package xmpp import ( "crypto/tls" "encoding/xml" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net" ) const xmppStreamOpen = "<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream to='%s' xmlns='%s' xmlns:stream='%s' version='1.0'>" type Session struct { // Session info BindJid string // Jabber ID as provided by XMPP server StreamId string Features streamFeatures TlsEnabled bool lastPacketId int // Session interface In chan interface{} Out chan interface{} // read / write socketProxy io.ReadWriter decoder *xml.Decoder // error management err error } func NewSession(conn net.Conn, o Options) (net.Conn, *Session, error) { s := new(Session) s.init(conn, o) // starttls var tlsConn net.Conn tlsConn = s.startTlsIfSupported(conn, o.parsedJid.domain) if s.TlsEnabled { s.reset(conn, tlsConn, o) } // auth s.auth(o) s.reset(tlsConn, tlsConn, o) // bind resource and 'start' XMPP session s.bind(o) s.rfc3921Session(o) return tlsConn, s, s.err } func (s *Session) PacketId() string { s.lastPacketId++ return fmt.Sprintf("%x", s.lastPacketId) } func (s *Session) init(conn net.Conn, o Options) { s.setProxy(nil, conn, o) s.Features = } func (s *Session) reset(conn net.Conn, newConn net.Conn, o Options) { if s.err != nil { return } s.setProxy(conn, newConn, o) s.Features = } // TODO: setProxyLogger ? better name ? This is not a TCP / HTTP proxy func (s *Session) setProxy(conn net.Conn, newConn net.Conn, o Options) { if newConn != conn { s.socketProxy = newSocketProxy(newConn, o.PacketLogger) } s.decoder = xml.NewDecoder(s.socketProxy) } func (s *Session) open(domain string) (f streamFeatures) { // Send stream open tag if _, s.err = fmt.Fprintf(s.socketProxy, xmppStreamOpen, domain, nsClient, nsStream); s.err != nil { return } // Set xml decoder and extract streamID from reply s.StreamId, s.err = initDecoder(s.decoder) // TODO refactor / rename if s.err != nil { return } // extract stream features if s.err = s.decoder.Decode(&f); s.err != nil { s.err = errors.New("stream open decode features: " + s.err.Error()) } return } func (s *Session) startTlsIfSupported(conn net.Conn, domain string) net.Conn { if s.err != nil { return conn } if s.Features.StartTLS.XMLName.Space+" "+s.Features.StartTLS.XMLName.Local == nsTLS+" starttls" { fmt.Fprintf(s.socketProxy, "<starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>") var k tlsProceed if s.err = s.decoder.DecodeElement(&k, nil); s.err != nil { s.err = errors.New("expecting starttls proceed: " + s.err.Error()) return conn } s.TlsEnabled = true // TODO: add option to accept all TLS certificates: insecureSkipTlsVerify (DefaultTlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify) DefaultTlsConfig.ServerName = domain var tlsConn *tls.Conn = tls.Client(conn, &DefaultTlsConfig) // We convert existing connection to TLS if s.err = tlsConn.Handshake(); s.err != nil { return tlsConn } // We check that cert matches hostname s.err = tlsConn.VerifyHostname(domain) return tlsConn } // starttls is not supported => we do not upgrade the connection: return conn } func (s *Session) auth(o Options) { if s.err != nil { return } s.err = authSASL(s.socketProxy, s.decoder, s.Features, o.parsedJid.username, o.Password) } func (s *Session) bind(o Options) { if s.err != nil { return } // Send IQ message asking to bind to the local user name. var resource = o.parsedJid.resource if resource != "" { fmt.Fprintf(s.socketProxy, "<iq type='set' id='%s'><bind xmlns='%s'><resource>%s</resource></bind></iq>", s.PacketId(), nsBind, resource) } else { fmt.Fprintf(s.socketProxy, "<iq type='set' id='%s'><bind xmlns='%s'/></iq>", s.PacketId(), nsBind) } var iq clientIQ if s.err = s.decoder.Decode(&iq); s.err != nil || &iq.Bind == nil { s.err = errors.New("iq bind result missing: " + s.err.Error()) return } s.BindJid = iq.Bind.Jid // our local id (with possibly randomly generated resource return } // TODO: remove when ejabberd is fixed: // After the bind, if the session is required (as per old RFC 3921), we send the session open iq func (s *Session) rfc3921Session(o Options) { if s.err != nil { return } var iq clientIQ // TODO: Do no send unconditionally, check if session is optional and omit it fmt.Fprintf(s.socketProxy, "<iq type='set' id='%s'><session xmlns='%s'/></iq>", s.PacketId(), nsSession) if s.err = s.decoder.Decode(&iq); s.err != nil { s.err = errors.New("expecting iq result after session open: " + s.err.Error()) return } }