/* * UstFile.cs * Copyright (c) 2009 kbinani, PEX * * This file is part of Boare.Lib.Vsq. * * Boare.Lib.Vsq is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the BSD License. * * Boare.Lib.Vsq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using bocoree; namespace Boare.Lib.Vsq{ public class UstFile : ICloneable { public object Tag; private float m_tempo = 125.00f; private string m_project_name = ""; private string m_voice_dir = ""; private string m_out_file = ""; private string m_cache_dir = ""; private string m_tool1 = ""; private string m_tool2 = ""; private List m_tracks = new List(); private List m_tempo_table; public UstFile( string path ){ cp932reader sr = new cp932reader( path ); string line = sr.ReadLine(); if ( line != "[#SETTING]" ) { throw new Exception( "invalid ust file" ); } UstTrack track = new UstTrack(); int type = 0; //0 => reading "SETTING" section while( true ) { UstEvent ue = null; if ( type == 1 ) { ue = new UstEvent(); } if ( line == "[#TRACKEND]" ) { break; } line = sr.ReadLine(); // "[#" 直下の行 while( !line.StartsWith( "[#" ) ){ string[] spl = line.Split( "=".ToCharArray(), 2 ); if ( type == 0 ) { // reading "SETTING" section if ( spl[0] == "Tempo" ) { m_tempo = 125f; float v = 125f; if ( float.TryParse( spl[1], out v ) ) { m_tempo = v; } } else if ( spl[0] == "ProjectName" ) { m_project_name = spl[1]; } else if ( spl[0] == "VoiceDir" ) { m_voice_dir = spl[1]; } else if ( spl[0] == "OutFile" ) { m_out_file = spl[1]; } else if ( spl[0] == "CacheDir" ) { m_cache_dir = spl[1]; } else if ( spl[0] == "Tool1" ) { m_tool1 = spl[1]; } else if ( spl[0] == "Tool2" ) { m_tool2 = spl[1]; } } else if ( type == 1 ) { // readin event section if ( spl[0] == "Length" ) { ue.Length = 0; int v = 0; if ( int.TryParse( spl[1], out v ) ){ ue.Length =v; } } else if ( spl[0] == "Lyric" ) { ue.Lyric = spl[1]; } else if ( spl[0] == "NoteNum" ) { ue.Note = 0; int v = 0; if ( int.TryParse( spl[1], out v ) ) { ue.Note = v; } } else if ( spl[0] == "Intensity" ) { ue.Intensity =64; int v = 64; if ( int.TryParse( spl[1], out v ) ) { ue.Intensity = v; } } else if ( spl[0] == "PBType" ) { ue.PBType = 5; int v = 5; if ( int.TryParse( spl[1], out v ) ) { ue.PBType = v; } } else if ( spl[0] == "Piches" ) { string[] spl2 = spl[1].Split( ",".ToCharArray() ); float[] t = new float[spl2.Length]; for ( int i = 0; i < spl2.Length; i++ ) { float v = 0; float.TryParse( spl2[i], out v ); t[i] = v; } ue.Pitches = t; } else if ( spl[0] == "Tempo" ) { ue.Tempo = 125f; float v; if ( float.TryParse( spl[1], out v ) ){ ue.Tempo = v; } } } line = sr.ReadLine(); } if ( type == 0 ) { type = 1; } else if ( type == 1 ) { track.addEvent( ue ); } } m_tracks.Add( track ); sr.Close(); updateTempoInfo(); } private UstFile(){ } public string getProjectName() { return m_project_name; } public int getBaseTempo() { return (int)(6e7 / m_tempo); } public double getTotalSec() { int max = 0; for ( int track = 0; track < m_tracks.Count; track++ ) { int count = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < m_tracks[track].getEventCount(); i++ ) { count += (int)m_tracks[track].getEvent( i ).Length; } max = Math.Max( max, count ); } return getSecFromClock( max ); } public List getTempoList() { return m_tempo_table; } public UstTrack getTrack( int track ) { return m_tracks[track]; } public int getTrackCount() { return m_tracks.Count; } /// /// TempoTableの[*].Timeの部分を更新します /// /// public void updateTempoInfo() { m_tempo_table = new List(); if ( m_tracks.Count <= 0 ) { return; } int clock = 0; double time = 0.0; int last_tempo_clock = 0; //最後にTempo値が代入されていたイベントのクロック float last_tempo = m_tempo; //最後に代入されていたテンポの値 for ( int i = 0; i < m_tracks[0].getEventCount(); i++ ) { if ( m_tracks[0].getEvent( i ).Tempo > 0f ) { time += (clock - last_tempo_clock) / (8.0 * last_tempo); if ( m_tempo_table.Count == 0 && clock != 0 ) { m_tempo_table.Add( new TempoTableEntry( 0, (int)(6e7 / m_tempo), 0.0 ) ); } m_tempo_table.Add( new TempoTableEntry( clock, (int)(6e7 / m_tracks[0].getEvent( i ).Tempo), time ) ); last_tempo = m_tracks[0].getEvent( i ).Tempo; last_tempo_clock = clock; } clock += (int)m_tracks[0].getEvent( i ).Length; } #if DEBUG using ( StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( Path.Combine( System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath, "ust_tempo_info.txt" ) ) ) { sw.WriteLine( "Clock\tTime\tTempo" ); for ( int i = 0; i < m_tempo_table.Count; i++ ) { sw.WriteLine( m_tempo_table[i].Clock + "\t" + m_tempo_table[i].Time + "\t" + m_tempo_table[i].Tempo ); } } #endif } /// /// 指定したクロックにおける、clock=0からの演奏経過時間(sec) /// /// /// public double getSecFromClock( int clock ) { for ( int i = m_tempo_table.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( m_tempo_table[i].Clock < clock ) { double init = m_tempo_table[i].Time; int dclock = clock - m_tempo_table[i].Clock; double sec_per_clock1 = m_tempo_table[i].Tempo * 1e-6 / 480.0; return init + dclock * sec_per_clock1; } } double sec_per_clock = 0.125 / m_tempo; return clock * sec_per_clock; } public void write( string file ) { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( file, false, Encoding.GetEncoding( "Shift_JIS" ) ); sw.WriteLine( "[#SETTING]" ); sw.WriteLine( "Tempo=" + m_tempo ); sw.WriteLine( "Tracks=1" ); sw.WriteLine( "ProjectName=" + m_project_name ); sw.WriteLine( "VoiceDir=" + m_voice_dir ); sw.WriteLine( "OutFile=" + m_out_file ); sw.WriteLine( "CacheDir=" + m_cache_dir ); sw.WriteLine( "Tool1=" + m_tool1 ); sw.WriteLine( "Tool2=" + m_tool2 ); for ( int i = 0; i < m_tracks[0].getEventCount(); i++ ) { m_tracks[0].getEvent( i ).print( sw, (uint)i ); } sw.WriteLine( "[#TRACKEND]" ); sw.Close(); } public object Clone(){ UstFile ret = new UstFile(); ret.m_tempo = m_tempo; ret.m_project_name = m_project_name; ret.m_voice_dir = m_voice_dir; ret.m_out_file = m_out_file; ret.m_cache_dir = m_cache_dir; ret.m_tool1 = m_tool1; ret.m_tool2 = m_tool2; for ( int i = 0; i < m_tracks.Count; i++ ) { ret.m_tracks[i] = (UstTrack)m_tracks[i].Clone(); } ret.m_tempo_table = new List(); for ( int i = 0; i < m_tempo_table.Count; i++ ) { ret.m_tempo_table.Add( (TempoTableEntry)m_tempo_table[i].Clone() ); } return ret; } } }