneticSymbols.RemoveAt( j );
changed = true;
for ( int i = 0; i < CloseMouthPhoneticSymbols.Count - 1; i++ ) {
bool changed = true;
while ( changed ) {
changed = false;
for ( int j = i + 1; j < CloseMouthPhoneticSymbols.Count; j++ ) {
if ( CloseMouthPhoneticSymbols[i] == CloseMouthPhoneticSymbols[j] ) {
CloseMouthPhoneticSymbols.RemoveAt( j );
changed = true;
public bool SyncAtCentre {
get {
return m_sync_at_centre;
set {
m_sync_at_centre = value;
public object Clone() {
EnvSettings res = new EnvSettings();
res.CloseMouthWhenSameVowelsRepeated = this.CloseMouthWhenSameVowelsRepeated;
res.EntryCombineThreshold = this.EntryCombineThreshold;
res.GenerateCharacterAutomatically = this.GenerateCharacterAutomatically;
res.Language = this.Language;
res.LastPreviewAspecto = this.LastPreviewAspecto;
res.LastCharacterPath = this.LastCharacterPath;
res.LastMusicPath = this.LastMusicPath;
res.LastPropertyWidth = this.LastPropertyWidth;
res.LastVsqPath = this.LastVsqPath;
res.IMouthPhoneticSymbols = new List( this.IMouthPhoneticSymbols.ToArray() );
res.CloseMouthPhoneticSymbols = new List( this.CloseMouthPhoneticSymbols.ToArray() );
res.UMouthPhoneticSymbols = new List( this.UMouthPhoneticSymbols.ToArray() );
res.WindowIsMaximized = this.WindowIsMaximized;
res.PathFFmpeg = this.PathFFmpeg;
res.PathMEncoder = this.PathMEncoder;
res.PixelPerSec = this.PixelPerSec;
res.PreviewZoomMode = this.PreviewZoomMode;
res.PropertyHidden = this.PropertyHidden;
res.Font = (FontConfig)this.Font.Clone();
res.VerticalStringOffset = this.VerticalStringOffset;
res.TelopDefaultColor = this.TelopDefaultColor;
res.TelopDefaultFont = this.TelopDefaultFont;
res.TimeLineDefaultColor = this.TimeLineDefaultColor;
res.TimeLineInterval = this.TimeLineInterval;
res.TimeLinePluginColor = this.TimeLinePluginColor;
res.TimeLineTitleColor = this.TimeLineTitleColor;
res.TimeLineVsqColor = this.TimeLineVsqColor;
res.TrackHeight = this.TrackHeight;
res.UseHeavyDialogInOpeningCharacterSettings = this.UseHeavyDialogInOpeningCharacterSettings;
res.WheelRatio = this.WheelRatio;
res.WindowPosition = this.WindowPosition;
res.DrawBars = this.DrawBars;
res.m_quantize_mode = this.m_quantize_mode;
res.m_quantize_triplet = this.m_quantize_triplet;
res.m_sync_at_centre = this.m_sync_at_centre;
return res;