//#define BINARYFILE_TO_BYTEARRAY #define BINARYFILE_TO_BASE64 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; using Boare.Lib.AppUtil; namespace DevUtl { class Program { static void Main( string[] args ) { #if BINARYFILE_TO_BASE64 Console.WriteLine( "BINARYFILE_TO_BASE64" ); if ( args.Length < 1 ) { Console.WriteLine( "error; too few arguments" ); return; } if ( !File.Exists( args[0] ) ) { Console.WriteLine( "error; file not found" ); return; } string str = ""; using ( FileStream fs = new FileStream( args[0], FileMode.Open ) ) { byte[] b = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read( b, 0, b.Length ); str = Convert.ToBase64String( b ); } int length = str.Length; int split_length = 100; Console.Write( "string foo = " ); uint count = 0; while ( length > 0 ) { count++; string pref = " "; if ( count == 1 ) { pref = ""; } if ( length < split_length ) { Console.WriteLine( pref + "\"" + str + "\";" ); break; } else { string part = str.Substring( 0, split_length ); str = str.Substring( split_length ); length = str.Length; Console.WriteLine( pref + "\"" + part + "\" +" ); } } #endif #if BINARYFILE_TO_BYTEARRAY Console.WriteLine( "BINARYFILE_TO_BYTEARRAY" ); if ( args.Length < 2 ) { Console.WriteLine( "error; too few arguments" ); return; } if ( !File.Exists( args[0] ) ) { Console.WriteLine( "error; file not found" ); return; } byte[] hoge = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01, }; using ( StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( args[1], false, Encoding.UTF8 ) ) { sw.Write( "byte[] foo = new byte[] { " ); bool first = true; using ( FileStream fs = new FileStream( args[0], FileMode.Open ) ) { const int BUF = 20; byte[] buffer = new byte[BUF]; while ( true ) { int len = fs.Read( buffer, 0, BUF ); if ( len <= 0 ) { break; } if ( first ) { first = false; } else { sw.WriteLine(); sw.Write( " " ); } for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { sw.Write( "0x" + Convert.ToString( buffer[i], 16 ) + ", " ); } } } sw.WriteLine( "};" ); } #else #if LANGUAGE_FILE_CONVERSION Console.WriteLine( "LANGUAGE_FILE_CONVERSION" ); //Console.WriteLine( "input the name of message definition file" ); string msg_dat = @"C:\cvs\lipsync\LipSync\en.lang";// Console.ReadLine(); Dictionary dict = new Dictionary(); using ( StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( msg_dat ) ) { while ( sr.Peek() >= 0 ) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); if ( line.StartsWith( "#" ) ) { continue; } string[] spl = line.Split( "\t".ToCharArray() ); dict.Add( spl[0], spl[1] ); } } while ( true ) { Console.WriteLine( "input edit target file" ); string cs = Console.ReadLine(); string new_file = Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName( cs ), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( cs ) + "_.tmp" ); using ( StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( new_file ) ) using ( StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( cs ) ) { while ( sr.Peek() >= 0 ) { sw.WriteLine( sr.ReadLine() ); } } using ( StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( cs ) ) using ( StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( new_file ) ) { while ( sr.Peek() >= 0 ) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); int index = line.IndexOf( "Messaging.GetMessage( MessageID." ); if ( index >= 0 ) { while ( index >= 0 ) { int right = line.IndexOf( ")", index ); string item = line.Substring( index + 32, right - (index + 32) ); item = item.Trim(); Console.WriteLine( "item=\"" + item + "\"" ); string new_line = line.Substring( 0, index ) + "_( \"" + dict[item] + "\" )" + line.Substring( right + 1 ); line = new_line; index = line.IndexOf( "Messaging.GetMessage( MessageID." ); } sw.WriteLine( line ); } else { sw.WriteLine( line ); } } } } #endif #endif } } }